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killed and twelve wounded. The loss has been generally at Fort McRae. Col. Villipigue, of the Georgia and Mississippi Regiment, is among the latter; his wound is slight.

The steamer Time was spirited away last night from the yard; the Yankees knew nothing of her escape until this morning. She has marks of being rather roughly handled, though not severely damaged. Several rifle shots passed through her upper works. Her machinery is uninjured. She had on board a large quantity of commissary and quartermaster stores, which are unharmed.

A gentleman from Warrington and the Navy Yard has just come up. He left at three o'clock, and reports that one or two persons had been killed at the yard, and that some of the buildings had been materially injured. A long train of government wagons had just entered the yard when the firing commenced. A number of animals were killed-the darkies quit their teams, and such a scramble for safe places was never witnessed since that of Bull Run.

At two o'clock, some houses in the yard, or below it, are on fire. The enemy are throwing hot shot. There are but few wooden buildings in the yard. It is said a number of them are slightly injured.

The fleet have been pretty much all day paying their respects to the yard and the batteries at Warrington.

Gen. Bragg visited the batteries yesterday after the action commenced. He expresses himself delighted with men and guns, and is confident of success.

Several sail of vessels are in sight-one of them a large steam frigate.

I have just learned by the glass that the fire in Warrington is the Baptist Church.

P. S.-The Episcopal Church and the new marine barracks are on fire, as well as we can make out with the glass.

I forgot to mention in the proper place that the enemy ceased firing yesterday evening at six o'clock. Gen. Bragg stopped only on account of a severe storm of rain and wind.

PENSACOLA, Monday, Nov. 25. Every thing is unusually quiet. The enemy's shipping keep beyond our range. No additional fleet has arrived. Our killed and wounded on Friday, by the caving in of the magazine at Fort McRae, numbered eleven persons. No casualties since."

The Pensacola Observer says of the fight: While we are not able to give the full particulars of the casualties, &c., of the fight, we are prepared to correct some errors we were led into by Madame Rumor. It was not the Niagara, but the Colorado, that was injured in the engagement, and she has "hauled off," a silenced old wreck, having learned by experience that

Little boats must keep near shore,
But larger ones may venture more

Nearly the whole of Warrington has been reduced to ashes by the enemy's shot and shell. None of our batteries are injured, and among the buildings destroyed are the St. John's and the Catholic churches. The houses occupied by the officers are only slightly damaged. As to the injury done the enemy, any report made is all speculation, and no reliable or truthful statements have come from there yet. All our batteries have been worked with great credit to those in charge of them. On yesterday there were thirteen of Abe's vessels in sight, but from their tardiness in commencing the fight this morning we are led to believe that "somebody is hurt." A gentleman just from Warrington confirms the report that the firing of the enemy is very bad, and of very little effect. He says he counted over twenty shells lying there on a street, none of them having exploded.

The correspondent of the Columbus (Ga.) Sun says: General Bragg says he cannot make out what old Brown is after. He has been firing for eighteen hours consecutively, and has done us no injury. Not a soul was hurt yesterday, and no damage was done to our works. General Bragg thinks Brown's firing yesterday was ridiculous. One-half of their shells would not explode, and the Navy Yard is piled with them. You can walk over them, they are so thick. We cannot ascertain what damage we have done. Our aim was deliberate and our fire slow. Every gun did execution, and our sheils burst always just over Fort Pickens. Our boys would fire a big gun and then jump on it and give cheers. They are perfectly delighted at the fun. The force engaged has been McCrae's and Wheat's, and another battery, all from Louisiana and Mississippi. The enemy attempted a landing at Perdido River on Sunday night, but were most signally repulsed by our gallant troops there. A negro wagon driver was at McRae this morning when the firing commenced, and said he would drive his team to headquarters if Pickens killed him and every mule he had. A shot killed one of his mules; he cut it loose and drove the remainder safely through. General Bragg says he intends to mention him in his report to the Government.

Another correspondent writes: The bombardment was kept up nearly all last night, and, from all the information I can gather, with very little damage to our side. It is said that there are three breaches in Pickens, and the Niagara attempted to run in yesterday, but received a heavy shot in her bow, and turned round, when she was raked in the stern, and it is supposed she is disabled. The general impression is that Bragg is fighting slowly, but safely and surely -not wasting a shot, and holding batteries in reserve that they know nothing of.

-Richmond Examiner, Dec. 2.


HEAD-QUARTERS ARMY OF PENSACOLA, Near PENSACOLA, Fla., Nov. 25, 1861. The signal success which has crowned our forty hours' conflict with the arrogant and confident enemy-whose government, it seems, is hourly looking for an announcement of his success in capturing our position-should fill our hearts with gratitude to a merciful Providence. This terrific bombardment of more than a hundred guns of the heaviest calibre-causing the very earth to tremble around us-has, from the wild firing of the enemy, resulted in the loss of only seven lives, with eight wounded; but two of them seriously-five of the deaths from an accident, and but two from the enemy's shot. We have crippled their ships and driven them off, and forced the garrison of Fort Pickens, in its impotent rage, to slake its revenge by firing on our hospital, and burning the habitations of our innocent women and children, who have been driven therefrom by an unannounced storm of shot and shell. For the coolness, devotion, and conspicuous gallantry of the troops, the General tenders his cordial thanks; but for the precision of their firing, in this their first practice, which would have done credit to veterans, he is unable to express his admiration. Their country and their enemy will both remember the 22d and 23d of November.

By command of Major-General BRAGG,

GEO. G. GARNER, Ass't Adj't-General.

Doc. 192.



UNITED STATES FRIGATE SANTEE, OFF GALVESTON BAR, TEXAS, Nov. 14, 1861. SIR: In obedience to your orders of the 7th instant, I took the first and second launches, and at twenty minutes to twelve P. M. that day, proceeded into the harbor, intending, if we could pass the armed schooner guarding the channel, and the Bolivar and Point Forts, to try to surprise and burn the man-of-war steamer General Rusk, lying under Pelican Island Fort. We succeeded in passing the schooner and two forts, but in attempting to avoid the sentinels on Pelican Fort we grounded on Bolivar Spit. At this juncture we were discovered. Deeming it imprudent, after discovery, to encounter so large a vessel and one so heavily armed and manned, I determined to abandon that portion of the expedition. As had been my intention, in returning we boarded, and, after a sharp conflict, captured the armed schooner Royal Yacht. We took a few stand of arms, thirteen prisoners, and her colors. As our pilot was shot down, and the schooner had received a shell between wind and water, I did not deem it advisable to attempt to bring her out; we there fore burned her, after spiking her gun, a light thirty-two-pounder. After this we returned to

the ship. I regret to state that one man was killed, two officers and six men wounded, one of whom has since died.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Lieutenant United States Navy.


Commanding United States frigate Santee.

The following are the orders to Lieutenant Jouett:

UNITED STATES FRIGATE SANTEE, OFF GALVESTON BAR, TEXAS, Nov. 7, 1861. GENTLEMEN: Having volunteered for this expedition, you will take the first and second launches, and make all necessary preparations to proceed to-night towards the harbor, and capture the armed schooner which appears off this harbor nightly, apparently watching for an opportunity to escape.

Should you succeed in capturing her, you will use your discretion in regard to making an attempt on the steamer Gen. Rusk. She is lying at a wharf near Pelican Island. If any aların be given during the attempt to capture the schooner, you will return immediately. You can either destroy the schooner or bring her to the ship; you will exercise your own judgment in regard to this.

I am, respectfully, yours,


Lieut. JAMES E. JOUETT, U. S. N., to command the expedition; Lieut. JOHN G. MITCHELL, U. S. N., to take charge of the second launch.

NEW YORK TIMES" ACCOUNT. UNITED STATES FRIGATE SANTEE, OFF GALVESTON, TEXAS, Sunday, Nov. 10, 1861.) As I was a witness in most that took place on the night on which the Royal Yacht was burned, (the 7th,) you will perhaps like to have a sketch of the proceedings. The question was mooted as to the armed schooner being allowed to come out every night and anchoring in the channel, between the forts Bolivar-a new fort just erected-Point Fort, Galveston Fort, Pelican Island, and Pelican Spit Fort, which mounts three guns. On the 7th Mr. Jouett went aloft, and after a long survey of the harbor, &c., came down and proposed to the captain to take the two launches and good crews, go in, if he could pass the guard-schooner unseen, and burn the man-of-war Gen. Rusk, carrying four guns and a large crew. I heard him say to the captain, "I'll not attempt the Gen. Rusk unless I can surprise her. If I am discovered by the schooner I'll abandon my design upon the steamer, and fall back and take the schooner. It would be madness to attempt the steamer if discovered." So thought the captain, who gave Lieut. Jouett liberal instructions, permitting him to act in accordance with his own judgment in all matters.

Volunteer crews were soon found, dressed in blue frocks and white cap-covers, to designate the crews. The watch-word was แ Wabash ;" the word to fall back to the boats, "Santee.” Each man was designated to do some specific

duty, just suited to his character. Loaded shells, port-fires, fire-balls, slow-matches, were all got ready. As soon as it was dark, the boats were hoisted out, and the guns placed in them -ten rounds of shrapnell, ten of canisterevery thing that could be was attended to. Those who had friends, &c., wrote and left letters with their messmates. The first launch and the expedition under Jas. E. Jouett, of Kentucky, assisted by Mr. William Carter, our young and efficient little gunner; second launch, Lieut. John G. Mitchell, and assisted by Mr. Adams, Master's Mate, composed the force engaged.

John L. Emmerson, whom Mr. Jouett caught and laid down. Our men had opened on them with revolvers, and had driven some of them below.

At this juncture, when the first launchers were in the act of boarding, up came the second launch, and taking the men standing up in the first launch over the schooner's decks for the enemy, opened on them, when Lieut. J., deeming the second launchers worse than the enemy, cried to his crew to lie down until that shower of balls passed, he running forward and hauling the first launch close up to the schooner. When the shower of balls had passed, he cried, "Now's your time, boys; up and board" By half-past eleven P. M., each man being-he leading by leaping upon the stern of the armed with a cutlass and a Colt's revolver, they started, all of us bidding them good-by. They went merrily over the side.

says he frustrated him in that, as he sprang forward, grabbing the pike with his left hand, and, not stopping to pull it from his arm, broke it around the hatch close to the man's hand, striking at him as his head went below the hatch, and threw it overboard; then ran forward, telling four men to guard the cabin-hatch and fasten down the scuttle. As Edward Conway (a gunner's mate) was doing this, a man from the port side the main-mast took a chance at his back, inflicting a broad, deep wound.

This same fellow killed Garcia after he had received three pistol wounds. They soon cleared the decks, getting them all below.

schooner. As he was rushing forward to the fore-hatch, where most of the crew were, a rebel from the cabin-hatch thrust a swordIt was seven miles, through an intricate chan- bayonet on a pole through his right arm, into nel and reef. The crews pulled in for the chan- his right side, knocking him partly off his feet nel, and after two and a quarter hours' hard-then tried to push him overboard; but he work, against head sea, wind, and tide, saw the schooner, which they avoided by steering close to the Point Fort. They then steered over to the northward, to avoid Galveston, Pelican Island, and Spit Forts, and the steamer, as they wanted to get ahead and drop down on her, as she was lying at the wharf, under Pelican Fort. The wind and tide was strong here, and in attempting to avoid the sentinels on the fort and steamer, the boats grounded hard on a shoal not laid down in the charts. At this time they were discovered. Lights were exchanged on each fort, lanterns were flying from place to place, and the steamer was all alive. The capture of the steamer was reluctantly abandoned, as Lieut. Jouett deemed it madness to attempt it. So he gave them the order, "Pull for the schooner. Second launch will board her on starboard bow-first on starboard beam -as he said he thought her gun would be trained on the port beam to seaward, and they would have to slew it before firing; by that time they would be upon them. When they grounded they were in close quarters, in the immediate neighborhood of and in the cross-fire of four forts and the steamer; but they did not stop for that. With a strong wind and tide with them, in five minutes they made the schooner ahead. All was cool, and not a word spoken, save an occasional low order from Lieut. J., "Give away, men." "Ready with the gun, Mr. Carter." From a stentorian voice comes, "Boat, ahoy!" three times; "Give away, strong, boys! "Fire, Mr. Carter!" The man had held the primer in his hand, and it was damp; the gun missed. Then came the quick, energetic orders, "Give away quick; trail oars; stand by to board." At that time Mr. Carter had again primed, and, Mr. Jouett keeping the boat as she was, the gun was fired, hitting the Royal Yacht at the water-line. The discharge of the gun then frustrated their boarding, as it kicked the boat back. At this time the schooner's crew gave them a warm volley, disabling two good men-one the pilot, and another favorite man,

In the confusion of boarding, &c., the lantern had gone out, also the slow-matches, and there was no fire to light the port-fires, &c. Mr. Jouett called for the fire-balls and shells, as the schooner's crew would not come up; so, rather than risk his men, he sent a messenger down in the shape of a shell, filled with eighty balls. The threat was enough; they came up then quick. The men wanted to kill them, and had they known that Mr. J. was wounded, I think they would have taken a private chance at them. But he told them in a decided manner, "If you touch one of them, you'll feel the weight of my arm. They are prisoners of war." The men placed them in the boat. Some of the men said they noticed Mr. Jouett holding his side, passing his hand over his eyes, and staggering. He has since said he was quite blind, but did not want his men to know it, as they were in a dangerous position, and his pilot was badly wounded.

As soon as Mr. Carter (whom Mr. Jouett speaks of with great admiration) had lighted the forward cabin or hold, he gave Mr. J. a fire-brand up the hatch, and throwing that down the cabin and following it, soon started the celebrated captain Tom Chubbs up, with six others; he then lighted three berths and came up. He could not bring the vessel out of the harbor, as the pilot (George Bell) was wounded. She was filling slowly with water, the Dahlgren shell

having gone through her, and the steamboats | under a fort, unnoticed, the boats grounded, lying at the city might come and cut them off if they missed the channel, so he burned her after taking a number of arms, thirteen prisoners, spiking a thirty-two-pound gun of thirtythree hundred weight, and her pennant and flag. The flag will be sent to Washington. Lieutenant Jouett says a heart-rending sight met him on gaining the boat-seven of his best men were drowned. When he had sent all the well men to the oars, he got down in the bottom of the boat and got water for them, then made them as comfortable as he could. He seated his prisoners as he wanted them, and bade them not move unless by his permission. He gave the Coxswain the course "South by a star, as they did not find the compass taken from the schooner for some time, with a head wind (it had shifted to S. E.) and head sea. After four hours' hard labor, during all of which time Lieutenant Jouett was stanching up his wound by thrusting into it his flannel shirt, the men reached the ship.

Fifteen minutes after the first launch made the trip, the second launch came in with one prisoner, a wounded man from the first launch, and one man dead-Garcia (sea.) Six inen were badly wounded, and one killed, and two officers wounded.

Had they succeeded in getting around that sand-spit, the Rusk would have gladdened our eyes on fire, instead of the Royal Yacht, whose crew had boasted they could not be taken; but they are here now.

We cannot find out how many of them there were. Some say several jumped overboard and swam on shore, and others were knocked overboard. The rebels have since taken the Rusk up to the town, and it is well that they did.

This ship draws so much water that she cannot get near the batteries. Frigates are better in dock at New York than down here. They can't get within four miles of the shores.


November 20, 1861.

At midnight, on the 7th of November, two volunteer crews, with twenty men in each boat, under the command of Lieut. James E. Jouett, left this ship for the purpose of surprising and capturing the man-of-war General Rusk, lying under a large fort, and cut off from us by three others. The second launch was in command of Lieut. J. G. Mitchell and Master's Mate Adams. When the boats shoved off at midnight, every man felt that it was the last time we should meet, and nearly every one had written, as he thought, his last letter home, and left it with his messmate in case he should not return alive. After groping among the shoals in the dark for two hours, with muffled oars and orders given in a whisper, they had succeeded in passing the Royal Yacht and the three forts, but in attempting to get around the Rusk, anchored

and in trying to get off they were discovered
by the oars making a noise. They were now
exposed to the fire of the Rusk and all the forts;
and as Lieut. Jouett knew it would be folly to
attempt to take the Rusk, save by surprise, he
gave the order to pull hard for the schooner.
The schooner Royal Yacht was acting as a
guard schooner at the entrance of the harbor,
and about six miles from this ship. She was
armed with one gun, a thirty-two-pounder,
plenty of small arms, and a crew of about
twenty-five men. Our boats pulled down on
her fast, and when within about fifty yards,
were fired into from the schooner. One of our
boats landed on each side of her, and a very
warm fight took place before the crew of the
schooner could be driven below. Mr. Carter,
of Philadelphia, the gunner in the boat with
Lieutenant Jouett, fired the boat-gun just as
the boat was coming alongside, and made a
hole in the schooner at the water-line.
firing of the gun, just at that time, kicked the
boat back, and Carter made a desperate jump
and sprang on board the schooner, and took
it single-handed for an instant, when Lieuten-
ant Jouett hauled the boat alongside, and sprang
on the deck, calling to the men in the boat to
"up and at them," which they did, but five of
his best men were shot down as they boarded.


As Lieut. Jouett sprang on deck, and ran forward, some one from the cabin hatch thrust a boarding-pike through his right arm and into his side, pinning his arm to his side, and knocking him off his feet against the side of the vessel. It was impossible for him to draw back, to draw it out, so he was forced to spring forward and break it off, leaving the pike sticking in his side, which he did. Ordering three men to guard that hatch, he ran forward, where he found the brave Carter holding the forward hatch with eight men below. He had driven them below, and was standing there with pistol and sword drawn. Lieut. Jouett, on pulling the pike from his side, found himself growing very weak from the loss of so much blood, and sat down for an instant on the deck; but finding his sight growing dim, he made a great exertion and sprang to his feet, determined to finish the work. The prisoners were all below, and had refused to come up to go in the boats, but, on Lieut. Jouett sending a shell filled with eighty balls down the hatchway as a hint of what they might expect, they came up. All the prisoners got into the boat, (one boat having left before with some wounded men,) and the ship was set on fire fore and aft after spiking her guns and taking her arms and flag. She was sinking, and the pilot was wounded, so they could not bring her out.

They all got into the boat-thirteen prisoners, (three wounded,) and six of our men wounded.

They were now six miles away from this ship, head wind and tide, and men nearly exhausted, with more prisoners than well men, the pilot wounded, and the night very dark,

Lieutenant Jouett felt that it would not be pos- of the 28th ult. During my superintendence, sible for him to hold out much longer; his voice under Gov. Jackson's authority, of the affairs was failing him, and he dare not let a person of our suffering State in its southern quarter, know he was wounded, for fear the prisoners nothing has occurred to give me such satiswould take the boat. He could feel the hot faction as the perusal of your account of Genblood gushing from his side at every order he eral Thompson's short but brilliant campaign in gave. He slipped his left hand under his jacket, the Ozark Mountains. To have ventured to and placed two fingers, with his flannel shirt, advance more than one hundred miles from the into the wound, to stop the air and blood. main body of our forces, pass between the Thus he sat for three long, weary hours, speak- strongly garrisoned fortresses of the enemy at ing comfort to his wounded men, and encour- Ironton and Cape Girardeau, distant only a few agement to the oarsmen, giving water to all hours' travel-the former by railroad and the who wanted it. They arrived at the ship just latter by the Mississippi River-from St. Louis, after daylight, and we were all rejoiced to see and burn an important railroad bridge within them. The prisoners were put in irons, the fifty miles of that city, swarming with Lincoln wounded taken care of, among whom was Lieu- troops, would have been rashness in a leader tenant J., who having held up so long, gave less sagacious and vigilant than General Thompway after all was done, and was carried below, son, or with soldiers less hardy and daring than refusing to have any thing done to his wound the "Swamp Fox Brigade" of southwest Mistill the others were attended to. The following souri. The fight at Fredericktown justifies the is a list of the killed and wounded: Lieuten- high reputation of that gallant officer and his ant Jouett, in the right arm and side with a command. While deploring the loss of the boarding-pike, and right-hand cutlass wound; brave officers and men who fell in that camWilliam Carter, gunner, cutlass wound in right paign, I console myself with the reflection that arm and hand; Edward Conway, gunner's as long as Missourians can be found who, half mate, cutlass wound on left wrist, and board-clad and poorly armed, successfully encounter, ing-pike in left side; John L. Emmerson, shot in side, arm, knee, and body. Died on the 10th. George Bell, shot in breast and throat; Henry Garcia, shot in breast, and wounded with boarding-pike; dead when brought back to the ship; Hugh McGregor, shot through the left leg; Francis Brown, shot through the back and across the breast; Charles Hawkins, cutlass wound on left arm.

The success of the expedition was most complete, and too much praise cannot be given to those brave officers and men who volunteered to go on so desperate an undertaking as cutting| out a ship under four forts, and near a large town, exposed to the fire of all their guns, and some six miles away from the ship.

The captain of the Royal Yacht is a notorious fellow, who was at one time in jail at Boston, Massachusetts, on the charge of boarding, in Boston harbor, the schooner Saul, taking out the cargo, and setting fire to the vessel. He was taken to Cambridge jail, but by means of false keys he escaped, in August 1844. It is reported that there is a standing reward of one thousand dollars for him, in which case I should think these brave fellows are fully entitled to it, as he is now safe on board this ship, and will be sent North by the first opportunity.

Doc. 1924.



RICHMOND, Nov. 25, 1861. To Colonel J. R. Purvis, Assistant AdjutantGeneral, Missouri State Guard: COLONEL: My absence from Missouri on business connected with our State interest prevented my receiving until to-day your report

as at Fredericktown, an army which even the
accounts of the enemy admit to have been four
times as large as ours engaged in that battle,
the expulsion of the foe from our entire State is
merely a question of time and of our means
fully to arm and equip our loyal citizens.
I remain, colonel, very respectfully,

Lieutenant-Governor of Missouri,

Doc. 193.


CAMP PIERPONT, VA., Nov. 27, 1861. SIR: In obedience to orders, I started from this camp yesterday, at nine o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of marching on Drainesville. We reached positions above and behind Drainesville shortly after five in the morning, after a very tedious and toilsome march. Major Burrows advanced on the town by the northern pike, which leads to it, with two companies of the regiment, while I, with the other eight, gained the rear of the town and advanced by the Leesburg pike. There were but two picketsmen in the town.

These were cavalry men belonging to Col. Stuart's Virginia Horse, and were captured, with their horses and arms, by Captain Stadelmann, Company B. I arrested six of the citizens of Drainesville, who were known to be secessionists of the bitterest stamp. Their names are as follows: John T. Day, M. D., Drainesville; R. H. Gannel, Great Falls, Va.; John T. D. Bell, C. W. Coleman, Drainesville; W. B. May, M. D., J. B. Fair. Upon my return, some miles from Drainesville, a fire was opened upon the head of the column from a

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