NEW-YORK. 1854. LIECT. GOVERNOR. GOVERNOR. -PRESIDENT, 1852 Fusion. Suft. Hard. K. N. Fusion. Soft. Hard. K. N. Whig. Dem. F.D. Counties. Albany 3993 6428 849 4775. 4630 4125 1835 4397... 7246 8263 133 Allegany .2498 17:29 244 264)... 1896 1681 248 2623..... 3670 40009 678 Broome. 2434 731 1370 1221.... 2674 2064 347 106.14 156,495 33,850 122,282 157,166 128,833 52,074 121,037 234,882 262,083 25,329 Clark over Seymour, 309; Raymond over Ludlow, 28,333; Pierce over Scott, 27,201. CANAL COMMISSIONER. Fitzhugh, W. 161,006; Clark, S.......125,210; Burnham, H........113,968; Williams, K. N.....58,244. PRISON INSPECTOR. Bowne, W.....153,947; Andrews, S... 124,735; Vernam, H.. 41,978; Sanders, K. N......120,747. SENATE-Whigs, 22; Hards, 7; Softs, 3. LEGISLATURE. ASSEMBLY-Whigs of all sorts, 82; Softs of all grades, 26; Hards, 16; Maine Law Independents, 3; Vacancy. 1. Total, 128. Know Nothings are sprinkled miscellaneously among Whigs, Hards and Softs; and exactly how many there are of these gentry in the Assembly Nobody Knows. XII. Miller. WILSON. McClellant XXVI. Seeley. HOWELL. Olivert Columbia. 3,67 1190 2405 Ontario....2419 1545 2724 Dutchess..4609 1:296 3135 Seneca.....1262 I. Fail Valkt ALLEN. Yates......1623 *Kings 877 33 450 Queens 9:6 1568 1309 Maj. for Miller, 350. Richmond 290 192 Suget Сооk. Clum. Plurality for Oliver, 1576. Suffolk 533 1960 358 Ressselaer.6954 1971 2015 XXVII. Parker. Cuan'G. McDowell Maj. for Stranahan, 284. Maj. for Sage, 2908, XIV. Dickson. Pruyn. Hare Chemung..1717 3244 Tioga......2980 42.0 Schuyler... Dodd. CLARK. Hughes. 111. Pelton.+ CLINTON. Miner. Saratoga...2498 Total..7915 343 3 2252 1309 Maj for Parker, 2474. N. Y. Wd. 1. 382 331 50 Warren....1238 1287 234 XXVIII. Kelseyt Hastings. GIBBS. 2 252 152 109 Wash'gt'n.2942 2476 882 Livingston.4302 Steuben....6759 461 102 5. 998 8. 1704 Andrews, Temp., 2399. Plurality Total. 11061 1767 2083 4450 72 47 119 for Dodd, 402 Maj. for Kelsey, 6492. XVI. Simmons. Baileyt Thomas. XXIX. Carpenter. W'ms. SIBLEY. Maj. for Pelton, 402. Clinton....1664 1771 427 Monroe...4227 5609 1865 IV. WALSH. Kelly Brycet Essex......2331 846 218 Plurality for Williams, 1382 Ward ... 4. 912 701 119 Franklin...1538 445 1107 XXX. Pringlet BELDEN. Laning. 6. 922 760 121 Allegany..2619 1027 2391 566 968 1152 Genesee...4179 14. 1041 655 Flanders, Hard, 1025. Plurality Wyoming..2721 3047 3068 1594 XVII. Alex'der. BENT'. Spinner. Total..9510 for Kelly, 21. Macomber, Whig, 821. Plurality St. Lawr'ce. 3240 V. And tos. Whitneyt HAM'T'N Herkimer..2117 745 3448 Hall, F. S., 692 Maj. for Prin 2669 41:0 gle, 2506. [P.S. Ward... 7. 900 1038 Total..5357 3414 7618 XXXI. Flaglert BAKER. Chase, 878 13. 392 Plurality for Spinner, 2261. Niagara...3512 926 780 Williamsb'g. 1473 1324 1266 XVIII. Horton. Fulton.....2204 1584 JACKSON. Orleans....3378 2718 Montgo'ry. 2753 2592 Berry, Soft, 1964. Plurality for Schenec'dy 1739 1300 Maj. for Flagler, 4997. Schoharie..2735 3469 XXXIL Havent Haich. Whitney, 556. Erie.. .9075 5368 VI. Marsh'l. WHEEL'Rt Mrphy Maj. for Haven, 3687. Ward ...11. 258 2189 965 15. 880 1352 1560 17. 1118 1380 Delaware..3150 2731 188 XIX. Hughson. Palmer. Hawes, Cattargas 383 Maj. for Horton, 486. [F.S. XXXIII. Edindst Fenton. LESTER. 2794 641 Chautau'e. 4976 3648 2533 Otsego.....3594 4213 695 Mead, Ind. Hard, 1128. Plurality 0 241 241 Total..6744 for Wheeler, 2568, VII. Childst Kennedy. Ward... 9. 2599 2124 son, 300. 16. 20. 1794 1706 Sturges, 1066. Plurality for Hugh XX. Matson.Johnson. Hunt'ton. 5172 4759 Moore, Hard, 588. Plurality for Matteson, 1320. Wake'nt CURTI Fellows Chenango..4364 Ward...42. 681 18. 1532 19. 643 21. 1124 22. 915 Maj. for Edwards, 1676. * Except Brooklyn and Williamsburgh. + Voted for by Know Nothings. Whigs in Italics, Hards in SMALL CAPS, Sofis in Roman. NEW-YORK CITY. VOTE FOR MAYOR. Whig. K.N. S.&H. Refm. 6414 13:39 2475 478 2368 651 561 736 948 2077 Warda. Her'ck. Barker. Wood. Hunt. Maj. for Bennett, 2101. [F.S. 382 XXII. McCarty. Babcock. Case, I.... 172 231 607 372 II.... 33 296 195 143 Madison ...2850 2027 134 III.... 221 451 275 430 Total.... 4595 2969 1699 Oswego....2885 2701 2448 IV.... 79 196 863 903 Maj. for Wakeman, 227. V.... 283 709 712 764 IX. Clarket WHIT'G BRAN'TH VI.... 131 179 1446 240 Putnam. 1110 63 253 Lewis, Hard, 3281. Plurality for VII.... 245 1245 901 1081 Rockland.... 1257 726 235 McCarty, 807. VIII.... 339 1172 997 1054 Westchester.. 5397 1244 2052 XXIII. Gilbert. BROWN. Ives. IX.... 633 1851 1142 1678 Jefferson...4666 1320 Χ.... 157 1127 4002 807 556 2540 Lewis......1585 193 1643 XI.... 107 Clarke, 28:29. Bailey. Ind. Hard, 367. Maj. for Total...6251 XIII.... 208 10:30 1513 X. Murray. WOOD'RD+ Str't'n Goodale, 77. Plurality for Gil ΧΙΙ.... 127 599 200 1009 1862 349 325 5615 982 376 XIV.... 160 511 1236 494 Orange.... 3766 3000 1289 bert, 606. XV.... 418 793 287 1412 Sullivan 1574 1443 Onondaga.4803 764 XXIV. Granger. Alvord. Noront XVII... 372 XVI.... 380 1417 1105 1043 1019 1652 1075 Parker, Hard, 487. Plurality for XVIII... 434 728 859 1249 Plurality for Murray, 635. Granger, 694. ΧΙΧ.... 138 397 614 303 XI. King. STRONG. XXV. Morgan. ALD'CH. Mid'tont XX. ΧΧ.... 389 1205 1504 558 1842 Cayuga....4170 356 4305 ΧΧΙ.... 331 757 517 758 Ulster 5322 3200 Wayne....3514 940 2005 ΧΧΙΙ.... 339 497 841 134 6910 Maj. for King, 3534. Plurality for Morgan, 774. Total...5636 18547 20003 15397 Total.... 5554 3500 6044 4419 Chandler, Whig, received 1196 votes. Maj. for Tyson, 958; do. for Pollock, 1625; do. for Spott, 2624. 111. Mill wd.Landy.Pol'ck. Rigler. Scott.Pierce. Hale. Ilth Ward.... 823 1035 861 10:01 lah ....1171 912 1210 951 lak ....1117 1008 1127 1028 XII. Fuller. Wright. Pol'ck.Big. Scott. Pierce. Hale. 1483 2034 1399 2180..1165 2102 0 54.5 3549 4884 4368..339 5340 70 848 794 757 9,6 86 1455 0 Wyoming.....1269 710 1174 893.. 807 1258 19 Luzerne.. Total... 9115 7087 8214 8417..61.7 10155 98 Monroe.. 512 1847 625 1917. 418 2098 0 3685..29,8 4403 16 624.. 202 34 0 18.7.122 2362 21 667 1311 678 13215029 6322 139 Wayne...1345 1710 1408 17th 18th ...160 720 1591 737 19th (part) 502 515 583 234 (part) 48 24 47 542 Total....5888 5525 6097 5645 Maj. for Millward, 363; do. for Pollock, 452; do. for Bradford...... No oppo- 4811 2369.3526 3930 281 Pol'ck. Bigler, Scott.P'ce, Hale. Total. 5248 7152 252 Centre.. 1040 1:52 1152 1090, 21st"(prt) 112 223 161 243 239 25 273 2,0 44 898 788 976 199 Total... 6747 5993 7921 6026 Clinion Lycoming. Mifflin.. Sullivan.. Potter Pierce. White Pol'ek.Big. Scott Pierce. Hale. .2873 19,9 2774 2113..1916 2903 0 1453 937 1497 1318 2 2,17 2253 2,99 2269..2005 2,90 5 1564 1318 16:30 1287..1992 16:20 0 316 392 329 417. 117 426 59 656.. 263 661 325 Total .9588 7528 977 7677..08-9 9908 391 Lambert, Whig, received 855 votes. 9641 9025 9735 8956 10190 9349 35 Maj. for Robinson, 616; for Pollock, 779: for Scott, 841. XVIII. 5483 5115 5498 5090.4928 5766 58 Klair... Edie. Cresswl.Polek.Big Scott.Pierce.Hale. Cambria. 72 692 2706 1513..2590 19315 16-45 156 16:27 1739..1461 2035 15 Total.........8527 8182 8592 8115.7921 9259 60 Somerset.. Huntingdon...1547 1603 2614 1500.2511 2941 2 Maj for Bradshaw, 345; de. for Pollock, 477; do. for Pierea, 1338. Total VIII. Myern Jones. Pollock. Bigler. Scott. Plerce.Hale. Maj. for Edie, 5206; for Pollock, 3683; for Scott, 2338. 2659 767 2,56 1208..2086 1203 28 8423 3218 9703 6020.958 7210 50 Covode. Drim. Polck.Big.Scott.Pierce.Hale. .2621 1730 2689 949..209 2450 142 Indiana.... 3024 1035 3161 1284..2387 1887 279 Westmoreland.3697 3820 3773 3803..323 209 113 Total. 9342 6685 9623 7016..7683 9766 540 Maj. for Covode, 2007; do, for Pollock, 2017, do. far Pierce, 2083. Maj. for Pennington, 1321; do. for Scott, 562. ..8137 6816....7838 7276 64 ...10 XXIII. Allison. Tront. Pollock.Big. Scott. Pierce. Hale. Beaver.......2462 1460 2233 1458..1805 1943 361 SENATE-Whigs.10; Democrats.. Lawrence.....2513 1015 2576 994..1984 1064 514 HOUSE-Whigs, 25: Democrats, 22; Americans, 7; Mercer... 2833 2697 3034 2550..2211 2693 769 Independents, 6. W, Whigs; N, Nebraska. Total. Dick, Whig.... 7333 5213..69) 8165 1607 Maj. for Pollock, 2120; do, for Scott, 625. GRAND TOTAL-Pollock, 204,008; Bigler, 167,001; Scott, 179,174: Pierce, 198,568; Hale, 8,524. Maj. for Pollock, 37,007; do. for Pierce, 10,870. Sup. Judge. Smyser, Whig, 78,571; Black, Dem., 167,010; Baird, K. N., 121,576. Canal Com. Datsie, Whig, 83,331; Mott, Dem. and Monterey Plumas.. CALIFORNIA. San Bernardino. San Diego.... San Francisco. Whige. CONGRESS, 1854. PREST, 1852. Dema. Whig. Dem. Bowie. Beuh'm. Denver. Herb't.Set. P ree. 748 765 1058 1074 San Joaquin Santa Clara. Santa Cruz.. Santa Barbara. Shasta 945 934 1169 11.9.. New Co. 863..1478 1741 2651..2290 2818 5233..5146 6106 682 680 850 1488 1503 2638 281 203 319 540 542 417 4185 4160 5231 226 282 359 256. 894 892 966 278 154 1783 1747 858 874 872 1166 1020.. New Co. 152.. 78 104 867..757 971 2625..1348 1649 1169.. 459 492 566..308 305 1002.. 267 471 229 210 381 370. 214 205 168 143 202 228 New Co. 740 762 1073 1096. 683 785 1869..2541 3132 134.. 32 40 544.. 400 350 ..1796 1806 1349 1337..2077 2199 1850 1832 1879 .36524 36158 37676 37-409.35807 40656 Denver over Bowie, 1152; Herbert over Berham, 1251; Pierce over Scott, 4849. For Congress, McDougal received 10,001: Latham 1873, and Churchman 10.039. These gentlemen ran as Broderick Democrats, and the successful candidates as Anti-Broderick Democrats. The vote for Cleak of 114 tire Supreme Court was, for Beard, Whig, 36,917 13 Leake, Anti-Broderick, 36,743: Woodside, 11,718. 5 Beard over Leake, 174. Robbins, W. Rue, N. Scott. Pierce. Hale. 2938 1950....2658 2144 2568....1806 917 445....1102 0 2569 LEGISLATURE. ....... 7. Democrats..........26 132 HOUSE-Whigs.... Democrats..........46 10539 7769. 9386 10111 Maj. for Robbins, 2770; do. for Pierce, 725. The Legislature is decidedly Anti-Broderick. 235 219 98 Ashe 671 550. 558 306 Davidsen. 1292 679.......1019 497 Davis. 610 364. 414 259 Forsythe. 802 897. with Stokes. Iredell 1256 392. 909 280 Rockingham. 310 1036.. 342 823 Stokes. 4:57 636. 1081 1237 Surry. 464 797 1046 Yadkin... 158 Maj. for Maxwell, 1059; do. for Pierce, 1413. LEGISLATURE-Democratic in both branches. DELAWARE. CONG'S. 1854. GOV'R, 1854. PRES'T. 1852. Am. Dem. Am. Dem. Whig. Dem. F.3. Cullen, Riddle. Causey.Barton. Scott. Pierce. Hale. 650....... with Surry. New Castle. 2912 2723 2978 2677.2708 3038 62 937 Kent......1711 1669 1730 1646....1591 1422 0 Sussex.. 2197 1942 2233 1921....1934 1868 0 - 6236 992 Cabarrus. 624 425. 642 Total. .6820 6334 6941 6244.6293 6318 62 369 Maj for Cullen, 486; do. for Causey, 697; Plurality 371 for Pierce, 25. Calawba 310 739. with Lincoln. LEGISLATURE. Cleveland 336 9.8. 211 Gaston.. 138 808.......with Lincoln. HoOUSE-Americans...19: Democrats...2 491 SENATE-Americans. 6; Democrats.. 2; Whig..1. |