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mask, who came behind him, gave him a gentle tap upon the shoulder and asked him if he would drink a bottle of mead with her? But the knight being startled at so unexpected a familiarity, and displeased to be interrupted in his thoughts of the widow, told her she was a wanton baggage;' and bid her go about her business.

We concluded our walk with a glass of Burton ale, and a slice of hung beef. When we had done eating ourselves, the knight called a waiter to him, and bid him carry the remainder to a waterman that had but one leg. I perceived the fellow stared upon him at the oddness of the message, and was going to be saucy; upon which I ratified the knight's commands with a peremptory look.

As we were going out of the garden, my old friend thinking himself obliged, as a member of the quorum, to animadvert upon the morals of the place, told the mistress of the house, who sat at the bar, that he should be a better customer to her garden, if there were more nightingales, and fewer strumpets.



No. 384. WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1712.

Hague, May 24, N. S. The same republican hands, who have so often since the chevalier de St. George's recovery, killed him in our public prints, have now reduced the young dauphin of France to that desperate condition of weakness, and death itself, that it is hard to conjecture what method they will take to bring him to life again. Meantime we are assured by a very good hand from Paris, that on the the 20th instant this young prince was as well as ever he was known to be since the day of his birth. As for the other, they are now sending his ghost, we suppose, for they never had the modesty to contradict their assertions of his death, to Commerci in Lorrain, attended only by four gentlemen, and a few domestics of little consideration. The baron de Bothmar* having delivered in his credentials to qualify him as an ambassador to this state, an office to which his greatest enemies will acknowledge him to be equal, is gone to Utrecht, whence he will proceed to Hanover, but not stay long at that court, for fear the peace should be made during his lamented absence.'


I SHOULD be thought not able to read, should I overlook some excellent pieces lately come out. My lord bishop of St. Asaph†, has just now published some sermons, the preface to which, seems to me to determine a great point. He has, like a good man, and a good Christian, in opposition to all the flattery and base submission of false friends to princes, asserted, that Christianity left us where it found us as to our civil rights The present entertainment shall consist only of a sentence out of the Post-Boy, and the said preface of the lord of St. Asaph. I should

* Ambassador from Hanover, and afterwards agent here for the Hanoverian family.

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It is in this view that I have several bundles of letters which from dying people, and composed following bill of mortality, which I my reader without any further pre that it may be useful to him in d several places where there is most d fatal arts which are made use of to d less and unwary.

Lysander, slain at a puppet-show September.

Thyrsis shot from a casement in T. S. wounded by Zelinda's scar she was stepping out of a coach. Will Simple, smitten at the oper of an eye that was aimed at one who Tho. Vainlove, lost his life at a Tim. Tattle, killed by the tap of shoulder by Coquetilla, as he was t with her in a bow-window.

Sir Simon Softly, murdered at t
Drury-lane by a frown.

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was adjusting her tucker.

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me republican hands, who have 1. George's recovery, killed him reduced the young dauphin of tion of weakness, and death itwhat method they will take to me we are assured by a very e the 20th instant this young known to be since the day of are now sending his ghost, we modesty to contradict their asci in Lorrain, attended only nestics of little consideration. delivered in his credentials to this state, an office to which edge him to be equal, is gone ed to Hanover, but not stay ice should be made during his


to read, should I overlately come out. My has just now published which, seems to me to e has, like a good man, sition to all the flattery friends to princes, asas where it found us as nt entertainment shall of the Post-Boy, and St. Asaph. I should

think it a little odd if the author of the Post-boy, should, with impunity, call men republicans for a gladness on the report of the death of the pretender; and treat baron Bothmar, the minister of Hanover, in such a manner as you see in my motto. I must own, I think every man in England concerned to support the succession of that family.

"The publishing a few sermons, whilst I live, the latest of which was preached about eight years since, and the first above seventeen, will make it very natural for people to inquire into the occasion of doing so; and to such I do very willingly assign these following reasons:

"First, from the observations I have been able to make for these many years last past upon our public affairs, and from the natural tendency of several principles and practices, that have of late been studiously revived, and from what has followed thereupon, I could not help both fearing and presaging, that these nations would, some time or other, if ever we should have an enterprising prince upon the throne, of more ambition than virtue, justice, and true honour, fall into the way of all other nations, and lose their liberty.

"Nor could I help foreseeing to whose charge a great deal of this dreadful mischief, whenever it should happen, would be laid, whether justly or unjustly, was not my business to determine; but I resolved for my own particular part, to deliver myself, as well as I could, from the reproaches and the curses of posterity, by publicly declaring to all the world, that, although in the constant course of my ministry I have never failed, on proper occasions, to recommend, urge, and insist upon the loving, honouring, and the reverencing, the prince's person, and holding it, according to the laws, inviolable and sacred; and paying all obedience and submission to

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