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Therefore I, Henry H. Lockwood, BrigadierGeneral commanding in said counties, do hereby, by virtue of authority vested in me, authorize the judges, magistrates, and other civil officers in the counties aforesaid, to continue in their several offices, and perform all and every function of the same conformably to the Con

further up, is the Tenth Louisiana. Beyond these, and one mile distant from the river, at Tabb's fields, (near Warwick Court House,) is the Second Florida. The Fifteenth Virginia command the road leading from Newport News to Richmond, and have thrown earthworks across it at a point about five miles above the News. They have also ditched it, and erected an eight-stitution of the United States, the law of Virgun battery, already alluded to. Of the guns two are brass field-pieces and one a rifled cannon. A squadron of five hundred cavalry is stationed with this regiment, and used for scouting purposes. The Sixth Georgia regiment is at Yorktown, where formidable earthworks have been thrown up with the assistance of negroes impressed into the service. The Louisiana Zouaves are at Williamsburg, exactly sixty miles from Richmond.

Nearly all of the rebel troops are erecting winter-quarters, there being no design of advancing upon Newport News or Fortress Monroe, although this idea was entertained some time since. General Magruder has twenty-three thousand troops in this department, comprising the districts of James and York rivers. He visits the camps at long intervals, and is addicted to hard drinking. The tents in use are generally very poor. The rations consist of fresh meat and hard bread twice each week; bacon twice, and sugar and coffee twice. There is plenty of food such as it is, the provisions being brought by steamers from Richmond.

Two weeks ago the Tenth Georgia regiment received new clothing, each man being obliged to pay twenty-four dollars for his suit-this sum being deducted from his wages. This created much dissatisfaction among the soldiers. Two months ago three other regiments received new clothing.

The Second North Carolina regiment went home two weeks ago, many of the men positively refusing to serve under Gen. Magruder.

Doc. 185.


WHEREAS, under the proclamation of MajorGeneral Dix, the people of Accomac and Northampton counties, (Va.,) having laid down their arms, are entitled to the protection of the Federal Government; and whereas a serious inconvenience might arise from a suspension of the operations of the authorities and laws therein; and whereas the functionaries holding office in said counties were elected to the same previous to the ratification of the so-called "ordinance of secession" whereby this people put themselves in hostility to the Federal Government; and whereas the responsibilities and duties of said functionaries were sought to be changed by an oath of allegiance to a pretended Government in rebellion against the Federal Govern


VOL. III.-Doc. 35

ginia, previous to the "ordinance of secession," except so far as modified or changed by any subsequent act of the Legislature sitting in Western Virginia, and the laws passed by said Legislature, sitting in Western Virginia, subsequently to said act; provided, always, that all such persons, before exercising said functions, appear before me and take the oath of allegiance to the United States.


HENRY H. LOCKWOOD, Brigadier-General Commanding. DRUMMONDTOWN, November 23.

Doc. 186.


A MEETING of Union men was held at Frankfort, Ky., on the 23d of Nov., to express sentiments in opposition to the recommendation of John Cochrane and Simon Cameron, in relation to arming the slaves of the South. The following resolutions were passed unanimously:

has no constitutional power to interfere with the institution of slavery in any of the States, nor has it the power to deprive any citizen of his slave property without due process of law, nor the power to appropriate such property to public use without just compensation.

That the Government of the United States

That the exercise of any such power by any officer of the United States, whether civil or military, is a palpable violation of the express provisions of the Constitution, and should be condemned by every department of the Government, and by every citizen thereof.

That the proposition recently announced, for the emancipation of the slaves of those at war with the United States, and the arming of such slaves against their masters, is in violation of the rules of civilized warfare; is abhorrent to every principle of humanity and Christianity, and in its results would add to the calamities of the present civil war the additional horrors of servile insurrection, murder, rapine and plunder, by the black race against the white, throughout the slave States of the Union.

That as friends to the Constitution and Gov, ernment of the United States-as patriots, as philanthropists, and as Christians, we do hereby most solemnly remonstrate and protest against such a proposition, and do most earnestly implore and entreat every department of our Government, and every officer and citizen thereof, to condemn and reject the same.

See Colonel Cochrane's Speech, ante.

That we hereby tender our thanks to the editors of the Louisville Journal and Louisville Democrat, for the ability with which they have resisted this threatened violation of the Constitution, and the firmness with which they have denounced this inhuman proposition and its fanatical authors.

Doc. 188.




MARTIAL LAW having been proclaimed at this That a copy of the foregoing preamble and post on the 14th day of November, by order resolutions be forwarded to his Excellency of Colonel S. A. M. Wood, the officer then in Abraham Lincoln, President of the United command, many disaffected persons were arrestStates, and that the Hon. John J. Crittenden ed and placed in custody of the proper military be requested to present the same to the Con-authorities for trial. The larger portion of gress of the United States and our representa- these have voluntarily taken the oath of alletives.

Doc. 187.



giance to the Confederate Government and were released and returned to their homes. Those who were organized for active hostilities have, for the most part, been dispersed and driven beyond the limits of the State, thus effectually breaking up the conspiracy recently existing in this portion of the State to resist the authority of the Confederate States Govern

THE following Circular has been issued by ment, and thereby restoring peace and quiet Government:

The following plan for paying to the families of officers and soldiers in the service of the United States, who are or may become prisoners of war, sums due them by the Government, having been approved by the President, it is published for the information of all concerned: Payment will be made to persons presenting a written authority from a prisoner to draw his pay; or, without such authority, to his wife, the guardian of his minor children, or his widowed mother, in the order named.

Application for such pay must be made to the senior paymaster of the district in which the regiment of the prisoner is serving, and must be accompanied by the certificate of a Judge of a Court of the United States, of a District-Attorney of the United States, or of some other party, under the seal of a Court of Record of the State in which the applicant is a resident, setting forth that the said applicant is the wife of the prisoner, the guardian of his children, or his widowed mother, and if occupying either of the two last relationships toward him, that there is no one in existence who is more nearly related according to the above classification.

Payments will be made to parties thus authorized and identified, on their receipts made out in the manner that would be required of the prisoner himself, at least one month's pay in all cases being retained by the United States. The officer making the payment will see that it is entered on the last previous muster-roll for the payment of the prisoner's company, or will report it, if those rolls are not in his possession, to the senior paymaster of the district, who will either attend to the entry or give notice of the payment to the Paymaster-General, if the

rolls have been forwarded to his office.

By order. L. THOMAS,


throughout the country adjacent to this post.

The commanding General being satisfied, from the evidences of loyalty (upon the part of the people) now before him, that the necessity for the enforcement of martial law does not now exist, orders that the same be no longer in force. It is not the purpose of the Commanding General at this post to impose any restrictions, or enforce any law not requir Those persons who ed by stern necessity. remain at home, submitting to the established laws of the country, will not be molested, whatever their previous political opinions may have been, but those found in arms against the Government, aiding or abetting its enemies, or in any way inciting rebellion, will be visited with all the rigor of military law.

WILLIAM H. CARROLL, Brigadier-General Commanding. G. H. MONSARRAT, Ass't Adj't-Gen.

-Richmond Dispatch, Nov. 28.

Doc. 189.

NOVEMBER 24, 1861.

S. C., Nov. 25, 1861.

ment that the flag of the United States is flying SIR: I have the honor to inform the departover the territory of the State of Georgia.

of the Flag had been repaired, I despatched As soon as the serious injury to the boilers Commander John Rodgers to Tybee entrance, the mouth of Savannah River, to report to Commander Missroon, the senior officer, for a preliminary examination of the bars, and for the determination of the most suitable place for sinking the proposed obstructions to the navigation of the river.

Captain Rodgers was instructed to push his

reconnoissance so far as to "form an approx-| imate estimate of the force on Tybee Island, and of the possibility of gaining access to the inner bar; and further, "if the information acquired by this reconnoissance should be important, to return and communicate it to me immediately."

I was not surprised when he came back and reported that the defences on Tybee Island had probably been abandoned. Deeming it proper, however, to add the Seneca, Lieutenant Commanding Ammen, and Pocahontas, Lieutenant Commanding Balch, to his force, I directed him to renew his approaches with caution, and, if no opposition was met with, to occupy the channel.

I am happy now to have it in my power to inform the department that the Flag, the Augusta, and the Pocahontas are at anchor in the harbor abreast of Tybee beacon and light, and that the Savannah has been ordered to take the same position.

The abandonment of Tybee Island, on which there is a strong martello tower, with a battery at its base, is due to the terror inspired by the bombardment of Forts Walker and Beauregard, and is a direct fruit of the victory of the 7th.

By the fall of Tybee Island, the reduction of Fort Pulaski, which is within easy mortar distance, becomes only a question of time.

The rebels have themselves placed sufficient obstructions in the river at Fort Pulaski, and thus, by the coöperation of their own fears with our efforts, the harbor of Savannah is effectually closed.

I have the honor to be, sir, respectfully, your most obedient servant, S. F. DUPONT, Flag-officer Commanding South Atlantic Block'g Squadron.


Secretary of the Navy.

Savannah without our permission during the remainder of the war.

We now hold the harbor with the three steamers-the Flag, Commander Rodgers; the Pocahontas, Capt. Balch; and the Seneca, Capt. Ammen-but no doubt will have other vessels sent here and also a strong garrison, as soon as Flag-officer Dupont and Gen. Sherman are advised of the capture.

We hear, upon what we consider reliable authority, that Commodore Tatnall says the rebels must abandon all their coast defences, for after the sample of firing at Hilton Head by our fleet, nothing they have erected can stand before it.

The abandonment of their strong works on Tybee Island may be considered as confirming this report. The panic throughout the Southern coast from our success at Port Royal is intense and all-pervading. Savannah is nearly depopulated, and the trains go loaded with household and every description of goods, including negroes.


FORT PULASKI, November 25, 1861.

I suppose you have heard of affairs down here before this. The enemy appeared around Tybee point about eleven o'clock A. M. yesterday. The sentinel reported them, and the assembly was beat; we were ordered to the guns; there we awaited them. The enemy, composed of a frigate and one gunboat, rounded the point and commenced throwing shot and shell on Tybee. Not having received a reply, they despatched the gunboat for more vessels. About four o'clock the gunboat came back with two more very large vessels; soon after a long train of small boats was seen to leave the vessels and head for the shore. About six o'clock the Federal flag was seen flying_on_ Tybee

The following account of the occupation is Island. About seven o'clock at night Captain given by an officer of the expedition:

U. S. SHIP POCAHONTAS, AT THE ANCHORage. SAVANNAH HARBOR, TYBEE ISLAND, Nov. 24, 1861. } The steamer Flag, Commander John Rodgers, was despatched by Flag-officer Dupont to reconnoitre this point and ascertain the position and strength of the rebels. He did so, and on his return to Port Royal he had the Seneca and this vessel added to his command, and this morning, with a view to feel the enemy, we threw a few shells into the fortifications, but getting no reply we soon found that the works were abandoned, and we have taken possession of them. They consist of a strong martello tower, with an intrenchment at the foot of it, over both which the Stars and Stripes now float. It is a most important acquisition, as the ship channel to Savannah passes within five hundred yards.

Fort Pulaski is doomed, for it is ours whenever we think proper to take it, as it is within most convenient shell range-six hundred yards. No vessel will now leave or enter the port of

Read, of the Irish Volunteers, took a squad of his men and went over to the island, and got in sight of the Yankees. He could see them all around the fire; but finding that he could not effect his object, which was to burn the large hospital, there being too many men around the house, he returned and burnt all the houses on his way, including Captain King's large house, also the platform where the boat lands. They also brought off an old negro, the property of Mr. King, which the picket had left. He is now at the fort. This morning the Federal flag could be seen flying on the light-house. There are three large vessels off the point now, and another gunboat has just arrived. The island is naturally protected by large sand hills, which could have protected our men from the shells of the enemy. I think a thousand men could whip them off the island in two hours. The enemy have a foothold on all the Southern States bordering on the Atlantic, but I think they have gained very little by taking Tybee Island. I do not think they can get enough rice and cotton on Tybee to pay the cost of the

expedition, as they say they did at Port Royal. | intelligent, and generous men, such as he be

We have plenty of ammunition and men, and we defy them to come in range of our guns-we will show them the difference between taking Port Royal and Fort Pulaski.

FORT PULASKI, November 26. Nothing from the enemy. We can see them constantly communicating with the shore by small boats. There are two propellers and one large side-wheel steamer, which lie off the point in full sight of the fort, and a smaller one that comes and goes constantly between them and a squadron of three vessels lying outside. The United States flag is flying from the lighthouse, and also from a flagstaff in the old parade-ground formerly used by our troops. Commodore Tatnall, with a portion of the mosquito fleet, is lying about the fort, no doubt chafing under the restraint his limited means impose.

The enemy have established their pickets all around Tybee, as far up as King's Landing. The general impression below is that the Yankees are concentrating their forces, and that as soon as they get a few more vessels over the bar they intend making an attack on Fort Pulaski. The movements of the enemy during the past few days indicate a purpose on their part to get control of this port.

Doc. 190.



PADUCAH, KY., Nov. 27, 1861.

General Orders No. 36.

On the afternoon of the 25th inst., a grave breach of discipline was committed by a part of this command, chiefly, if not altogether, by officers and soldiers of the Eleventh Indiana regiment, in the raising of a flag over the house of a resident of this city; not, certainly, by the act of raising our flag, but by the manner of proceeding the attendant circumstances.

The commanding General desires to address those engaged in this proceeding in a kindly spirit. He is aware they have subjected themselves to prosecution under the Articles of War. He is compelled to denounce the transaction as a great violation of good order and military discipline; but he is inclined to the belief that those engaged in it will, upon reflection, come to regard it in that light themselves. Had it been possible for him to have anticipated its occurrence, it would have been his duty, by all the means at his command, and at every hazard, to have prevented it. The affair is the more mortifying to him from the fact that, in a long military life, it is the first proceeding of a mutinous character that ever happened with troops under his immediate command; that, if his feelings were wounded by the transaction, as he admits they were, he is confident that sensible,

lieves compose the command he more especially addresses, will make due allowance for the pride and sensibilities of an officer who has given nearly thirty-seven years of life to the service of his country in the army.

Though the occurrence may subject him to he is disposed to let it drop without investicriticism by those placed over him in authority, gation; less, however, for his own sake than that of the persons engaged in it. So disposed on his side, he trusts they will listen patiently to his remonstrances against like occurrences in

the future.

In this spirit the commanding General appeals, then, to the intelligence of officers and soldiers. Although Kentucky is full of traitors, her Legislature left her one of the States of the Union; and our forces on her soil are charged with the high mission of protecting her people and sovereignty. More plainly, he desires every soldier, without regard to his position, to know that he is sent here by the Government as the protector of a loyal State, which, though occupied by rebel armies, is not an enemy's country; and that success requires him, by the patient exercise of moderation, obedience, and charity, to earn that character from both friends and foes. We charge the rebels with oppression; is it policy to subject ourselves, our cause, or our flag to like charges? Our boast is that we are fighting for a Government that never harmed a citizen; whose thanks will we earn if we are the first to rob ourselves of that boast?

The General has derived great satisfaction from the soldierly deportment of those he more particularly addresses; and it is hardly enough to say that it grieved him to see them manifest the slightest degree of disorder. All his hopes for the triumph of our flag and its reërection in all the rebellious States, are based upon the discipline of the army; and he feels every blow to that discipline as a blow at the common cause. Upon the restoration of peace, each soldier will go back to the civil pursuits from which he came. How important that he should do so without reproach or shame! Property, liberty, government-every thing precious-has been committed to the army. When the army supplants the commander, or turns from the path of order, or bursts the bands of discipline, it makes itself a thing of terror and ruin. Enthusiasm for the flag is a thing to be encouraged; the General would do every thing in his power to raise it to the highest pitch; yet he calmly asks each soldier to watch its fiery impulse, lest, whilst fitting him for boldness in battle, it does plunge him unguardedly into excesses.

In conclusion, the General asks the soldiers of his command, by their conduct in the future, their gentleness to friends, and their moderation toward unarmed enemies, living under the shadow of our flag, to give him reason to believe they admit the necessity of order and are willing to enforce it. If they will only exercise


their intelligence, and not forget the observance | the whole nearly equi-distant from this fort,
of law which so becomes them as citizens will
still more become them as soldiers, no com-
plaint will ever be heard against them from
any source.

By order of Brig.-Gen. C. F. SMITH.
J. T. PICE, Lieut. and Aide-de-Camp.

Doo. 191.


and on which line he has two forts-McRae and Barrancas--and fourteen separate batteries, containing from one to four guns, many of them being ten inch columbiads and some twelve and thirteen inch sea-coast mortars, the distance varying from two thousand one hundred to two thousand nine hundred yards from this fort. At the same time of my opening, Flagofficer McKean, in the Niagara, and Captain Ellison, in the Richmond, took position as near to Fort McRae as the depth of water would permit, but which unfortunately was not suffiCOLONEL BROWN'S REPORT. ciently deep to give full effect to their powerHEAD-QUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF FLORIDA, ful batteries. They, however, kept up a spiritFORT PICKENS, Nov. 25, 1861. GENERAL: That Fort Pickens has been be- ed fire on the fort and adjacent batteries during leagured by the rebels for the last nine months, the whole day. My fire was incessant from the and that it was daily threatened with the fate time of opening until it was too dark to see, at of Sumter, is a fact notorious to the whole the rate of a shot for each gun every fifteen or world. Since its occupancy by Lieut. Slem-twenty minutes, the fire of the enemy being mer, the rebels have been surrounding it with somewhat slower. By noon, the guns of Fort batteries, and daily arming them with the heav- McRae were all silenced but one, and three iest and most efficient guns known to our ser- hours before sunset this fort and the adjoining vice-guns stolen from the United States-battery ceased fire. I directed the guns of batuntil they considered this fort as virtually their own, its occupancy being only a question of time.

I have been in command since the 16th of April, and during the whole of that time their force has averaged, so far as I can learn, from eight to ten times the number of mine. The position in which I have thus been placed has been sufficiently trying, and I have at three separate times intended to free myself from it by opening my batteries on them, but imperious circumstances, over which I had no control, has unexpectedly in each instance prevented.

teries Lincoln, Cameron, and Totten principally on the batteries adjacent to the Navy Yard, those of Battery Scott to Fort McRae and the lighthouse batteries, and those of the fort to all. We reduced very perceptibly the fire of Barrancas, entirely silenced that in the Navy Yard, and in one or two of the other batteries the efficiency of our fire, at the close of the day, not being the least impaired.

The next morning I again opened about the same hour, the navy, unfortunately, owing to a reduction in the depth of water, caused by a change of wind, not being able to get so near as yesterday, consequently the distance was too great to be effectual. My fire this day was less We sirapid, and I think more efficient, than that of yesterday. Fort McRae, so effectually silenced yesterday, did not fire again to-day. lenced entirely one or two guns, and had one of ours disabled by a shot coming through the embrasure.

Affairs were in this state on the morning of the 9th of October, when the enemy, fifteen hundred strong, attacked by surprise a portion of my command on an intensely dark night. They were defeated and driven from the island with great loss by less than two hundred regulars and fifty volunteers-all the efficient force An insult I had disposable for the purpose. About three o'clock fire was communicated so gross to the flag of my country, could not by me be passed unnoticed, and I designed im- to one of the houses in Warrington, and shortmediately to take appropriate notice of it; but, ly afterwards to the church steeple, the church as I said before, circumstances over which I and the whole village being immediately in had no control prevented. I make these pre-rear of some of the rebel batteries, they appafatory remarks to explain why I have now rently having placed them purposely directly opened my batteries on the enemy, when, from in front of the largest and most valuable buildThe fire rapidly communicated to other the smallness of my forces, about one-sixth of ings. his, thirteen hundred to eight thousand, I have buildings along the street, until probably twonot the means of producing any decisive results, thirds of it was consumed; and about the same and as evidence of my having accomplished time fire was discovered issuing from the back what I designed-the punishing the perpetra- part of the Navy Yard, probably in Wolcott, a village to the north and immediately adjoining tors of an insult on my country's flag. the yard, as Warrington does on the west. Finally, it penetrated to the yard, and as it continued to burn brightly all night I concluded that either in it or in Wolcott many buildings were destroyed. Very heavy damage was also done to the buildings of the yard by the avalanche of shot, shell, and splinters showered unceasingly on them for two days, and being nearly

Having invited Flag-officer McKean to cooperate with me in attacking the rebels, and to which he gave a ready and cordial assent, I, on the morning of the 22d, opened my batteries on the enemy, to which, in the course of half an hour, he responded from his numerous forts and batteries extending from the Navy Yard to Fort McRae, a distance of about four miles,

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