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Animal Life.

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"The ecological treatment of zoölogy here finds a truly successful exhibition, and it is certainly very satisfactory and ahead of all previous attempts at a similar exposition for beginners in zoölogy."Prof. Julius Nelson, Rutgers College.

"It is by far the best text-book on zoölogy yet published for the use of high-school students. It breathes the freshness of nature. Fortunate is the school that is permitted to use it.”—Principal W. N. Bush, Polytechnic High School, San Francisco, Cal.

Animal Forms.

By President DAVID STARR JORDAN and HAROLD HEATH, Ph.D., Professor of Zoology in Leland Stanford Junior University. 12mo. Cloth, $1.10.

"Animal Forms" deals similarly with animal morphology, structure and life processes, from the lowest, simplest, one-celled creations to the highest and most complex. The two complete a full year's work in zoology.

The first chapter defines zoölogy, and explains minutely the morphology of a typical animal. The second chapter discusses cells and protoplasm, and prepares the pupil for an intelligent and logical study of the general subject.

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The Play of Man.

By KARL GROOS, Professor of Philosophy in the University of Basel. Translated, with the author's coöperation, by Elizabeth L. Baldwin, and edited, with a Preface and Appendix, by Prof. J. Mark Baldwin, of Princeton University. 12mo. Cloth, $1.50 net; postage, 12 cents additional.

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The Play of Animals.

By KARL GROOS. Translated, with the author's coöperation, by Elizabeth L. Baldwin, and edited, with a Preface and Appendix, by Prof. J Mark Baldwin, of Princeton University. I2mo. Cloth, $1.75.

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Insect Life. (New Edition in Colors.)

By JOHN HENRY COMSTOCK, Professor of Entomology in Cornell University. With 12 full-page plates reproducing Butterflies and various Insects in their natural colors, and with many wood-engravings by Anna Botsford Comstock, Member of the Society of American Wood-Engravers. 8vo. Cloth, $1.75 net; postage, 20 cents additional.

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