Children Talk about the MindOxford University Press, 1995 - Всего страниц: 234 What, exactly, do children understand about the mind? And when does that understanding first emerge? In this groundbreaking book, Karen Bartsch and Henry Wellman answer these questions and much more by taking a probing look at what children themselves have to tell us about their evolving conceptions of people and their mental lives. By examining more than 200,000 everyday conversations (sampled from ten children between the ages of two and five years), the authors advance a comprehensive "naive theory of mind" that incorporates both early desire and belief-desire theories to trace childhood development through its several stages. Throughout, the book offers a splendidly written account of extensive original findings and critical new insights that will be eagerly read by students and researchers in developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, philosophy, and psycholinguistics. |
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An Introduction | 3 |
Methods | 17 |
3 Talk about Thoughts and Beliefs | 37 |
4 Talk about Desires | 65 |
5 Desires and Beliefs | 95 |
6 Explanations and Arguments | 112 |
7 Individual Differences | 127 |
8 Childrens Developing Theory of Mind | 143 |
9 Alternatives and Controversies | 174 |
Questions and Conclusions | 206 |
227 | |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
3-year-olds ADAM ADULT analyses appeal to beliefs apple behavior belief contrastives belief terms beliefs and desires Brian MacWhinney causal Chapter children's early children's talk children's understanding coded cognitive Cohen's kappa conception conversations desire contrastives desire psychology desire terms developmental direction of fit Dunn emotions everyday example explain action explicit false belief Flavell folk psychology genuine psychological references genuine reference Gopnik individual contrastives intentional intentional stance knowledge language mental contents mentalistic Naomi object Perner predict reasoning reference to belief reference to desire reference to thoughts representational mental Ross samples Sarah Shatz simple desire simply simulation sort specific subjective contrastives Table talk about beliefs talk about desires talk about thoughts target person tasks theory of mind theory-theory think and know thought-reality contrastives thoughts and beliefs transcripts understanding of belief understanding of desires understanding of mental understanding of mind utterances verbs versus wanna Wellman young children
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Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development 1996 Margaret E. Hertzig,Ellen A. Farber Ограниченный просмотр - 1996 |
Language in Cognitive Development: The Emergence of the Mediated Mind Katherine Nelson Ограниченный просмотр - 1998 |