The Apocalypse Revealed, Wherein are Disclosed the Arcana There Foretold, which Have Heretofore Remained Concealed: Vol. 2BoD – Books on Demand, 15 нояб. 2024 г. - Всего страниц: 388 Reprint of the original, first published in 1836. |
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The Apocalypse Revealed, Wherein are Disclosed the Arcana There Foretold ... Emanuel Swedenborg Ограниченный просмотр - 2024 |
The Apocalypse Revealed, Vol. 2 of 2: Wherein Are Disclosed the Arcana There ... Emanuel Swedenborg Недоступно для просмотра - 2016 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
acknowledge Apoc appear Babylon beast behold blasphemy called cast celestial celestial kingdom chapter Christ commandments concupiscences confirmed consequently decalogue destroy Deut Divine Humanity divine truth doctrine dominion dragon dwell Egypt Euphrates evils and falses Exod external Ezek faith separated falsified Father fies fire following passages glory God the Father hath heaven and earth hell holy infernal love influx interior Isaiah Israel Jehovah Jerem Jerusalem Jesus John John xiv judgment kingdom kings laity Lamb last judgment live according locusts Lord's Divine Luke Matt meant Moses mouth nified opposite sense plagues principled profaned Psalm reason Roman Catholic Roman Catholic religion salvation saying seen separated from charity serpent seven angels signi signified the church signified truths soul spiritual sense tabernacle temple thee thence thou shalt throne tion unto verse vial voice wisdom woman Word worship wrath xvii xviii Zech Zion