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Upon this information, which was duly re- | ported at head-quarters, but which had become somewhat ancient when the expedition finally sailed, General Scott ordered General Butler, in conjunction with Flag-officer Stringham, to prepare an expedition to attack and take the place, but not to attempt to hold it. The batteries were to be destroyed, and the "bulk-head," or narrow neck of channel which connects the inlet with the Albemarle Sound, was to be filled by sinking a wreck. This accomplished, the forces were to return to Old Point Comfort. Information that such an expedition had been projected was, as usual, communicated to the rebels through the columns of the New York newspapers; so loosely do we conduct our affairs. Yet so careful are we in some respects, that a large number of secessionists-prisoners of war-who had been sent to Old Point Comfort on their way to Norfolk, were detained a week lest they should communicate some information on the subject, while our own newspapers were giving the enemy all the information needed. It is somewhat singular, too, that the journal, to which the rebels acknowledge the greatest indebtedness, is one which makes the most clamorous professions of loyalty, and which is most tempestuous in its calls for suppression of incendiary sheets.

proposed to land at a point two or three miles north of the batteries, while the vessels should shell the rebels out of their fortifications, and prepare the way for the detachment to complete the work by a decisive blow. The fortunes of war, however, gave the army a less opportunity for glory than had been anticipated.

Nothing could be more pleasant than the passage down. The Minnesota, in which I was so extremely fortunate as to secure a passage, & nd from the deck of which I witnessed the events I am about to describe, led the way, but was soon passed by all the vessels except the Wabash. Of course the flag-ship was compelled to regulate her motions by those of the slowest of the fleet; that is why she was so slow. The Fanny, as she passed us, was a study. She is, you must know, merely a canal boat. She rolled about like a tub, but somehow she held together, and was as sound as ever when I last saw her, on Friday, at Hatteras Inlet. But they were obliged to lash the boiler down to the deck with ropes. Lieutenant Crosby, who commanded her, went as a volunteer; he deserves much credit for his valor-perhaps less for his discretion.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday when the Minnesota and the Wabash arrived off Hatteras, where the remainder of the fleet were found waiting orders. Proceeding to a position near enough to the inlet to enable us to see something of the ground which was to be operated upon, the Monticello was sent to make a reconnoissance of the point, with a view to ascertain whether any important changes had taken place, and to look out a proper location for landing. Nothing more could be done that night; so the vessels were taken to an offing. Orders were given for breakfast at four o'clock in the morning.

Under these circumstances the expedition left Old Point Comfort. Of what it accomplished, and how, I propose now to give you some account, as I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears. Notwithstanding my eyes are not of the best, I feel tolerably certain of whatever I thought I saw; as what I have heard has come from gentlemen, and experienced gentlemen, I feel sure that what I have heard is true. The expedition left Hampton Roads at a few minutes after one o'clock on Monday afternoon, precisely the hour agreed Accordingly, at that hour all hands were upon three days previously-a marvellous cir- called, and by two bells-that's five o'clock, cumstance, truly, and one which promised very you land lubber-the whole fleet was active well for the success of the enterprise. It con- with preparations for the conflict. The Montisisted of the Minnesota, the Wabash, the Paw- cello, the Pawnee, and the Harriet Lane were nee, the Monticello, and the Harriet Lane, war sent to cover and assist generally in landing the vessels, the steamers George Peabody and Ade- troops, and they took up a position about two laide, transports, and the steam-tug Fanny.miles and a half north of the forts, and near by Two iron boats and two flat fishing boats, all intended to be used as surf-boats, were taken along, and also a dismasted schooner, which it was proposed to sink in the Bulk-head. The frigate Cumberland was expected to arrive off Hatteras to join the attack, and the Susquehanna, side-wheel steam ship-of-war, then overdue at Hampton Roads, was also under orders to follow as early as possible. The transports conveyed five hundred men of the New York Twentieth regiment, (German Turners,) with Colonel Weber and Lieutenant-Colonel Weiss, two hundred and twenty men of the New York Ninth, under Colonel Hawkins' command, two companies of the Union Coast Guard, (the Naval Brigade, as it was once called,) under Captain Nixon, and a company from the Second U. S. Artillery under Captain Larned. It was

the spot where lays the wreck of the barque Linwood, at which point it was thought possible to effect a landing. The Cumberland had come bravely to time, and was taken in tow by the Wabash, but a great deal of time was occupied in effecting these arrangements. The iron and flat boats were meanwhile filling with troops from the steamers, and the hundred marines who had been taken from the war vessels to increase the land forces. The Wabash went up to the battery first, drawing the Cumberland after her. The Minnesota followed, and as we drew near the point the two batteries and the barracks of the rebels were plainly visible. In the sound, beyond the narrow neck of land, several vessels-three steamers, some schooners under sail, and a brig laying at anchor under the guns of the forts-were clearly seen.

Time 9.45. Boom! Whiz-z-z! The Wabash opens the action, and plants three shells. apparently directly in the small, or northern battery. The fort responds promptly, but a shout of derisive laughter from the gun deck is the comment, when its shot falls in the water at half the distance from the fort to the ship. Every gun-captain in the ship is anxiously waiting the order to fire. The word is passed, “No firing | until it is ordered from the quarter-deck!" It is misunderstood on the gun-deck. Somebody says it is, "Fire when you're ready!" On the shore, half-way between the forts and the landing, twenty or thirty horses are running toward our troops, and twice as many cows are running in the opposite direction. Bang! goes a gun from the main deck, and a shell is landed almost among the cows. At the same instant the Harriet Lane sent a messenger of the same sort among them, and the animals find their way across the peninsula. Then the gunner discovers his mistake. He thought he was firing at the enemy's cavalry as they charged up the beach. Now the order is understood, and the men stand by their pieces, watching the effect of the shells which now go thick and fast from the Cumberland and Wabash, and of the shots which begin to come from the smaller and upper fort. "Fire the pivot gun when you're ready!" is the order now passed forward to Mr. Foster, and directly we get within range a nine-inch shell is sent from the bow, and explodes just over Fort Clark. We pass inside of the other vessels, nearly a quarter of a mile nearer the shore, and the fire, once opened from the Minnesota's batteries, is kept up with the greatest rapidity while we remain within range. The enemy's shots come near us, but do not quite reach us. The ship is put about so as to return, presenting the other broadside to the shore, and, as she wears, a couple of shot drop under her stern at a distance of a dozen yards or so. We go back north of the other vessels, and returning again, we are in season to see a shot dropped midway between the Wabash and Cumberland. Another passes just over our bow, and drops beyond us; and so the firing is kept up constantly, and manifestly with terrible effect upon the forts.

were landed it was not easy to judge, but evidently only a small portion of the force. What would happen to them it was not easy to guess, but we had seen a party march out from Fort Clark early in the action, apparently for the purpose of making an attack-a purpose which, if ever entertained, was soon reconsidered; for, after making half the distance between the fort and the landing, the party turned back. What number of troops were in the forts we had no means of knowing, but it appeared probable that there were quite enough to give our forces much trouble.

During the action the scenes on the decks of the Minnesota were most exciting. What do you think of arming negroes? Wouldn't Wendell Phillips have found a text for an oration had he stood on that deck watching halfa-dozen contrabands, who came from the batteries at Yorktown to seek the protection of Fortress Monroe, as they worked the after gun of the upper deck? Certainly it was a sight which I little expected ever to see when I left your office to take notes of the war. But opinions change very rapidly under the accelerating influence of revolutionary times. First our soldiers were to quell servile insurrections. Then they were to protect contrabands who should relieve them of fatigue duty. Then the contraband doctrine went down before a new comer, looking very much like general emancipation. And in the last days of August, in the first year of our civil war, the negro stands by the side of the white man, fighting the battles of the country. Mr. Phillips may think this more important than the capture of seven hundred prisoners with a flag officer at their head, or even the possession of two rebel forts and a thousand stand of arms. At any rate, whether the incident has any peculiar significance or not, let me say that the negroes worked wellnever better-and they evidently enjoyed the business.

And another lesson, as if to prove that this is no sectional war, no contest for subjugation: I see in the bow of the vessel, commanding his division-no fire more rapid than his-no aim more deadly-the stalwart form of a noble Kentuckian; and I know that elsewhere in the fleet, Virginia and Maryland are represented by their sons, bravely battling for the Union. Who are fighting for their home?-those who, under the banners of the usurpers, are disputing the authority of the best government the world ever saw, or those who are fighting for their homes as they were?

The Susquehanna, which hove in sight very shortly after the commencement of the action, comes up in fine style and takes a hand in the fight after the first hour. The air is so filled with smoke that it is only occasionally that we get a view of the batteries on shore, both of which keep up a feeble attempt at responding. A noticeable incident happened on the gunWe had already seen that the surf was mak- deck. A sponger dropped his sponge overboard. ing great mischief with the landing of the troops. Before the officer of the deck could utter a word It was only with great difficulty and no small of reproach, the man had jumped overboard, peril that troops were landed at all, and we got back somehow mysteriously through the now perceived that further attempts were aban-port-hole, the sponge was hanging in its place doned. The two wooden boats were entirely dripping with water, and the sailor stood dripdestroyed, and appearances indicated what was ping before his officer. He got a promotion afterward learned to be the fact, that the iron for his cool conduct. The reverend chaplain, boats had been swamped. How many troops I observe, too, sometimes almost forgets his

peaceful calling when a fine shot is made, or a broadside is poured into the forts-and finally I see him fleeing from temptation to the gundeck, where he enjoys himself in serving out coffee to the sailors.

bloodless to our side at least. But the victory was not yet won. The Monticello entered the inlet, and was steaming through in fine style, when, as she was within six hundred yards of the lower battery, the real state of affairs was announced by the booming of cannon from the rebel battery. The gunboat responded promptly, and for fifteen minutes a brisk fire was kept up, which it seemed probable would sink the vessel. All hands were called to quarters, and the larger vessels prepared to resume the attack. The Cumberland was, however, counted out, as, under the supposition that the fight was over, she had been sent on her cruise. The Monticello finally got out of this awkward and unpleasant hole in the wall, but not until several holes had been made in her hull, while her topsail was badly torn and her port waist boat hung from a single davit. A carpenter was despatched to her assistance. The Wabash, Susquehanna, and Minnesota resumed the attack, and continued an hour or two, aided at last by the Cumberland, which promptly returned on hearing the sound of the heavy firing.

taken to the bomb-proofs, for they paid but little attention to us. Our friends had meantime withdrawn from Fort Clark to a safer local

Time, 1.25 P. M. Three hours' cannonading from fifty-seven heavy guns had evidently produced an effect on the smaller and northernmost fort. Of what had happened to the larger work nothing could be ascertained, as we had not at any time been in a position to obtain a good view of it. The flag of the first had been twice shot away, and twice it was promptly raised again. But the firing had been abandoned almost altogether, and the rebels were evidently becoming discouraged-whether because guns were dismounted and the men killed, or because they were satisfied that they could not touch the ships, could not be divined. But the Minnesota, which appeared to be the favorite mark of the forts, had not been complimented for half an hour, when the cry was raised, "They're running!" And, indeed, at this moment the flags of both Fort Hatteras and Fort Clark were hauled down; a consid-It was apparent, however, that the rebels had erable body of our troops, already landed, were seen hurrying with their colors toward the small fort; in the sound beyond the inlet, boats were seen laden with men, evidently in-ity. tent upon getting away as fast as possible, and General Butler telegraphed from the Harriet Lane a request for the fleet to cease firing. The signal was made, but the state of affairs was not understood on board all the ships as it was by the Minnesota. About thirty of our men were in and around Fort Clark, and had already raised the Union flag, when they were fired upon by the Monticello and Pawnee, un- | der the impression, I suppose, that there was some trick in the matter, or perhaps upon knowledge that the enemy had merely with drawn from Fort Clark to Fort Hatteras. I could not see-indeed, from the position of the Minnesota at the time, it was not possible to see-whether the guns were directed at one fort rather than the other. Be that as it may, several shells burst in the immediate vicinity of our own men. The Monticello and the Pawnee were instantly called back. The former reported that the inward battery was still in the hands of the rebels, and denied having fired without knowledge of the state of affairs. She was ordered to enter the inlet and discover what the hauling down of the flags meant, and was informed that our friends were in possession of the upper fort. So the Monticello proceeded on her way. Meanwhile, on board the flag ship it was considered settled that the day was ours. Why not? Both flags had been hauled down. The American flag had been raised in its place at Fort Clark. Of course the day was ours, and accordingly the gentlemen of the ward-room mess, who that morning had asked the surgeon all sorts of questions about wounds and the treatment thereof, met again to congratulate each other upon victory,

Darkness began to come on, and with it the aspect of the weather became threatening. The order was passed "cease firing," and reluctantly the fleet was withdrawn. The Monticello, Pawnee, and Lane were ordered to remain as near the shore as possible, in order to protect our landed troops. The larger vessels then made an anchorage in the offing. The feeling throughout the ship at this time was that we were beaten. It seemed probable that the vessels stationed to protect our men on shore would be compelled to leave them to the mercy of the rebels, and it was very doubtful, too, if the weather would permit the resumption of the bombardment on the morrow. During the night the secessionists might make our soldiers prisoners, reinforce their own forts, repair damages, and be ready to show that they were not to be easily vanquished. "That fort isn't taken yet," was the desponding remark which was passed around the ship. And there were some remarks, too, about the necessity of proper surf boats with which all the troops might have been landed. With the force which should have been landed, the batteries, it was believed, might have been taken at the point of the bayonet. But as it was, we were beaten, temporarily at least; and the countenances of the ship's company showed very plainly that there were some who feared that the opportunity was lost irretrievably.

And what do you think of this little speech, made by the caterer to the ward-room gentlemen when they had gathered at seven o'clock to enjoy a dinner, for which hard work since fourteen hours before had given them some appetite: "Gentlemen, I am sorry to be com

pelled to announce that the ward-room dinner | fight. It had a queer look, certainly. It seemed has been stolen from the galley." Cold comfort, wasn't it? The loss was soon made good, however. "Same programme to-morrow! was announced-that is, breakfast at 4 A. M., and if possible a fight immediately after.

to me that the fleet was firing according to Magruder's tactics, of which I wrote you the other day-firing without regard to the question whether there was any enemy to fire at. But when I ventured to suggest to an old sailor that the rebels had evacuated the position, I got for answer this:

"Don't you be in a worry, young man ; you'll see enough of 'em before you get out o' this. They ain't in a hurry.”

So I began to look for facilities for descending to the engine room. After enduring for an hour and a half, however, they finally opened their batteries, devoting their entire attention to the Cumberland. Their shots fell short generally fifty yards-one only, and that spentstriking the side of the ship. Neither party appeared to be making much headway. At half-past ten o'clock fifteen-second fuzes-tenseconds had been employed thus far-were or

minutes' delay occurred in preparing them on board the flag ship, during which time very few guns were fired. Finally, when they were ready, the men went to the work with renewed zeal. Three shells thrown consecutively from the pivot-gun-Mr. Foster's-fell within a very few feet of each other, near the ventilator of the magazine of Fort Hatteras. The shells flew terrifically, and all attempts at responding ceased. Half an hour more would have annihilated the enemy. They held their peace about twenty minutes, when, just at the instant that a broadside had been fired from the Minnesota, a white flag was shown from the large fort. The order was, of course, at once given to the fleet to "cease firing," but a few more shells were thrown before the command could be signalled. The sailors flew to the rigging, and from ship to ship rang the cheers of victory.

And accordingly at eight bells all hands were called again. The weather had driven the small vessels off shore during the night, and our little band of troops were left to protect themselves as best they could. But they were safe that was clear. Before seven o'clock they were seen advancing in good order toward Fort Clark. A large white steamer, which, as it subsequently appeared, was the Winslow, of the Confederate States navy, commanded by Mr. Arthur Sinclair, late of the United States navy, filled with troops, was in the sound, moving away from the forts, but quite near the shore of the peninsula. As the troops arrived at the point nearest the steamer, I saw the smoke of firing, which I at first sup-dered to be used thoughout the fleet. Fifteen posed to come from musketry, but which actually came, as I have since heard, from a sand battery which had been hastily thrown up by Capt. Johnson of the Coast Guard, and in which he had placed two boat howitzers which were sent on shore with the troops the day be- | fore from the flag ship, and a six-pounder captured from the enemy by our men. The Winslow made excellent speed in getting out of the way, but remained in sight throughout the action which ensued. Capt. Nixon, with his company from the Coast Guard, had occupied the small fort during the night, and his presence there was made manifest by the display of the Stars and Stripes. From the shore it was reported, at an early hour, that the enemy had been largely reinforced during the night. The troops on shore were informed by General Butler of the design of the navy and warned to take care of themselves. The main body, under Col. Weber, therefore, took up a position near Capt. Johnson's sand battery. The several small steamers were sent in shore to be in readiness to protect the land forces, and to aid in any new attempt which might be made at landing the remainder. At about eight o'clock the Wabash and Susquehanna proceeded to take up a position-this time at anchor-for attack, the latter in advance, or to the southward rather. She opened the fire at twenty minutes past eight. The Wabash followed a minute after. Twenty minutes later the Minnesota found an anchorage ground between the first named, and the action now commenced in good earnest, but the shells evidently fell short of the fort, which was the object of attack. An hour after the firing was commenced, the Cumberland came up in fine style and took up a position just ahead, and perhaps fifty yards in shore from the Minnesota. Although we had now been firing very rapidly for more than an hour, no response had been heard from the fort. Nor was any flag shown therefrom. They had been reinforced largely, and yet they did not show


And so, unless there was another cheat, the fort was surrendered. General Butler had left the flag ship in the Fanny a few minutes before, for the purpose of effecting a landing himself, and was kind enough to offer me the privilege of accompanying him-an invitation which, having no ambition for being announced in the obituary column as "wrecked in a canal boat," I begged leave to decline-and I soon had reason to regret the declination. When the cheers of the sailors announced the result of the day, the General immediately directed his boat to the inlet, which he entered and passed through. The rebel steamer Winslow was then making the best of her way up the sound, and as the Fanny rounded the point a shell from the canal boat's rifled gun was sent after her, but she was far out of range. Several schooners which had been laying near, apparently for the purpose of witnessing the sport, ran away as fast as the wind would carry them.

The Fanny remained at the point quite an hour. On shipboard it was suspected that the

rebels declined to surrender to the army, upon | iron surf boats, the only one which had been the ground that they had been defeated by the saved. And to show how much risk the solnavy. It appears, however, that Commodore diers incurred, in effecting a landing, let me Barron, of the Confederate States navy, had no say here-out of place otherwise than chronosuch squeamishness. By verbal and written logically-that, as the transport passed the flag messages he made known to General Butler ship, the boat which was dragging astern, sudthat he had seven hundred troops in the fort, denly, and as if from some magic cause fell into and fifteen hundred within call, meaning by a hundred pieces, leaving only a towing line to the latter, I suppose, the soldiers who were mark where it had been; so utter was the running away in the steamboats, with Arthur wreck, that it seemed that the boat must have Sinclair, late of the United States navy, at their been built upon the logical principles of the head; and that if he and his officers were al- deacon who constructed," the wonderful onelowed to march out with side-arms, and the hoss shay." men were permitted to retire without arms, he would consent, in view of the events of the day, to evacuate the premises and abandon the position.

In reply to this exceedingly refreshing proposition, General Butler intimated that he wasn't so jolly green by half as Mr. Barron took him to be; his compliments to Mr. Barron, and if that gentleman desired to capitulate unconditionally he would be received as a prisoner of war; but if he chose to refuse those terms, he might prepare for the consequences. Mr. Barron and his fellow-sufferers held a great talk.

Mr. Barron and his compatriots-or comtraitors, if that be the proper word-concluded to accept the bitter cup.

And accordingly, upon being informed that, as the expedition was a joint enterprise of the navy and the army, the surrender must be made jointly to the two commanders, Mr Barron, styling himself "Flag-officer C. S. N.," Mr. Martin, styling himself "Colonel Seventh Infantry, North Carolina Volunteers," and Mr. W. S. G. Andrews, styling himself "Major Commanding," availed themselves of General Butler's canal-boat-of-war as a means of transportation to the flag ship. And what, think you, were the feelings of Samuel Barron, as, on the way, he passed under the guns of the Wabash, which, six months since, he commanded, and against which he had just been directing his batteries? And what were his emotions as he stepped on the deck of the Minnesota to receive the greetings of devotedly loyal men, his comrades for so many years?

Gloomy enough, surely!

A form of capitulation was quickly drawn up, and signed by the contracting parties in accordance with the above mentioned stipulations, but somewhat singularly framed in one respect. Two of the parties are therein described as "Col. Martin, commanding the forces, and Major Andrews, commanding the same forces, at Fort Hatteras." Of the reason of this I will presently speak.

The documentary part of the transaction having been arranged, dispositions were at once made for formal and actual surrender. General Butler again proceeded in the canal boat, to the sound, followed by the Monticello and the transport steamers. The Harriet Lane, after some delay in obtaining a pilot, proceeded on the way. The Peabody towed one of the

The vessels arriving at the forts, the remainder of the Federal troops were now landed and drawn up in line. The Carolinians marched out of the fort, and, after inspection, were embarked on board the transports. Our troops march in; the Union flag waves over ine, and it is greeted with a salute fired from guns shotted for its humiliation. The victory was now completed in form as well as in substance. Darkness had now come on, and it was quite impracticable to attempt to transfer the captives to the flag ship before morning. Accordingly, nothing more is done by the victors, beyond caring for the wounded of the enemy, and counting up the result.

Hatteras Inlet is not of the easiest navigation. Its channel, like the policy of Mr. Buchanan's Administration, shifts in a night, puzzling the pilot, as the aforesaid policy puzzled the politicians. The Monticello passed through it easily, however. The Adelaide, following immediately after, grounded, and was saved only by the skill and exertions of her officers and crew. The Harriet Lane grounded, and so remained all night, and after her armament had been cast overboard, the chances appeared to be even that she will never float again.

This morning the prisoners were brought off in the transport Adelaide-all but flag-officer Barron, who remained on board the Minnesota, in the retirement of the cabin, after signing the articles of capitulation. Six hundred and ninety-two are to-night on board the Minnesota, and rather sorry-looking fellows they are. The most valuable, of course, is the flag-officer, who is, or rather was, before he became a prisoner of war, acting Secretary of Mr. Jefferson Davis' navy. Major James A. Bradford is the chief of the ordnance department of the Confederate States army. He would seem to be a valuable prize, but I heard one of our people remark that if Jeff. Davis' ordnance department was of the nature of our own, the Confederate States might congratulate itself upon the providential removal of its head, and from some correspondence which I have seen, I take it that the Confederate officers at the inlet are pretty much of the same opinion. Singularly enough, the correspondence taken at Fort Hatteras discloses the fact that the commanding officers there have been three months standing in the same relation to the general staff of the army,

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