The Crime Against Kansas; the Apologies for the Crime. the True RemedyGeneral Books, 2013 - Всего страниц: 34 This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1856 edition. Excerpt: ... - liberties, whether of speech, the press, the bar, the trial by jury, or the electoral franchise. And, sir, all this has been done, not merely to introduce a wrong which in itself is a denial of all rights, and in dread of which a mother has lately taken the life of her offspring; not merely, as has been sometimes said, to protect Slavery in Missouri, since it is futile for this State to complain of Freedom on the side of Kansas, when Freedom exists without complaint on the side of Iowa, and also on the side of Illinois; but it has been done for the sake of political power, in order to bring two new slaveholding senators upon this floor, and thus to fortify in the National Government the - desperate chances of a waning Oligarchy. As the ship, voyaging on pleasant summer seas, is assailed by a pirate crew, and robbed for the sake of its doubloons and dollars -- so is this beautiful Territory now assailed in its peace and prosperity, and robbed, in order to wrest its political power to the side of Slavery. Even now the black flag of the land-pirates from Missouri waves at the mast-head; in their laws you hear the pirate yell, and see the flash of the pirate-knife; while, incredible to relate ! the President, gathering the Slave Power at his back, testifies a pirate sympathy. SiTf all this was done in the name of Popular Sovereignty. And this is the close of the tragedy. Popular Sovereignty, which, when truly understood, is a fountain of just power, has ended in Popular Slavery; not merely in the subjection of the unhappy African race, but of this proud Caucasian blood, which you boast. The profession with which you began, of All by the People, has been lost in the wretched reality of Nothing for the People. Popular Sovereignty, in... |
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The Crime Against Kansas: The Apologies for the Crime. The True Remedy Charles Sumner Полный просмотр - 1856 |
The Crime Against Kansas: The Apologies for the Crime. The True Remedy Charles Sumner Полный просмотр - 1856 |
The Crime Against Kansas: The Apologies for the Crime. The True Remedy Charles Sumner Полный просмотр - 1856 |