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The Neanderthal skull on evolution, in an address supposed to be ...

Bourchier Wrey Savile

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sitards so perfectly with the princi

pleof Bomonism, in its most true and ultra

im, as expressed by the founder of the

Jests in his famous aphorism, "What I
I believe to be black, if the

Church of Rome so define it to be." *

I not think that Professor Huxley
ayment to assert that Darwin's
"butes" of all mankind having ori-
been eraired from the larvae of
dim talpole, or according to his
exposed view of the Evolution
dergoing some steps further back into
chas, from an stom of lifeless protoplasm,
is to be fir a moment compared in point of
truth with what the Jesuits of Rome are
pleased to term, "Newton's hypothesis
of the earth's motion." If he did, it affords
other proof of the wisdom of Mr. Glad-
stone's remark-"I have always thought,"
he once said, "that scientific men run too
mach in a groove. They do noble work in

Erion of St. Ignatia Loyola, edited by the
late Cardinal Wiseman.

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