PRESIDENT, 1856. Rep. Dem. Am. Fremont, Buch. Fill. 1508 831 0 2798 7188 25 2299 1688 6 3518 1297 4 2875 2020 8 Total...... 14428 11171...12998 13024 43 Potter's maj., 3257; Buchanan over Fremont, 26. VL. CASS Christian Greene. 765 1517 1059 11 .... 769 732 Macoupin 1615 Fremont, Buch. Fill. Menard.. 13 .... 766 852 Adams.. 767 338.... Morgan..... 16 .... 1829 1667 Bad Ax.. 457 194 ... 597 231 21 Montgomery. 833 992 Buffalo. 163 0 Sangamon 2803 3010 112.... 2751 2474 Chippewa... No return. Scott 650 1002 3... 714 840 Clark... 1417 Crawford. 608 797 .... 521 429 1 4015 ... 3996 3443 6 Harris over Math., 4547; do. over Williams, 2119. VII. Total.... 11646 16193 277 12077 14196 Douglas.. Oglesby. Robinson. Baldwin. Brown'l. Shaw. Ean Claire..... 49 95.... No return. Dunn 119 0 316 263.... New County. Clay 424 712 1.... 457 768 Grant.. 2230 1695... 2809 1419 186 Clark. 1076 1405 0.... 985 1328 Green... 1473 831... 2004 1087 32 Coles. 7.... 1300 1291 Iowa.... 1375 1646 .... 1497 1474 27 Cumberland. 488 696. 0.... 408 641 Jackson... 242 174 .... 306 144 6 Crawford. 731 1123 Juneau With Adama. Edgar... 1.... 1146 1373 La Crosse. 919 998.. 987 541 25 Effingham. 0.... 220 788 Lafayette 1267 1646.... 1415 1722 19 Fayette.. 0.... 502 953 La Pointe No return. Jasper 0.... 468 676 Marathon Lawrence.. 0.... 541 789 Munroe 762 536.... 722 254 6 6.... 1111 837 Pepin Macon. 1168 939 17.... 741 864 Pierce. 501 251 .... 414 106 11 Moultrie, 0.... 419 445 Polk.. 124 135.... 95 480 4.... 411 0.... 438 313 Portage 633 478.... 680 805 Richland. 782 682 .... 882 455 37 1965 10 36 9878 12994 St. Croix. 478 0 VIII. Robinson over Cglesby, 1828; Shaw's maj., 3115. 557 3.... 700 611 Wood Sauk. 1662 744.. 2015 190 309.... 260 283 993 4 0 Clinton. 377 872 325 1193 23 .... 151 31 .... 1951 23.... 440 1162 1149 6.... Randolph 917 1090 St. Clair.. 2464 2058 Washington.... 435 1090 1232 Total...... 23917 2016726905 16221 415 1695 Washburn's maj., 3750; Fremont over Buch, 10684. 532 1135 III. Billinghurst. Larrabee. Fremont. Buch. Fill. 13 .... 872 1459 Brown Total.. 8410 11490 198 7512 11299 Phillips. Logan. Parish. Wiley. 499 . 1004 486 408 1 0 262 1303 484 536 2631 1618.. 2950 1239 7 Dodge 3455 2784 15 Door.... 100 73.... No return. IX. .Mara'l. Fond du Lac 2972 2414.... 3292 2511 25 Green Lake.... 408 Jefferson... 12 292 Kewaunee.. 206 0 91 1110 Manitouwoe. 1907 0 232 910 Marquette.. 487 788.... 2518 1032 19 1155 68 1228 Oconto... 221 278.... No return. 175 328 Ozaukee 2032 0 59 1084 Outagamie..... 523 810 .... 602 753 1 .... 1157 9 1195 Shawano.. 43 21 0 .... 233 633 Sheboygan .... 798 .... 556 696 Washington... 466 1735 .... 813 2641 7 889 Waupасса 964 .... Pulaski.. 67 443 Washara 986 464... 1636 75 0 1292 215 6 ... 1143 144 .... 34 1091 Winnebago..... 2308 1584 .... 2769 1415 20 819 81 1231 551 516 374 1281 717 1136 46 1502 Total..... 23011 23905...27187 23598 122 Larrabee's maj., 894; Fremont over Buch., 3589. TOTAL VOTE OF THE STATE. Congress,..... Republican, 61356; Democratic, 55243. Fillmore,.. LEGISLATURE. ..580. SENATE..... Republicans, 16; Democrats, 14. Marshall Mitchell. Monona. Muscatine 1447 1112.. 1026 713 218.. 375 93.. 468 411 179.. No return. 238 78 81.. 39 25.. 1201 1099.. 1036 44.. 956 16 9.. 31 37.. 173 87 31 827 No return. New Co. 2 36.. 20 17 2048 1369.. No return. 1472 1036 331 320.. 329 79.. 203 229 535 264.. 306 114.. 439 158 255 340.. 225 49.. 323 259 Winnebago.... 18 20.. No return. New Co. Winneshiek.... 827 537.. 65 49.. 446 145 Woodbury..... 116 170.. 372 43.. 30 87 Worth.. 31.. No return. New Co. 58.. No return. 46 25 Wright... 79 82 Total..... 36147 44599.... 20691 53365 36165 Baldwin's majority, 8452; Buchanan over Fill more, 17200. Mr. Curry was supported by Anti-Lecompton Democrats and Republicans. For Comptroller, Melony, Lecompton Dem., received 44285 votes; Dawley, Anti-Lecompton Dem., 27759; Gunn, Rep., 7481. Mr. Gunn's vote does not represent the Republican strength of the State, as many Republicans voted for the Anti-Lecompton candidate, Mr. Dawley. For Congress, McKibbin received 32098; Dudley, 22791; Tracy, 9381. Messrs. McKibbin and Dudley were the candidates of the Anti-Lecompton or Broderick Democracy, while the Republicans supported Mr. McKibbin and Mr. Tracy, and the Lecompton or Administration Democracy did not nominate candidates for Congress at all, contending that the election should, according to law, take place in 1859, and not in 1858. Of course, another election will be held, and there will be a contest at Washington for seats, unless Messrs. McKibbin and Dudley should be re-elected next year. LEGISLATURE. SENATE. Repub'ns, 4; Lec. Dem., 25; A.L. Dem., 5. HOUSE.. Repub'ns, 8; Lec. Dem., 55; A.L. Dem., 17. OREGON-[Not yet admitted.] 724 786.... 723 729 213 Jackson. 432 440 6 .... 243 628 8 194 1952 2298.... 562 2615 1504 Linn. 101 312.... 18 289 305 Marion.... 488.... 188 457 288 Multnomah. 536 398 1.... 543 396 259 359 1.... 273 362 1 El Dorado... 2638 2607.... 1391 4048 2958 Tillamook. Frezno 1 243.... 1 218 123 Umpqua. Humboldt 364 239.... 103 204 191 Wasco 121 213 .... Klamath... 81 591.... 82 Los Angelos... 36 1410.... 521 721 135 Yamhill... 418 Marin 90 480.... 151 350 82 Mariposa 154 1141. 165 1254 Merced 124 Whitaker over Barnum, 1138; Grover over Kelly, 169 1660. Messrs. Denny and McBride ran as Republi Napa.... 635 563.... 157 444 341 cans, though the Republicans generally voted for the Nevada.. 2535 Placer 1790 2665.... 1462 3500 2168 992 2808 681.... 217 1124 2449 941 3438 2238 Opposition candidates. 2096 865 OTHER STATE OFFICERS. 3386 Sec. State Rice3659; Heath....5746-2087 7 Treasurer ..Brumley..3531; Boon....5676-2145 38 State Printer.. O'Meara.. 4557; Bush.4958-401 1598 For Treasurer, Applegate, Straight Rep., received 1040 590 votes; and for State Printer, Craig, Straight Rep., 15 received 413. LEGISLATURE. SENATE.. Republicans... 4; Democrats.... 12. HOUSE... Republicans... 7; Democrats.... 26. GOVERNORS OF TERRITORIES. - New Merico, Abraham Rencher, Washington, Fayette MeMullen; Nebraska Wm. A. Richardson; Utah, Alfred Cumming; Kansas, Samuel Medary; Oregon, Geo. L. Curry. The following States hold Legislative Sessions biennially, viz.: Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida Alabama, Michigan, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, and Illinois. Democrata in Roman; Republicans in Italics; Americans in SMALL CAPS. POPULAR VOTE FOR PRESIDENT. 3,646 730 South Carolina... Presidential Electors chosen by the Legislat ure. Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia... 73,636 66,117 58.898 31,169 15,639 4.995 13.552 57,132 72,413 Wisconsin....... 66,090 52,843 Total..... 1,341,514 1,838,232 874,707 1,393,089 1,596,395 158,123 1,362,232 1,223,795 291,378 |