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port of Com. J. P. Gillis, of the Monticello, and I here take the opportunity of mentioning with great pleasure the name of Com. A. Ludlow Case, my Fleet Captain, for very prompt and efficient services during all the time we have been occupied in the expedition so successfully terminated.

In conclusion, I beg leave to state to the Department and to my Government that I have naught but praise to accord to officers, seamen, and marines, and officers and soldiers of the Army who were present, for gallantry and cheerful devotion to duty and to their Government, "The United States of America," which they all cheerfully and heartily serve. That it may be perpetuated, is their wish, and the wish of,

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

S. H. STRINGHAM, Flag-officer Atlantic Blockading Squadron.


U. S. CHARTERED STEAMER ADELAIDE, August 31, 1861. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy: SIR: I have to report that the expedition to Cape Hatteras Inlet has resulted in a signal victory over the rebels, the capture of two forts, twenty-five cannon, one thousand stand of arms, and seven hundred and fifteen prisoners, amongst whom are Capt. Samuel Barron, Lieut. Sharp, and Dr. Wyatt M. Brown, all late of the United States Navy, and Major Andrews and other officers late of the United States Army.

The amount of loss on their side is not exactly known; five are ascertained to have been buried, and eleven wounded are on board this vessel. Many were carried away. Lieut. Murdaugh, late of the United States Navy, among the number, with the loss of an arm.

We met with no casualty of any consequence whatever. The surrender was unconditional. For full particulars I beg to refer to the reports of Flag-officer Silas H. Stringham and MajorGeneral B. F. Butler.

Although the Adelaide and George Peabody were chartered for other special service, yet, to further important operations, I consented to take the troops on board from Newport News and Fortress Monroe, nine hundred men, with arms, provisions, and munitions of war, and landed part of them, about three hundred, amidst a heavy surf, until the boats filled and became unmanageable.

The men-of-war hauled in and commenced a heavy cannonade at 10.15 A. M. on the 28th, and kept it up at intervals all day. Recommencing on the 29th at 8.15, with increased effect, the enemy's reinforcements endeavoring to land 1,000 or 1,500 men driven back, and at 11.30 they displayed a flag of truce, and were forced to surrender at discretion.

On the appearance of the white flag I steamed into the inlet and laid behind the fort, ready to throw the remaining troops ashore, either in case of a commencement or cessation of hostili

ties: the Geo. Peabody, Lieut. Lowry, did the same.

At the surrender we officiated in the ceremonies, after which the prisoners were brought to this vessel, and next day, the 30th instant, placed them on board the Minnesota, which vessel sailed at 2.30 P. M. for New York, and we left for Annapolis with Major-General Butler, U. S. A., and the wounded prisoners. I hope my endeavors in the case may meet your full approbation, and beg to recommend to your consideration the conduct of Lieut.Com. R. B. Lowry, associated with me on this work and placed in charge of the Geo. Peabody; of Dr. Wm. M. King, U. S. Navy, who volunteered for the expedition. I have also received valuable assistance from my corps of pilots, and from Dr. T. C. Stellwagen and James Forsyth, who acted in the place of junior officers.

I am very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. S. STELLWAGEN, Commander.

August 31, 1861.

Com. H. S. Stellwagen, U. S. Navy,

Commanding Steamer Adelaide, on special service. SIR: In obedience to your order, I have the honor herewith to furnish you a complete list of the wounded prisoners taken at the surrender of Fort Hatteras.

The whole number is thirteen, and eleven of these were transferred to this steamer by the order of Flag-officer Silas H. Stringham. The two remaining men were found to be too seriously injured to permit of being moved, and were consequently left in the fort, in charge of a medical officer. From the information which I have received from a credible source, I have formed the opinion that many of the wounded, and perhaps all the killed, were sent on board the rebel steamers in the Sound prior to the capitulation. Only two killed were found, and these were discovered in the out-houses of Fort Clark the day of the evacuation of that work. I understand, from Surgeon Wyatt M. Brown, formerly of the U. S. Navy, and at present holding a commission in the army of the Confederate States, and in charge of the medical department of Forts Hatteras and Clark, that ex-Lieut. Murdaugh, of the U. S. Navy, was very badly injured-a fragment of shell striking his forearm and making a compound fracture of both bones. This gentleman escaped from Hatteras prior to the surrender in the privateer Winslow.

1. Willoughby Davis, aged 22, a native of North Carolina, "Jonesboro' Guards;" lacerated flesh wound of instep. Not serious. 2. William E. Clark, aged 17, a native of North Carolina, "Tar River Boys;" lacerated wound one and a half inches deep, external surface of upper part of lower third of right thigh. Doing well. 3. James A. Corry, aged 23, a native of North Carolina, "Tar River Boys;" deeply

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lacerated wound, involving deltoid muscle, left shoulder. Quite serious, although the joint is not believed to be implicated. 4. W. G. Andrews, "Hamilton Guards; " lacerated wound, implicating tarsus and metatarsus, left foot, oozing of blood. Serious. 5. Matthias Sawyer, aged 23, a native of North Carolina, "North Carolina Defenders; "contused wound of upper part of left breast and neck; expectorating blood. Not much constitutional disturbance. 6. Logan Metts, aged 18, native of North Carolina, "Lenoir Braves;" slight flesh-wound of middle third of left leg, external surface. 7. Wilson J. Forbes, aged 27, native of North Carolina, "Jonesboro' Guards; " lacerated wound about two and a half inches long and three inches deep, upper part of upper third of thigh, posterior surface. 8. Henry Hines, aged 25, native of North Carolina, "Lenoir Braves; severely lacerated wound, left side. 9. Ashley Keele, aged 25, native of North Carolina, "Hamilton Guards;" lacerated wound, left side. 10. John Mills, aged 18, native of North Carolina, "Tar River Boys; penetrating wound, produced by fragment of shell occupying posterior aspect of forearm, one and a half inches from beam process to outer side; joint perhaps implicated. 11. McGilbert Rogerson, native of North Carolina, "Roanoke Guards;" contusion right foot, considerable swelling, no fracture. 12. Francis Mooring, aged 51, native of North Carolina, "Lenoir Braves; " right half of os frontis, with a portion of anterior lobe of the brain carried away by a piece of shell-extensive hernia cerebri. Mortal. 13. John Mooring, aged 18, native of North Carolina, "Tar River Boys;" compound (comminuted) and complicated fracture of left arm; compound fracture of left thigh. Mortal.

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The above-named men were placed under my care after the surrender of Fort Hatteras, on the afternoon of the 29th instant. The injuries were caused by fragments of shells during the bombardment of the fort, which not only lacerated, but in many, if not all, burned the soft parts.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
WM. M. KING, Assistant Surgeon.

FORTRESS MONROE, August 31, 1861.

General Order No. 8.

with provisions and stores, two light boats, one hundred and fifty bags of coffee, &c., all of which was achieved by the army and navy, and eight hundred volunteers, and sixty regular artillery of the army. This gallant affair will not fail to stimulate the volunteers and regulars to greater achievements. Obedience, order, discipline, and instruction are indispensable to maintain the interest, honor, and humane institutions of the Union. By command of

MAJ.-GEN. WOOL. CHAS. CHURCHILL, Captain Third Artillery, A. A.-G. LETTER FROM THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. NAVY DEPARTMENT, September 2, 1861. SIR: The Department congratulates you and those of your command, and also the officers and soldiers of the army who coöperated with you in the reduction of Forts Hatteras and Clark, and the capture of the forces employed in their defence. The successful result, thus far, of an expedition projected with great care, and the occupation of the positions commanding the most important inlet on the coast of North Carolina, will be attended with consequences that can scarcely be over-estimated.

This brilliant achievement, accomplished without the loss of a man on your part, or injury to any one in the Federal service, has carried joy and gladness to the bosom of every

friend of the Union.

It is, I trust, but the beginning of results that will soon eventuate in suppressing the insurrection and confirming more strongly than ever the integrity of the Union. Convey to the officers and men of the respective vessels under your command the thanks of the department for their gallant conduct, and the assurance that is thus afforded that in the great emergency that is now upon us the country may rely as of old upon the vigor, and the courage, and the enthusiasm of its brave officers and sailors. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, GIDEON WElles.




ON BOARD UNITED STATES SHIP MINNESOTA, September 1, 1861. To the Adjutant-General of North Carolina: SIR: I beg leave to report that after a bombardment of three hours and twenty minutes, on August 29, 1861, I surrendered to Commodore S. H. Stringham, Flag-officer, and MajorGeneral Benjamin F. Butler, Commanding United States forces, Fort Hatteras, at Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina.

The commanding general has great satisfaction in announcing a glorious victory achieved by the combined operations of the army and navy at Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina, under the command of Commodore Stringham and Maj.-Gen. Butler. The result of this gallant enterprise is the capture of seven hundred and fifteen men, including the commander, Barron, and one of the North Carolina Cabinet, one thousand stand of arms, and seventy-five kegs I arrived at Fort Hatteras on the evening of of powder, five stand of colors, and thirty-one the 28th of August in company with Commopieces of cannon, including a ten-inch colum-dore Barron, Flag-officer C. S. navy, in charge biad, a brig loaded with cotton, a sloop loaded of the defences of Virginia and North Carolina,

In making this report, I desire briefly to relate the circumstances attending the capitulation.

and found that during the day the enemy had | men of the channel battery were ordered to attacked the forces under the command of Col- leave their guns and protect themselves as well onel William F. Martin, as well as Forts Clark as possible, the council of the commanding offiand Hatteras, under my command, and after a cers having decided that it was to be an action day of most severe and unceasing fighting, the of endurance until our reinforcements came up. colonel had succeeded in concentrating all the After a few shots had been fired, and it was forces within the walls of Fort Hatteras. Col-ascertained that we could not reach them, our onel Martin himself was utterly prostrated by guns ceased fire, and only answered the fire of the duties of the day, and after consultation the enemy occasionally, to show we had not with him, I proposed that we invite Commo- surrendered. The shower of shell in half an dore Barron, an officer of great experience, to hour became literally tremendous, as we had take the general command and direct the suc-falling into and immediately around the works ceeding operations. Commodore Barron as- not less, on an average, than ten each minute, sented, and assumed the command. I then and, the sea being smooth, the firing was reproceeded to examine our guns and munitions, markably accurate. and prepare the fort for the action of the coming morning.

One officer counted twenty-eight shells as falling so as to damage us in one minute, and There were but two guns mounted on the several others counted twenty in a minute. side next to Fort Clark, both thirty-two pound- At a quarter to eleven o'clock a council of the ers, and one gun on the corner next the bar, officers was held, and it was determined to suran eight-inch shell gun. During the night I render. A white flag was raised, and the firtore away a traverse on the back face of the ing ceased at eleven o'clock. Thus for three work, and brought another gun to bear in the hours and twenty minutes Fort Hatteras resistsame direction. The companies of my com- ed a storm of shells perhaps more terrible than mand, under Capts. Cobdon, Lamb, and Sut-ever fell upon any other works. At the time ton, having been in action all the previous day, the council determined to surrender, two of our displaying great courage and devotion, being guns were dismounted, four men were reported perfectly exhausted, I placed the batteries in killed, and between twenty-five and thirty badcharge of fresh troops, as follows: Nos. two ly wounded. One shell had fallen into the room and three of the channel battery under the adjoining the magazine, and the magazine was command of Capt. Thos. Sparrow, assisted by reported on fire. It is useless to attempt a furhis Lieutenants Shaw and Thomas; Nos. four ther description. The men generally behaved and five of the same battery were under com- well. Nearly every commissioned officer, from mand of Lieut.-Col. George W. Johnston, as- the commodore down, was more or less woundsisted by First Lieutenant Mose and Second ed, and fifty or sixty of the non-commissioned Lieutenant George W. Daniel; No. six, facing officers and men, who would not report to the the bar, and No. seven, facing Fort Clark, were surgeon. placed in charge of Major Henry A. Gillion, assisted by Lieutenants Johnston and Grimes; No. eight, a gun mounted on naval carriage, was commanded by Lieutenant Murdaugh, of the C. S. N, assisted by Lieutenant Sharp and Midshipman Stafford.

Lieut. J. L. Johnston, Company E, Seventh regiment, fired the last gun at the enemy, and raised the flag of truce on the bomb-proof.

The details of capitulation were arranged on the flagship Minnesota, by which we laid down our arms, and marched out prisoners of war.

Capt. Thomas H. Sharp had command of No. I desire especially to speak of the conduct of one, but, owing to the wrenches not fitting the the officers and men at the naval gun, who fired eccentric axles, was unable to bring it into ac-frequently to try the range. Lieut. Murdaugh tion. He stayed by his gun during most of the engagement, but could not fire. Thus we had but three guns we could bring to bear, (if the enemy took up his position of the previous day,) viz., Nos. six, seven, and eight.

At forty minutes past seven A. M., of the 29th, the enemy opened fire on us from the steam frigate Minnesota, (forty-three guns,) Wabash, (forty-three guns,) Susquehanna, (fifteen guns,) frigate Cumberland, (twenty-four guns,) steamer Pawnee, (ten guns,) and Harriet Lane, (five guns,) and a rifled battery of three guns erected in the sand hills three miles east of Fort Clark. Thus you will see they brought seventy-three guns of the most approved kind and heaviest metal to bear on us-the shells

thrown being nine-inch, ten-inch, and eleveninch Dahlgren, Paixhan, and Columbiad; while, from the position taken, we were unable to reach them with the greatest elevation. The

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was badly wounded; Lieut. Sharp was knocked down by a shell, which passed through the parapet near his head, and brought the blood from his right ear and cheek in considerable quantity, killing a man at his side, at the same time knocking down and covering Col. J. A. J. Bradford with earth. Midshipman Stafford cheered on the men, behaving in a most gallant manner.

After the fall of Lieut. Murdaugh, his men bore him to the commodore's boat and he escaped.

I am, very truly and respectfully, yours,
W. S G. ANDREWS, Major, &c.


The first paragraph we omit, as it is a bare repetition of Major Andrews'. The commodore proceeds:

I was requested by Colonel Martin and Major Andrews, commanding the post, to as

sume command of the fort, to which I assented, Colonel Bradford volunteering to assist me in the duties of defence. In assuming this grave responsibility, I was not unaware that we could be shelled out of the fort; but expecting the arrival from Newbern of a regiment of North Carolina volunteers at or before midnight, (the fleet having put to sea and appearances indicating bad weather,) we designed an assault on Fort Clark, three-quarters of a mile distant from Fort Hatteras, which had been taken possession of by a party landed from the shipping; but, unfortunately, the regiment did not arrive until the following day, after the bombardment had commenced, and when the time came that I deemed evacuation or surrender unavoidable, the means of escape were not at my command. On the next day at 7.40 A. M. the fleet, consisting of the Minnesota, Wabash, Susquehanna, Cumberland, Pawnee, and Harriet Lane, (other steamers being in company,) took their position and opened fire. In addition to the batteries of the ships, the enemy had, during the night, erected a battery of rifled guns near Fort Clark, which also opened upon us.

During the first hour the shells of the ships fell short, we only firing occasionally, to ascertain whether our shot would reach them, and wishing to reserve our very limited supply of ammunition till the vessels might find it necessary to come nearer in; but they, after some practice, got the exact range of their nine, ten, and eleven-inch guns, and did not find it necessary to alter their positions, while not a shot from our battery reached them, with the greatest elevation we could get. This state of things, shells bursting in and over the fort every few seconds, having continued for about three hours, the men were directed to take shelter under the parapet and traverses, and I called a council of officers, at which it was unanimously agreed that holding out longer could only result in a greater loss of life, without the ability to damage our adversaries, and, just at this time, the magazine being reported on fire, a shell having fallen through the ventilator of the "bomb-proof" into the room adjoining the principal magazine, I ordered a white flag to be shown, when the firing ceased, and the surrender was made upon the conditions of the accompanying "articles of capitulation."

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BOSTON JOURNAL'S ACCOUNT. HATTERAS INLET, August 30. When General Wool arrived at Fortress Monroe, he found that preparations had already been made for an expedition to North Carolina, the object whereof was to stop one of the many breaks which the imperfect means at the command of the blockading squadron had left in the cordon which had been drawn upon the seaward side of Secessia. Hatteras Inlet is something like eighteen miles from Cape Hatteras, and to the southward thereof. It is a narrow gap, with a very intricate channel, through the sand beach which is a sort of natural outwork of the coast of North Carolina, and it has been the principal rendezvous of the Confederate privateers. It is easy of access, provided always that one knows the way, and that the weather is fine. It had the advantage, too, of being easily held. With such fortifications as may be readily constructed of sand, and with a proper armament, it would seem probable that the position could be held as long as the enemy could be kept away from the mainland, because it is very rarely that the weather will permit vessels to lay within range of the point for any considerable time.

Some four months since, Mr. Daniel Campbell, of Maine, master of schooner Lydia Frances, had the misfortune to be wrecked upon this coast. The necessities of war compelled the people of Hatteras Inlet to detain Mr. Campbell three months a prisoner on this desolate coast; and Mr. Campbell was occupied during these three months in watching the progress of work upon batteries which the rebels were erecting at this most important point. I think he passed his time very profitably; but of that you shall judge. Escaping at last by the clemency of the authorities of that part of the country, but against the protest of the military commanders at the inlet, Mr. Campbell made his way to Old Point Comfort, where he at once made it his business to communicate his information to Flagofficer Stringham. He said that two batteries had been erected upon the point north of the inlet, one mounting six and the other four guns. The earthworks, he said, were of sand, twentyfive feet thick at the top, turfed over, and each containing a bomb-proof, of construction similar to that of the main work, the larger capable of protecting about four hundred men; the other, say three hundred. The guns were mounted en barbette. Of the guns, Mr. Campbell professed to know but little, as he was not accustomed to such things. It appeared probable that in the smaller fort there were two long thirty-twos. As, when he left, great exertions were being made to procure a rifled gun, he deemed it best to consider, if the place was to be attacked, that at least one of those fearful instruments would be found there. He believed that three companies were stationed at the Point. Aside from the facts which I have mentioned, Mr. Campbell did not know of any thing particularly fearful.

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