TABLE OF CONTENTS. Analogy between our position and that of John the Baptist. The same to be exhibited in our history. Rise of the little horn-its characteristics. Union of Church and State, or Catholocism nationalized. Period of time during which this power was to prosper. Alexander the Great and his successors. Conquest of Rome between B.C. 168 and B.C. 63. Apostacy of the Church and establishment of the papacy. The Mohammedan power. Russian Empire. THE LORD SOON TO COME. CHAPTER I. "THE GREAT DAY OF THE LORD IS NEAR; IT IS NEAR AND HASTETH GREATLY."-Zeph. i: 14. THE economy of grace, by which fallen, degraded humanity is to be elevated from the miry clay and the horrible pit, placed upon the rock, and made to sing with angels in a world of light, is worthy the admiration of an adoring universe. In this mighty enterprise, this stupendous achievement, celestial beings are deeply interested, the divine mind active, and, as it were, all heaven absorbed. The work to be accomplished is so worthy the energies of divine power, and the cordial co-operation of angelic hosts, that the highest ransom the universe could pay, even the sacrifice of the Son of God, was cheerfully presented through the infinite riches of a Saviour's love. The foundation of this glorious edifice was laid on Calvary's mount; and under the supervision of the Sovereign Architect, the walls have been rising into a holy temple built of "lively stones," till the top-stone is about to be reared with shoutings, "Grace, grace unto it." It is the coming of our King in His beauty—our Lord in His glory -that will consummate the work, that will be the finishing stroke to that building, which, in its loveliness and glory, surpassing far the beauty of Solomon's temple, is to shine forth as an everlasting monument of divine grace and infinite love. All glory to Prince Emanuel, the founder and finisher of this sanctuary of strength. Let heaven rejoice, and earth be glad "Let the inhabitants of the rock sing-let them shout from the top of the mountains" at the development of such benevolence · - at the expression of such paternal regard for the happiness of rebellious man! -- Who, that has an interest in a Saviour's love, can but rejoice with "joy unspeakable, and full of glory," at the increasing evidence that is poured in upon us from every quarter, that that day “HASTETH GREATLY,' its dawning light breaks in upon the moral darkness of earth, like the beauty of the aurora after a gloomy night. O, what a thrill of extatic joy, what a glow of infinite delight is poured in upon the soul, what a tide of blissful emotions rushes through the entire being of the expectant saint, when "the day dawns, and the day-star arises in his heart;" when with triumphant faith, and confident hope, he beholds the heavenly landscape in prospective; when the opening glories of a brighter era shed around him the beams of celestial light. We stand at a point analogous to the position of John the Baptist, in the transition state from one dispensation to another. Now the spiritual children, who walk and talk with God, as did Zachariah and Elizabeth; who worship daily in His courts, as did Anna the Prophetess, look for redemption in Israel; and now, as then, those who are not divinely illuminated, look |