Then loudly cried the bold Sir Bedivere, "Ah! my Lord Arthur, whither shall I go? Where shall I hide my forehead and my eyes? For now I see the true old times are dead, When every morning brought a noble chance, And every chance brought out a noble knight. The Holy Grail and Other Poems - Стр. 143авторы: Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1870 - Страниц: 202Полный просмотр - Подробнее о книге
 | 1850 - Страниц: 758
...awakening for the first time to the true state of affairs, he was ready to exclaim with Sir Bedivere, — Now I see the true old times are dead, When every...chance, And every chance brought out a noble knight. His imaginative, hopeful temperament, by heretofore depicting the future in the most seductive and... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1851 - Страниц: 276
...charged Before the eyes of ladies and of kings. Then loudly cried the bold Sir Bedivere, " Ah ! my Lord Arthur, whither shall I go ? Where shall I hide...knight. Such times have been not since the light that lei The holy Elders with the gift of myrrh. But now the whole EOUND TABLE is dissolved Which was an... | |
 | 1876 - Страниц: 832
...and Titns, and Timotheus, and a loving group besides ; days like those of the ancient chivalry, — " When every morning brought a noble chance, And every chance brought out a noble knight." Even in his earlier imprisonment the apostle had with him a faithful few whose names are united with... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1854 - Страниц: 286
...charged Before the eyes of ladies and of kings. Then loudly cried the bold Sir Bedivere, " Ah ! my Lord Arthur, whither shall I go ? Where shall I hide...holy Elders with the gift of myrrh. But now the whole BOUND TABLE is dissolved Which was an image of the mighty world ; And I, the last, go forth companionless,... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1855 - Страниц: 404
...charged Before the eyes of ladies and of kings. Then loudly cried the bold Sir Bedivere, " Ah ! my Lord Arthur, whither shall I go ? Where shall I hide...holy Elders with the gift of myrrh. But now the whole BOUND TABLE is dissolved Which was an image of the mighty world ; And I, the last, go forth companionless,... | |
 | Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1856 - Страниц: 400
...charged Before the eyes of ladies and of kings. Then loudly cried the bold Sir Bedivere, " Ah ! my Lord Arthur, whither shall I go ? Where shall I hide...holy Elders with the gift of myrrh. But now the whole BOITND TABLE is dissolved Which was an image of the mighty world ; And I, the last, go forth companionless,... | |
 | Benjamin Hall Kennedy - 1856 - Страниц: 384
...I cannot argue, I can only feel. P. Conscious of right, thou shouldst respect thyself. 323. Ah ! my Lord Arthur, whither shall I go ? Where shall I hide...chance brought out a noble knight. Such times have not been since the light that led The holy elders with the gift of myrrh. But now the old Round Table... | |
 | David Charles Bell - 1856 - Страниц: 466
...Bedivere : — " Ah ! my lord Arthur, whither shall I go1! where shall I hide my forehead and my eyes? tor now I see the true old times are dead, when every morning brought a noble chance, and every chanco brought out a noble knight. Such times have been not since the light that led the holy elders... | |
 | Robert Aris Willmott, Evert Augustus Duyckinck - 1858 - Страниц: 644
...charged Before the eyes of ladies and of kings. Then loudly cried the bold Sir Bedivere, " Ah ! my Lord Arthur, whither shall I go ? Where shall I hide my forehead and my eye," .' For now I see the true old times are dead, When every morning brought a noble chance, And... | |
 | Samuel Reynolds Hole - 1859 - Страниц: 256 know when the fun would begin. " For now I see," said Hoare, — " The true old times are gone, When every morning brought a noble chance, And every chance brought out a noble knight," — " And every knight," I said, as a supplement, " brought home a broken head. Let us haste to Kelvin... | |
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