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CHAP. 1.

Address to Jews in general.



obtain it.


AMES, a servant of God, and of the Lord Jesus Christ, unto the twelve tribes scattered abroad, wisheth health.


temptation, for when he hath been CHAP.
proved, he will receive the crown
of life, which the Lord hath pro- Every
mised to them that love him. Let good gift

is from

2 Account it great joy, my bre-no man say, when he is tempted, God. He recom thren, when ye fall into various "I am tempted of God;" for God 13 trials, knowing that such proof of is unacquainted with evil, nor doth he tempt any man; but each is 14 tempted by his own evil desire, and is allured by the bait of it. Then 15 when desire hath conceived, it beareth sin, and sin, when her full time is come, bringeth forth death. Do not deceive yourselves, my be- 16 loved brethren. Every good gift, 17 and every perfect benefit, cometh down from above, from the Father of lights, with whom is no change, nor shadow of turning. By his will 18 he brought us forth unto the doctrine of truth, that we might be a first fruits of his creatures.

perfection, your fidelity produceth patience; and how to and let patience have its full effect, that ye may be perfect and entire, 5 deficient in nothing. Now, if any of you be wanting in wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth liberally to all without upbraiding, 6 and it will be given him; but let him ask in confidence, without mistrust; for the mistrustful man is like a troubled sea, moved by the 7 wind and tossed about. And let not that man think that he will re8 ceive any thing from the Lord; he is a man of a divided mind, unsteady in all his ways. So then, my beloved bre- 19 Now, let the brother of low de-thren! let every man be swift to Hearing gree glory in his exaltation as a hear, slow to speech, slow to anger; without Christian: but the rich in his for the anger of man accom- obeying it, lowliness, because as the fresh-plisheth not the righteous designs will be of ness of a flower will he pass away; of God. Wherefore, lay aside all no avail. 11 for the sun riseth with its scorch- defilement, and wickedness which 21, ing heat, and withereth the blade, is superfluous and unsuitable, and and the flower falleth off, and the receive with meekness that word, beauty of its appearance is gone: which is implanted among you, so also will the rich man fade in which is able to save your souls. his course. But be ye, doers of the law of 22 Christ, and not hearers only, de

The gospel is a


blessing to rich and




Happy is the man, that endureth

I This epistle was written by James the Less or Younger, so called to distinguish him from James, the son of Zebedee, and brother of John. He was the son of Alpheus, or Cleophas, who married a sister of Mary, the mother of Jesus; and brother of Judas, or Jude. He is believed to have suffered martyrdom in the former part of A. D. 62, and to have written this epistle a short time before his death, from Jerusalem, or some part of Judea. Though many

parts of the epistle are applicable to Jewish
converts to Christianity, whom it was the
apostles design to exhort to constancy in suf-
fering, and to warn against certain Jewish
vices, yet it is probable that it was intended
for Jews of every denomination throughout
the world, whether Christians or otherwise,
and many passages seem to be particularly
addressed to unbelieving Jews.

In possessing that humiliating knowledge
of himself, which the gospel teaches.

the truth,


rance are

parts of true religion.


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and drag you into courts of justice? CHAP. Do they not speak evil of that honourable name by which ye are 7′ called?

trary to

the law of

CHAP. ceiving yourselves. For if any one be a hearer of the law, and not a doer; he is like a man looking at 24 his natural face in a glass; for he hath no sooner looked at himself, If indeed ye perform the royal 8 and gone away, than he forgetteth law according to this scripture, being con25 what sort of a man he was. But Thou shalt love thy neighbour as whoso looketh with attention into thyself," ye do well: but if ye love. the perfect law of liberty, and keep- have respect of persons, ye do Lev. eth to it, he, being not a forgetful wrong, and are convicted of trans- xix. 18. hearer, but a doer of the work com-gression by this law. For whoso- 10 manded, will be happy in his ever shall keep every other part of deed. the law, but offend presumptuously 26 If any one think himself religi- in one point, he is guilty of an ofBeneficence ous, and bridle not his tongue, but fence similar in kind to that of and tempe- deceive his own heart, this man's breaking every commandment. principal religion is vain. The religion For the same law, which saith, 11 which is pure and undefiled before" Thou shalt not commit adulteour God and Father is this; to ry," saith also, "Thou shalt do no take care of orphans and widows in murder." Now, though thou com27 their affliction, and to keep one's- mit no adultery, and yet commit self unspotted from the world. murder, thou becomest a transMy brethren! hold not your gressor of the law. So speak ye, 12 glorious belief in our Lord Jesus and so act, as those who will be Christ, with respect of persons. judged by a law of liberty: for the 13 For if a man come into your as- sentence thereof will show no mersembly with a gold ring and a pur-cy to the unmerciful; but in the glecting the ple robe, and a poor man also come case of the merciful, mercy will in with mean apparel, and ye look triumph over punishment. with favour on the wearer of the 3 purple robe, and say unto him, "Sit thou here in an honourable place," but say to the poor man, "Stand thou there, or sit here un4 der my footstool," do ye not then make wrong distinctions among yourselves, and form your judgments from evil reasonings? 5 Hearken, my beloved brethren! Hath not God chosen for himself the poor of this world, but rich in faith, to be heirs of that kingdom which he hath promised to them who love him? whereas ye regard the poor man with disdain. 6 Do not the rich domineer over you,



court to the rich, and ne

poor censured;

I For public worship.



The reasoning here condemned, was that which led the Jewish Christians to be anxious for the conversion of rich men, un


hath Faith

without works,

What doth it profit, my bre- 14 thren, if a man say that he faith, and have not works ? Can faith save him? Suppose a bro- useless; ther or a sister be half-naked, and 15 in want of daily food, should any one say unto them, Depart in peace! may ye be warm with 16 clothes, and filled with food!" but give them no necessaries of life; what good is done them? Thus, 17 faith by itself without works is dead. Moreover, a man may say 18 unto thee, "Thou hast faith, and I have works; show me thy faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works." Thou 19

der the hope of their favour and protection
and to neglect the poor, as if their salvation
was a matter of comparatively small import-






CHAP. believest that there is but one God: | subdue the tongue,that ungovernthou doest well; but even the de-able mischief, full of deadly poimons believe and tremble. son. By it we bless our God and 9 But dost thou wish to be con- Father, and therewith we curse shown in vinced, O foolish man! that faith men, made after the likeness of the case of is dead without works. Was not God. Out of the same mouth 10 Abraham our father proved righte-proceed blessing and cursing. ous by works, when he brought his These things, my brethren, ought 22 son Isaac to the altar? Thou per- not to be so. Doth a spring send 11 ceivest that his faith acted together forth out of the small place, sweet with his works, and that faith was and bitter water? Can a fig-tree, 12 23 made complete by works; and this my brethren, bear olives? or a vine, scripture was fulfilled, which saith, figs? So neither can that spring "Abraham believed God, and it which is salt, yield sweet water. was counted to him for righteousness ;" and he was called a friend 24 of God. Observe, then, that a man is thought righteous from works, and not from faith alone.

Gen. xv. 6.



Speech is capable of doing the greatest



Who is a man of wisdom and 13 knowledge among you? let him Nature show by his honourable course of of true life, the effects of his wisdom, with meekness. But if ye have bitter 14 Be not many of you teachers, my envy and strife in your heart, must brethren! knowing that by teach-ye also boast and lie against the ing others, and doing wrong our-truth? This is not that wisdom, 15 selves, we shall receive a greater which cometh down from above, punishment. For in many things but is earthly, sensual, demoniacal; mischief; all of us are faulty: if any offend for where envy and strife are, there 16 not by word, he is a complete man, is disturbance and every evil work. 3 able to bridle the whole body. Be-But the wisdom which is from 17 hold, we put bits in the mouths of above is first pure, then peaceable, horses, that they may obey us, and gentle, tractable, full of mercy and manage their whole body. good fruits, without partiality, and 4 Behold, ships also, though so without hypocrisy. And the peace- 18 great, and driven by fierce winds, able fruits of righteousness are sown are guided by a very small helm, for, and are to be reaped by the whithersoever the pilot chooseth. practisers of peace. 5 Thus the tongue is a little mem- Whence come contests and fight- CHAP, ber, but boasteth great things.ings among you? Come they not Behold, how large a heap a little hence, from your sensual desires Danger of 6 spark can set on fire. And the that members? your tongue is a fire, the varnisher of in-Ye desire, but possess not ye sities. justice. The tongue is that mem- commit murder in your rivalships, 2 ber which defileth the whole body, but are not able to gain your purand setteth on fire the whole course pose: ye have fightings and contenof life, and is itself set on fire by tions, but obtain nothing by them: ye ask, but receive not, because ye 3 ask with wicked views, to be lavish in your pleasures. Ye ungodly 4 men! know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God.


2 hell.

For every kind of wild beasts and and liable birds, of creatures that go on land or live in water, are managed and subdued by man; but no man can

to the greatest abuses.

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wage war in

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indulging bad propen




So then, to know what is right CHAP.
and not to perform it, is sin.
Come now, ye
rich men, weep CHAP.

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CHAP. Whosoever, therefore, wisheth to
be a friend of the world, he becom-
5 eth an enemy of God. Do
think that the scripture speaketh to
us in vain ?
Hath that spirit
which dwelleth in us, and which
we derived from the gospel, the
6 desires of envy? It rather pro-
duceth greater favour from the
Lord, as the scripture saith, "God
resisteth the proud, but showeth fa-
vour to the humble."

Prov. iii. 34.


Submit yourselves, therefore, Humility unto God: withstand the devil, enforced. and he will flee from you: draw nigh to God, and he will draw 8 nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners! and purify your hearts 9 ye doubled-minded: be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned into mourning, and 10 your joy to sadness. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.






rich men


and lament for your miseries which
are approaching. Your store is Wicked,
corrupted, and your garments are
moth-eaten. Your gold and silver
is rusted, and the rust of them will 3
be a witness against you, and will
eat your flesh: ye have laid up
treasures to be as fire unto you in
the last days. Behold! the hire 4
of the labourers that have reaped
your fields, which is unjustly kept
back, crieth against you, and the
cries of the re.pers have entered
into the ears of the Lord of Hosts.
Ye have lived in luxury, and licen- 5
tiousness in the land; ye have re-
galed your hearts, as in a day of sa-
crifice. Ye have condemned, ye 6
have murdered the just man who
did not resist you.

Be patient, therefore, brethren, 7 Speak not against each other, until the coming of the Lord. Be- Patience Detraction brethren! he who speaketh against hold! the husbandman waiteth pa recoded to orbidden. his brother and judgeth his brother, tiently for the precious fruit of the the virtu speaketh against the law, and earth, until he receive the early ous. judgeth the law; but if thou judge and the latter fruit. Be ye also 8 the law, thou art not a doer of the patient; establish your hearts for 12 law, but the judge of it. There the coming of the Lord draweth is one Lawgiver, and Judge, who is near. Murmur not against each 9 able to save, and to destroy. Who other, brethren, lest ye be conart thou that judgest another? demned; behold the judge standCome now, ye who say, "To-eth before the door. Take, my 10 Our con- day, or to-morrow, we will go into brethren, for a pattern of hardship unual de- such a city, and continue there a and patience, the prophets who pon God, year, and trade, and get money;" spake in the name of the Lord. hould be when ye know not what will be to- Behold! we call them happy who 11 morrow. For what is your life? suffer patiently. Ye have heard of it is a vapour, which appeareth for the patience of Job, and have seen a little time, and then vanisheth what the Lord did in the end; for 15 away. Whereas ye ought to say, the Lord is of tender mercy and full "If the Lord be willing, and we of compassion. live, then we will do this or that." But above all things, my bre- 12 16 But now ye boast in your presump-thren, swear not in your common tion; all such boasting is wicked. discourse, either by the heaven, or useful di





* Every enemy of religion.

The evangelical law, for not condemning actions of an indifferent nature to Christians. 3 In the course of the war with the Ro

mans. This is addressed to the unbelieving


Of your avarice and want of benefi




CHAP. the earth, or any other oath, but
your yes be yes, and your no,
no, lest ye fall under condemna-
13 tion. Is any one among you in
trouble? let him pray. Is any
cheerful? let him sing praises to
14 God. Is any sick among you? let
him call the elders of the church
to him, to pray over him, and to
' anoint him with the oil, in the
15' name of the Lord; for the prayer
of faith can, recover the sick, and
the Lord will make him well, and
although he have committed sins,
they will upon true repentance be
16 forgiven him. Confess your sins
to each other, and pray for each



xvii. 1.

other that ye may be healed.
fervent prayer of a righteous man
availeth much. Elijah was a man 17
of like infirmities with us, and he Kings,
prayed earnestly that it might not
rain, and it did not rain upon the
land for three years and six months:
and he prayed again; and the hea- 18
ven gave rain, and the earth brought
forth its produce.

Brethren! if any of you have 19 wandered from the truth, and another bring him back; know ye 20 that whosoever bringeth back a sinner from the error of his way, saveth a man from death, and covereth his multitude of sins.



The ad-
dress to the

in the



God for


ETER, an apostle of Jesus Blessed be the God and Father CHAP. Christ, to the sojourners scat- of our Lord Jesus Christ, who actered abroad in Pontus Galatia, cording to his great mercy hath He thanks Christians Cappadocia, the proconsular Asia, caused us to be born again to a feat and Bithynia; chosen agreeably to hope of life, by the resurrection of blessings Lesser Asia. a determination aforetime, of God Jesus Christ from the dead; even to of the 2 the Father, by a sanctification of spi- an inheritance incorruptible, unde- gospel; rit unto obedience, and to a sprink-filed, and unfading, reserved in 4 ling of the blood of Jesus Christ; heaven for us; who are securely 5 favour and peace be multiplied un- kept by the power of God, through faith, for a deliverance ready to be

to you.


According to the custom of that time, Mark vi. 13. Probably anointing with oil is put for the procuring of all necessary medical aid.


Requesting the blessing of heaven on human endeavours.

Elijah feared from God's threatnings against idolatry, that the whole land might be destroyed; he therefore prayed for a drought in order to bring the people to repentance by a slighter punishment.

4 By causing them to be forgiven.

ed of sedition, or other crimes which would
injure the peace and welfare of civil socie-
ty; and to exhort them to lead holy and un-
blemished lives, that they might stop the
mouths of their enemies, put their calum-
niators to shame, and win others over to
their religion, by their amiable and worthy
behaviour. In this and the other epistle of
Peter, many attentive readers have observed,
that without much regularity of composition,
or clearness of expression, there is a peculiar
dignity and energy exceeding any thing in
the writings of Paul, and worthy of the
prince of the apostles.

6 A readiness to suffer in the cause of true

This postolic letter was written A. D.
64, from Kome, and addressed to all Chris-
tian converts, but chiefly to those of Gen-
tile extraction. The design of it was to di-
rect Christians how to behave under perse-
7 As that afforded the most convincing
cution, to avoid all grounds of being suspect-proof of the truth of Christianity.

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