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footless little sac without eyes or other organs of special sense, which lies motionless under a flat, thin, circular, reddish scale composed of wax and two or three cast skins of the insect itself. The insect has a long, slender, flexible, sucking beak, which is thrust into the leaf or stem or fruit of the orange on which the "scale bug" lives and through which the insect sucks the orange sap, which is its only


FIG. 124. The red orange scale of California. a, bit of leaf with scales; b, adult female; c, wax scale under which adult female lives; d, larva; e, adult male.

food. It lays eggs under its body, and thus also under the protecting wax scale, and dies. From the eggs hatch active little larval scale-bugs with eyes and feelers and six legs. They crawl from under the wax scale and roam about over the orange tree. Finally, they settle down, thrusting their sucking beak into the plant tissues, and cast their skin. The females lose at this molt their legs and eyes and

feelers. Each becomes a mere motionless sac capable only of sucking up sap and of laying eggs. The young males, however, lose their sucking beak and can no longer take food, but they gain a pair of wings and an additional pair of eyes. They fly about and fertilize the sac-like females, which then molt again and secrete the thin wax scale over them.

Throughout the animal kingdom loss of the need of movement is followed by the loss of the power to move, and of all structures related to it.

103. Degeneration through other causes.-Loss of certain organs may occur through other causes than parasitism and a fixed life. Many insects live but a short time in their adult stage. May-flies live for but a few hours or, at most, a few days. They do not need to take food to sustain life. for so short a time, and so their mouth parts have become rudimentary and functionless or are entirely lost. This is true of some moths and numerous other specially shortlived insects. Among the social insects the workers of the termites and of the true ants are wingless, although they are born of winged parents, and are descendants of winged ancestors. The modification of structure dependent upon the division of labor among the individuals of the community has taken the form, in the case of the workers, of a degeneration in the loss of the wings. Insects that live in caves are mostly blind; they have lost the eyes, whose function could not be exercised in the darkness of the cave. Certain island-inhabiting insects have lost their wings, flight being attended with too much danger. The strong sea-breezes may at any time carry a flying insect off the small island to sea. Only those which do not fly much survive, and by natural selection wingless breeds or species are produced. Finally, we may mention the great modifications of structure, often resulting in the loss of certain organs, which take place to produce protective resemblances (see Chapter XII). In such cases the body may be modified in

color and shape so as to resemble some part of the environment, and thus the animal may be unperceived by its enemies. Many insects have lost their wings through this


104. Immediate causes of degeneration. When we say that a parasitic or quiescent mode of life leads to or causes degeneration, we have explained the stimulus or the ultimate cause of degenerative changes, but we have not shown just how parasitism or quiescence actually produces these changes. Degeneration or the atrophy and disappearance of organs or parts of a body is often said to be due to disuse. That is, the disuse of a part is believed by many naturalists to be the sufficient cause for its gradual dwindling and final loss. That disuse can so affect parts of a body during the lifetime of an individual is true. A muscle unused becomes soft and flabby and small. Whether the effects of such disuse can be inherited, however, is open to serious doubt. Such inheritance must be assumed if disuse is to account for the gradual growing less and final disappearance of an organ in the course of many generations. Some naturalists believe that the results of such disuse can be inherited, but as yet such belief rests on no certain knowledge. If characters assumed during the lifetime of the individual are subject to inheritance, disuse alone may explain degeneration. If not, some other immediate cause, or some other cause along with disuse, must be found. Such a cause must be sought for in the action of natural selection, preserving the advantages of simplicity of structure where action is not required.

105. Advantages and disadvantages of parasitism and degeneration. We are accustomed, perhaps, to think of degeneration as necessarily implying a disadvantage in life. A degenerate animal is considered to be not the equal of a nondegenerate animal, and this would be true if both kinds of animals had to face the same conditions of life. The blind, footless, simple, degenerate animal could not cope with the

active, keen-sighted, highly organized non-degenerate in free competition. But free competition is exactly what the degenerate animal has nothing to do with. Certainly the Sacculina lives successfully; it is well adapted for its own peculiar kind of life. For the life of a scale insect, no better type of structure could be devised. A parasite enjoys certain obvious advantages in life, and even extreme degeneration is no drawback, but rather favors it in the advantageousness of its sheltered and easy life. As long as the host is successful in eluding its enemies and avoiding accident and injury, the parasite is safe. It needs to exercise no activity or vigilance of its own; its life is easy as long as its host lives. But the disadvantages of parasitism and degeneration are apparent also. The fate of the parasite is usually bound up with the fate of the host. When the enemy of the host crab prevails, the Sacculina goes down without a chance to struggle in its own defense. But far more important than the disadvantage in such particular or individual cases is the disadvantage of the fact that the parasite can not adapt itself in any considerable degree to new conditions. It has become so specialized, so greatly modified and changed to adapt itself to the one set of conditions under which it now lives; it has gone so far in its giving up of organs and body parts, that if present conditions should change and new ones come to exist, the parasite could not adapt itself to them. The independent, active animal with all its organs and all its functions intact, holds itself, one may say, ready and able to adapt itself to any new conditions of life which may gradually come into existence. The parasite has risked everything for the sake of a sure and easy life under the presently existing conditions. Change of conditions means its extinction.

106. Human degeneration. It is not proposed in these pages to discuss the application of the laws of animal life

to man.

But each and every one extends upward, and can

be traced in the relation of men and society. Thus, among men as among animals, self-dependence favors complexity of power. Dependence, parasitism, quiescence favor degeneration. Degeneration means loss of complexity, the narrowing of the range of powers and capabilities. It is not necessarily a phase of disease or the precursor of death. But as intellectual and moral excellence are matters associated with high development in man, dependence is unfavorable to them.

Degeneration has been called animal pauperism. Pauperism in all its forms, whether due to idleness, pampering, or misery, is human degeneration. It has been shown that a large part of the criminality and pauperism among men is hereditary, due to the survival of the tendency toward living at the expense of others. The tendency to live without self-activity passes from generation to generation. Beggary is more profitable than unskilled and inefficient labor, and our ways of careless charity tend to propagate the beggar. That form of charity which does not render its recipient self-helpful is an incentive toward degeneration. Withdrawal from the competition of life, withdrawal from self-helpful activity, aided by the voluntary or involuntary assistance of others—these factors bring about degeneration. The same results follow in all ages and with all races, with the lower animals as with men.

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