しし om Moscow-Howard and the King's Courier sit to Ireland-Travels in Spain-The Inquisin-Letter from Spain-Second Edition of The ate of Prisons published 101 CHAPTER VIII STIGATIONS CONCERNING THE PLAGUE AND PUBLICATION d's attention turned towards the Plague-Sets off a tour to inspect the Lazarettos-Adventures in -ance-Letters from Italy-Howard at MaltaDyage to Smyrna - A Sea-fight - Howard in Ction-Quarantine at Venice-Bad News from ngland-Letters Home-Christmas at Viennane Emperor - The Countess Return to ngland-Visit to Ireland-Meeting with John Tesley-Publication of the Book on Lazarettos 132 CHAPTER IX HOWARD'S LAST JOURNEY AND DEATH d starts on his Last Journey-Its Object-Letters om Moscow-Letters from Cherson-Visits to ilitary Hospitals-Illness-Visit from Admiral ciestman Death Funeral Monument at herson Statue in St. Paul's Cathedral 166 PERSONAL TRAITS AND CHARACTERISTICS Howard's Dislike to have his Portrait taken-Devices to escape "Snap-shots "- Portraits of HowardPersonal Appearance - Mode of Life - Humour -Anecdotes - Love of Children - Relations with his Servants and his Tenants Business-like Habits-Personal Religion - Courage-Modesty Result of Howard's labours-Conclusion 9. Criminal led about in the Spanish Mantle to face 1 10. Howard relieving Prisoners 11. Howard's Tomb to face I to face p 12. Howard's Statue in St. Paul's Cathedral to face p |