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They then retired their numbers, baggage, | stores, and more than two hundred sick and wounded across the river, from ten P. M. to four A. M., along one of the steepest and worst single track roads that ever horse's hoof trod or man ever saw. Four o'clock found these men three miles from the enemy, with our newlyconstructed bridge destroyed and our boats sunk behind us. I think these facts show a generalship seldom exhibited anywhere.

and crept around the pickets, almost reaching the camp before an alarm was given. They made one rush at first up a ravine, but fell back, owing to the sharpness of the fire poured in upon them, and afterward they fired for some time from the cover of the trees and bushes. At length the Guard, seeing the danger of being overpowered by a superior force, were ordered to retreat by Sergeant Bay, which was effected down a bluff and up a ravine, each man taking his gun and scattering for himself.

Rev. Mr. McMahon, one of our most pious and worthy chaplains, from Smythe County, was along with the general and his staff dur- When Lieutenant Chandler first heard the ing the whole fight, and where the balls flew alarm, he undertook to reach his men, but was thickest. Dr. Gleaves, of Wytheville, has the prevented by an intervening force. A man fine pistol of Colonel Lytle, and Captain Step-fired on him with a pistol, wounding him in toe, of Bedford, his splendidly mounted saddle the arm. The lieutenant rushed for Captain and bridle. The fine horse was shot through Bennett's house, seized a rifle, and taking deand died. By the way, Dr. Gleaves was in the liberate aim at the man who had wounded him, fight, and exposed himself much in the dis- sent a bullet through his heart. The man gave charge of his surgical duties. General Floyd's a spring, threw up his arms, and fell backward tent, from which floated our glorious flag, was on his head. completely riddled with the balls of the enemy. Our young adjutant, Peter Otey, finding one of his men wounded, gallantly picked him up, and walked off with him in full face of the enemy's fire. The Hessians approached within thirty yards of Colonel Wharton's regiment, but were soon repulsed.

Doc. 22.

FIGHT AT BENNETT'S MILLS, MO. A CORRESPONDENT of the Missouri Democrat gives the following account of this affair:

The number of the killed and wounded of the enemy could not be ascertained. They filled a large Michigan wagon, belonging to Lieutenant Chandler, with the dead and wounded, and carried them off the field.

Of the Home Guard the following were known to be killed: A. G. Stewart, Second Lieutenant; Thos. J. Estes, private; mortally wounded: Joseph Laroue; the following were also wounded: George Counts, arm shattered; the man who first informed Capt. McFall's men of the fight; Wm. Counts, shot in thigh; Thomas Howe, shot in shoulder; Thomas Holmes, slightly wounded in side of head; Lieut. Chandler, flesh wound in arm; A. H. Tullock, wounded in abdomen.

ROLLA, September 3, 1861. From a gentleman who arrived here from The rebels perpetrated a singular blunder. Bennett's Mills last evening, we have further They approached the house in which the eighparticulars of the attack made on the Dent teen prisoners, taken from them the day before, County Home Guard, stationed at that place, were confined, and the leader of the party sayby some three hundred and fifty rebels of ing, "Here is a party of the d-d abolitionSchnabel's regiment. The attack was made byists, give 'em h—ll,” fired in upon the latter and the latter just at dawn of day on Sunday morn-burst open the door. ing, when most of the Home Guard were absent, there being only thirty-eight men present in their sleeping-quarters, under the sheds in the rear of some corn cribs. Fourteen of the men were out on pickets, and twenty-five were absent making preparations to bring to Rolla the eighteen prisoners taken the day before. The officers, except Lieutenant Stewart and Sergeant Bay, were absent; Captain Bennett was away from home, and Lieutenant Chandler had just before gone up to the captain's house after some meal, when he was cut off from his command.

The enemy advanced stealthily in two divisions and fired on the small party of Home Guards, who, taken by surprise, caught up their guns and resisted the attack bravely for half an hour. The enemy made their appearance in a few moments after the alarm shots were heard of the pickets. The enemy, before advancing, had picketed their horses on the Salem road,

Some of the prisoners were undoubtedly wounded, as groans were heard from the quarters in which they were confined. The manner in which the above prisoners were captured the day before by the Home Guard, was as follows:-They belonged to a party of thirtyfive men, organized at Kirkwood, St. Louis County, commanded by Capt. Robert Harwood, of that county. The guns carried by them belonged formerly to the St. Louis Grays. This company was passing through in quest of the rebel quarters, representing themselves as Unionists and carrying a United States flag.

Their true character being ascertained, they were attacked in separate squads about the vicinity, and eighteen of their men were captured as above stated. The balance fearing capture, after losing two killed, concealed their guns in a thicket, also forty-five pounds of powder, and dispersed toward Salem. A party of the Home Guard were preparing an expedition to search

for these guns on the morning of the attack at Bennett's Mills. The enemy decamped from the latter place after the fight, and no one was left but a few of the citizens and Capt. Bennett, who had returned. The rebels took away between thirty and forty horses belonging to the Home Guard.

No information has been received from Capt. McFall's detachment, which left here Sunday evening in pursuit of the above party.

Doc. 23.



YOUR National Government, compelled by a guilty conspiracy, culminating in causeless insurrection, is engaged in war for the security of liberty, for the supremacy of law, for the defence of Union, and for the maintenance of popular institutions. For means to defray the necessary expenses of this war, your Congress has directed that an appeal be made to you, by opening a subscription to a National Loan of one hundred and fifty millions of dollars.

Already the enlightened and patriotic capitalists of the great cities of New York, Boston, and Philadelphia have manifested their clear sense both of duty and interest, by the subscription of fifty millions of dollars.

The Act of Congress under which this subscription was received, wisely provides, however, that the advantages as well as the patriotic satisfaction of participation in this loan shall be offered, not to the capitalists of the great cities only, but to the people of the whole country.

In order to secure a substantial reward for their public spirit to those whose patriotism prompts them, in this hour of trial, to place their means at the disposal of the Government, Congress has directed that an interest of seven and three-tenths per centum be paid on the several amounts subscribed; an interest not liable to State taxation, but constituting for the subscribers a revenue, not only certain in receipt, but greater in amount than can be expected from any ordinary investment.

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dred dollars, ten cents; on one thousand dollars, twenty cents; and on five thousand dollars, one dollar each day.

All Treasury notes issued will bear date on the 19th of August, 1861, and will carry interest from that date. Each note will have coupons attached expressing the several amounts of semi-annual interest; which coupons may be detached from the note and presented for payment separately.

Each subscriber may pay the whole amount subscribed at the time of subscription, or, if he prefers to do so, may pay one-tenth at that time and one-third every twentieth day thereafter. At each payment the accrued interest on the amount from the 19th of August to the date of payment must also be paid; and the amounts of interest thus paid, will be reimbursed in the payment of the first coupon.

In order to secure, beyond peradventure, the punctual payment of interest and the gradual reduction of the principal, Congress has provided by law for an annual revenue amply sufficient not only for these purposes, but for the prompt payment of all demands on account of ordinary expenditures.

It will be seen at a glance that not only is the whole property of the country pledged for the interest and final reimbursement of this loan, but that an adequate specific proportion of the annual production is set apart, by taxation, for the redemption of this pledge. Prompt payment, beyond contingency, is thus ensured.

Nor can this taxation be thought great, when compared with the magnitude of the objects of the contest, or with the amount of property and production.

The objects are Union, popular Government, permanent peace, security at home, respect abroad; all imperilled by unprovoked rebellion. The intelligence of the people comprehends at once their magnitude. They rise above party. They belong to no Administration. They concern the whole country, during all time, under every Administration, and in every relation, foreign or domestic.

And the means for the attainment of these great objects can be readily supplied from the property and production of the country. The real and personal values in the United States And, in order to afford to all citizens equal reach the vast aggregate of sixteen thousand opportunities of participation in these advan-millions of dollars; and in the States now loyal tages, Congress has further directed, that sub- to the Union this aggregate is eleven thousand scriptions be received for sums as small as fifty millions. dollars, as well as for larger amounts; and that, should the subscriptions exceed the whole sum desired, the smaller be preferred in the distribution.

The yearly surplus earnings of the loyal people are estimated, by intelligent persons conversant with such investigations, at more than four hundred millions of dollars; while Each subscriber, on payment of his subscrip- the well-considered judgments of military men tion, will be entitled to receive Treasury notes of the highest rank and repute warrant a confiof equal amount in such denominations as he dent expectation that the war, prosecuted with may prefer, whether of fifty, one hundred, five energy, courage, and skill, may be brought to a hundred, one thousand, or five thousand dollars. termination before the close of the next spring; The interest, at seven three-tenths per annum, in which event, the cost, beyond the revenue, will be, on the notes of fifty dollars, one cent; will hardly exceed the amount of the two hunon one hundred dollars, two cents; on five hundred and fifty millions loan authorized by Con

gress. With due economy in all branches of the public service, the total expenditures for all objects, military, naval, and civil, in this year of war, need not exceed the ordinary expenditures of Great Britain or France in years of peace.

And is it unreasonable to hope that the auspicious result of peace may be hastened by the reflections of the citizens of the States in insurrection? That they will review their action; weigh their own welfare; consider the disposition of the people of the whole country to recognize all their constitutional rights, and to allow them their full share in the benefits of the common Government, and renew that allegiance to the Union which, in an evil hour, they have been tempted to throw off? Will they not reflect that the war, into which the Government of the Union has been constrained, is not a war for their subjugation, but a war for national existence, and that an auspicious result to the Union will benefit as largely the States in insurrection as the States which have remained loyal?

[blocks in formation]

Whereas, Major-General John C. Fremont, commanding the minions of Abraham Lincoln, in the State of Missouri, has seen fit to declare martial law throughout the whole State, and has threatened to shoot any citizen soldier found in arms within certain limits; also to confiscate the property and free the negroes belonging to the members of the Missouri State Guards; therefore, know ye that I, M. Jeff. Thompson, Brigadier-General of the First Military District of Missouri, having not only the military authority of Brigadier-General, but certain police powers, granted by Acting Governor Thomas C. Reynolds, and confirmed afHowever this may be, the duty of the Na- terward by Governor Jackson, do most solemntional Government, as the constitutionally con-ly promise that, for every member of the Misstituted agent of the people, admits of no question. The war, made necessary by insurrection and reluctantly accepted by the Government, must be prosecuted with all possible vigor until the restoration of the just authority of the Union shall insure permanent peace.

The same good Providence which conducted our fathers through the difficulties and dangers which beset the formation of the Union, has graciously strengthened our hands for the work of its preservation.

The crops of the year are ample. Granaries and barns are everywhere full. The capitalists of the country come cheerfully forward to sustain the credit of the Government. Already also, even in advance of this appeal, men of all occupations seek to share the honors and the advantages of the loan. Never, except because of the temporary depression caused by the rebellion and the derangement of business occasioned by it, were the people of the United States in a better condition to sustain a great contest than now.

Under these favoring circumstances and for these grand objects, I shall, in pursuance of the act of Congress, cause books of subscription to be opened as speedily as practicable in the several cities and principal towns of the United States, in order that all citizens who desire to subscribe to the loan may have the opportunity of doing so. Meanwhile those who prefer that course can remit any sum which they may desire to invest in the loan to the Treasurer of the United States at Washington, or to either of the Assistant Treasurers at Boston, New York, Philadelphia, or St. Louis, or to the Depositary at Cincinnati, whose certificates will entitle the holders to Treasury notes on the terms already stated. The patriotism of the people, it is not to be doubted, will promptly

souri State Guard or soldier of our allies, the armies of the Confederate States, who shall be put to death in pursuance of the said order of General Fremont, I will hang, draw, and quarter a minion of said Abraham Lincoln.

While I am anxious that this unfortunate war

shall be conducted, if possible, upon the most liberal principles of civilized warfare-and every order that I have issued has been with that object-yet, if this rule is to be adopted, (and it must first be done by our enemies,) I intend to exceed General Fremont in his excesses, and will make all tories that come in my reach rue the day that a different policy was adopted by their leaders. Already mills, barns, warehouses, and other private property have been wastefully and wantonly destroyed by the eneny in this district, while we have taken nothing except articles strictly contraband or absolutely necessary. Should these things be repeated, I will retaliate tenfold, so help me God!

Brig. Gen. Commanding.

Doc. 25.


His Excellency, the President of the United States, having appointed the last Thursday of September as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer, and recommended its religious observance, in order to obtain Divine aid, and the return of peace and prosperity, the Archbishop of Baltimore directs that the collect Pro quacumque tribulatione,* with the Litany of the

*Despise not, O Almighty God, Thy people who cry to Thee in affliction, but for the glory of Thy name be ap

Saints, and the prayer for the authorities,* be has designated the last Thursday in September recited on that day in all the parochial churches (the 26th inst.) as a day of "humiliation, prayof this diocese, at the hour which the respec-er, and fasting, for all the people of the nation." tive clergy in charge shall appoint. In order to He earnestly recommmends that the day be obestablish uniformity in the public offices of the served in all families and churches with religChurch, he also directs that the last-mentioned ious solemnity, and with a deep sense of our prayer-which was framed by John Carroll, sins as a nation, of our sore distress and danger the venerated founder of the American hierar- in this hour of trial, and of our intimate dechy, and was prescribed in the first Synod of pendence upon the Divine care and protection. Baltimore, held in the year 1791-to be recited At no period in our history could such an on all Sundays at the parochial Mass, and which observance be more proper. Our greatest sin is entirely irrespective of all political and per- is forgetfulness of God-our greatest peril presonal considerations, shall be-henceforward read sumptuous trust in our own wisdom and might. on each Sunday, as has been hitherto generally | Institutious, in which we exulted with impious practised, in all parochial churches, without ad- confidence, are in jeopardy; a Union, which dition, diminution, or change. we boasted that nothing could destroy, totters to its fall; material resources, with which we thought to defy the world, take to themselves wings and fly away. Our reliance on the God of Nations and of Battles needs to be revived and strengthened; and where can this be done, but at the footstool of the Divine Mercy? Let us, then, brethren, hasten to the throne of the Heavenly Grace in our closets, in our families,

By order of the Most Reverend, the Arch-
THOMAS FOLEY, Secretary.
BALTIMORE, Sept. 2, 1861.
-Catholic Mirror.

Doc. 26.


TO THE CLERGY AND CONGREGATIONS OF THE and in the sanctuary, and implore of God that


MY DEAR BRETHREN: The President of the United States, moved by his own sense of duty, and by the request of both Houses of Congress,

peased, and relieve those who are in tribulation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, who with Thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth God for ever. Amen.

We pray Thee, O Almighty and Eternal God! who through Jesus Christ, hast revealed Thy glory to all nations, to preserve the works of Thy mercy, that Thy Church, being spread through the whole world, may continue, with unchanging faith, in the confession of Thy name.

Wo pray Thee, who alone art good and holy, to endow with heavenly knowledge, sincere zeal, and sanctity of life, our chief bishop N. N., the Vicar of our Lord Jesus Christ, In the government of his Church; our own bishop, N. N., all other bishops, prelates, and pastors of the Church; and especially those who are appointed to exercise amongst us the functions of the holy ministry, and conduct Thy people into the way of salvation.

We pray Thee, O God of night, wisdom, and justice! through whom authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted, and judgment decreed, assist, with Thy holy spirit of counsel and fortitude, the President of these United States; that his administration may be conducted in righteousness, and be eminently useful to Thy people, over whom he presides: by encouraging due respect for virtue and religion; by a faithful execution of the laws in justice and mercy and by restraining vice and immorality. Let the light of Thy divine wisdom direct the deliberations of Congress, and shine forth in all their proceedings and laws, framed for our rule and government; so that they may tend to the preservation of peace, the promotion of national happiness, the increase of industry, sobriety, and useful know!edge; and may perpetuate to us the blessings of equal We pray for His Excellency, the Governor of this State, for the Members of Assembly, for all Judges, Magistrates, and other officers who are appointed to guard our political welfare; that they may be enabled, by Thy powerful protection, to discharge the duties of their respective stations with honesty and ability.


We recommend likewise, to Thy unbounded mercy, all our brethren and fellow-citizens throughout the United States, that they may be blessed in the knowledge and sanctified in the observance of Thy most holy law; that they may be preserved in union, and in that peace which the world cannot give; and, after enjoying the blessings of this life, be admitted to those which are eternal.

Finally, we pray Thee, O Lord of mercy, to remember the souls of Thy servants departed who are gone before us, with the sign of faith, and repose in the sleep of peace; the souls of our parents, relations, and friends; of those who, when living, were members of this congregation; and par

He do not forget or forsake us in this our sin, mind. And on this day, set apart by the highbut that He bring us to repentance and a better est civil authority, let us assemble in our respective places of worship and pour out our

hearts before the Lord.

On this diocese it is peculiarly incumbent at this time to mourn and to supplicate for Heavenly grace. One who was over you in the Lord-who had won your affection and respect -who had gone in and out before you, bearing his office so meekly, so unselfishly, so diligently

who, with open hand and sympathizing heart, had ministered, with almost prodigal generosity, to the needy among clergy and laity-who was ever about his Master's business-this, your beloved Assistant Bishop, has been suddenly stricken from his work, and translated to the rest of God's people. He mourned, with all a Christian's and all a patriot's heart, over the calamities and distractions of our land. His prayers went up, unceasingly, that it might win back the lost blessings of peace and Union, and, above all, that it might be baptized in the spirit of true humility and faith. He has been taken away in the midst of his vigor and usefulness, and when we had looked for long years of beneficent and faithful activity. We have need, then, as a diocese, to prostrate ourselves before the Divine Majesty, and to implore its guidance and help in this hour of our bereavement.

And shall we not offer some testimonial of affection to his memory, and of zeal for the work to which his heart and hands were given? ticularly of such as are lately deceased; of all benefactors, who by their donations or legacies to this Church, witnessed their zeal for the decency of divine worship, and proved their claim to our grateful and charitable remembrance. To these, O Lord, and to all that rest in Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, a place of refreshment, light, and everlasting peace, through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

He died on the banks of the beautiful Allegheny, when on his way to the population which has been attracted to the shores of that river in the counties of Butler, Venango, and Warren. The teeming multitudes which have gathered there of late, and who are almost without spiritual privilege, deeply moved and attracted him, and nothing would have delighted him more than to have raised, had God given him the means, a church among them at his own expense.

I propose, then, that the people of this diocese undertake this work as a memorial of his worth, and of their affectionate veneration for his character. Let a church be erected on the banks of the Allegheny, somewhere between Kittanning and Warren, or at the latter place, as shall be hereafter determined upon mature consideration, to stand forever as the Bishop Bowman Memorial Church, and let this pious work be that of all the congregations throughout this diocese. Especially would I commend it to those of our number who, during the past three years, have received at his hands the rite of Confirmation.

I propose, further, that we begin this work of taking up offerings for it on the fast day herein recognized, viz.: the 26th day of September, and that on that occasion, in every congregation, opportunity be given to the people to contribute, as God hath blessed them, to testify at once their devotion to the God of their fathers their respect for the memory of one of His honored servants, and their desire to extend to those who need it, the Gospel of His grace.

Contributions can be sent to John Welsh, Esq., Treasurer of the Episcopal Fund.

Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania.

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 2, 1861.


heart and of one soul, united in one holy bond of Truth and Peace, of Faith and Charity, and may, with one mind and one mouth, glorify Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." Evening Prayer.-Proper Psalms, 49th and 90th.

First Lesson, Ezek. 33d. Second Lesson, Hebrews 12th.

Collect as in the morning-Special Prayers.

Doc. 27.

CAPTURE OF THE "H. MIDDLETON." A CORRESPONDENT of the Philadelphia Ledger gives the following account of the capture:


OFF CHARLESTON, S. C., Aug. 23, 1861. MESSRS. EDITORS: I forward you a few lines, to inform you of the capture of another prize by us yesterday. While lying at the entrance of the northern channel' of the harbor, a sail was reported by the lookout at the masthead off our lee bow, about ten miles distant, steering southeast. All sail was immediately made for it, and after an exciting chase of about eight hours' duration, we succeeded in getting within gun-shot of her, when she hoisted the English ensign, but did not heave to until we fired a 32-pounder at her, which brought her around. When within hailing distance, her captain hauled down the colors and defiantly raised the secession flag. We immediately boarded her and took possession, and placed the rebel ensign under the Star-Spangled Banner. She proved to be the schooner H. Middleton, Barkley, master, bound to Liverpool. had run out of Charleston during the night, and is loaded with turpentine and merchandise. Most of the latter, however, being the deck load, had to be thrown overboard during the


Morning Prayer.-Instead of the Venite, the chase. The captain had also disposed of his 130th Psalm.

Proper Psalms, 51st and 77th.

First Lesson, Isaiah 58th. Second Lesson, St. Luke 12th, from 22d verse.

The Greater Litany, with the Special Prayers already set forth.

The Epistle, Gospel, &c., for Ash Wednesday, with the following Collect:

"O God, whose nature and property is ever to have mercy, receive the humble petitions, which, with one heart and one mouth, throughout this land are now offered unto Thee; and though we be tied and bound with the chain of our sins, yet let the pitifulness of Thy great mercy loose us. Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions. Take away all hatred and prejudice, and whatsoever else may hinder the restoration of Godly union and concord; that, as there is but One Body, and One Spirit, and One Hope of our Calling, One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, One God and Father of us all; so we may once again be made to be of one

papers in the same manner, and impudently informed us that he only regretted that he had not time to have thrown the whole cargo away before we overhauled him. Most of the papers, however, we found floating on the water; and we obtained from these sufficient evidence to learn that, after disposing of his cargo, he intended fitting out his vessel as a privateer, a letter being found ordering him to destroy, in case of capture, a letter of marque. The vessel and cargo are estimated to be worth about twenty-six thousand dollars.

Her crew consists of six men, and a man claiming to be a passenger. They were all transferred to our ship and interrogated separately, and from them we learned a good deal of useful information. They stated that they had been compelled to ship to avoid starvation. From one of them, quite an intelligent Englishman, I learned that two pirates escaped from Charleston last week, during a storm, which is very probable, as the weather was thick and foggy. One was a steamer, called the Gordon,

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