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In these regards, the nest-building and home-making animals have the advantage over those that have not these instincts. The animals that mate for life have the advantage over polygamous animals, and those whose social or mating habits give rise to a division of labor over those with instincts less highly specialized.

The interesting instincts and habits connected with nest or home building and the care of the young are discussed in the next chapter.

139. Variability of instincts.-When we study instincts of animals with care and in detail, we find that their regularity is much less than has been supposed. There is as much variation in regard to instinct among individuals as there is with regard to other characters of the species. Some power of choice is found in almost every operation of instinct. Even the most machine-like instinct shows some degree of adaptability to new conditions. On the other hand, in no animal does reason show entire freedom from automatism or reflex action. "The fundamental identity of instinct with intelligence," says an able investigator, "is shown in their dependence upon the same structural mechanism (the brain and nerves) and in their responsive adaptability."

140. Reason. Reason or intellect, as distinguished from instinct, is the choice, more or less conscious, among responses to external impressions. Its basis, like that of instinct, is in reflex action. Its operations, often repeated, become similarly reflex by repetition, and are known as habit. A habit is a voluntary action repeated until it becomes reflex. It is essentially like instinct in all its manifestations. The only evident difference is in its origin. Instinct is inherited. Habit is the reaction produced within the individual by its own repeated actions. In the varied relations of life the pure reflex action becomes inadequate. The sensorium is offered a choice of responses. To choose one and to reject the others is the function of intel

lect or reason. While its excessive development in man obscures its close relation to instinct, both shade off by degrees into reflex action. Indeed, no sharp line can be drawn between unconscious and subconscious choice of reaction and ordinary intellectual processes.

Most animals have little self-consciousness, and their reasoning powers at best are of a low order; but in kind, at least, the powers are not different from reason in man. A horse reaches over the fence to be company to another. This is instinct. When it lets down the bars with its teeth, that is reason. When a dog finds its way home at night by the sense of smell, this may be instinct; when he drags a stranger to his wounded master, that is reason. When a jack-rabbit leaps over the brush to escape a dog, or runs in a circle before a coyote, or when it lies flat in the grass as a round ball of gray indistinguishable from grass, this is instinct. But the same animal is capable of reason—that is, of a distinct choice among lines of action. Not long ago a rabbit came bounding across the university campus at Palo Alto. As it passed a corner it suddenly faced two hunting dogs running side by side toward it. It had the choice of turning back, its first instinct, but a dangerous one; of leaping over the dogs, or of lying flat on the ground. It chose none of these, and its choice was instantaneous. It ceased leaping, ran low, and went between the dogs just as they were in the act of seizing it, and the surprise of the dogs, as they stopped and tried to hurry around, was the same feeling that a man would have in like circumstances.

On the open plains of Merced County, California, the jack-rabbit is the prey of the bald eagle. Not long since a rabbit pursued by an eagle was seen to run among the cattle. Leaping from cow to cow, he used these animals as a shelter from the savage bird. When the pursuit was closer, the rabbit broke cover for a barbed wire fence. When the eagle swooped down on it, the rabbit moved a few inches to the right, and the eagle could not reach him

through the fence. When the eagle came down on the other side, he moved across to the first. And this was continued until the eagle gave up the chase. It is instinct that leads the eagle to swoop on the rabbit. It is instinct again for the rabbit to run away. But to run along the line of a barbed wire fence demands some degree of reason. the need to repeat it arose often in the lifetime of a single rabbit it would become a habit.


The difference between intellect and instinct in lower animals may be illustrated by the conduct of certain monkeys brought into relation with new experiences. At one time we had two adult monkeys, "Bob" and "Jocko," belonging to the genus Macacus. Neither of these possessed the egg-eating instinct. At the same time we had a baby monkey, "Mono," of the genus Cercopithecus. Mono had never seen an egg, but his inherited impulses bore a direct relation to feeding on eggs, just as the heredity of Macacus taught the others how to crack nuts or to peel fruit.

To each of these monkeys we gave an egg, the first that any of them had ever seen. The baby monkey, Mono, being of an egg-eating race, devoured his egg by the operation of instinct or inherited habit. On being given the egg for the first time, he cracked it against his upper teeth, making a hole in it, and sucked out all the substance. Then holding the egg-shell up to the light and seeing that there was no longer anything in it, he threw it away. All this he did mechanically, automatically, and it was just as well done with the first egg he ever saw as with any other he ate. All eggs since offered him he has treated in the same way.

The monkey Bob took the egg for some kind of nut. He broke it against his upper teeth and tried to pull off the shell, when the inside ran out and fell on the ground. He looked at it for a moment in bewilderment, took both hands and scooped up the yolk and the sand with which it. was mixed and swallowed the whole. Then he stuffed the

shell itself into his mouth. This act was not instinctive It was the work of pure reason. Evidently his race was not familiar with the use of eggs and had acquired no instincts regarding them. He would do it better next time. Reason is an inefficient agent at first, a weak tool; but when it is trained it becomes an agent more valuable and more powerful than any instinct.

The monkey Jocko tried to eat the egg offered him in much the same way that Bob did, but, not liking the taste, he threw it away.

The confusion of highly perfected instinct with intellect is very common in popular discussions. Instinct grows weak and less accurate in its automatic obedience as the intellect becomes available in its place. Both intellect and instinct are outgrowths from the simple reflex response to external conditions. But instinct insures a single definite response to the corresponding stimulus. The intellect has a choice of responses. In its lower stages it is vacillating and ineffective; but as its development goes on it becomes alert and adequate to the varied conditions of life. It grows with the need for improvement. It will therefore become impossible for the complexity of life to outgrow the adequacy of man to adapt himself to its conditions.

Many animals currently believed to be of high intelligence are not so. The fur-seal, for example, finds it way back from the long swim of two or three thousand miles through a foggy and stormy sea, and is never too late or too early in arrival. The female fur-seal goes two hundred miles to her feeding grounds in summer, leaving the pup on the shore. After a week or two she returns to find him within a few rods of the rocks where she had left him. Both mother and young know each other by call and by odor, and neither is ever mistaken, though ten thousand other pups and other mothers occupy the same rookery. But this is not intelligence. It is simply instinct, because it has no element of choice in it. Whatever its ancestors

were forced to do the fur-seal does to perfection. Its instincts are perfect as clockwork, and the necessities of migration must keep them so. But if brought into new conditions it is dazed and stupid. It can not choose when different lines of action are presented.

The Bering Sea Commission once made an experiment on the possibility of separating the young male fur-seals, or "killables," from the old ones in the same band. The method was to drive them through a wooden chute or runway with two valve-like doors at the end. These animals can be driven like sheep, but to sort them in the way proposed proved impossible. The most experienced males would beat their noses against a closed door, if they had seen a seal before them pass through it. That this door had been shut and another opened beside it passed their comprehension. They could not choose the new direction. In like manner a male fur-seal will watch the killing and skinning of his mates with perfect composure. He will sniff at their blood with languid curiosity; so long as it is not his own it does not matter. That his own blood may flow out on the ground in a minute or two he can not foresee.

Reason arises from the necessity for a choice among actions. It may arise as a clash among instincts which forces on the animal the necessity of choosing. A doe, for example, in a rich pasture has the instinct to feed. It hears the hounds and has the instinct to flee. Its fawn may be with her and it is her instinct to remain and protect it. This may be done in one of several ways. In proportion as the mother chooses wisely will be the fawn's chance of survival. Thus under difficult conditions, reason or choice among actions rises to the aid of the lower animals as well

as man.

141. Mind.—The word mind is popularly used in two different senses. In the biological sense the mind is the

collective name for the functions of the sensorium in men and animals. It is the sum total of all psychic changes,

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