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CLASS V. A'ves.

Bird-of-paradise, peacock, pheasant, robin, pigeon, chicken, eagle, vulture, guillemot (gil'-e-mot), murre (mŭr), auk, ful'mar, pět'rel, sparrow, bluebird, woodpecker, owl, Colum'ba, pelican, Melaner'pes, cormorant, meadow-lark, warbler, turkey, blue jay, Aythya, Cyanocitta, Uria, cow-bird, cuckoo, parrot, ptarmigan, whippoorwill, Antros tomus, gull, tern, fly-catcher, bittern, mocking-bird, shrike, bobolink, goose, humming-bird, oriole, puffin, tailor-bird, king-bird, nightingale, starling, skylark, passenger-pigeon, ouzel (ooz'-el), linnet, tanager, vireo, wood-warbler, Phalacrocorax, Troch'ilus, Ornithot'omus, Psaltrip' arus.

CLASS VI. Mamma lia.

Horse, ram, fur-seal, rabbit, cat, ox, tiger, lion, sheep, elephant, whale, bear, wolf, squirrel, lèm'ming, fox, dog, weasel, stoat, reindeer, otter, ant-eater, gīraffe', skunk, porcupine, hedgehog, armadillo, Callorhinus, sea-lion, deer, buffalo, kangaroo, Măc'ropus, duck-bill, Mŏn'otrēme, monkey, gopher, elk, bison, prairie-dog, big-horn, hare, antelope, black-tail deer, hound, mole, hyena, mice, rodent, woodchuck, jack-rabbit, Maca'cus, Cercopithecus, beaver, wood-rat, pocket-gopher, coyo'te, civet-cat, flying-fox, mon'goose, sea-cow, Vulpes, walrus, musk-ox, ape, rhinoc'eros, hippopotamus, leopard, ass, lē'mur, Trich'ěchus, manatee, Le'pus, Odōbæ'nus, Le'mur.


[Only those terms are defined in this glossary that are not explained in the text. In the case of the terms defined or explained in the text, reference is made to the number of the paragraph in which the explanation occurs. The pronunciation of the vernacular and scientific names of the animals mentioned in the text is given in the Classification.]

Åbomā'sum: 42.

Adaptation: 67, 74.

Albuminous: said of substances containing albumen,

Alimentary canal: 42.

Alluring coloration: 111.

Altric'ial: 79.

Altruistic instinct: 129.

Amoeboid: having the changing form of an Amœba.

Anăd'romous: said of fishes that go from the sea up rivers to lay their eggs.

Anǎt'omy: 39.

Animǎl'cule: an animal of microscopic smallness.

Antĕn'næ: the "feelers," the most anterior pair of appendages of insects and insect-like animals; situated on the head, and the seat of organs of special sense.

Ăn'thropoid: man-like.
A'nus: 42.

Appěn'dix vermifor'mis: 82.

Artificial selection: 72.

Assimilate to receive food and transform it into a homogenous part of the body substance.

Atŏll': a ring-shaped coral island nearly or quite inclosing a lagoon. Atrophy: a stoppage of the growth or development of a part or organ. Auditory: referring to the sense of hearing.

Autŏm'atism: the state of being automatic; involuntary action.

Bassa lian: 160.

Bīŏl'ogist: student of animals and plants.

Blås tōderm: 50.

Blǎs'tula: 50.

Budding: the process of reproduction among animals in which a small part of the body substance of an animal grows out from the surface, separates from the parent, and develops into a new individual.

Cæ'cum (se-kum): 42.

Carnivorous: flesh-eating.

Căt'arrhine: nostril downward; said of the narrow-nosed Old-World monkeys.

Cell: 2.

Cellulose: a peculiar compound insoluble in all ordinary solvents, forming the fundamental material of the structure of plants, and also contained in the mantle of tunicates.

Chitin: 57.

Chlorophyll: 13.

Chrō'matophore: a color-bearing granule or sac.

Chrō'mosome: 2.

Chrys'alis: 57.

Chyle: 42.

Cĭl'ia: 5.

Cleavage: 50.

Cō'lon: 42.

Commĕn'salism: 90.

Com'munal: 83.

Conjuga'tion: 5.

Contractile vacuole a vacuole that dilates and contracts regularly, and is supposed to have an excretory function.

Cyst: 98.

Cytoplasm: 2.

Degeneration: 95.

Development: 46.

Differentiation: the setting apart of special organs for special work; progressive change from general to special; specialization.

Digestion: the process of dissolving and chemically changing food so that it can be assimilated by the blood and furnish nutriment to the body.

Dimorphism: 24.

Diverticulum: a blind pouch arising from another larger pouch. 44. Duode'num: 42.

Ec'tōblast: 50.

Ec'tōderm: 20.

Egg-cell: 20.

Egois'tic instinct: 129.

Embryology: 39.

EmbryŎn'ic: 49.

En'dōblast: 50.

En'dōderm: 20.

Environment: an organism's surroundings taken collectively. Ex'cretory: referring to excretion, as excretory organs, the organs which get rid of waste matter in the animal body.

Fau'na (fawna): 157.

Fertilized egg: 20.

Fis'sion: 4.

Flagěl'la: 13.

Function: 37.

Găn'glion (pl. ganglia): a nerve-center composed of an aggregation of


Găs'trula: 50.

Gěm'mule: 20.

Generalization: 41.

Geologist: student of the structure and history of the earth.
Grēgā 'rious: 87.

Growth: 46.

Habit: 139.

Herbivorous plant-eating.

Herěd'ity: 54.

Hermǎphrodit'ic: 35.

Hiberna tion: passing the winter in a death-like sleep.

Hōmogeneous: of the same composition or structure throughout.

I'leum: 42.

Inorganic: not being nor having been a living organism; not organic. Insectivorous: insect-eating.

Instinct: 128.

Intellect: 139.

Intercěl'lular: outside of and between the cells.

Jeju'num: 42.

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