SERMONS ON THE PRINCIPLES OF MORALITY INCULCATED IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, IN THEIR APPLICATION TO THE PRESENT CONDITION OF SOCIETY. Willian Johnson From the London Edition, BOSTON, LEONARD с. BOWLE S. 1833. PREFACE. This Volume is published in part fulfilment of the intention expressed as follows, in the Preface to the Discourses, entitled 'Christ and Christianity.' 'Should the present publication meet with sufficient attention to encourage him to proceed, it is the Author's intention that it should be speedily followed by another of about the same extent, on 'The Apostles and their Preaching;' and ultimately to complete his plan by a Series of Discourses on 'The Holy Scriptures, their History, Theology, Morality, Poetry, and Philosophy.' The reception of that publication was such as to afford abundant encouragement; but various circumstances have occasioned delay, and have also induced an alteration in the order of the projected works. The present volume is offered as a portion of the last-mentioned Series, which will require ampler limits than were originally allotted to it. Should the Author, by successive publications, arrive at its completion, a set of title-pages will be given with the last volume, show. ing the connexion of the whole; while, meantime, each separate publication may, it is hoped, possess some interest independently, and apart from its relation to the endeavor to illustrate the general scope of the Divine dispensations. This Volume, like its predecessors, consists of Discourses not written or delivered in sequence but pre |