| George Fox - 1694 - Страниц: 536
...him. Again, consider the hberty that was given to the apostles, even among the unbelieving Jews; when after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue said unto them, ; Ve men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on.'... | |
 | George Hickes - 1707 - Страниц: 644
...Jewijh Profelytes, as at Antiocb'vn h Pijidia; where Barnabas, and Paul went into the Synagogue, where after the reading of the Law, and the Prophets, the Rulers of the Synagogue fent to them to tell them, if they pleafed they might preach to the People. I cannot think they would... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - Страниц: 798
...'Pafhos, they came toTerga \n c Pampbylia; and John departing from them, returned to Jcrufdkm. 15. And after the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the Rulers of the Synagogue fcnt unto them, faying, Yc Men and Brethren, if yc have any Word of Exhortation lor the People, fay... | |
 | Jean Claude - 1782 - Страниц: 642
...day. When Paul and Barnabas went (2) into the fynagogue at Antioch on the Sabbath day and fat down, after the reading of the law and the prophets, THE RULERS of the fynagogue fent to intreat them to preach, with which complaifant invitation Paul inftantly complied.... | |
 | Isaac Mann (bp. of Cork and Ross) - 1783 - Страниц: 456
...Perga, they came to Antioch in Pifidia, and went into the fynagogue 15 on the fabbath-day, and fat down. And after the reading of the law and the prophets, the rulers of (i>) That John, whofc furname was Mark (Chap. xii. i2, 25.) viz. the Evangelift, was cholen by St.... | |
 | Henry Hunter - 1795 - Страниц: 472
...Barnabas, when " they came to Antioch, in Pifidia, went into the fynagogue on the fabbath-day, and fat down. And after the reading of the law and the prophets, the rulers of the fynagogue fent unto them, faying, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people,... | |
 | 1802 - Страниц: 374
...they came to Antioch in Pisiclia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbath clay, and sat down. 15 And after the reading of the law and the prophets,...the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on. }6 Then Paul stood... | |
 | 1804 - Страниц: 476
...Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbathday, and sat down. 15 And after the reading of the law and the prophets,...the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on. 16 Then Paul stood... | |
 | 1804 - Страниц: 438
...Perga, they came to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the sabbathday, and sat down. 15 And after the reading of the law and the prophets, the rulers of the synagogue sent ynto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on.... | |
 | James Grahame - 1805 - Страниц: 184
...departed from Perga, they carne to Antioch in Pisidia, and went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and sat down. And after the reading of the law and...the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on. Then Paul stood up,... | |
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