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Then I chant it for thee-I glorify thee above all;

I bring thee a song that when thou must indeed come, come un


Approach, strong Deliveress!

When it is so-when thou hast taken them, I joyously sing the


Lost in the loving, floating ocean of thee,

Laved in the flood of thy bliss, O Death.

From me to thee glad serenades,


Dances for thee I propose, saluting thee-adornments and feastings for thee;

And the sights of the open landscape, and the high-spread sky, are fitting,

And life and the fields, and the huge and thoughtful night.

The night, in silence, under many a star;

The ocean shore, and the husky whispering wave, whose voice I


And the soul turning to thee, O vast and well-veil'd Death,
And the body gratefully nestling close to thee.

Over the tree-tops I float thee a song!


Over the rising and sinking waves—over the myriad fields, and the prairies wide;

Over the dense-pack'd cities all, and the teeming wharves and


I float this carol with joy, with joy to thee, O Death!

To the tally of my soul,


Loud and strong kept up the gray-brown bird,

With pure, deliberate notes, spreading, filling the night.

Loud in the pines and cedars dim,

Clear in the freshness moist, and the swamp-perfume;
And I with my comrades there in the night.

While my sight that was bound in my eyes unclosed,
As to long panoramas of visions.

"Lilacs reads "Approach, encompassing Death-strong Deliveress!"



I saw askant the armies ;1

And I saw, as in noiseless dreams, hundreds of battle-flags; Borne through the smoke of the battles, and pierc'd with missiles, I saw them,

And carried hither and yon through the smoke, and torn and bloody;

And at last but a few shreds' left on the staffs, (and all in


And the staffs all splinter'd and broken.

I saw battle-corpses, myriads of them,

And the white skeletons of young men-I saw them;

I saw the debris and debris of all the dead soldiers of the war ;3

But I saw they were not as was thought;

They themselves were fully at rest-they suffer'd not;

The living remain'd and suffer'd-the mother suffer'd,


And the wife and the child, and the musing comrade suffer'd, And the armies that remain'd suffer'd.


Passing the visions, passing the night;

Passing, unloosing the hold of my comrades' hands;

Passing the song of the hermit bird, and the tallying song of my soul,

(Victorious song, death's outlet song, yet varying, ever-altering


As low and wailing, yet clear the notes, rising and falling,

flooding the night,


Sadly sinking and fainting, as warning and warning, and yet again bursting with joy,

Covering the earth, and filling the spread of the heaven,
As that powerful psalm in the night I heard from recesses,)
Passing, I leave thee, lilac with heart-shaped leaves;

I leave thee there in the door-yard, blooming, returning with spring.

1 Lilacs reads "I saw the vision of armies."

2 Lilacs reads "shreds of the flags left," etc.

3 "of the war" added in 1870.

Lilacs reads "Must I leave thee," etc.

5 Lilacs reads "Must I leave thee," etc.

I cease from my song for thee;'

From my gaze on thee in the west, fronting the west, commun

ing with thee,

O comrade lustrous, with silver face in the night.



Yet each I keep, and all, retrievements out of the night;"
The song, the wondrous chant of the gray-brown bird,3
And the tallying chant, the echo arous'd in my soul,
With the lustrous and drooping star, with the countenance full

of woe,


With the lilac tall, and its blossoms of mastering odor;
With the holders holding my hand, nearing the call of the


Comrades mine, and I in the midst, and their memory ever I keep for the dead I loved so well;

For the sweetest, wisest soul of all my days and lands. . . and this for his dear sake;

Lilac and star and bird, twined with the chant of my soul,
There in the fragrant pines, and the cedars dusk and dim.


First published in "When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloom'd," 1865-6.


O CAPTAIN ! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;

The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
But O heart! heart! heart!

O the bleeding drops of red,"

Where on the deck my Captain lies,

Fallen cold and dead.

1 Lilacs reads "Must I pass from my song for thee."

"retrievements out of the night

31870 adds "I keep."

1870 adds "I keep."

" added in 1870.

5 Line 204 in "Lilacs" is next to the last line.
Lilacs reads "Leave you not the little spot.

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O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up for you the flag is flung-for you the bugle trills;
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths-for you the shores

For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!

This arm beneath your head ;1

It is some dream that on the deck,

You've fallen cold and dead.


My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;

The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won : 20
Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!

But I, with mournful tread,

Walk the deck my Captain lies,

Fallen cold and dead.


(MAY 4, 1865.)3

First published in "Drum-Taps," 1865.

HUSH'D be the camps to-day;


And, soldiers, let us drape our war-worn weapons;
And each with musing soul retire, to celebrate,

Our dear commander's death.

No more for him life's stormy conflicts;

Nor victory, nor defeat-no more time's dark events,
Charging like ceaseless clouds across the sky.

But sing, poet, in our name;


Sing of the love we bore him-because you, dweller in camps,

know it truly.

1 Lilacs reads "This arm I push beneath you."

2 Lilacs. For "mournful" reads "silent."

3 Added in 1870. 1865 reads "A. L. Buried, April 19, 1865."

As they invault the coffin there;

Sing as they close the doors of earth upon him—one verse,1 For the heavy hearts of soldiers.



First published in 1870.

THIS dust was once the Man,

Gentle, plain, just and resolute-under whose cautious hand, Against the foulest crime in history known in any land or age, Was saved the Union of These States.


First published in 1860.


O To make the' most jubilant poem !

Even to set off these, and merge with these, the carols of Death.3 O full of music! full of manhood, womanhood, infancy!

Full of common employments! full of grain and trees.

O for the voices of animals! O for the swiftness and balance of fishes!

O for the dropping of rain-drops in a poem !

O for the sunshine, and motion of waves in a poem.*

O the joy of my spirit! it is uncaged! it darts like lightning! It is not enough to have this globe, or a certain time—I will have thousands of globes, and all time.

1 Drum-Taps reads " Sing, with the shovel'd clods that fill the grave--a verse."

2 1860 for "the" reads "a."

3 Line 2 added in 1870.

After line 7, 1860 '67 read "O to be on the sea! the wind, the wide waters around;

O to sail in a ship under full sail at sea."

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