end Archbishop himself, and the Right Reverend Bishop of Litchfield, who had both of them visited him in his last Sickness, being present at it; while another of that venerable Order, the Right Reverend the Bishop of Rochester performed the Funeral Office. All forts of Persons were willing to shew their Respect for him in the best manner they were able. The Reverend the Dean and Prebendaries of Westminster, not only caused the King's Schollars to attend him to his Grave, (an uncommon Respect, and the highest they can shew on such an occasion) but did also each for himself remit their Customary Dues for Interment in their Church, as the last and most proper Testimony they could then give of the high Esteem in which they held Mr. Wharton and his learned Labours: The Choir likewise committing his Body to Rest with Solemn and Devout Anthems compos'd by that most ingenious Artist Mr. Henry Purcel. He lyes Buried in the South fide of the Cathedral Church of Westminster, towards the West end. Near whereunto in the Wall is erected a small but decent Monument of White Marble; whereon is the following Infcription, H. S. E. H. S. E. HENRICUS WHARTON, A. M. ECCLESIÆ ANGLICANE PRESBYTER, RECTOR ECCLESIÆ DE CHARTHAM, NECNON VICARIUS ECCLESIÆ De MINSTER IN INSULA THANATO, IN DIÆCESI CANTUARIENSI; REVERENDISSIMO AC SANCTISSIMO PRÆSULI WILHELMO ARCHIEPISCOPO CANTUARIENSI A SACRIS DOMESTICIS. QUI MULTA AD AUGENDAM ET ILLUSTRANDAM MULTA PRO ECCLESIA CHRISTI PLURA MOLIEBATUR. Obiit 3o Non. Mart. A. D. MDCXCIV. THE THE * OHN XIV. 25, 26. These things have I Spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my Name, he Shall teach you all things, and bring all things SERMON III. and IV. P. 39 1 Pet. III. 15. Be ready always to give an an fwer to every Man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you, with meekness and Fear. P. 83, 110 SERMON V. Rom. II. 4. Not knowing that the Goodness of God leadeth thee to Repentance, P. 131 SERMON VI. 1 Corinth. I. 23. We preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a Stumbling-block, and unto the Greeks Fool.. ness, P. 168 SER- 1 Tim. I. 17. Now unto the King, Eternal, Im- mortal, Invisible, the only wise God, be Honour SERMON ΧΙΙ. Αθς Χ. 34, 35. Then Peter opened his mouth and Said, of a Truth Iperceive that God is no respec- ter of Persons. But in every Nation, he that feareth him and worketh Righteousness, is accер- SERMON ΧΙΙΙ. Coloff. III. 1. If ye then be risen with Chrift, Seek those things which are above, where Chrift 1 SERMON I. On WHITSUNDAY, Preach'd at Lambeth Chapel. June 3 1688 John XIV. 25, 26. These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will end in my Name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have faid unto you, T HESE Words (being part of the Gofpel for this Day) do not only contain the Promise of that infinite and wonderful Benefit, the Completion of which we this Day commemorate; but also declare the Na B VOL. I. ture |