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"would be regarded by our contemporaries and by posterity as a fitting "enterprise of a maritime people, and a worthy achievement of a nation "which has ever sought to rank foremost in every arduous and honourable "undertaking." An immediate result of this Report was that the enterprise which it proposed was recommended to the Government by a joint Committee of the British Association and the Royal Society with such success, that Capt. James Ross was sent in command of the Erebus' and 'Terror' to make a magnetic survey of the Antarctic regions, and to plant on his way three Magnetical and Meteorological Observatories, at St. Helena, the Cape, and Van Diemen's Land. A vast mass of precious observations, made chiefly on board ship, were brought home from this expedition. To deduce the desired results from them, it was necessary to eliminate the disturbance produced by the ship's magnetism; and Sabine asked his friend Archibald Smith to work out from Poisson's mathematical theory, then the only available guide, the formulæ required for the purpose. This voluntary task Smith executed skilfully and successfully. It was the beginning of a series of labours carried on with most remarkable practical tact, with thorough analytical skill, and with a rare extreme of disinterestedness, in the intervals of an arduous profession, for the purpose of perfecting and simplifying the correction of the mariner's compass-a problem which had become one of vital importance for navigation, on account of the introduction of iron ships. Edition after edition of the Admiralty Compass Manual' has been produced by the able superintendent of the Compass Department, Captain Evans, containing chapters of mathematical investigation and formula by Smith, on which depend wholly the practical analysis of compass-observations, and rules for the safe use of the compass in navigation. I firmly believe that it is to the thoroughly scientific method thus adopted by the Admiralty, that no iron ship of Her Majesty's Navy has ever been lost through errors of the compass. The British Admiralty Compass Manual' is adopted as a guide by all the navies of the world. It has been translated into Russian, German, and Portuguese; and it is at present being translated into French. The British Association may be gratified to know that the possibility of navigating ironclad war-ships with safety depends on application of scientific principles given to the world by three mathematicians, Poisson, Airy, and Archibald Smith.


Returning to the science of terrestrial magnetism, we find in the Reports of early years of the British Association ample evidence of its diligent cultivation. Many of the chief scientific men of the day from England, Scotland, and Ireland found a strong attraction to the Association in the facilities which it afforded to them for cooperating in their work on this subject. Lloyd, Phillips, Fox, Ross, and Sabine made magnetic observations all over Great Britain; and their results, collected by Sabine, gave for the first time an accurate and complete survey of terrestrial magnetism over the area of this island. I am informed by Professor Phillips that, in the beginning of the Association, Herschel, though a "sincere well-wisher," felt doubts as to the general utility and probable success of the plan and purpose proposed; but his zeal for terrestrial magnetism brought him from being merely a sincere well-wisher to join actively and cordially in the work of the Association. "In 1838 he began to give effec"tual aid in the great question of magnetical Observatories, and was indeed "foremost among the supporters of that which is really Sabine's great work. "At intervals, until about 1858, Herschel continued to give effectual aid." Sabine has carried on his great work without intermission to the present day; thirty years ago he gave to Gauss a large part of the data required.

for working out the spherical harmonic analysis of terrestrial magnetism over the whole earth. A recalculation of the harmonic analysis for the altered state of terrestrial magnetism of the present time has been undertaken by Adams. He writes to me that he has "already begun some of the introduc"tory work, so as to be ready when Sir Edward Sabine's Tables of the values "of the Magnetic Elements deduced from observation are completed, at once "to make use of them," and that he intends to take into account terms of at least one order beyond those included by Gauss. The form in which the requisite data are to be presented to him is a magnetic Chart of the whole surface of the globe. Materials from scientific travellers of all nations, from our home magnetic observatories, from the magnetic observatories of St. Helena, the Cape, Van Diemen's Land, and Toronto, and from the scientific observatories of other countries have been brought together by Sabine. Silently, day after day, night after night, for a quarter of a century he has toiled with one constant assistant always by his side to reduce these observations and prepare for the great work. At this moment, while we are here assembled, I believe that, in their quiet summer retirement in Wales, Sir Edward and Lady Sabine are at work on the magnetic Chart of the world. If two years of life and health are granted to them, science will be provided with a key which must powerfully conduce to the ultimate opening up of one of the most refractory enigmas of cosmical physics, the cause of terrestrial magnetism.

To give any sketch, however slight, of scientific investigation performed during the past year would, even if I were competent for the task, far exceed the limits within which I am confined on the present occasion. A detailed account of work done and knowledge gained in science Britain ought to have every year. The Journal of the Chemical Society and the Zoological Record do excellent service by giving abstracts of all papers published in their departments. The admirable example afforded by the German "Fortschritte" and "Jahresbericht" is before us; but hitherto, so far as I know, no attempt has been made to follow it in Britain. It is true that several of the annual volumes of the Jahresbericht were translated; but a translation, published necessarily at a considerable interval of time after the original, cannot supply the want. An independent British publication is for many obvious reasons desirable. The two publications, in German and English, would, both by their differences and by their agreements, illustrate the progress of science more correctly and usefully than any single work could do, even if appearing simultaneously in the two languages. It seems to me that to promote the establishment of a British Year Book of Science is an object to which the powerful action of the British Association would be thoroughly appropriate.

In referring to recent advances in several branches of science, I simply choose some of those which have struck me as most notable.

Accurate and minute measurement seems to the non-scientific imagination a less lofty and dignified work than looking for something new. But nearly all the grandest discoveries of science have been but the rewards of accurate measurement and patient long-continued labour in the minute sifting of numerical results. The popular idea of Newton's grandest discovery is that the theory of gravitation flashed into his mind, and so the discovery was made. It was by a long train of mathematical calculation, founded on results accumulated through prodigious toil of practical astronomers, that Newton first demonstrated the forces urging the planets towards the Sun, determined the magnitudes of those forces, and discovered that a force fol

lowing the same law of variation with distance urges the Moon towards the Earth. Then first, we may suppose, came to him the idea of the universality of gravitation; but when he attempted to compare the magnitude of the force on the Moon with the magnitude of the force of gravitation of a heavy body of equal mass at the earth's surface, he did not find the agreement which the law he was discovering required. Not for years after would he publish his discovery as made. It is recounted that, being present at a meeting of the Royal Society, he heard a paper read, describing geodesic measurement by Picard which led to a serious correction of the previously accepted estimate of the Earth's radius. This was what Newton required. He went home with the result, and commenced his calculations, but felt so much agitated that he handed over the arithmetical work to a friend: then (and not when, sitting in a garden, he saw an apple fall) did he ascertain that gravitation keeps the Moon in her orbit.

Faraday's discovery of specific inductive capacity, which inaugurated the new philosophy, tending to discard action at a distance, was the result of minute and accurate measurement of electric forces.

Joule's discovery of thermo-dynamic law through the regions of electrochemistry, electro-magnetism, and elasticity of gases was based on a delicacy of thermometry which seemed simply impossible to some of the most distinguished chemists of the day.

Andrews' discovery of the continuity between the gaseous and liquid states was worked out by many years of laborious and minute measurement of phenomena scarcely sensible to the naked eye.


Great service has been done to science by the British Association in promoting accurate measurement in various subjects. The origin of exact science in terrestrial magnetism is traceable to Gauss' invention of methods of finding the magnetic intensity in absolute measure. I have spoken of the great work done by the British Association in carrying out the application of this invention in all parts of the world. Gauss' colleague in the German Magnetic Union, Weber, extended the practice of absolute measurement to electric currents, the resistance of an electric conductor, and the electromotive force of a galvanic element. He showed the relation between electrostatic and electromagnetic units for absolute measurement, and made the beautiful discovery that resistance, in absolute electromagnetic measure, and the reciprocal of resistance, or, as we call it, "conducting power," in electrostatic measure, are each of them a velocity. made an elaborate and difficult series of experiments to measure the velocity which is equal to the conducting power, in electrostatic measure, and at the same time to the resistance in electromagnetic measure, in one and the same conductor. Maxwell, in making the first advance along a road of which Faraday was the pioneer, discovered that this velocity is physically related to the velocity of light, and that, on a certain hypothesis regarding the elastie medium concerned, it may be exactly equal to the velocity of light. Weber's measurement verifies approximately this equality, and stands in science monumentum ære perennius, celebrated as having suggested this most grand theory, and as having afforded the first quantitative test of the recondite properties of matter on which the relations between electricity and light depend. A remeasurement of Weber's critical velocity on a new plan by Maxwell himself, and the important correction of the velocity of light by Foucault's laboratory experiments, verified by astronomical observation, seem to show a still closer agreement. The most accurate possible determination of Weber's critical velocity is just now a primary object of the Association's

Committee on Electric Measurement; and it is at present premature to speculate as to the closeness of the agreement between that velocity and the velocity of light. This leads me to remark how much science, even in its most lofty speculations, gains in return for benefits conferred by its application to promote the social and material welfare of man. Those who perilled and lost their money in the original Atlantic Telegraph were impelled and supported by a sense of the grandeur of their enterprise, and of the worldwide benefits which must flow from its success; they were at the same time not unmoved by the beauty of the scientific problem directly presented to them; but they little thought that it was to be immediately, through their work, that the scientific world was to be instructed in a long-neglected and discredited fundamental electric discovery of Faraday's, or that, again, when the assistance of the British Association was invoked to supply their electricians with methods for absolute measurement (which they found necessary to secure the best economical return for their expenditure, and to obviate and detect those faults in their electric material which had led to disaster), they were laying the foundation for accurate electric measurement in every scientific laboratory in the world, and initiating a train of investigation which now sends up branches into the loftiest regions and subtlest ether of natural philosophy. Long may the British Association continue a bond of union, and a medium for the interchange of good offices between science and the world!

The greatest achievement yet made in molecular theory of the properties of matter is the Kinetic theory of Gases, shadowed forth by Lucretius, definitely stated by Daniel Bernoulli, largely developed by Herapath, made a reality by Joule, and worked out to its present advanced state by Clausius and Maxwell. Joule, from his dynamical equivalent of heat, and his experiments upon the heat produced by the condensation of gas, was able to estimate the average velocity of the ultimate molecules or atoms composing it. His estimate for hydrogen was 6225 feet per second at temperature 60° Fahr., and 6055 feet per second at the freezing-point. Clausius took fully into account the impacts of molecules on one another, and the kinetic energy of relative motions of the matter constituting an individual atom. He investigated the relation between their diameters, the number in a given space, and the mean length of path from impact to impact, and so gave the foundation for estimates of the absolute dimensions of atoms, to which I shall refer later. He explained the slowness of gaseous diffusion by the mutual impacts of the atoms, and laid a secure foundation for a complete theory of the diffusion of fluids, previously a most refractory enigma. The deeply penetrating genius of Maxwell brought in viscosity and thermal conductivity, and thus completed the dynamical explanation of all the known properties of gases, except their electric resistance and brittleness to electric force.

No such comprehensive molecular theory had ever been even imagined before the nineteenth century. Definite and complete in its area as it is, it is but a well-drawn part of a great chart, in which all physical science will be represented with every property of matter shown in dynamical relation to the whole. The prospect we now have of an early completion of this chart is based on the assumption of atoms. But there can be no permanent satisfaction to the mind in explaining heat, light, elasticity, diffusion, electricity and magnetism, in gases, liquids, and solids, and describing precisely the relations of these different states of matter to one another by statistics of great numbers of atoms, when the properties of the atom itself are simply assumed. When the theory, of which we have the first

instalment in Clausius and Maxwell's work, is complete, we are but brought face to face with a superlatively grand question, what is the inner mechanism of the atom?

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In the answer to this question we must find the explanation not only of the atomic elasticity, by which the atom is a chronometric vibrator according to Stokes's discovery, but of chemical affinity and of the differences of quality of different chemical elements, at present a mere mystery in science. Helmholtz's exquisite theory of vortex-motion in an incompressible frictionless liquid has been suggested as a finger-post, pointing a way which may possibly lead to a full understanding of the properties of atoms, carrying out the grand conception of Lucretius, who "admits no subtle "ethers, no variety of elements with fiery, or watery, or light, or heavy "principles; nor supposes light to be one thing, fire another, electricity a "fluid, magnetism a vital principle, but treats all phenomena as mere pro"perties or accidents of simple matter." This statement I take from an admirable paper on the atomic theory of Lucretius, which appeared in the North British Review' for March 1868, containing a most interesting and instructive summary of ancient and modern doctrine regarding atoms. Allow me to read from that article one other short passage finely describing the present aspect of atomic theory:-"The existence of the chemical "atom, already quite a complex little world, seems very probable; and "the description of the Lucretian atom is wonderfully applicable to it. We "are not wholly without hope that the real weight of each such atom may some day be known-not merely the relative weight of the several atoms, "but the number in a given volume of any material; that the form and "motion of the parts of each atom and the distances by which they are "separated may be calculated; that the motions by which they produce heat, "electricity, and light may be illustrated by exact geometrical diagrams; and "that the fundamental properties of the intermediate and possibly constituent "medium may be arrived at. Then the motion of planets and music of the "spheres will be neglected for a while in admiration of the maze in which "the tiny atoms run."


Even before this was written some of the anticipated results had been partially attained. Loschmidt in Vienna had shown, and not much latter Stoney independently in England showed, how to deduce from Clausius and Maxwell's kinetic theory of gases a superior limit to the number of atoms in a given measurable space. I was unfortunately quite unaware of what Loschmidt and Stoney had done when I made a similar estimate on the same foundation, and communicated it to Nature' in an article on "The Size of Atoms." But questions of personal priority, however interesting they may be to the persons concerned, sink into insignificance in the prospect of any gain of deeper insight into the secrets of nature. The triple coincidence of independent reasoning in this case is valuable as confirmation of a conclusion violently contravening ideas and opinions which had been almost universally held regarding the dimensions of the molecular structure of matter. Chemists and other naturalists had been in the habit of evading questions as to the hardness or indivisibility of atoms by virtually assuming them to be infinitely small and infinitely numerous. We must now no longer look upon the atom, with Boscovich, as a mystic point endowed with inertia and the attribute of attracting or repelling other such centres with forces depending upon the intervening distances (a supposition only tolerated with the tacit assumption that the inertia and attraction of each atom is infinitely small and the number of atoms infinitely great), nor can we agree with those who have

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