TO HIS GRACE, THE LORD JOHN-GEORGE BERESFORD, D.D. ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH, PRIMATE OF ALL IRELAND, METROPOLITAN OF ULSTER, &c. &c. &c. MY LORD, ALLOWED to inscribe to Your Grace these monumental volumes, which, I trust, will embalm the memory of my husband and my friend, I do so, with the truer gratification, because I am, thereby, fulfilling a cherished purpose of his own. Several years ago, he sought and obtained permission from Your Grace, at that time Archbishop of Dublin, to place your name before his Donnellan Lectures. Nor did after circumstances make him less desirous, to solicit the countenance of his noble Diocesan,' as, with reverential affection, he usually termed Your Grace. These Lectures, then, are presented, in their departed Author's name, and in their native simplicity, without any of those illustrative aids, which, had health permitted, and life been prolonged, his researches and sagacity would have amply provided. Yet, given, as they are, with accurate fidelity, it is hoped, they will be received with generous indulgence. The other Discourses seem well fitted to elucidate the earlier parts, especially, of the Gospel narrative. And the Historical Sketch, which forms the second volume, was thought, on its first appearance, to throw no inconsiderable light on the circumstances of our native land. Much, and valuable, was the favour shewn, by Your Grace, to him, who is now, I humbly trust, exalted to the highest of all dignities. And I recall, with a grateful heart, the latter years of his life, rendered, through your discriminative kindness, not merely affluent and peaceful, but, by the consequent freedom from all embarrassing details, devoted, without distraction, to the thoughts, prospects, and anticipations, of divine and heavenly things. May I be permitted to add, that, while dedicating these pages to Your Grace, I seem to myself in the discharge of no common duty. And I feel an ennobling consolation, in being made the instrument, of thus continuing beyond the grave, the connexion between the high-minded patron of genius, and him, who was so patronized in life, so cared for, even in death, by the preservation of his last REMAINS.' I have the honour to be, With profoundest veneration, Your Grace's most obliged, And most dutiful Servant, MARGARET PHELAN. Castle-Blaney, June 10. 1832. |