Total.....8083 6598...7680 6420...6201 5759 Walker. 316 Maj. for Cox, 1,455; do. for Morehead, 1,250; do. Washington. 461 Webb 0 for Scott, 442. Wharton... 31 106... 70 69... 17 59 X. Bracken.... 960 400... 939 400... 633 517 Boone..... 917 658... 915 Swope.Harris. Morehead. Clark, Scott. Pierce. Williamson.. 227 282... 217 Total.... 9496 14379...10389 12522...2824 7561 278... 62 143 Campbell..... 957 1164... 956 1166... 577 1098 Maj. for Bell, 4,883; do. for Fields, 2,133; do. for Carroll... 462 451... 457 458... 446 473 Pierce, 4737. Gallatin...... 457 411 526... 735 541... 437 Kenton 1296 1282...1275 1293... 975 1384 Anderson... 536 380... 676 186... 150 412 Owen..... 5771388... 575 1396 505 1186 Angelina 16... 28 56 336... 779 356... 262 570 Bowie 278... 30 75 Total.....7490 6991...7356 7077 ..5312 7462 Collin Maj, for Swope, 199, do. for Morehead, 279; do. for Cooke Pierce, 2, 160. Dallas.. TOTAL VOTE OF STATE-Morehead, 69.816; Clark, 65,413; Scott, 57,068; Pierce, 53,807. Maj. for More head, 4,403; do. for Scott, 3,261. Faaniu Grayson... Harrison 674 THE LEGISLATURE IS Know-Not'g in both branches. Henderson... 219 102... 264 12.7. 23 74 Hopkins..... 387 Houston 197 339... 202 274... 46 125 496... 141 324 TOTAL VOTE OF STATE. Crosby, 21.878; Fields, 74 20.263; Scott. 4.965, Pierce, 13, 152. Maj. for Crosby, 01,615; do. for Pierce, 8,487. 200 142 THE LEGISLATURE is largely Democratic in both 154 branches. De Soto... MISSISSIPPI. K. N. Dem. K. N. Dem. CONGRESS. Gov., 1855. PRES., 1852. Whig. Dem. Taylor. Wright.Fontaine.MeRas. Scott. Pierce. 208 137... 159 115 837 1033... 781 888 860... 401 689 Total..... 5520 6716...4270 7594...1568 2395 Lafayette..... 592 Maj. for Shorter, 1,196; do. for Winston, 3,324; do. Marshall.....1193 for Pierce, 827. Panola 625 Tippah .......1113 III. Watts.Dowd'll.Shortr'ge. Wins'n.Scott P'rce. Tishemingo...1052 131... 264 1087.. 861 876... 587 1258...1192 638... 633 Autaugs...... Chambers.... 677 755 692... 196 322 Tanica.. 1306... 668 51 70.., 51 70... 20 34 616 Montgomery.. Russell.... 522 for Pierce, 1,762. 657 Maj. for Wright, 1,384; do. for McRae, 1,312; do. II. Houston. Bennett, Fontaine. MoRae.Scott. Pierce. Total....5808 6342 5630 6398 31383520 Bolivar....... 132 Maj. for Dowdell, 534; do. for Winston, 768; do. for Calhoun..... 387 Pierce, 382. 62... 123 75...- 67 38 343... 527 475 Maj. for Bennett, 376; do. for McRae, 575; do. for THE TRIBUNE ALMANAO; MISSISSIPPI-Continued. Lake.Singleton. Foutaine. McRae.Scott.Pierce. 720 382... 714 Washington.. 167 104... 166 Yoo. .. 651 444... 672 Warren INDIANA. 387... 723 494 An election was held in this State, in 1855, for 106... 129 90 county officers, which resulted very generally in the 430... 453 539 виссекs of the Democracy. 1955. for a Commissioner of the Des Moines River Improvement, Register of the same work, and for Kegister of the State Land Office. A vote was also taken on the adoption of the Prohibitory Liquor Law, which the Legislature had previously passed with a clanse submitting it to a direct vote of the people. This election resulted in the snecess of the Republicate of election to Bird B. Chapman, the Nebraska etickes for State officers, and the adoption of Li- candidate. Mr. Bennett will contest. Gov. Izard excluded the votes of the counties of Dacotah, Richardson, Ottoe, and Burt, on account of some alleged irregularity, and thus gave the certifi ener Prohibition, as follows: Com. D. M. River Improvement--Wm. McKay, Rep... fisdale, Dem, 4,137. Register D. M. River Improvement.-J. C. Lock over Dewey. Dems, 3,922. Register State Land Office--Anson Hart, Rep., over Samuels, Dem., 4,441. For the Prohibitory Lave, 25.555; against it, 22.645. Majority for Prohibition, 2,910. ILLINOIS. An election was held in this State, in 1855, for Judicial officers, which resulted in the success of what passes for Democracy. A vote on the question of a Prohibitory Liquor Law resulted in the defeat of that measure. KANSAS. There were two elections, held on different days, for Delegate to Congress from this Territory. At one election, patronized very largely by residents of Missouri, Mr. Whitfield, Pro-Slavery, was cleeted; and at the other, when residents of the Territory only were permitted to participate, Ex-Governor Reeder was chosen almost unanimously, receiving about 3000 votes. Whitfield contests. OREGON. The result of the election for Congress in this Territory was, for Gen. Joseph Lane. Dum., 6178; Gaines, Know-Nothing, 3943 Majority for Lane, 2235. |