PREFACE THERE are several Lives of Howard istence, but, with the exception Stoughton's Howard the Philanthropist, the and better ones have all been for some yea of print; and Dr. Stoughton's book, full and ful as it is, is somewhat discursive, and gives space to ecclesiastical matters, which hav little to do with Howard, than seems necessary. Hence there appears to be roc another biography which shall tell the main of the philanthropist's life, and recall his m to the present generation. In preparing i writer has made full use of Howard's own ings, as well as of the early Lives by Aiki Brown. Of these Aikin's View of the Ch and Public Services of the late John Howard is our earliest authority, and has the adva of being written by one of Howard's personal friends. It is, however, very slig sketchy, and leaves much untold. A far 's private diary, as well as to a number etters, and made careful inquiries of his 5, friends, and servants; but unfortunately unable to obtain any letters from members Whitbread family. This necessitated a incompleteness in his work, and left a ch much needed to be filled up. In spite his volume will always remain the great se of material for all subsequent workers, ever be the main authority for Howard's needs, however, to be supplemented by - J. Field's Correspondence of John Howard in which the philanthropist's letters to Lady Mary Whitbread were for the first de public. Field had a few years earlier ed a painstaking Life of Howard, shortly e appearance of which he was informed existence of this correspondence, and obtained permission to publish it, thereby ly adding to our knowledge of Howard. ume, then, and Brown's Memoir, together Howard's own writings, are the main from which the present sketch has been 1, although full use has also been made otices of Howard which appeared shortly |