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Let guns alone, they're dangerous things;
You'd better stick to peddling.
Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo,

Yankee Doodle dandy ;-
"When next I go to Bully Run,
I'll throw away the brandy."

Yankee Doodle, you had ought
To be a little smarter;
Instead of catching woolly heads,
I vow you've caught a tartar.
Yankee Doodle, doodle-doo,
Yankee Doodle dandy ;-
Go to hum-you've had enough
Of rebels and of brandy.
-Richmond Whig.

RETRIBUTION.-There was an instance of just retribution for treason at Rich Mountain. The Hon. John Hughes, of Beverley, a member of the Virginia Secession Convention at Richmond, heard by some means that our troops were endeavoring to turn the flank of the rebels. He mounted a horse and sped up the hill rapidly, to carry the information to Col. Pegram. When near the summit he was hailed by pickets. Supposing they were Federal pickets, he cried out, "Hold, I am a Northern man." The next instant he fell into the road a corpse, riddled by thirty balls. He had lied, and his own friends, the rebels, whom he was striving to save, believing they were his enemy, put an end to his career.-Louisville Journal, Aug 1.

THE slaves who run away from their masters in Virginia, are set to work at once by Gen. Butler, and made to keep at it, much to their annoyance. One of them having been put to it rather strong, said, 'Golly, Massa Butler, dis nigger never had to work so hard before; guess dis chile will secede once moah."-Ohio Statesman, Aug. 2.

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FEMALE CAVALRY COMPANY.-A cavalry company, composed of young ladies, has recently been formed at Pittsfield, Mass., under the name of "Di Vernon Phalanx." Miss Pinkie Pomeroy is the Captain, and Miss Anna Kipp is the Lieutenant.-Providence Journal, Aug. 2.

A GENEROUS OFFER.-The following notice, signed by a planter in moderate circumstances, has been posted up in the streets of Benton, Ala. It is a generous offer, and we presume will be promptly responded to:-"For the comfort of our army, who are now keeping from our firesides an unnatural and unrelenting enemy, headed by old Abe Lincoln, any family in Benton, or within one mile of my residence, who will knit me six pairs of socks suitable for the army, I will haul and deliver to them two cords of good wood. I will deliver in Benton 100 cords of firewood for 300 pairs of army socks. The tradespeople who need wood, can swop their goods for socks, and get wood in pay for them, and give the girls a chance for a nice calico dress these hard times. This is a gratuity to the army."-Memphis Appeal, Aug. 3.

PRAYER-BOOKS AND SCALPING-KNIVES.-The following letter, picked up by an officer of Gen. Cox's staff, on the ground from which Governor Wise's troops fled, shows the affecting tone of true piety that runs through all the Confederate operations:VOL. III.-POETRY 3

"WAY UP ON THE HILL, below Charleston four miles. "MAT. :-I want you to put every thing in the sergeant's room-every thing that belongs to us. And if there is any engagement, break my little trunk open, and take out my Bible and prayer-book, and those Boone County bonds, and save them for me. I have not read my Bible for sixteen years, but I want them saved. Cook all the provender up there, and put all our cooking utensils together in the sergeant's room. The news is that the enemy is coming up on both sides of the river in a d-d strong force. I am the second company to have a shot. The orders are to scalp all we get near to.

"J. W. M. SHERRY, "Captain of Boone Rangers."

-Phila. Bulletin, Aug. 2.

THE WAR AMONG THE FARMERS.-The Dutch Reformed church near the English Neighborhood, in Bergen County, N. J., was the scene of some little excitement on the 4th of July. The church is located in the midst of a wealthy farming population, which supplies New York with no small share of its best fruit and garden vegetables. It has been the custom to ring the bell in the old church on the 4th of July, but on the late occasion the farmers declared it should not be rung. But a man and a woman, (a widow,) who live next to the church, declared it should be rung. This declaration brought the farmers in force to the church on the morning of the 4th, when a sharp word-battle took place between the one man and the widow on one side, and the farmers on the other. The latter declared that "the bell should never be rung on the 4th of July again, until the North has repented of the wicked and abominable abolitionism which has destroyed the union of our country." The widow declared, that if she could only get hold of the key, and get into the belfry, she "would knock any man down who should attempt to stop her from ringing the bell." But she did not get the key, and the church was kept fast locked the whole day. The incident is valuable as indicating the drift of public thought among the intelligent and non-political farmers of the country.Mobile Advertiser, Aug. 2.

A GOOD SAMARITAN.-Private Job H. Wells, of Company C, was lost in the confusion of the troops at the battle of Bull Run. He got into the woods, and soon after the moon was shut in by a cloud. He wandered till he came to a rye field, where he encamped for the night. Tired and exhausted, he soon fell asleep, but awoke in the morning cold and hungry. He determined to make for a house he saw at a distance, and risk the consequences. He dragged his weary, stiffened limbs along, in a terrible uncertainty as to the reception he should meet with. Arriving at the house and entering, he was heartily welcomed by the lady occupant, who gave him a sofa to rest upon, and in the mean time directed her servants to prepare breakfast. The table was liberally supplied, and our friend told to be seated. The lady was a stanch Unionist, and declared that the National troops were welcome to whatever she had. She said that on the march out, some of the troops stopped at her place and took several ducks; these she cared nothing about, and if they had taken much more they would have been welcome. If they had not broken up her setting hens, she would not have said a word. The good lady did not like to lose her next year's flock. Soon after breakfast, a troop of seces

sionists came in sight. The lady put Mr. Wells in a rear room, while she conversed with some of them. She feigned great ignorance of what had been going on, and learned from them the route they were going. After they had gone, Mr. Wells inquired how he was to get away. "That is easy enough," replied the matron; "trust to me." She ordered one of her servants to saddle a horse and bring it to the door. She then brought out a long overcoat, and told him to put it on. The pockets were liberally supplied with delicacies to serve him on the way. The horse was brought to the door, when the lady told Mr. Wells that the horse was at his service, and would safely carry him through. Said she, "Take the horse, and go to Washington. You may leave him with my son"-giving his name and residence. "If a secessionist meets you, shoot him; if there is more than one, shoot the first, and trust to the horse for the other, for he will soon carry you out of danger." Mr. Wells mounted the horse, and safely reached Washington. He left the horse as directed, and was welcomed by the son as he had been by the mother.

While Mr. Wells was waiting, a Unionist of the vicinity came into the house, and said he was about to leave for Washington; that he had sent his family over, and had stayed behind to see if it was possible to save any thing. The lady asked him if he had any money. He said he had not. She then went up stairs, and returning with a purse of silver, gave it to the gentleman, remarking, "Take this; you may as well have it as the secessionists. They have already divided my property, and apportioned it among themselves; but the first man that makes the attempt, I shall shoot."

Doubtless there are many such noble women in Virginia and elsewhere, who are now suffering daily and nightly through fears of the force and violence of the secessionists. It is for these we fight, as well as ourselves. Let the remembrance of this fact nerve our arms for the conflict, and impel us to speedily give them deliverance.-Providence Journal, Aug. 2.

THE secessionists in Kentucky, who have formed themselves into a regiment, are described as a savage set, who delight to keep every one in terror around them, and consider it a pleasure to chop up a man with an Arkansas tooth-pick. The wife of one of them, who is also a vivandiere, is a thorough soldier, and acts as lieutenant to a company which she drills herself. She is very handsome, and dresses in gay style, and the men all take pride in their dashing heroine, who expressed herself anxious to split a Yankee with her bowie-knife.-Albany Standard, Aug. 1.

SOME REASON LEFT.-In the case of the schooner Crenshaw, tried in the U. S. District Court, at New York, Daniel Lord, an eminent lawyer, took the position that the schooner and the cargo could not be condemned as a prize, because Abe Lincoln had usurped powers not belonging to him, in declaring war without authority of Congress. This reveals two facts-that there is some reason left in the North, and that there must be many who coincide with Mr. Lord, else he would not be allowed to utter such wholesome truths.-N. O. True Delta, Aug. 1.

WHITTIER AND THE ALABAMA PLANTER.-On Monday, the New England Poet, John G. Whittier, passed a few hours here on the way to his lovely

home on the banks of the Merrimac, whence he has given to the world so many ringing lyrics and striking poems, stirring the blood like the blast of a trumpet, redolent of the airs of freedom, or tender with the emotions of friendship, charmingly descriptive of New England home life, or graphically embodying our quaint local legends and sturdy historical traditions. He returns from a brief visit to the Wachusett Hills, improved in health, to resume his pen, we trust, and add still further to the rich stores of American literature which he has already adorned so much. Mr. Whittier manifests a deep interest in the cause of the country, and watches with an anxious eye the course of events. We have heard, on reliable authority, an incident with which he was connected, resulting in a singular interview.

The story is substantially this: A few months ago he met with an Alabama planter in Boston, who expressed a desire to converse with him, and an interview took place, during which there was a free interchange of views. The planter frankly acknowledged that there was in the South a strong feeling of hate toward the North and Northern men, and they were determined to fight. He explained how this feeling was fostered by the politicians of the South, and how the feelings of the North were represented there, and stated that almost his sole object in coming to Boston was to ascertain for himself whether the facts were as they had been represented. He was evidently surprised to find the anti-slavery poet "so mild a mannered man," and confessed that, generally, he did not perceive that the feeling of the North toward the South was so bitter and unfriendly as he had been led to expect. He had experienced nothing but civility and courtesy, and admitted that Southerners generally received the same treatment.

Finally, Whittier, after attending him to some of the desirable places of resort, told him that, as he was now here, he might as well see the worst of the anti-slavery phase of Northern fanaticism, as the fashionable phrase is, and proposed to visit Garrison. The planter consented, and so they turned their steps to the Liberator office, where they found Garrison, Wendell Phillips, and Fred. Douglass, and there they enjoyed a "precious season of conversation." Would it not have been a sight worth seeing-that conclave in the Liberator office, with Garrison, Whittier, Phillips, Douglass, and the Alabama planter, in the foreground? The planter went to his home a wiser, and perhaps a sadder man, than he came, and protested that all he could do, while mourning for the condition of the country, was to pray over it. Would that more of the Southern people might come and see for themselves how basely the North has been belied !— Salem Register, Aug. 29.

GEN. PILLOW'S CHAIN CABLE.-Parson Brownlow says:-" Previous to Gen. Pillow being superseded by Bishop Polk, he went to New Orleans and procured a huge chain cable, costing him $25,000, and brought it to Memphis to blockade the river, by stretching it over and resting it upon buoys. The cable, carriage, and work, cost about $30,000. The first big tide that came, bringing down the usual amount of trees, logs, and drift wood, swept the cable and its supporters, as any flat-boat captain would have informed the Confederate authorities would certainly be the case.-N. Y. Commercial, Aug. 3.

TIME TO LEAVE.-One of the "contraband," who has found his way to Boston with the returning

troops, and who is some fourteen years old, relates his experience on the battle-field as follows:-" Ye see, massa, I was drivin' an ambulance, when a musket-ball came and kill my horse; and den, pretty soon the shell came along, and he blow my wagon all to pieces-and den I got off!"-Boston Journal.

SAFE, BUT NOT COMFORTABLE.-In the battle at Bull Run, a soldier around whom the cannon shot were flying particularly thick, on seeing one strike and bury itself in a bank near him, sprang to the hole it had scooped out, remarking, "Shoot away! you can't hit twice in the same place." At the instant another shot struck at a few feet distance, almost covering the fellow with sand and gravel. Emerging from what had so nearly become his grave, he continued the unfinished sentence, "But you can come so pesky near it that the first hole is uncomfortable."-N. Y. World, Aug. 13.

PATRIOTIC.-The Pine Bluff (Ark.) News tells this: An old man of about seventy, with snowy beard and hair, but hale and stout, hearing that none would be received in the service over forty-five, was so anxious to enlist, that he went down to the barber's shop, and had his hair and beard dyed black, and came out looking quite fresh and young, and will not acknowledge to more than forty now. He is one of the boys, and we venture to say will do as much service as any of them."

The News also records this noble act:-" A young lady near this place, who is a teacher by profession, and who depends entirely upon her profession for support, gave to the Withers Arkansas Rangers, as her offering upon the altar of her country, $125, earned by her own labor."-N. 0. True Delta, Aug. 1.

PIERRE SOULE.-A correspondent of the Boston Journal states that Pierre Soule is a good Union man, and that nothing but the "enormous depreciation of his extensive property in real estate deters him from coming North."

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A WORD FOR THE 69TH N. Y. REGIMENT.-An article in the Memphis (Tenn.) Argus closes thus:"No Southerner but feels that the 69th maintained the old reputation of Irish valor, on the wrong side through misguidance, and not through treachery to the old cause; and not one of us but feels that the day must come when a true understanding of the principle at issue will range their fearless hearts in line with their brethren of the South.

"All honor to the 69th, even in its error."

EX-PRESIDENT TYLER (member of Congress) has been detained at his estate in Charles City County, by illness. We are glad to hear, however, that he is convalescent, and although in bed when the news was read to him of the glorious victory achieved by our troops on the field of Manassas, he called for champagne, and made his family and friends drink the health of our generals.-Richmond Enquirer.

GEN. MCCLELLAN AS A WIT.-The Washington Star, speaking of Gen. McClellan's interview with the " press brigade," last week, says :Gen. McClellan is not fluent of speech apparently, and doubtless doesn't care to be. That there is some little quiet fun in his composition, was apparent at the interview; and on the suggestion being made that

the pictorial papers should be severely talked to for giving representations of our military works and operations, he seemed to think that they could be safely left alone, as quite as likely to confound as to instruct the enemy.-N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, Aug. 7.

"BULLY FOR YOU."-The word Bull is destined to become famous in this war. If our men did run from Bull Run, we have now an offset in the fact that the rebels, under Gen. Henry A. Wise, did also run from Bull's Town. So we now have Bull against Bull, and the bully of Accomac is the set-off, who set off so bravely to do what he could not accomplish. "Bully for you."

There was a man of Accomac,

And he was bully Wise;
He jumped into Kanawha's bush,

And scratched out both his eyes;
And, when he saw he lost his eyes,
With all his might and main,
From Kanawha he quickly flies,
To brag, and-run again.
-National Republican, Aug. 5.

WAR INCIDENTS.-An old lady of Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa., had an only son, a strapping minor, to whom she was sincerely attached. This lad was induced to join a corps from the mountains, and, hoping to deceive the old lady, he invented some plausible tale, and came away. The love of the mother was, however, too great to be deceived, and after a week had elapsed, the true story was revealed to her. She started upon the railroad with a bundle and a small sum of money, and walked to Harrisburg alone, a distance of more than one hundred and fifty miles. At Harrisburg she took the train, and her money brought her to Downington, where she again resumed her tramp, and turned up, much to the lad's astonishment, at Camp Coleman, near Frankford. There the old lady, utterly wearied out, fell sick, and the men, hearing of the case, made up a collection, and provided her a bed and attendance in the neighborhood. But her strength revived with her anxiety, and she proceeded to the railroad with the boy, and kissed him a good-bye at the cars, with the tears falling over her cheeks.

A soldier of one of the returned companies, encamped in the suburbs of Martinsburg, Va., relates the following melting incidents :-Shortly after the arrival of the regiment, the squad messing in a certain tent near a dwelling, were listeners to most beautiful music. The unknown vocalist sang in tones so soft, so tremulous, and so melodious, that the volunteers strained their ears to drink in every note of the air. In daytime they went by squads past the dwelling, but saw no soul. Once they pursued a sylph-like figure to the very gate, but alas! she was not the lady sought for. And so they lived on, each night hearing the music repeated, and when it ceased, ambition and worldly interest went out with them, so that their dreams were filled with fancies of the unseen face.

One night, gathered together, the voice struck up


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leaped the garden pales, and finally, undiscovered, but very pallid and remorseful, gained the casement. Softly raising his head, he peeped within. The room was full of the music. He seemed to grow blind for the moment.

Lo! prone upon the kitchen hearth, sat the mysterious songstress—an ebony-hued negress, scouring the tin kettles.

The soldier's limbs sank beneath him, and the discovered, looking up, said, "Go 'way dar, won't ye, or I'll shy de fryin'-pan out o' de winder!" The soldier left-but not to dream, perchance!-Boston Saturday Evening Gazette, Aug. 3.

THE "LITTLE REBEL."-A lady temporarily residing among the Black Republicans in Northern Pennsylvania, writes to her husband in this city that an increase, in the form of a baby boy, had occurred in their family. In her own words, she adds: "Upon the sex of my baby being known, I proclaimed his name to be Jefferson Davis. The indignation with which this announcement was received, can be better imagined than described. No one pretends to call him by his proper name, but instead, the Little Rebel!' I had silently submitted to insulting abolition harangues until it was supposed I had been cured of all my secession proclivities. Judge, then, if you can, of the great surprise with which I treated the neighborhood in naming my baby!"-N. O. True Delta, Aug. 1.

SOUTHERN VIOLENCE.-Mr. Collins, son of Dr. Collins, a noted Methodist who escaped from the South some time since, relates the following:-"Miss Giernstein, a young woman from Maine, who had been teaching near Memphis, became an object of suspicion, and left for Cairo on the cars. One of the firemen overheard her say to some Northern men, 'Thank God! we shall soon be in a land where there is freedom of thought and speech.' The fellow summoned the Vigilance Committee, and the three Northern men were stripped, and whipped till their flesh hung in strips. Miss G. was stripped to her waist, and thirteen lashes given her bare back."

Mr. Collins says the brave girl permitted no cry or tear to escape her, but bit her lips through and through. With head shaved, scarred, and disfigured, she was at length permitted to resume her journey toward civilization.-N. Y. Tribune, Aug. 7.

"Be it further Resolved, That on the top of each page, above the signature, shall be inscribed the following:-We, citizens of the city of Montgomery, Alabama, whose names appear signed below, do solemnly affirm, in the presence of God, that we will uphold, maintain, and support the Constitution of the Confederate States of America, and hereby pledge our lives and fortunes and most sacred honor in the defence of the rights of the citizens thereof.'

"Resolved, further, That all our citizens be requested to call at the Clerk's office, and sign their names in said register."-Louisville Journal, Aug. 9.

BARRING THEM OUT.-A little child who, in other days, had learned to revere the "Stars and Stripes," upon being told that he must in future say "Stars and Bars," wanted to know whether the "bars" were to bar the Yankees out.-Mobile Evening News, Aug. 20.

BURNING OF HAMPTON, VA.-The subjoined reminiscences are from the Richmond Examiner, and were published just after the burning of the Odd Fellows' Hall and jail at Hampton by the United States troops :

This is the second time in its history that it has been fired by the enemy. In the war of the first Revolution, the English squadron, annoyed by the gallant exploits of two young officers, Samuel and James Daron, attacked Hampton and put the most of it in flames; not, however, without encountering a most gallant resistance from the Hamptonians, supported by the celebrated Culpepper Minute Men-the united force under command of Col. Woodford, who subsequently fell in one of the battles of the Revolution.

No spot in Virginia is invested with more thrilling romance and historic interest than Hampton and its immediate vicinity. It was visited in 1607 by Capt. John Smith, then an Indian town called Kecaughtan. Here Smith and his party were regaled with corn cakes, and exchanged for them_trinkets and beads. The locality was settled from Jamestown in 1610, and was incorporated a century afterward as the town of "Ye Shire of Elizabeth City."

The Episcopal church, an ancient pile made of imported brick, is the oldest building in the village, and probably, from its isolated location, may have escaped the late conflagration. It is the second oldest church COLONEL CORCORAN.-The Richmond Dispatch re- in the State, and is surrounded by a cemetery filled marks:-We hear of but one account, with few ex- with countless "marble marks of the dead." Scatceptions, from all the prisoners taken by our men tered through it may be found, at intervals, stones everywhere, and that is that they came here without with armorial quarterings, designating the restingany intention of fighting the South, but were com- place of honored ancestry. Some of these are very pelled to unite in the invading movement, and that old, dating, in several instances, back into the sevenif they were home they would never be caught in teenth century. Here repose the earthly remains of such a scrape again. The last assertion may be true, many a cavalier and gentleman, whose names are but not a word of the rest. The circumstances un-borne by numerous families all over the Southern der which they left the North are known to the South as well as to themselves; and their very name and organization, volunteers, contradict every word they utter. We confess we have more respect for the most impudent among them-Colonel Corcoran, for example, who, we understand, says: "I went into the business with my whole soul, and I wouldn't take my parole if they'd give it to me."

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One of the traditions connected with this old edifice, is that the venerable steeple was, prior to the Revolution, surmounted with the royal coat-of-arms of George III., but that on the 4th of July, 1776, a thunder-cloud blew up, and lightning rent the steeple and dashed the insignia of royalty to the earth.

The village of Hampton is beautifully situated on an arm of the sea setting in from the adjacent roadstead which bears its name, and is celebrated for its health and facilities for fine living.

The late census showed that the aggregate white

and black population was nearly two thousand, who | for the Southern papers can beat those of the North. pursued nearly all the common or general pursuits A correspondent of the Memphis Appeal says:— of a town of that size. Some of the residences were "Parson Rippetoe, a Methodist preacher, and capof brick, and erected at a heavy cost, belonging to tain of a Virginia company, perforined prodigies of opulent farmers and tradesmen; beside, they had valor at the first taking of Sherman's battery, (for it large gardens, out-houses, and other valuable im- was taken, then lost, then again taken.) He cut the provements, all of which are destroyed.-See Diary throats of the horses, and then engaged Lieutenant of the American Revolution. Sherman in a hand-to-hand conflict with sabres. After a ten minutes' fight-both being accomplished swordsmen-he severed Sherman's head from his body at one blow."

FIVE FIGHTING MINISTERS.-The N. Y. Observer says that a Louisiana clergyman, writing to them over his own name, remarks:

"I am one of five ministers, of three different denominations, in a single company, armed for the defence of our rights and liberties, three of whom are between 50 and 60 years old. And I tell you in candor, and in the fear of God, that if you or any of the brethren who have urged on this diabolical war, come on with the invading army, I would slay you with as hearty a good-will, and with as clear a conscience, as I would the midnight assassin.

"In the name of God, I conjure you, let us alone. I speak the spontaneous sentiment of every Southern heart-man, woman, and child. We will never submit. We will shed the last drop of blood in defence of our rights. You are my enemy, and I anı yours, 66 J. F. F."

The editors remark that they withhold the name of the belligerent subscriber who thus expresses his thirst for their blood, and, after stating that he owes them $25, indulge in the hope that before he "slays" them, he will clear his conscience" by paying that

little bill.

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KISSING BY A REGIMENT.-The Webster (Mass.) Times relates the following incident of the return of the Sixth regiment:-The engine halted for water at the North Village, and as the girls in Slater's mills had congregated upon the lawn, between the mill and the railroad track, the soldiers flocked from the cars and occupied the few minutes of the halt in most prolonged and indiscriminate kissing, to which the blushing girls submitted with a commendable and becoming grace.

BUNSBY RUSSELL ON BULL RUN.-Bunsby Russell, in writing his squib to the Times,

Tells the tale of the flight, but no word of the fight;
How is it all over the inquiry chimes-
Only one-half the story fell under his sight?
But a reason exists why the battle's chief brunt
Brought no sight to his eye, and no sound to his


A strict army rule held him back from the front, For the old women always are kept in the rear.

A TERRIBLE PARson in Battle.-We have about come to the conclusion that the war correspondents


We had a pleasant conversation with General Sherman in our office on Monday last, and he did not appear to be aware that he had been beheaded. At any rate he did not allude to the somewhat interesting event. Possibly, however, his memory may have been affected by the operation, for we cannot suppose the Southern parson would exaggerate.-Providence Journal.


MISS JENNIE A. CURTIS.-Probably all of our readers are familiar with the story of the arrest by the rebels, and subsequent release, of Miss Jeunie A. Curtis,-we notice that many of the papers have insisted on calling her Mrs. Curtis, and in fact the name has appeared in our own columns in that shape, but it is a mistake. We do not publish the letter, as Miss Curtis expressly says it is not intended to go into print. She informs us that her business at Washington was to visit her brother, who is her object being to see for herself how the regiment a member of Capt. Thomas' Company, we believe, fared. Her brother had never made any complaints, and she wanted to know how he was faring. satisfying herself on this point, she was induced by him to remain in the vicinity of the camp until the he expected to accompany her home. She is nowexpiration of his sworn term of three months, when or was at the time the letter was written-boarding home in a few days. Miss Curtis says the "secesh," at the Clarendon Hotel in Washington, but will be and adds:-"I was determined, if I was to die, to as she calls them, did not make much out of her, say all I had to say "—and we have no doubt she said it. As we have before stated, she is the daughter of Mr. Hiram Curtis, of Albion.-Rochester Democrat, Aug. 23.

FLYING ARTILLERY.-Rev. J. T. Montgomery's company of flying artillery, at Montgomery, Ala., now stationed at Judge Johnson's Warehouse, have received quite an accession to their numbers since their arrival in this city. The company now has one hundred and forty members, but we understand there is still room for ten more. About one hundred and twenty horses have been procured.-Mobile Evening News.

DIX'S EPISTLE.-A Sunday-school scholar at Akother members of his class, to repeat from the Bible ron, Ohio, a lad of eleven, on being requested, with a verse of his own selection, promptly gave the following: "If any one attempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot."

PRAYING ON JOHN BROWN'S SENTENCE SEAT.When Gen. Patterson's column had entered Charlestown, Va., and taken possession of the Court House, and raised our flag, to the great indignation of the rebel citizens, the Rev. Mr. Fulton, Chaplain of the

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