CLAY, CASSIUS M., of Kentucky, supported for Vice-President in Republican National Con-
vention, 1860
COCHRANE, JOHN, of New-York, presents
Anti-Slavery Resolves to Mass Meetings....
CRAWFORD, MARTIN J., for Dissolution 172
CRAWFORD, WILLIAM H., of Georgia, beaten
in Democratic Caucus for President in 1816;
Democratic Caucus candidate for President, 1824
Beaten for President 1824...
CURRY, J. L. M., of Alabama, for Dissolu-
Proposition of Mr. S. E. Church, of New-York; Report of Committee on Credentials
Minority Report of do.; Admission of Douglas Delegates from Louisiana and Alabama
Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Maryland
and California withdraw..
Delaware, and part of Kentucky, and Missouri
withdraw; Gen. Cushing resigns the Chair;
Gen. Butler, of Massachusetts, offers a pro-
tions), adopted by the United States Senate, affirm-
ing the duty of Congress to establish a Slave Code
in the Territories
DICKINSON, DANIEL S., of New-York, sup-
ported for President in Democratic National Con-
vention, 1860.
29 DIX, Gen. JOHN A., advocates Freedom
DALLAS, GEORGE M., of Pennsylvania, nomi- nated for and elected Vice-President, 1844. DAVIS, GARRETT, of Kentucky, defeated for President in the American National Convention... 23
DAVIS JEFFERSON, of Mississippi, supported,
1860, for President in National Democratic Con-
His resolutions as they passed the Senate.......
DAVIS, JOHN, of Massachusetts, defeated for
Vice-President in Whig National Convention, 1844.
DAVIS, JOHN W., of Indiana, President De-
mocratic National Convention, 1852..
DAYTON, WILLIAM L., of New-Jersey, Re-
publican nominee for Vice-President, 1856; de-
feated therefor...
His Letter to New-York Union Meeting, 1860..
FITZPATRICK, BENJAMIN, of Alabama, beaten
for Vice-President in Democratic Convention of
Nominated by Democratic Convention, 1860...
Declines the Nomination..
FLOURNOY, FRANCIS B, of Arkansas, tem-
porary Chairman of Democratic National Con-
vention, 1860....
FLOYD, JOHN, of Virginia, supported by
South Carolina for President, 1832.
FREE HOMESTEADS-Action of Congress on
granting free Homesteads to actual settlers..
Mr. Grow's Ten-Year proposition defeated in
the House...
Mr. Grow introduces another bill which is
passed in the House.
JOHNSON, ANDREW, of Tennessee, supported
for President in National Democratic Convention: 41 American National Convention....
Nominated for Vice-President by Democratic
National Committee, 1860.
Speech on Slavery in the Territories in 1848 Holds that capital should own the laborer, in a speech at Philadelphia in 1856. His Report affirming the absolute right of holding slaves in the Territories..
JOHNSON, RICHARD M., of Kentucky, beaten in Convention for Vice-President, 1832. Nominated and elected Vice-President in 1886.. Beaten for Vice-President in 1840..
Beaten for President in Democratic Convention, 1844
NATIONAL REPUBLICAN (CLAY) CONVEN- tions, at Baltimore, 1831; at Washington, 1882... 11 NEW-HAMPSHIRE DECLARES FOR THE WILMOT Proviso through Legislative Resolves...
212 NEW-YORK FOR FREEDOM. -Resolutions of the Legislature against Slavery in the Territo- ries in 1820,....
LAW, GEORGE, of New-York, defeated for President in American National Convention, 1856. 23 LAWRENCE, Aввотт, of Massachusetts, de- feated for Vice-President in Whig Convention, 1848. 15
LEAKE, SHELTON F., of Virginia, for Disso-
LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, of Illinois, defeated for
Vice-President in Republican Convention, 1856...
Nominated for President by Republican Conven-
tion, 1860..
Speech at Springfield, Ill., June 17, 1858
Discussion with Mr. Douglas at Freeport, Ill....
Speech at Cooper Institute, New-York, 1860....
Letter to Boston Committee on the Jefferson
Birthday Festival; Letter to Dr. Canisius on
Accepts nomination for Presidency.
LUCAS, Gen. ROBERT, President first Demo-
cratic National Convention.
MADISON, JAMES, of Virginia, elected Presi- dent 1808, and reëlected in 1812...
MANGUM, WILLIE P., of North Carolina, sup- ported by South-Carolina for President in 1886... MARCY, WILLIAM L., of New York, beaten for President in Dem. National Convention, 1852.
The Clayton Compromise; Mr. J. M. Root's Re-
solve for Slavery Restriction; Proposition of
Isaac P. Walker of Wisconsin.
Proposition of Mr. Richard W. Thompson, of
Ind.; Slavery excluded from Oregon Terri-
Mr. Douglas, of Illinois, proposes to extend the Missouri line of restriction to the Pacific.....
Senate agrees, but House refuses; The Compro-
mise of 1850; Gen. Taylor's recommenda-
tions; Gen. Sam Houston's proposition; Hen-
ry Clay's plan of Compromise; John Bell's
Objections to Mr. Clay's scheme by Foote of
Miss. and Mason, of Va.
Ditto by Jefferson Davis of Miss.; Mr. Clay
in reply; Messrs. Downs of La., King of Ala.,
and Butler of S. C., in further opposition to
Mr. Clay.
Mr. Foote of Miss. moves a Committee of Thir- teen; Mr. Clay reports from said Committee; Mr. Jefferson Davis's Amendment..
Mr. Chase of Ohio moves a prohibition of Sla-
very; The Omnibus defeated as a whole, but
passed in separate bills; The Kansas-Nebraska
Mr. Atchison's remarks thereon; President Pierce protests against the renewal of agita- tion; Mr. Douglas's first Nebraska Report... He amends his bill; Mr. Chase proposes to au- thorize the people of Kansas to prohibit Sla- very therein; Opposed by Messrs. Bell, Doug- las, etc., and defeated....
Mr. Clayton's "American" amendment; Mr.
Chase moves that the people of the Territory
be authorized to elect their own Governor;
Defeated by 30 to 10; Mr. Seward's speech
against the bill...
The Kansas-Nebraska bill passes the Senate....
the Democratic National Convention, 1856........ 24
WEBSTER, DANIEL, of Massachusetts, sup-
ported by Massachusetts for President, 1836.
Defeated for President in Whig Convention, 1848
Beaten for President in Whig Convention, 1852..
Memorial to Congress for Slavery Restriction...
His view on the powers of Supreme Court......
Speech against Slavery Extension.
126 WELLER, Col. JOHN B., of California,
beaten for Vice-President in Democratic National
Convention, 1852
risburg, Penn., 1839
Held at Baltimore, Md., 1844
Held at Philadelphia, Penn., 1848.
Held at Baltimore, Md., 1852
WHITE, HUGH L., of Tennessee, unsuccess-
Opinions of John Taylor of Caroline, Va., John Randolph of Roanoke, Nathaniel Macon of N. C., and John Bacon, of Massachusetts
Opinions of John J. Crittenden, Nathaniel Macon,
James Barbour, Supreme Court of Georgia,
Legislature of Georgia, Supreme Court of Penn-
sylvania, and Court of Appeals of Virginia.... 176
Opinions of Mahlon Dickerson, Richard M. John- son, Gen. Andrew Jackson, and Daniel Web- ster..
delphia, 1848, and Resolves
TAYLOR, ZACHARY, of Louisiana, Whig
nominee for President, 1848
Elected President in 1848..
'LDEN, DANIEL R., of Ohio, proposes
Mavery Restriction in Whig Convention. 1848
WIRT, WILLIAM, of Maryland, Anti-Ma-
sonic candidate for President, 1832
WILKINS, WILLIAM, of Pennsylvania, sup-
ported by Pennsylvania for Vice-President, 1882..
WISCONSIN declares for Free Territory,
through Legislative Resolves....
WOODBURY, LEVI, of New-Hampshire, beaten
for President in Democratic Convention, 1848
WRIGHT, SILAS, of New-York, nominated
for Vice-President by Democratic National Con-
vention of 1844, but declined.
177 YANCEY, WILLIAM L., of Alabama, offers
a "non-interference" resolve in Democratic Con-
vention, 1848
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