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four hundred tons burden, and formerly ran be- | flour, hominy, oats, and other necessaries for tween Charleston and St. John's River, Florida; the army. The other, or regular store-houses, she carries two fore and aft pivot guns, and has appeared in the background, and were occupied the reputation of being a fast sailer; the other in a like manner, and filled to a similar extent. is a schooner of one hundred tons, called the Various steamers, from Baltimore, Philadelphia, Dixie, carrying one gun amidships. We regret New York, Boston, and elsewhere, were unthe escape of these vessels very much; we do loading Government property at the wharves. every thing in our power to render this block- The utmost activity appeared to prevail among ade effective, but our efforts are fruitless with those thus at work. Government wagons out the aid of light-draught gunboats, which crowded the piers. Government property and can run into shoal water; and until Government persons on Government business were constantsends such vessels here, small craft can run the|ly being transported across the river in great blockade with impunity. I also learned, from numbers by means of a flat boat attached to a the above-named Englishman, that the principal rope connected with either shore. Northern newspapers are received regularly in Charleston, and the people are nearly as well posted in our affairs as ourselves; he believes that these papers are obtained through the Adams Express Company. This kind of business should be prevented, it being most detrimental to our cause. Government should attend to it. The Seminole captured a small schooner last week; she sailed for Philadelphia, with her prize in tow, on the 19th inst. The Roanoke, flagofficer Pendergrast, is the only one here now besides our ship. We have had no communication with Savannah lately, and therefore I cannot forward you any news from that place. Yours, &c., VANDALIA.

Doc. 28.


ON BOARD U. S. TRANSPORT ALBANY. POTOMAC RIVER, Friday, August 30, 1861. TO-DAY, at seven o'clock P. M, we left our moorings at Georgetown and proceeded slowly down the Potomac River to Alexandria, where it had previously been determined we were to lie at anchor till the succeeding daylight. This course was adopted in consequence of many of the various guides along the river having been destroyed by the secessionists, thereby rendering the navigation of the river extremely difficult at the present time.

As we proceeded down the river to Alexandria, the tents on the Virginia side appeared as an unbroken chain of white canvas, and so close together and extending to such a depth inland, that the uninitiated, who had never seen a cotton-field, would have thought the Mother of States had been turned in the wrong direction, as the minds of a large portion of her inhabitants are at the present time.

During the night, and while lying at anchor off Alexandria, we were boarded by one of the Government harbor police boats, and compelled to answer a variety of questions as to who we were, what we were, and the like. So strict are they at this point, that the steamer Jersey Blue, of New York, was boarded in the middle of the night, and her captain compelled to show his "right of way," or Government pass. In accordance with a military order, all the yawlboats are taken from sailing vessels the moment they arrange to lie at or near the Alexandria wharves, in order to prevent all illegitimate communication with the shore. The boats are always returned when the vessels from which they are taken are about to sail.

Saturday, August 31.

At daybreak we again got under way and proceeded down the Potomac. At Hunting Creek, just below Alexandria, we passed the United States brig Perry lying at anchor. As we sped on our course her ports seemed alive with men, curiously gazing toward the "departing stranger." When some fifteen miles from Washington we had a fine view of Fort Washington, with its vigilant sentinels, massive walls, and frowning battlements. The channel hereabouts is between eight and nine fathoms deep.

The scene generally, at the time of starting, was one beautiful to behold. On the left was Georgetown, with its multitudinous antique-like red brick houses, bent in the form of an arch, over nature's high hills; on the right Arlington Heights, capped with what, at that distance, seemed snow-white tents, cottage-houses, man- It was nearly daylight when we came in sions, forts, fortifications of earth, leafy trees, sight of Mount Vernon. By the captain's orand the vernal sod, and uniting these two beau-ders the steamer was kept in shore as near as tiful pictures were the arches and beam-work of the bridge-like aqueduct. From this spray and water descended in greater or less streams, creating a broad foam; and which, in consequence of the reflection of the sun's rays on it, did not look unlike a cataract of liquid silver uniting with a monster glass of ice-cream.

When abreast of the Western Wharves, we had a fine view of the seventeen new storehouses built by the Government. These were almost all filled to their utmost capacity with

was deemed either safe or convenient. Mount Vernon! It looked as beautiful and as calm as a child in sleep on the bosom of its mother. Nothing appeared in the least disturbed. The tomb, mansion, trees, every thing betokened tranquillity. As seen from the water, the place looked none the less the Eden of every true American's heart.

At White House Point there is a high bluff, which looks suspicious as regards the erection of a small battery on the top of it. While

some aver there is a battery in the neighborhood, others oppose any such idea. Certain it is the place looks suspicious, in that it seems as though the sand toward the top had been arranged to seem a continuation of the upper portion of the bluff.

About twenty-five miles from Washington, and in the vicinity of Crane Island, the river is very broad and extremely shallow. Notwithstanding this, the channel is deep, and capable of floating the heaviest vessels, excepting Great Easterns, but not their "followers." A short distance below we found a large number of fishermen in their crafts at work, apparently totally regardless of the "pomp and circumstance" of war around them. Below this again, on the Maryland side, the bluffs are so high that if batteries were erected on them and heavy guns mounted, they could be made to cover an immense distance of the Virginia territory opposite.

At Indian Head Point, which is twenty-five miles from Alexandria, it is said the rebels have erected batteries and mounted heavy guns. Certain it is, nothing of the kind can be seen, even with the aid of a powerful glass. All vessels, in passing this and other suspicious points, give the Virginia shore as wide a berth as practicable. If there are batteries on the bills in this locality, it would be almost impossible to discover them, from the fact that the hills are thickly wooded, and hence serve as masks in a natural way.

When thirty-five miles from Washington we passed a portion of the Potomac flotilla of the United States Government, being the steamers Penguin and Stillman Witt. These steamers were said to be lying here in order to watch all movements on the Virginia shore, it having been ascertained that the rebels intended erecting batteries in this neighborhood. Should these assertions prove true, these vessels would immediately open fire, and attempt by every available means to prevent such erections. On the Maryland side the hills are low, while on the other (Virginia) they are high and receding, and have the appearance of ridges. Alongside of the Penguin was moored a long-boat, with a gun in it, ready to be used at short notice. Both vessels appeared to have on board an unusually large crew, by the number of sailors who appeared to be in the rigging, at the ports, and elsewhere. Several trading vessels were in the vicinity of the steamers.

Near eight o'clock we came in sight of Acquia Creek, which is forty-five miles from Washington. In approaching this place, the Virginia shore, which rises slightly perpendicularly, resembles somewhat a continuous line of batteries, broken here and there by patches of woods. We kept well off toward the Maryland shore, and soon came up with the United States steamers Jacob Bell, Freeborn, and Pocahontas. These were riding at anchor, out of reach of the enemy's guns, or about five miles from the uppermost point of the creek. At a short disVOL III.-Doc. 13

tance from the steamers two long-boats, with guns in their bows, were at anchor. By the aid of our glasses we got a fine view of the batteries, but at a distance of five miles off. The main battery has an apparent frontage of two hundred yards, is not masked, but, on the contrary, in plain view to those on the water. In such a bold position is it located, that we could even trace out the guns, yet not plain enough to count them or obtain particulars. A short distance two new batteries were also in plain view. On the uppermost one-which is situated on the top of a hill resembling a sugarloaf, with a very large piece knocked out of one side-men were descried at work with shovels digging, or doing something like it. The lowest of the two new batteries is also located on a high hill, and in a very commanding position. It is partially covered by a thick wood. Numerous flag-poles were discernible, apparently with no flags flying.

When we got in full view of the creek, the rebel steamer Page was seen lying at anchor, a short distance up stream. It is said this vessel, which originally served as a ferry-boat to convey passengers between Washington and the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad, is now lined with railroad iron, fitted out with twelve guns, and a crew of eighty men. It was the property of the railroad mentioned above. Near it a Virginia pungy was anchored. A short distance from the Page was a black scow, used for the transportation of rebel troops. Abreast of Acquia Creek, and on the Maryland side of the channel, a vessel's masts were to be seen protruding above the water. We did not learn the cause of the sinking of this vessel.

We had scarcely got full abreast of the main battery, still at a distance of five miles off, when every body on board our vessel was somewhat surprised to hear the report of a rebel gun. On turning our glasses toward the battery, nothing was observable but the smoke created by the discharge. This shot crossed our bow in such close proximity, that we detected its presence by a whizzing noise. From this peculiarity it was judged to have been a rifled-shot. No notice was taken of this, except that Capt. Chadsey gave orders to have the vessel kept right on its course, regardless of any thing that might happen. Subsequently another shot was fired; this one falling short a little less than one-third the distance between the battery and the steamer. During the whole time of passing these batteries, the greatest curiosity and excitement prevailed on board the steamer; and many were the necks stretched and eyes strained to catch a glimpse of every thing in general. If any of the vessels in the Government employ as transports should happen to get too near the Virginia shore, a warning gun would be fired from our gunboats; and if this did not have the desired effect of causing the vessels to lie off shore, it is more than probable a more forcible method would be used.

At Potomac Creek, two miles from Acquia

Creek, there are more rebel batteries. On these, it is said, are mounted some of the largest kind of guns, and these are of the newest patterns. Owing to the peculiar formation of the hills and the thickness of the woods we could not see these batteries.

Lying at a distance of five miles off from this creek were the steamers Union, Pembroke, and the Philadelphia Ice Boat, now in the Government service as a gun-boat. A boat boarded us from the Pembroke to procure copies of the Intelligencer, which Capt. Chadsey significantly termed the ship's papers. In answer as to what was the condition of things at Matthias Point, the officers in the boat replied, all was well and quiet. We then proceeded on our cruise without further interruption.

When seventy miles from Washington and twenty miles from Acquia Creek we got abreast of Matthias Point, which is thought to be a dangerous locality. Stories are circulated that the people, who live in the neighborhood, are noted secessionists, and seek every favorable opportunity to pick off with fire-arms those who pass in vessels belonging to or in the employ of the Government. That such a thing could be done is true, for the river is very narrow at this point. All vessels in passing here, hug the Maryland shore as much as possible. It is reported that, forty-five miles from this place inland, there is a rebel encampment, and that stragglers are scattered along the shore from this force. The point all around is covered with dense woods. But two or three houses are visible, and these are a very considerable distance from the point proper. If there are batteries in this neighborhood they could not be seen, owing to the denseness of the woods.

Port Tobacco, which lies directly opposite Matthias Point, on the Maryland shore, is said to be the rendezvous for numbers of secessionists, who lend aid to the rebels. But perhaps this is only one of the thousand and one stories in circulation all along the river.

At Cedar Point Channel we passed the steamer James Jerome, of the Morgan & Rhinehart line, ashore. The Government steamers Yankee and Lance were trying to get her off, and lending all the aid they could, well knowing that if they left this steamer alone here overnight the Virginians would come off in small boats and do all in their power to burn it, for this had been done before. As the light-boats at this place have been burnt up by the rebels, the navigation is rendered positively dangerous at night, owing to the existence of flats in the vicinity. All vessels arriving here in the night generally lie over till morning, under protection of the gunboats. The remains of the house burnt by order of Lieut. Budd, in retaliation for the burning of one of our schooners which ran ashore, are still visible, but the place or vicinity shows no signs of life.

Off Washington Point, or at Kettle Bellows, we passed the Government transport City of New York, bound to Washington with sup

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plies. As we approached Blackstone lighthouse, ninety miles from Washington, we came in sight of a large number of trading vessels, heading up stream, and in all instances giving the Virginia shore a wide berth. Off Cape Lookout there were one Government gunboat and a number of trading vessels, the latter heading up the Chesapeake. At three o'clock P. M. the Potomac was left behind, and all excitement began to subside. As the light-houses on Capes Charles and Henry are both in Virginia, these have not been lit since the secession of the State. At Rappahannock River we found the U. S. steamer Monticello on watch. After a voyage of forty-eight hours we reached New York. So little is there now doing along the coast, that we did not meet one vessel between Cape Henry and the Capes of Delaware. -National Intelligencer, Sept. 5.

Doc. 29.


A CORRESPONDENT of the St. Louis Democrat gives the following account of this affair:

CAIRO, Sept. 5, 1861.

We had quite an exciting time here yesterday. Late in the afternoon the fleet of gunboats arrived here bringing important news from Hickman, Kentucky, and other points.

Yesterday morning the Tyler and Lexington, before stationed at Columbus, Kentucky, went down to Hickman, Kentucky, on a reconnoitring expedition, but hardly expecting to meet an enemy.

On approaching within a short distance of the town, before turning the bend which brings it into full view, they discovered a small sternwheel steamer, painted black, evidently a gunboat, which took to her heels. On turning the bend they discovered, by the aid of glasses, a huge side-wheel gunboat-the Yankee of immense power, formerly used as a tugboat in New Orleans in towing up ships from the Balize. She was plated strongly with railroad iron of the T pattern.

Our gunboats opened fire on her at a distance of about three miles, and the balls and shell fell thickly around her. One sixty-four-pound shell from the Tyler struck her wheel-house and burst, but the railroad iron threw it off without any effect. The Yankee replied, but her shots fell far short. On going closer toward the town a masked battery, also a battery of four rifled cannon, were discovered in a ravine near the upper part. A large force of infantry was seen by our boats near the centre of the town, and from the number of tents pitched their number must have been nearly four thousand strong.

The Tyler pitched a couple of shells into their camp, and shortly afterward a dense smoke was seen to arise, which convinced our naval officers that their camp must have been set on

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would rush to their aid; that the great city of St. Louis would, in one universal voice, rise in insurrection and take the Federal forces by storm; that they would all be well armed and equipped.

The truth, he says, is this, viz.: that, instead of meeting with all this aid and comfort, they find that only the scum of Missouri has joined their men, who would rather steal than work for an honest living-many of them horse thieves; many of them who would prefer whiskey to bread. Not only these facts are apparent, but also the following facts: that they cannot be disciplined; that if they do not have their own way they desert at every opportunity; and, also, they have no arms to fight with.

Commodore Rodgers did not deem it prudent to run these batteries on land, and to engage her, for several reasons, viz.: The force of the land batteries was not known; the artillery of the rebel forces was not known; not expecting an engagement he had only eight rounds of ammunition; had only coal for one day; and his tackle for handling the guns was incomplete. They find that the rebels of the State of MisHe therefore deemed it advisable not to run the souri are now more completely and fully in the land batteries, but endeavored to coax the Yan-iron grasp of the United States than ever, and kee outside of their fire, where he could have that the rebellion in its incipiency is fully a fare shake at her. He ran up a short dis- crushed out, and that it would be death and detance for that purpose, the Yankee following struction for them to advance into Missouri with until she came to the land battery, where she the comparative handful of men which they stopped under its guns. Commodore Rodgers might bring to bear against the Federal forces. then ran up with his two boats. At Columbus, Even Pillow, rash and foolish as he is, sees this at the upper part of the town, they were fired state of affairs and acts accordingly. on from the bluff by rebels with muskets. Several balls struck the sides of the boats, and one went through the commander's gig. A couple of shell were pitched at them, which fell among them, and they scampered. What effect they had is not known yet.

At Chalk Bluffs, on the Kentucky side, they were again fired into by muskets, but no damage was done. A cavalry company was seen scouting through the woods. A dose of shell was administered to them. On their way up they met the Conestoga gunboat sent down to relieve them, and she was ordered back with them.

All three gunboats are now busily engaged in taking on coal and shot, shell and ammunition, and will, in all probability, return to-morrow. I am promised permission to go with them. The several officers and crews are alive with enthusiasm, and determined to give the rebels the best shot in their lockers.

Doc. 30.




MR. CHAIRMAN and gentlemen: This occasion in no sense, and by no right, is mine. No part of its honors pertains to me. Here, present in the city of New York, called by engagements which pertained to my duty, I have the happiness to find myself in a position to be enabled to unite with you in doing honor to the Twentieth regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, (cheers,) commanded by my friend Colonel Lee, (applause, and three cheers for Colonel Lee,) who, with generous devotion and patriotic alacrity, without a moment's delay or The grand movement on the part of the reb- hesitation, drew his sword, at my invitation, to els is now to take Kentucky out of the Union lead a regiment of Massachusetts soldiers-citiby throwing a force into her rotten part, viz.: zens, of brave and accomplished officers and the southern part of Kentucky, which is heart, brave men. Upon the heads of such as they soul, and body secession and rebel. Armed Divine Providence will pour its benignest beneneutrality in this part of the State is at an end diction, and upon their memories the most fraby the palpable act of her own rebels, who grant gratitude of our posterity shall rest. have called in the aid of Pillow's rebels. Pil- Whatever fortunes may befall them in the low thinks his position in Missouri is no longer field, whether they shall return with their safe or tenable, and now strikes boldly for Ken-shields or be borne upon them, forever be tucky.

Hardee is disgusted and sick of Missouri, and laments the day that he ever set foot in it. He says openly and boldly that Claib. Jackson has deceived him and Pillow as to the real sentiments of the people of Missouri.

They were assured by him that, on their first landing, the flower of the citizens of Missouri

these brave men remembered as among the earliest and among the best-among the truest, foremost, and most patriotic who have drawn or will draw a sword for American liberty or constitutional law. And now, sir, I cannot at this moment forget that our sister New England State of Connecticut is at this hour resigning to the dust all that was mortal of one

of ideas, I grant you; but ideas are universal, not sectional. It is American only in the sense that our liberty is American, embracing within the ample folds of its character, of its promise, of its hopes, all those who, residing with us and denizened among us, are faithful to our cause; and I cannot now fail to call to your recollection that in the recent brilliant exploit of our naval and our military arm off the coast of North Carolina, where a citizen of New York, the venerable and gallant Commodore Stringham, (loud applause,) united his wellearned laurels with those that garlanded the younger brow of a Massachusetts General, But

New England man, whose name and memory shall be as immortal as the stars. Lyon-the brave and heroic-the accomplished soldier, the true-hearted and unflinching patriot, at the head of his column, fell beyond the distant waters of the Mississippi. New EnglandConnecticut-reclaimed his ashes, and mingles them with her dust. But his spirit, hovering over this scene of care and toil and aspiration, is with us now and always. To him and to such as he all that grateful hearts can pay of solemn and yet joyful memories is due. Ile sleeps well in his soldier's grave-others have accompanied him to the silent land, marching through the Jordan of death beneath the Amer-ler. (Applause, and three cheers for Butler.) ican flag for American rights, (applause,) and know how happy, how sweet, it is to die for such a cause. Of such as he and his, wlrat can we say better than the words of the great poet of British liberty:

Flung to the heedless winds,
Or on the waters cast,
Their ashes shall be watched,
And gathered at the last;
And from their scattered dust,
Around us and abroad,
Shall spring a precious seed
Of witnesses for God

When would it be possible for me to forget that among the heroes on that day there were none more deserving of their country's honor, and of proud mention on the brightest page of our history, than the colonel and men of the Twentieth New York regiment of Volunteers under the command of an adopted citizen from the German fatherland-Colonel Max Weber? (Applause, and three cheers for Colonel Weber.) I cannot describe an emotion which all of you must have felt, and in sympathy with which all true hearts must have beat as they read the (Applause.) For, sir, this is not a war for man record of the exploit of that gallant German alone-for country alone; it is a war for hu- regiment of New York, who, upon the edge of manity and God. To us was intrusted this ark the darkness of the night, amid a rolling surf of political salvation-democratic-republican upon that, to them, untried shore, launched liberty conserved under constitutional forms. their frail and tossing boats, and trusted themBy our fathers to us was it transmitted; into selves to the guidance of God and the stars of our present charge has it been placed to be the sky, cut off during all that long night from saved and transmitted to our posterity, and human sympathy and aid. (Applause.) If democratic-republican liberty is the political Massachusetts deserved to be remembered togospel of our time. To us of the United States day, so do the countrymen of Colonel Weber, of America-the people of this Constitutional two companies of whose regiment composed Confederate Union-was committed this pre- the brave and gallant command of Colonel cious charge, not for us alone, but for all hu- Lee, now marching as Massachusetts soldiers. manity, that beneath the shadow of our tree Neither sectional in any sense, nor national in of liberty might the children's children come, any narrow sense of exclusiveness, but univernot only of the remotest generations of our sal as American citizenship; broad and composterity, but of the way-worn wanderers of prehensive as the idea of liberty, which is all lands and peoples. And, as the Infinite bounded by no land, native of no cline, and Father of all men and all spirits carries in the inheritance of no particular people, of no nabosom of His embracing love, nations and peo- tion, clime, kindred, or color under heaven. ples-looking down from the vista of eternal (Great applause.) This cause is the cause of years, and prophesying and preparing good for constitutional liberty, and the rights of univerus all-so did He commit to us, as the priests sal humanity. (Applause.) I am no prophet of this political gospel, its preservation and and no prophet's son; I dare not attempt to transmission, not only for ourselves, but for all cast a horoscope of the future, but I believe in nations and peoples of the earth. (Applause.) the abiding providence of Almighty God. I This, then, sir, is a war for humanity. Chal-know-if aught that tests our human belief, or lenged by rebellion, assaulted by traitors, stabbed even human consciousness, can be spoken of as by the political assassins of liberty-the men knowledge-that He who guided Columbus of Massachusetts, whom you have so generous over the seas, He who led our fathers to the ly commended, marching shoulder to shoulder New England shores, He who preserved them with the men of New York and of other loyal from the dangers of the seas, and the dangers States, have waked up to the trumpet call of of the wilderness, and the dangers of savage their country, to defend the rights thus chal-tribes, He who planted the acorn of the great lenged, and protect the national life thus aimed at by the blows of those whom all posterity and all future history will only remember to call them accursed. (Applause.) This war, sir, is in no sense a sectional one. It is a war

tree of liberty on the unhospitable shore of Plymouth, and has watered it and blessed it, and has led us up till now to the storms of battle, throngh all the trials that opposed a nation's childhood and youth, will never desert

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