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The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. Frontispiece...
How Christ Conquered California-A Review, in Word and Picture, of
the Old Missions on the Pacific Coast. Illustrated ...


For One That Turned Back. Verse.

Rev. Fr. Zephyrin Engelhardt, O. F. M. The Discoverer of California. Illustrated..... Rev. John W. Law, O. P. At the Sign of the Harp-The Robbing of Peter.....John Kevin Magner Educational Tendencies (I)... Rev. Francis O'Neill, O. P. 163 Rev. Hugh F. Blunt 165




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Riot, Rebellion and Religion in Mexico.. Rev. Eugene Lugranes, C. M. F. 217 General Chronicle

Educational ....

Literary Notes

With the Editor.





TERMS: $2 a year, in advance; single copy, 20 cents; foreign and Canadian subscription, $2.50 a year. Instructions for Renewal, Discontinuance, or Change of Address should be sent two weeks before the date they go into effect. Both old and new addresses must always be given. Discontinuance: We find that many of our subscribers prefer not to have their subscription interrupted and their files broken in case they fail to remit before expiration. Nevertheless it is not assumed that continuous service is desired, but subscribers are expected to notify us with reasonable promptness if the Magazine is no longer required.

Remittances should be made by registered letter, draft, check, money order or exTHE ROSARY MAGAZINE, Somerset, Ohio



Copyright, 1914, by The Rosary Press.

Entered at Post Office, Somerset, Ohio, as second class matter

August 1-Sixth of the fifteen Saturdays in honor of the Holy Rosary (Cc. See June 27).. August 2-First Sunday of the month. In, dulgences: Plenary and partial (Cc. I).

August 4-Feast of St. Dominic. General Absolution with plenary indulgence for Tertiaries. Tertiaries desiring to receive the indulgence attached to the General Absolution must receive the sacraments, pray for the Pope's intention, and receive the absolution according to the prescribed formula. Indulgences: 1. Plenary and partial for Tertiaries (Cc. See January 1, No. 3). 2. Plenary for all the faithful (Cc. See January 23). 3. Plenary for Tertiaries who recite daily throughout the year the "O spem miram." 4. Partial of seven years and seven quarantines for members of the Angelic Warfare (Cc. See January 25).

August 5-Feast of Our Lady of Snow. Indulgences: 1. Plenary for Rosarians (Cc. Same conditions as III). 2. Plenary for Tertiaries (Cc. See May 24).

August 6-First day of the novena in preparation for the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. A plenary indulgence may be gained on any one day of the novena, or on the feast itself, by those making the novena, provided they receive worthily the sacraments and pray for the intention of the Pope; a partial indulgence of three hundred days may be gained on each day of the novena.

August 8-Seventh of the fifteen Saturdays in honor of the Holy Rosary (Cc. See June 27).

August 9-Second Sunday of the month. Indulgences: Plenary and partial (Cc. II).

August 15-Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. General Absolution with plenary indulgence for Tertiaries (Cc.

Life is a serious thing. It must not be allowed to evaporate in a jest; but be a happy round of great duties and simple pleasures. To meet the former, a strong character must be formed. And here you draw the lines that form that character. From these your Book of Life shall be printed in letters that will last for eternity. Take care in your daily engraving to allow no scrape or blot to mar the beauty of the character

See 4 inst.) Indulgences: 1. Plenary for Rosarians (Cc. V). 2. Plenary for Rosarians who take part in the procession held in honor of the feast. 3. Plenary and partial for Tertiaries (Cc. See January 1, No. 3). 4. Plenary for members of the Living Rosary Society (Cc. III). 5. Partial of ten years and ten quarantines for Rosarians who recite the Rosary. 6. Partial of seven years and seven quarantines for Rosarians who receive the sacraments, visit the chapel or altar of the Confraternity and there pray for the Pope. 7. Partial of seven years and seven quarantines for Rosarians who recite weekly the fifteen decades of the Rosary. 8. Partial of seven years and seven quarantines for the members of the Angelic Warfare (Cc. See January 25). Eighth of the fifteen Saturdays in honor of the Holy Rosary (Cc. See June 27).

August 16-Feast of St. Hyacinth. Third Sunday of the month. Indulgences: 1. Plenary and partial for Tertiaries (Cc. See January 1, No. 3). 2. Plenary for all the faithful (Cc. See January 23). 3. Plenary for members of the Living Rosary Society (Cc. III).

August 22-Ninth of the fifteen Saturdays in honor of the Holy Rosary (Cc. See June 27).

August 29-Tenth of the fifteen Saturdays in honor of the Holy Rosary (Cc. See June 27).

August 30-Feast of St. Rose of Lima. Last Sunday of the month. Indulgences: 1. Plenary and partial for Tertiaries (Cc. See January 1, No. 3). 2. Plenary for all the faithful (Cc. See January 23). 3. Plenary for all the faithful (Cc. IV). First day of the novena in preparation for the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin (Cc. See 6 inst. ).

you are forming. But let all the letters be clean and firm and fair; so that men reading your life, as men are wont to read, will find therein little to criticise and much to edify and enlighten; and that you yourselves, in your old age, may be able to turn over page after page, of that Book of Life, and be able to say: "It is well written, within and without-chaste thoughts, kind words. noble deeds, cheerful sacrifices for God and man."-Canon Sheehan.

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TERMS: $2 a year, in advance; single copy, 20 cents; foreign and Canadian sub-
scription, $2.50 a year. Instructions for Renewal, Discontinuance, or Change of Ad-
dress should be sent two weeks before the date they go into effect. Both old and new
addresses must always be given. Discontinuance: We find that many of our sub-
scribers prefer not to have their subscription interrupted and their files broken in case
they fail to remit before expiration. Nevertheless it is not assumed that continuous
service is desired, but subscribers are expected to notify us with reasonable prompt-
ness if the Magazine is no longer required.

Remittances should be made by registered letter, draft, check, money order or ex-



Copyright, 1914, by The Rosary Press.

Entered at Post Office, Somerset, Ohio, as second class matter

September 5-Eleventh of the fifteen Saturdays in honor of the Holy Rosary (Cc. See June 27). Anniversary of the deceased friends and benefactors of the Dominican Order. Tertiaries, Rosarians and members of the Holy Name Confraternity may gain a plenary indulgence (Cc. See July 13).

September 6-First Sunday of the month. Indulgences: Plenary and partial (Cc. I).

September 8-Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. Indulgences: 1. Plenary for Rosarians (Cc. V). 2. Plenary for Rosarians who take part in the procession held in honor of the feast. 3. Plenary and partial for Tertiaries (Cc. See January 1, No. 3). 4. Plenary for members of the Living Rosary Society (Cc. III). 5. Partial of ten years and ten quarantines for Rosarians if they recite the Rosary. 6. Partial of seven years and seven quarantines if they recite weekly the fifteen decades of the Rosary. 7. Partial of seven years and seven quarantines for Rosarians who receive the sacraments, visit the altar or chapel of the Confraternity, and there pray for the Pope. 8. Partial of seven years and seven quarantines for members of Angelic Warfare (Cc. See January 25).

September 12-Twelth of the fifteen Saturdays in honor of the Holy Rosary (Cc. See June 27).

September 13-Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary. Second Sunday of the month. Indulgences: 1. Plenary and partial for members of the Holy Name Confraternity (Cc. II). 2. Plenary for Tertiaries (Cc. See May 24). 3. Plenary for Rosarians (Cc. V). 4. Plenary for members of the Living Rosary Society (Cc. III). 5. Partial of ten years and ten quarantines for Rosarians if they recite the Rosary. 6. Partial of seven years and seven quarantines for Rosarians if they recite weekly the fifteen decades of the Rosary. 7. Partial of seven years and seven quarantines for Rosarians who receive the sacraments, visit the altar or chapel of the Confraternity and there pray for the Pope. 8. Plenary for Rosarians who take part in the procession held in honor of the feast. 9. Plenary and partial for Tertiaries (Cc. See January 1, No. 3). 10. Partial of seven years and seven quarantines for members of Angelic Warfare (Cc. See Jan. 25).

September 14-Feast of Exaltation of the Cross. Members of the Angelic Warfare may gain an indulgence of seven years and seven quarantines (Cc. See January 25).

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September 15 Commemoration of St. Dominic in Suriano. Indulgences: 1. Plenary and partial for Tertiaries (Cc. See January 1, No. 3). 2. Plenary for members of any of the three Orders of St. Dominic who recite daily throughout the year the "O spem Miram" (Cc. reception of sacraments and prayer for the Pope).

September 16, 18,19-Ember Days. Tertiaries and Rosarians may gain on each of these days an indulgence of ten years and ten quarantines (Cc. VI).

September 19Thirteenth of the fifteen Saturdays in honor of the Holy Rosary (Cc. See June 27). First of twelve Saturdays in honor of Immaculate Conception. A plenary indulgence may be gained on each of twelve Saturdays preceding the feast of the Immaculate Conception. The conditions are: Reception of sacraments, prayer for the Pope's intention and some time spent in prayer or meditation in honor of the Immaculate Conception.

September 20-Third Sunday of the month. Plenary indulgence for members of the Living Rosary Society (Cc. III).

September 24 - Feast of Our Lady of Mercy. Indulgences: 1. Plenary for Tertiaries (Cc. See May 24). 2. Plenary for members of the Living Rosary Society (Cc same conditions as III).

September 25-First day of the novena in preparation for the feast of the Most Holy Rosary. A plenary indulgence may be gained on any one day of the novena, or on the feast itself, by those making the novena, provided they receive worthily the sacraments and pray for the intention of the Pope; a partial indulgence may be gained on each day of the novena.

September 20-Fourteenth of the fifteen Saturdays in honor of the Holy Rosary (Cc. See June 27). Second Saturday of the twelve Saturdays in honor of the Immaculate Conception (Cc. See 19 inst).

September 27-Last Sunday of the month. Plenary indulgence for the faithful (Cc. IV).

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. John C. Wall


His Holiness Pope Benedict XV. Frontispiece
Three Weeks of Papal History. Illustrated...Samuel M. Thompson, O. P.
Europe in Battle Array. Illustrated....
Feminism (II)..

A Thought at Waking. Verse..

Very Rev. M. M. O'Kane, O. P. 385
Eleanor Rogers Cox
......C. Decker

A Relic and an Act of Contrition....
In Tenebris-In Memoriam Pii Papae X. Obiit August 20, 1914. Verse

Letters of Monsignor Benson to a Convert (I)..
In Her Garden. Verse..



P. J. Coleman 398 ..One of Them 399

Rev. Hugh F. Blunt 404

At the Sign of the Harp-His Serene Highness, Prince Patrick..

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John Kevin Magner 405

.. Thomas J. Ross 417 Sara Trainer Smith 425 426

Science Restores Apostolic Relic. Illustrated..Rev. John W. Law, O. P.
October Meditations. Verse...

[blocks in formation]

Mary Allegra Gallagher 433

.Horace Foster 434

. John T. Clemens 440 Caroline D. Swan 445





TERMS: $2 a year, in advance; single copy, 20 cents; foreign and Canadian subscription, $2.50 a year. Instructions for Renewal, Discontinuance, or Change of Address should be sent two weeks before the date they go into effect. Both old and new addresses must always be given. Discontinuance: We find that many of our subscribers prefer not to have their subscription interrupted and their files broken in case they fail to remit before expiration. Nevertheless it is not assumed that continuous service is desired, but subscribers are expected to notify us with reasonable promptness if the Magazine is no longer required.

Remittances should be made by registered letter, draft, check, money order or exTHE ROSARY MAGAZINE, Somerset, Ohio



Copyright, 1914, by The Rosary Press.

Entered at Post Office, Somerset, Ohio, as second class matter

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