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THERE was a fat man of Bombay,
Who was smoking one sunshiny day,

When a bird, called a snipe,

Flew away with his pipe,

Which vexed the fat man of Bombay.


THERE was a crooked man, and he went a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile:
He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

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ROBIN the Bobbin, the big-headed Ben,
He ate more meat than fourscore men;
He ate a cow, he ate a calf,

He ate a butcher and a half;

He ate a church, he ate a steeple,

He ate the priest and all the people!

A cow and a calf,

An ox and a half,

A church and a steeple,

And all the good people,

And yet he complained that his stomach wasn't full.

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Says the pieman to Simple Simon,
"Show me first your penny.”
Says Simple Simon to the pieman,
"Indeed I have not any."

Simple Simon went a-fishing

For to catch a whale:

All the water he had got
Was in his mother's pail!


THERE was a little man,
And he had a little gun,
And he went to the brook,

And he shot a little rook;

And he took it home

To his old wife Joan,

And told her to make up a fire,

While he went back

To fetch the little drake;

But when he got there,

The drake was fled for fear;

And, like an old novice, he turned back again,


BRYAN O'LIN and his wife and wife's mother, They all went over a bridge together: The bridge was broken, and they all fell in, "The deuce go with all!" quoth Bryan O'Lin.

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THERE was a man, and he had nought, And robbers came to rob him;

He crept up to the chimney-pot,

And then they thought they had him.

But he got down on t' other side,
And then they could not find him.
He ran fourteen miles in fifteen days,
And never looked behind him.

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