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ness, and temperance, and a judgment to come, Felix was alarmed, and said, "Go thy ways for the present, and when I find an opportunity, I will send for thee." 26 He hoped also, that money would have been given him by Paul for his liberty; and for this reason, he sent for him oftener, and conversed 27 with him. But after two years Felix was succeeded by Porcius Festus; and Felix wishing to gratify the Jews, left Paul bound.


fuses to

have him

now standing at the judgment-seat CHAP.
of Cesar, where I ought to be XXV.
tried. To the Jews I have done
no wrong, as thou also knowest
very well. For if I have done 11
wrong, or have committed any
thing worthy of death, I refuse not
to die; but if there be nothing in
what they accuse me, no man
should give me up to gratify them.
I appeal unto Cesar." Then Fes- 12
tus, after a conference with the
council, answered, "Thou hast
appealed unto Cesar; unto Cesar
shalt thou go.'


lates Paul's

case to

Now when Festus came into the province, after three days he went Festus re- up from Cesarea to Jerusalem. Then the high priest, and the chief brought to of the Jews, brought an accusation Jerusalem. before him against Paul, and en3 treated him to favour them by sending for Paul to Jerusalem, intending to lie in wait on the road 4 to kill him. But Festus answered, that Paul was in custody at Cesarea, and that himself was going thither 5 from Jerusalem very soon. "Let those of you, therefore," said he, "who are able to bring any charge against this man, go down with 6 me to accuse him." So after a stay of eight or ten days longer, he went down to Cesarea; and the very next day, sat on the judgment-tunity of making his defence, conseat, and commanded Paul to be cerning the crime laid to his charge. 7 brought. And when he appeared, Accordingly they came hither, and 17 the Jews who had come down from the day after, without loss of time, Jerusalem stood round, and brought I sat on the judgment-seat, and many and heavy accusations against ordered the man to be brought; Paul, which they could not prove; against whom, his accusers, on 18 9 whilst he answered for himself, their appearance, brought no ca"Neither against the law of the pital charge, as I expected; but 19 Jews, nor against the temple, nor had against him some questions against Cesar, have I done any concerning their own religion, wrong.' and concerning one Jesus, who had died, but was affirmed by Paul to be alive.

Now in the course of some days, 13 king 'Agrippa and Bernice came Festus re.. to Česarea, to pay their respects to Festus; and as they continued Agrippa. there several days, Festus laid Paul's case before the king, saying, "There is a man left in 15 prison by Felix, against whom, when I was at Jerusalem, the chief priests and elders laid an information, requiring his condemnation. To whom I answered, that it is 16 not a custom with the Romans to gratify any man with the condemnation of another; but that the accused must have the accusers face to face, and have an oppor

Paul appeals to Cesar.


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But Festus, wishing to gratify the Jews, said to Paul," Art thou willing to go up to Jerusalem, and there be tried for these things be10 fore me?" But Paul said, I am

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"Now because I was doubtful 20 about an enquiry into such matters, I asked, if he were willing

Sister to king Agrippa, with whom she is said to have lived in a state of incest.

CHAP to go to Jerusalem, and there be XXVI. tried for these things. But as Paul 21 appealed to be reserved for the determination of the august emperor, I commanded him to be kept until 22 I could send him to Cesar." Then Agrippa said to Festus, "I also could have liked to hear this man myself." "To-morrow," said he," thou shalt hear him."

23 Paul is

brought be



Accordingly, on the morrow, Agrippa and Bernice came with fore Festus, great pomp, and entered the judgAgrippa ment-hall with the commanders, and Bernice and principal men of the city, being pre- when Festus gave orders for Paul to be brought. And Festus said, King Agrippa, and all ye that are here present, behold this man, against whom the whole multitude of the Jews applied to me both at Jerusalem, and here also, crying out that he ought not to live any 25 longer. But when I found that he had done nothing worthy of death, and he himself appealed to the august emperor, I determined to send 26 him thither, and as I have nothing certain to write to our sovereign, I have brought him forth before you, and especially before thee king Agrippa, that after examination I 27 may have something to write; for I think it foolish to send a prisoner, without signifying also the charges laid against him."


His defence.


Now as to my life; since my youth, CHAP.
which I spent from the first among
mine own nation, at Jerusalem, all 4
these Jews, who were acquainted 5
with me many years ago, know, if
they would own it, that after the
strictest sect of our religion, I lived
a Pharisee. And now I stand to 6
be judged for the hope of that 'pro-
mise, which God made to our fa-
thers; which our twelve tribes, 7
serving God with earnestness day
and night, hope to obtain. On
account of this hope, king Agrip-
pa, I am accused by the Jews.
What! It is esteemed then among §
you a thing incredible that God
should raise the dead! And I in- 9
deed was of opinion once, that I
ought to make great opposition to
the name of Jesus of Nazareth,
who taught this doctrine from
God; and after procuring the au- 10
thority of the chief priests, I shut
up many of the saints in prison,
and gave my vote against those
who were put to death; and by 11
punishing them throughout the
synagogues, I often compelled
them to revile the name of Jesus;
and through excessive rage against
them, even to madness, I pursued
them to foreign cities also.

"As I was going to Damascus 12
upon this business, with the autho-
rity and permission of the chief
Upon this, Agrippa said to Paul, priests, at mid-day, as I was on the 13
"Thou art permitted to speak for road, I saw, O king! a light from
thyself." Then Paul stretched forth heaven, above the brightness of the
his hand, and began his defence: sun, shine around me, and my fel-
2"I think myself happy, king Agrip-low-travellers. And after we had 14
pa, in making my defence before all fallen to the earth, I heard a
thee this day, against all the ac-voice speaking unto me and say-
3 cusations of the Jews; especially asing, in the Hebrew tongue, Saul,
thou art acquainted with all the Saul, why persecutest thou me?
customs and questions which are It is hard for thee to kick against
among the Jews; wherefore, I be-goads.' Then I said, Who art 15
seech thee to hear me patiently. thou, Sir?' and he said, 'Iam Jesus,

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Of being raised from the dead.

A manner of speaking taken from refractory oxen, who kick against the goads,

by which they are driven, and thus wound
themselves more deeply.



hath not been done in a corner. CHAP. King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets? I know that thou be- 27 lievest them."

feels a sud

Then Agrippa said to Paul: 28 "Thou almost persuadest me to Agrippa become a Christian.' And Paul den imsaid, "I would to God, that not pulse of only thou, but all likewise who conviction. hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether, such as I am, except these bonds." And when 30 Paul had thus spoken, the king, and the governor, and Bernice, and those who were sitting with them, went aside, and conferred with each other, saying, "This man is 31 doing nothing worthy of death or of bonds."

Then Agrippa said 32 unto Festus, " This man might have been set at liberty, if he had not appealed unto Cesar."

CHAP. whom thou persecutest; but arise,
and stand upon thy feet; for I have
16 appeared unto thee for this purpose,
to appoint thee a minister, and a
witness of what thou hast seen, and
17 of what I will show thee; and I
will deliver thee from this people,
and from the Gentiles, unto whom
18 I am now sending thee, to open
their eyes, that they may turn from
darkness unto light, and from the
power of Satan unto God; that
they may receive forgiveness of
sins, and inheritance among those
that are sanctified by faith in me.'
19 Wherefore, king Agrippa! I was
not disobedient to the heavenly vi-
20 sion, but declared first to those in
Damascus, and in Jerusalem, and
through all the country of Judea;
and then to the Gentiles, that they
should repent, and turn to God by
doing works worthy of repent-
21 ance. Because of these things, the
Jews, in a body, seized me in the
temple, and were preparing to kill
22 me; but having obtained help
from God, I continue to this day
witnessing both to small and great,
saying nothing but what the pro-ing by Asia, we bore away, with
phets and Moses spake of, as about Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thes-
23 to come, that the Christ would salonica, in our company.
suffer death, and would be the first the next day we reached Sidon;
to proclaim salvation to the people and Julius treated Paul with much
of the Jews, and to the Gentiles, kindness, and gave him leave to
by a resurrection from the dead." go to his friends for refreshment.
And we bore away thence, and 4
sailed under Cyprus, because the
winds were contrary; and when 5
we had sailed over the sea of Ci-
licia, and Pamphylia, we came to
Myra, a city of Lycia; and the 6
centurion finding there a ship of
Alexandria bound for Italy; put
us on board, and after sailing 7
slowly for many days, and having
scarcely come over against Cnidus,
the wind not suffering us, we sail-
ed under Crete, by Salmone; and S

Paul replies to Festus's

Now whilst he was in this part of his defence, Festus said with a loud voice, "Paul thou art beside charge of thyself; much learning hath made madness. thee mad." But Paul said, "I am 25 not mad, most excellent Festus, but utter the words of truth and of 26 a sound mind: for these things are well understood by the king, before whom, for this reason, I speak with confidence; and I persuade myself that none of these things are unknown to him; for this affair

his friends

Now, when it was determined CHAP. that we should sail to Italy, Paul XXVII. and some other prisoners were de- Paul and livered to a centurion of the Au- sail from gustan 'band, named Julius; and Cesarea. having gone on board a ship of 2 Adramyttium, with a view of coast


And 3

A cohort of the Augustan legion. tioned in this chapter, the reader is re-
For this and the other places men-quested to consult his map.



CHAP. having passed by with difficulty, all hopes of safety at length fail- CHAP. we came to a place called Fair-ed us. havens, near which was a city named Lasea.

Cyprus to

* Crete.


to take

But after long abstinence, Paul 21 stood up in the midst of them, and Paul exNow, as much time had been said, "Sirs, ye should have follow- horts them Passing spent, and sailing was become dan-ed my advice, and not have loosed courage; the north, gerous at this season (for the Jew from Crete, to get this damage and they come ish fast was now ended) Paul ad- loss; now, however, I exhort you 22 vised them, saying, "Sirs, I per- to take courage: for there will be 10 ceive that this voyage will be at-no loss of life among you, but of tended with damage, and great loss, not to the lading and the ship on11 ly, but to ourselves." But the centurion paid more regard to the pilot and the master of the ship, 12 than to the advice of Paul. Now, this harbour of Fairhavens, being unfit to winter in, the greater part advised to bear away thence also, if by any means they might reach Phenice, to winter there, a haven of Crete lying toward the south-west and west.

Soon after

Crete, they




13 Accordingly, upon the springing of a gentle south wind, supposleaving ing that they should obtain their are over- purpose, they weighed anchor, and taken by a passed close by Crete. But not long after, a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon, beat against 15 them; so the ship being forced away with it, and unable to face the wind, we gave her up, and 16 were driven along. Now as we ran under a little island called Clauda, we were scarcely able to make ourselves masters of the boat: 17 but at last the sailors took her, and employed all in assisting to undergird the ship, and being afraid of striking on the quick sands, slackened sail, and thus 18 were driven: but on the next day, the tempest continuing very violent, we began to lighten the ship; 19 and on the third day, cast out with our own hands the lading of the 20 ship. Then, as neither sun, nor stars had appeared for several days, and no small tempest lay upon us,

The day of atonement, in September.
Lev, xvi. 29,

the ship only; for an angel of that 23
God to whom I belong, and whom
I serve, stood by me this very
night, and said, "Fear not, Paul!
thou must be brought before Cesar; 24
and behold! God hath graciously
given thee the lives of all that are
sailing with thee.' Wherefore, 25
Sirs, be of good courage; for I
trust God that it will be as I was
told. However, we must be cast 26
on a certain island."


them could

So, on the fourteenth night, as we 27 were driven backwards, and for- assures the wards in the Adriatic sea, about that if the midnight, the sailors began to sus- sailors left pect that they were drawing near to the ship, some land, and upon sounding, none of found twenty fathoms depth of be saved. water, and sounding again soon after, found fifteen fathoms. Then, 29 being afraid of falling upon rocks, they cast four anchors astern, and wished for day. Now, the sailors 30 being desirous to quit the ship, and letting down the boat into the sea, under pretence of casting out anchors from the foreship, Paul 31 said to the centurion, and to the soldiers, "Unless these stay in the ship, ye cannot be saved" then 32 the soldiers cut off the ropes of the boat, and let her go.

after his

Now, while the day was coming 33 on, Paul exhorted thein all to take By his ad some nourishment, saying, "It is vice, and the fourteenth day of the tempest, example, during which ye have remained in they take suspence, almost without food: wherefore I exhort you to partake

• With cables, or chains brought round, to prevent the sides from starting.






CHAP. of food, for this concerns your [* Melita, and the barbarians showed CHAP. safety; and not a hair shall fall us no common humanity, for they from the head of any among you.' ."kindled a fire, and brought us all to They are 35 So, when he had thus spoken, he it, because of the present rain, and kindly treated by took bread, and gave thanks to because of the cold. And when the natives God in the presence of them all, Paul had gathered a bundle of of Melita. and broke it, and began to eat: sticks, and laid it on the fire, a vi- 3 36 then were all encouraged, and took per, driven out by the heat, fasten37 nourishment themselves. Now we ed on his hand. Now, when the 4 were in the ship two hundred barbarians saw the viper hanging three score and sixteen persons. from his hand, they said to each 38 And when they had satisfied them- other, "No doubt this man is a selves with food, they began to murderer; and though he hath lighten the ship, by casting out the escaped from the sea, vengeance will not suffer him to live." But 5 he shook off the viper into the fire, and felt no harm, while they were 6 expecting that he was going to swell, or to fall down dead suddenly: after waiting, however, a good while, and seeing nothing amiss befall him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god.

wrecked, but the


corn into the sea.

And when it was day, they knew The ves- not the land, but observed a bay sel is with an even shore; in which they resolved, if possible, to save the Crew saved. ship. So they cut away, the an40 chors, and left them in the sea, and loosing the bands of the rudders at the same time, and hoisting up the main sail to the wind, they 41 made toward shore. But having reached a place, where two currents met, they ran the ship aground, and the fore part stuck fast, and remained immoveable, but the stern was broken with the violence of 42 the winds. Now it was the advice of the soldiers to kill the prisoners, lest any of them should swim away 43 and escape; but the centurion wishing to preserve Paul, kept them from their purpose, and ordered those who could swim, to throw themselves first from the vessel into the sea, and get to land: 44 and the rest to place themselves, some on planks, and some on things belonging to the ship. And thus they all contrived to escape safe to land.

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Now, in the neighbourhood of 7
that place, were possessions of the
chief man of the island, whose
name was Publius; who received
us, and entertained us kindly. And 8
it happened that the father of Publius
lay sick of a fever, and a bloody
flux: into whose house Paul went,
and prayed, and laid his hands on
him, and cured him; and upon 9
this, others also in the island, who
had diseases, came to Paul, and
were cured; and they showed us 10
great respect, and when we set sail,
put for us necessaries on board.

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Now, after three months, we put 11 to sea in a ship of Alexandria, that They get had wintered in the island, the sign of which vessel was Castor and Pollux; and having landed at Sy- 12 racuse, we remained there three days, and thence we coasted round, 13 and came to Rhegium; and a day

I Which had been fastened when the vessel was left to drive before the wind. These were now loosed in order to steer the ship. The ships of those times had usually two rudders.

• In the Adriatic sea, between Corcyra and Illyria.

3 Imaginary sons of Jupiter, images of whom were fixed on the prow of the ship.

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