ScienceJohn Michels (Journalist) 1959 |
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Результаты 1 – 3 из 78
Стр. 107
... operation the force is applied to a load ring that has a differential transformer attached to its internal bosses . Deflection is transmitted to a null - balance instru- ment where it is balanced against the measured displacement of ...
... operation the force is applied to a load ring that has a differential transformer attached to its internal bosses . Deflection is transmitted to a null - balance instru- ment where it is balanced against the measured displacement of ...
Стр. 114
... operation - Less than 30 seconds required for start - up ; subsequent operation fully automatic , operator's presence not needed . Economical , maintenance - free operation - The Model L is a heavy - duty , precision instrument which ...
... operation - Less than 30 seconds required for start - up ; subsequent operation fully automatic , operator's presence not needed . Economical , maintenance - free operation - The Model L is a heavy - duty , precision instrument which ...
Стр. 1042
... operation - Less than 30 seconds required for start - up ; subsequent operation fully automatic , operator's presence not needed . Economical , maintenance - free operation - The Model L is a heavy - duty , precision instrument which ...
... operation - Less than 30 seconds required for start - up ; subsequent operation fully automatic , operator's presence not needed . Economical , maintenance - free operation - The Model L is a heavy - duty , precision instrument which ...
Developmental Psychology G G Thompson | 386 |
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AAAS acetylcholine acid activity American amino acids ammonia animals application areas Association Atomic basic behavior biochemical biological California carnitine cells Center Chem chemical chemistry Chicago citron cloud College Colorimeters Committee Council crystals culture Department Dept director effects electron ence energy Engineering enzyme experience field folic acid genetic glycine gram hemoglobin hydroxyproline ical Institute instrument International laboratory measurements mechanism Medical ment methemoglobin microscope mitochondria Model National National Science Foundation nictitating membrane nuclear nuclei observed operation optical organic papers percent Ph.D physics plant present president problem production protein protozoa radiation range References and Notes Ruth Benedict samples School Science scientific scientists Society soil Soviet specific surface Technology temperature theory tion tissue ture United Univ University vitamin B12 volume Washington World Data Center York