Buchanan over Fremont, 83,200; do. over Fremont and Fillmore, 1,025; Pierce over Scott, 19,394; Taylor over Cass, 14,337; Polk over Clay, 6,332; Harrison over Van Buren, 349. Mr. Birney received 343 votes in 1840. Fillmore over Buchanan, 8,345; Pierce over Scott, 4,954; Taylor over Cass, 8,174; Clay over Polk, 8,308; Harrison over Van Buren, 4,776. DELAWARE. Dem. Am. Whig. Dem. F. Soil. Whig. Dem. Free D. Whig. Dem. Abo. Whig. Dem. Scott. Pierce. Hale. Taylor. Cass. Van B. Clay. Polk. Birney. Ha'son Van B. Fill're. Buc'an Frem't 1580 2083 6175 8004 380 Buchanan over Fillmore, 1,829; Pierce over Scott, 25; Taylor over Cass, 523; Clay over Polk, 287; Harrison over Van Buren, 1,088. GEORGIA-(Continued.) 42228 56578 16660 34705 47544 44802 42100 44177 40261 81921 Buchanan over Fillmore, 14,350; Pierce over Scott, 18,045; Taylor over Cass, 2,742; Polk over Clay, 2,077; Harrison over Van Buren, 8,340. In 1852 a Webster Ticket received 5324, and an Independent Pierce Ticket, 5,811. VIRGINIA. |