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That part of the fund deposited in the Treasury of the United States bears interest at 6 per cent per annum, under the provisions of the act of Congress of August 10, 1846, organizing the Institution, and the act approved March 12, 1894. The rate of interest on the West Shore Railroad bonds is 4 per cent per annum. The real estate received from Robert Stanton Avery is exempt from taxation and yields only a nominal revenue from rentals.

Statement of receipts and disbursements from July 1, 1910, to June 30, 1911.


Cash on deposit July 1, 1910____

Interest on fund deposited in United States Treasury due July 1, 1910, and Jan. 1, 1911____.

Interest on West Shore Railroad bonds due July 1, 1910, and Jan. 1, 1911

Repayments, rentals, publications, etc____.

Contributions from various sources for specific purposes.

$35, 364. 88

$56, 695. 12

1,680.00 10, 541. 75


Buildings, care and repairs_.

Furniture and fixtures..

General expenses:




Postage, telegraph, and telephone....



[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

19, 169. 17

Explorations, researches, and collections___

Hodgkins specific fund, researches and publications.

International Exchanges--

Legal expenses

6, 127. 16

4,868. 41


Gallery of Art__.

Advances for field expenses..


Balance June 30, 1911, deposited with the Treasurer of the United

$31.60 4,450. 76 200.00

86,374. 52

32, 425. 66

118, 800.18

By authority, your executive committee again employed Mr. William L. Yaeger, a public accountant of this city, to audit the receipts and disbursements of the Smithsonian Institution during the period covered by this report. The following certificate of examination supports the foregoing statement, and is hereby approved: WASHINGTON, D. C., August 5, 1911.


Smithsonian Institution.

SIRS: I have examined the accounts and vouchers of the Smithsonian Institution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1911, and certify the following to be a correct statement:

Total receipts_-_

Total disbursements_.

Excess of disbursements over receipts__

Amount from July 1, 1910---

Balance on hand June 30, 1911.

Balance shown by Treasury statement June 30, 1911.
Less outstanding checks..

True balance June 30, 1911.

$83,435.30 86, 374.52

2,939. 22 35, 364.88


34, 445.95 2, 020. 29

32, 425. 66

The vouchers representing payments from the Smithsonian income during the year, each of which bears the approval of the secretary, or, in his absence, of the acting secretary, and a certificate that the materials and services charged were applied to the purposes of the Institution, have been examined in connection with the books of the Institution and agree with them.

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All moneys received by the Smithsonian Institution from interest, sales, refunding of moneys temporarily advanced, or otherwise, are deposited with the Treasurer of the United States to the credit of the Institution, and all payments are made by checks signed by the secretary.

The expenditures made by the disbursing agent of the Institution. and audited by the Auditor for the State and Other Departments. are reported in detail to Congress and will be found in the printed document.

Your committee also presents the following summary of appropriations for the fiscal year 1911 intrusted by Congress to the care of the Smithsonian Institution, balances of previous appropriations at the

beginning of the fiscal year, and amounts unexpended on June 30,

[blocks in formation]

Statement of income from the Smithsonian fund and other revenues, accrued and prospective, available during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912.

Balance June 30, 1911.

$32, 425.66

Interest on fund deposited in United States Treasury, due July 1, 1911, and Jan. 1, 1912___

$56, 695. 00

Interest on West Shore R. R. bonds, due July 1, 1911. and Jan. 1, 1912_____


Exchange repayments, sale of publications, rentals, etc__
Deposits for specific purposes.



78. 937. 48

[blocks in formation]


At a meeting of the Board of Regents held December 14, 1909, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That hereafter the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution shall hold their annual meeting on the second Thursday in December and a supplementary meeting on the second Thursday in February.

In accordance with this resolution the board met at 10 o'clock a. m., on December 8, 1910, and on February 9, 1911.


Present: The Hon. James S. Sherman, Vice President of the United States; the Hon. John M. Harlan, presiding Justice of the United States Supreme Court; Senator S. M. Cullom; Senator Henry Cabot Lodge; Senator A. O. Bacon; Representative John Dalzell; Representative James R. Mann; Representative William M. Howard; Dr. Andrew D. White; the Hon. John B. Henderson; Mr. Charles F. Choate, jr.; and the secretary, Mr. Charles D. Walcott.

The meeting was called to order by the Vice President.


The secretary announced the death of the chancellor of the Smithsonian Institution, Melville Weston Fuller, Chief Justice of the United States, which occurred at Sorrento, Maine, on July 4, 1910.

The intelligence of this sad event was received at the Institution in the absence of the secretary, and Mr. Richard Rathbun, the acting secretary, sent a telegram of condolence, both official and personal, to Mrs. Nathaniel Francis, who was with her father at the time of his death. Mr. Rathbun attended the obsequies at Sorrento as the representative of the Institution, and accompanied the funeral party to Chicago, where interment took place on July 8.

The secretary stated that the advice and suggestions of the chancellor in relation to matters affecting the Institution that were brought to his attention had always been most helpful. He added that he had enjoyed a personal acquaintance with the chancellor that had extended over 20 years, and that it was with a deep sense of the

loss sustained by the Institution as well as by himself personally that he formally announced his death to the Board of Regents.

Senator Bacon then presented the following resolutions, which on motion, were adopted:

Whereas the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution have received the sad intelligence of the death, on July 4, 1910, of Melville Weston Fuller, Chief Justice of the United States, and for 22 years chancellor of the Institution; therefore be it

Resolved, That we desire here to record our profound sorrow at the severing of the tie that has bound us to him for so long a period of honored service; that we feel keenly the loss of a wise presiding officer, whose vast store of learning and gracious dignity have proved so invaluable in the deliberations of this board, and whose loyal interest in the Smithsonian Institution has been a source of inspiration to his colleagues.

Resolved, That we share in the grief of the nation at the passing away of one who was at once a distinguished leader of the greatest legal tribunal of our land, an eminent jurist, a patriotic citizen, a shining example of Christian gentleness, and who also possessed so charming a personality as a man and as a friend.

Resolved, That we respectfully tender to the members of the family of our late associate our sincerest sympathy in their great bereavement.

Resolved, That an engrossed copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the family of the late chancellor.


The chairman announced as the next business in order the election of a chancellor to succeed the late Chief Justice Fuller.

Senator Lodge moved

That the Vice President of the United States be elected chancellor of the Smithsonian Institution.

Senator Lodge put the question, and, there being a unanimous vote in the affirmative, announced that the Vice President was duly elected.


Senator Henderson, chairman of the executive committee, presented the following customary resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the income of the Institution for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912, be appropriated for the service of the Institution, to be expended by the secretary, with the advice of the executive committee, with full discretion on the part of the secretary as to items.


Senator Henderson submitted the report of the executive committee for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1910, stating that the members of the board had already been supplied with copies in printed form.

On motion the report was adopted.

38734°-SM 1911-7

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