Изображения страниц
[blocks in formation]

Ban Gor, what, 15.

Banbury taken by Charles I.,

Bank Restriction Bill, 678.
Repealed, 725.
Bannockburn, battle, 169.
Bantry Bay, French Expedi-
tion to, 678.
Barbarossa, Frederick, 122.
Barclay, Sir George, 560.
Bards, 6.

Barebone, Praise God, 462.
Queen Barfleur, shipwreck at, 101.
To de- Barnet, battle, 227.

Association to defend
Elizabeth, 337, 338.
fend William III., 560.
Astley, Sir Jacob, 424.
Aston, Sir Arthur, 424.
Athelings, 24. What, 72.
Athelstane, King of Essex,

son of Edward the Elder,

Atherton Moor, battle, 427.
Attainder, what, 409, note.

Bellasis, Colonel, 429.

Belleisle, battle off, 621.
Taken, 633.

Bellingham shoots 'Perceval,


Bemis's Heights, battle, 649.
Benbow, Admiral, 575.
Benedictines, 49, 51.
Beneficia (see Fiefs).
Benevolences, law of Richard
III. against, 234. Levied
by Henry VIL, 247, 264,


Bengal army, mutiny, 749.
Bennington, battle of, 649.
Bentinck, Earl of Portland,
547. (See Portland.)

Lord William, 718. Gov-
ernor General of India, 747.
Beornred, King of Mercia, 35.

Baronetcy, institution of, 375. Beornwulf, King of Mercia, 35,
Barons, council of, 98, 127. 36.

Greater and Lesser, 130. Berengaria, consort of Richard
Oppose King John, 140. I., 124, 125.

Council of, under Magna Beresford, Lord, 706, 711.
Charta, 142. Conspire Bergen-op-Zoom, storm
against Henry III., 149 sq.


Barrington, Lord, Chancellor Beric, 8.


[blocks in formation]

Maid of Kent, 277.

Basilikon Doron, 370.

Auckland, Lord, Governor Barton, Elizabeth, the Holy

Audley, Sir Thomas, Chancel-Basileus, title of, 72.

Augustine preaches in En- Bastwick released, 407.
Archbishop of Bath, Earl of (see Pulteney).

Attaint, writ of, 499.

Atterbury, Bishop, 603.

General of India, 747.

lor, 275.

[blocks in formation]

Babington, Ant., conspiracy, Beauharnais, Eugene, Viceroy

Bacon, Sir Nicholas,
Keeper, 314, 327.
Bacon, Francis, pleads against
Lord Essex, 357, 359.

of Italy, 695.

Lord-Beaulieu, sanctuary at, 250.
Becket, Thomas à, rise, Arch-
bishop of Canterbury, 111,
Vis- 112, 113, 114, 115, 116.
Character, 117. Henry's
penance at his tomb, 121.

count St. Albans and chan-
cellor, 381.

Badajoz taken, 712.


Sir M., seizes Wyatt,

Earl of, expedition to

Brest, 558.

Berlin Decree, 700.

Bernadotte, Crown-prince of
Sweden, 709.

Bernicia (Berneich or Beorna-
rice), 26.

Bertha, wife of Ethelbert, 30.
Berwick ceded to England,
121. Sold by Richard I.,
124. Ceded by Edward Ba-
liol, 176. Pacification of,


Duke of, 551, 578, 579,

Bhurtpore taken, 747.
Bible, English, 281.
Bibroci, 7.

Bigod, Roger, Earl of Norfolk,

Bills, parliamentary, 239.
Birmingham, riots at, 671.
Bishops, new regulations re.
specting, 276. Protest, 415.
Impeached and committed,
ib. Deprived of their votes,
417. Restored to Parlia
ment, 480. Petition against
Declaration of Indulgence,
531. Committed to Tower,
ib.. Acquitted, 532.

Bedford, Duke of, regent of Bishoprics, new, erected by

[blocks in formation]

Boyle, Secretary, 555.
Boyne, the, battle of, 552.
Bradshaw, President of High
Court of Justice, 446.
Brakenbury, Sir Robert, 232.
Bramham, battle, 204.
Brandywine, battle, 649.
Branodunum, 12.

Breakspear (see Adrian IV.).

Blithwallon, King of North Breda, declaration of, 475.

Blenheim, battle, 577.
Castle, 578.

Bligh, General, 627.

Wales, 84.

Blood, 491, 492.


Boadicea, 10.

Peace of, 459.
Brentford, battle, 425.

Blücher, Marshal, 720, 721, Bretigni, peace of, 186.

[blocks in formation]

Henry IV., 201.
-, St. John, Viscount, 584,

Breton, Cape, taken, 627.
Bretwalda, 29.

Breviary abolished, 289.
Bridgeman, Sir Orlando, 489.
Bridges, first stone, in En-
gland, 144.
Brigantes, 9.
Brihuega, battle, 583, 584.
Bristol taken by Rupert, 426.
Surrendered by him, 436.
Riots at, 734.

Earl of, embassador to
Philip IV., 384, 390.
Britain, earliest accounts of, 2.
Trade with Greeks, ib. In-
vaded by Cæsar, 7. Reduced
by Claudius, 8. Abandoned
by Romans, 13.
under the, 14.
Christianity in,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

master of forces, 658.
peaches Warren Hastings,
665, 669. His "Reflections"
on French Revolution, 671.
Burleigh, Lord (Cecil), 333,
Condition Burrard, Sir Harry, 704.
Roads, ib. Bury St. Edmund's, 41.
15. Gov-Busaco, battle of, 709.
ernment and divisions un-Bute, Earl of, 623, 632. Prime

585, 586, 587, 591. Procures
the dismissal of Oxford, 591,
592. Flight, 595. Enters
Pretender's service, ib. At-
tainted, ib. Pardoned, 603.
His "Patriot King," 608.
Bomarsund taken, 745.
Bombay, dowry of Catherine
of Braganza, 481. Ceded to
East India Company, 635.
Bonaparte, Napoleon (see Na-Britons, origin, 3. Religion, 4.


Louis, King of Holland,
699, 709.

Joseph, King of Naples,
699. Of Spain, 703, 715.
Boniface, Pope, 164.

Bonner, Bishop, 305, 309, 314.
Booth, Sir George, 473.

Borh (surety), 74.

der Romans, 17.
Brithric, King of Wessex, poi-
soned, 34.
Brito, Richard, 115.

[blocks in formation]

minister, 634, 637.
Bye, the, plot, 371.
Byng, Admiral (Lord Torring-

ton), defeats the Pretender,
582. Defeats the Spaniards,

Admiral, fails to relieve
Minorca, 624, 625. Shot,


Brittany, disputed succession, Cabal ministry, 489, 496.
178. Annexed to French Cabinet council, origin, 566.
crown, 247.

Cabot, Sebastian, 253.

Boroughs, creation of, 364. Broke, heads the Bye Plot, 371. Cade, Jack, rebellion, 219.
Small. disfranchised by Executed, ib.

Cadiz taken, 354.

Cromwell, 464. Disfran- Bromley, Sir Thomas, commit-Caer Caradoc, 9.

[blocks in formation]

Calvi, siege of, 676.
Cambray, peace of, 270.
Cambria (Wales), 27.
Cambridge, Earl of, executed,

Duke of, 693.
Cambuskenneth, battle, 165.
Camden, Lord Chancellor, 641.
battle, 656.

Cameron of Lochiel, 616.
Campbell, Sir Colin, 749.
Campeggio, Cardinal, 268.
Camperdown, action off, 679.
Campion, Jesuit, executed,

Camps, Roman, in Britain, 9.
Camulodunum, 9.
Canada, when colonized, 628.
Conquered, 629. Attempt-
ed by Americans, 713, 714.
Insurrection in, 738.
Canals, 751.

Catesby, forms the Gunpowder
Plet, 372. Killed, 374.
Cathcart, Lord, killed, 610.
Lord, takes Copenhagen,

Catherine of France, espoused
by Henry V., 209. Marries
Sir Owen Tudor, 210.

of Aragon, marries Prince
Arthur, 251. Contracted to
Prince Henry, ib. Marries
him, 256. Henry seeks a
divorce, 267. She demurs to
the court, 269. Divorced
by Cranmer, 275. Death,

de Medicis, regent of
France, 317, 320.

of Braganza marries
Charles II., 481, 504.

of Russia, 656.
Catholic emancipation advo-
cated by Fitt, 685, 686.
Lord Howick's bill lost, 700.
Advocated by Canning, 730.
Carried, 732.
ac-Cato Street conspiracy, 728.
Cavaliers, 415.

Canning, George, foreign sec-
retary, 700. Duel with Cas-
tlereagh, 708. Premier, 730.
Canrobert, General, 744.
Canterbury, primacy of,
knowledged, 86.

-, pilgrims at, 118.
Cantii, 7.

Canute (Knut), son of Sweyn,
55. Reign, 58–60.

King of Denmark, threat-
ens England, 89.
Capel, character, 407.
Caracalla, 11.

Caractacus, or Caradoc, 9.
Carausius, 12.

Cardonnel, Marlborough's sec-
retary, 589.

Carew, Sir Peter, 306.
Carleton, Secretary, 410.
Carnatic, secured, 637.

Caroline of Anspach, consort

of George II., 607.

Cavendish, Lord John, Chan-

cellor of Exchequer, 658, 659.
Caxton, 230, note.
Ceawlin, 26. Bretwalda, 29.
Defeated at Wodnesbeorg,

Cecil, Sir William, Secretary
of State, 814, 317, 327, 331
(see Burleigh).

Sir Robert, son of pre-
ceding, secretary, 357. Be-
comes Lord Salisbury, 371
(see Salisbury).

Sir Edward, Viscount
Wimbledon, 389.

[blocks in formation]

, Queen, trial, 728. Death, Celts, 3.


Cenimagni, 7.

ished, 559.

Charles the Simple, cedes
Neustria to Rollo, 78.

the Fair, 170.

VI. of France, 188, 206.
VII., 213, 217.
VIII., 246, 248.

IX., 332. Massacres the
Huguenots, 334. Death, ib.
X. deposed, 733.

V. (Emperor), 252, 259,
262. Visits England, 262.
Bribes Wolsey, 264. Second
visit to England, ib. Breaks
with Henry VIIL, 267. Al-
liance with, 288. Proposes
an alliance with Mary, 306.

VII., Emperor, dies, 614.
II. of Spain, death, 565.
III., titular king of Spain,
576, 578. Elected emperor,

III. of Spain forms the
Family Compact with
France, 633. Declares war,

IV. of Spain, 703.

of Navarre, claim to
French crown, 176.

Edward, son of Pretender
(James), 613. Expedition
of, 615.

Charlotte, of Mecklenburg-
Strelitz, marries George III.,
632. Death, 726.

Princess, dies, 724.
Charnock, Captain, 561.
Charter of Henry I., 98. Dis.
covered by Langton, 140.
Of Stephen, 103. Of John,
Charters of corporations sur-
rendered, 516. Annulled by
James II., 530.
Chartists, origin, 738, 741.
Chatham, ships at, burned by
the Dutch, 488.

Earl of (William Pitt),


Carr, Robert, Viscount Roches- Censorship of the press abol- history, 609, 614, 623. First
ter and Earl of Somerset,
376, 377.
Carrington, Lord, committed,

Carter, Hob, 192.
Carteret, Lord, Secretary, 611.
-, Lord (see Granville).
Carthagena, attack on, 610.
Cartismandua, 9,
Cartwright, Major, 723.
Cassi, 7.

Cassiterides, or Tin islands, 2.
Cassivelaunus, 7.
Castlemaine, Earl of, embassy
to Rome, 529, 530.
Castlereagh, Lord (Lord Lon-
donderry), Secretary at War,
700. Duel with Canning,
708. Foreign secretary, 712.
Suicide, 729.
Castles, Anglo-Norman, 91.
Destroyed by King Henry
II., 110.
Catesby, 231.

Census, first, 752.
Ceorls (churls), 72.
Cerdic, King of Wessex, 25.
Cerdic's ora, 25.
Cerealis, 10.

Chalgrave field, battle, 426.
Chalus, castle of, 127.
Chandernagore taken, 627.
Charlemagne, 35.
CHARLES L., reign of, 388-449.
Prince of Wales, journey

to Madrid, 384.

Opposes the peace, 637. De-
nounces Stamp Act, 641.
Created Earl Chatham, ib.
Second administration, 641-
643. Denounces American
policy, 645, 649. Last speech,
651. Illness and death, ib.

Earl of (2d), expedition
to Walcheren, 708.
Châtillon-sur-Seine, Congress
at, 717.

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 199, 237.
II., reign of, 477-521. Cherbourg, expedition against,
Prince of Wales, escapes 627.

to Paris, 437. Commands Chester, Earl of, 120.
the fleet, 444. Sends a carte Chesterfield, Earl of, Lord
blanche to the Regicides, Lieutenant of Ireland, 614.
448. In Scotland, 454. Secretary of State, 621.
Crowned at Scone, 456. De- Character, ib. Reforms the
feated at Worcester, ib. Re- Calendar, ib.
tires to Cologne, 465. Es-Chevy Chase," 194.
Capes to Breda, 475. Pro-Cheyte Sing, 668,-
claimed in London, 476. Child, Sir Josiah, 542.


Chillianwallah, battle, 748.
Chinon, castle, death of Henry

II. at, 122. Pence of, 139.
Choiseul, Duke of, 632, 633.
Christ Church, Oxon., found-
ed by Wolsey, 279.
Christian, Admiral, 677.
Christianity in Britain, 15.
Among the Saxons, 30 87.
Church, Anglo-Norman, 132.

English, separated from
Rome, 275. King supreme
head of, 276.

Churchill, Lord, deserts James

II., 535 (see Marlborough).
Churchill, the satirist, 634.
Cintra, convention of, 704.
Circuits, judges', 131.
Circuses in Britain, 14.
Cissa, 25.


627. Exploits, 636. Vic-
tories at Plassy, ib. Govern-
or of Bengal, 637. An Irish
peer, ib. Returns to India,|
665. Reforms, ib. Quella a
mutiny, 666. Vote of cen-
sure on, 667. Suicide, ib.
Clontarf meeting, 739.
Closetings, 530.
Cloth of Gold, Field of, 263.
Cobden, Richard, 738.
Cobham, Lord (see Oldcastle).

Lord, plots against
James I., 371.
Coburg, Prince of, commands
imperial army, 673.
Cœur de Lion, 128.
Coffee-houses, 543.
Coin, debasement of, 397.
Coke, Sir Edward, 377.
prisoned, 383.
Colchester taken, 445.
Coleman, secretary to Duchess
of York, 502, 505.


Cissa-ceaster (Chichester), 25.
Ciudad Rodrigo taken, 712.
Clanricarde, Earl, 453, 454.
Clare, Richard de (Strongbow),
119. Marries Eva, daughter Colepepper, Sir John, 423.
of King Dermot, 119. De-Coligny, 320, 332. Massacred,
feats the Irish, ib.


Collier, Jeremy, 561.


Clarence, Duke of, defeated at College, trial of, 514.
Baugé, 210.
- George, Duke of, marries Collingwood, Captain,
Warwick's daughter, 226.
696, 697, 703.
Deserts to Edward IV., 227. Colonial Secretary, office es-
Put to death, 229.
Clarendon, Constitutions of, Colonization, English, origin,
113. Assize of, ib.
378. Progress, 541, 542.

tablished, 642.

Earl of (Hyde), prime Columbus, 253.
minister, 478. Restores epis- Combats, judicial, 75.
copacy, 479. Advises the Combermere, Lord, 747.
sale of Dunkirk, 493. Dis- Comes littoris Saxonici, 12, 16,
graced, 489. Banished, ib. Comes, title of, 18.
His history, ib.

Earl (2d), chamberlain,
524. Lord Lieutenant of
Ireland, 528. Treats with
James IL, 536.
Clarke, Mrs., 705.
Clarkson, Mr., 700.

Claudius reduces Britain, 8.
Claypole, Mrs., death, 470.
Clement, Pope, 96.

VIL, Pope, 265, 267, 268.
Grants a commission to try
Henry VIII.'s divorce, 268.
Jaques, assassinates
Henry III., 352.
Clement's, St., Danish ceme-
tery at, 61.

Clergy, their privileges, 112


Cleves, Anne of (see Anne).
Clifford, Lord, murders the
Earl of Rutland, 221.

Sir Robert, betrays Per-
kin Warbeck, 249.

Sir Thomas, 489.

Clifton Moor, battle, 619.
Clinton, Admiral Lord, 327.
-, General, 646. Retreats
to New York, 651. Takes
Charleston, 655.
Clipping the coin, 158.

Clive, takes Chandernagore,

Commanders, Roman, in Brit-
ain, 18.


Remonstrance, 414. Charles
demands the five members,
416. Committee at Mer-
chant Tailors', ib. Seize
Hull, etc., 417. Militia bill,

Name the lieutenants
of counties, ib. Propose
terms, 419. Purged by
Colonel Pride, 446. Ordi-
nance to try the king, 447.
Name an executive council,
452. Declare James II. to
have abdicated, 538. (See
Commonwealth, 451-476.
Communion service, 296.
Comprehension Bill, 548.
Compton, Sir Spencer, 607.
Made Lord Wilmington, 611
(see Wilmington).
Compurgation, 131.
Compurgators, 75.
Comyn, Baliol's nephew, as-
sassinated, 166.

Conan, Duke of Brittany, 110.
Succeeded by Henry II., 111.
Condé, 320. Death, 339.
Confession, Auricular, 296.
Confirmatio Chartarum (stat-
ute), 154.

Conformity, occasional, bill to
prevent, thrown out, 575.
Passed, 587.

Congregation, Scotch, 316,
317. Assisted by Elizabeth,

Connaught, kingdom of, 118.
"Conservatives," origin, 736.
Party broken up, 740.
Constable, office extinguished,
263, note.

Constantia, mother of Arthur
of Brittany, 136.

Commerce, freedom of, se-
cured by the Charter, 141. Constantine the Great, 12.
Under Edward III., 191. Constantius Chlorus, 12.
Progress of, 542.
Constitution, Anglo-Norman,
128. English, under the
Tudors, 361.

Committee of Safety, 473.
Common Pleas, court, 131.

Commons, 130. House of, 152, Contract, original, 539.
162. Increased power, 205. Conventicle Act, 483. Sec-
Account of, 238, 239. Re- ond, 491.

fuse to reason with Wolsey, Convention Parliament, 475.
264. How treated by Eliz- Convention, 538. Made a Par-
abeth, 363, 363. Resist liament, 517. Dissolved,
James, 374. Revive im- 551.
peachments, 381. Pledge to
defend the Palatinate, 382.
Claim freedom of debate,
383. James tears out their

-, French, 675.
Convocation resigns the right
of taxation, 485. Account
of, 605.

protestation, ib. Leaders Conway, General, 632. Secre-
of, 389. Refuse supplies to
tary, 640. Carries address
Charles I., ib. Impeach against American war, 657.
Buckingham, 390. Frame Commander-in-chief, 658.

the Petition of Right, 393. Conyers, Sir John, 418.
Press a redress of griev- Cook, solicitor for people of
ances, 403. Impeach Straf- England, 447. Executed,
ford and Laud, 405, 406. 479.

Speeches first published, 407. Coote, Sir Eyre, defeats Hyder
Retain the army of the Ali, 668.

Covenant, ib. Proceedings Cope, Sir John, 616. Defeat-
against the clergy, ib. Com- ed at Preston Pans, 617.
mittee during recess, 411. Copenhagen, bombarded by


Nelson, 687. By Gambier,
701, 702.

[blocks in formation]

dale and

Cornish, Alderman, condemn-
ed, 527. Attainder reversed,

723. League
against the, 738. Abolish-
ed, 740, 757.
Cornwall, insurrection in, 249,

Cornwallis, Lord, 648.

ulates at Yorktown, 656.

Lord, viceroy of Ireland,
685. Governor General of
India, reduces Tippoo, 746.
-, Admiral, 677.
Corporation Act, 480, 498.
Corunna, battle of, 705.

Cospatric, Earl of Northum-

berland, rebels, 84.

Count, title of, 238.

County courts, 74, 131.

Court, verge of, 75.

Court baron, 130.

Caermarthen, 551.

Defeats Lang- of Leeds, 559.

(See Leeds.)

Hamilton, 445. Danegelt, 54, 61, 89, 131.
Ireland, 453. Danelagh, 44.

Captain Danes invade England, 39.
Murder King Edmund, 41.
Defeated by Alfred, 43.
Baptized by him, 44. Five
towns of, ib. Boundary of,
ib. Invade Kent, 45. In-
cursions renewed, 53. Mas-
sacred, 54.

Proceeds to
Reduces it, 454.
General, 455. Invades Scot-
land, ib. Gains battle of
Dunbar, 456. Defeats
Charles II. at Worcester, ib.
Dissolves the Long Parlia-
ment, 461. Calls another,
462. Made Protector, 463.
Reproves the Parliament,
467. Refuses the crown, Danish fleet carried off, 702,
468. Fall of his family, 472. Darby, Admiral, relieves Gib-
Estate confiscated, 478. Dis- raltar, 657.

Supports the Vaudois,

Dangerfield concocts the Meal-
tub Plot, 510.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Courts, Anglo-Saxon, 74.
Courts of justice, 131.
Covenant, burned by the hang-
man, 480.
Covenanters, Scotch, 402. In- 124.
vade England, 404.
tained by Long Parliament,
407, 509.

Re- Cuichelme, King of Wessex,

Coverdale, his Bible, 281. Im-
prisoned, 305.
Cowper, Lord, Chancellor, dis-
missed, 586.


Culemberg, Admiral, 578.
Culloden, battle, 619.
Cumberland made an English)
county, 95.

Darlington, Countess of (Bar-
oness Kilmanseck), 598.
Darnley, Lord, marries Mary

Queen of Scots, 321, 324.
Dartmouth, Lord, Secretary,
Dashwood, Sir Francis, Chan-

cellor of Exchequer, 634.
David, King of Scotland, in-
vades England, 103.

Prince of Wales, exe-
cuted by Edward L., 157.
Earl of Huntingdon, de-
scendants, 159.

[ocr errors]

Davison, Secretary, dispatches
warrant for Queen Mary's
execution, 345, 347.

Duke of, at Dettingen, Days, Saxon names of, 21.
613. Fontenoy, 615. De- Deane, Silas, 648.
feats the Pretender at Cul-Declaration of Independence,
loden, 619. One of the Coun- American, 647.

cil of Regency, 623. De- Defender of the Faith, title
feated by the French, 626. of, 264.
Abandons Hanover, b.
Ernest, Duke of, King
of Hanover, 737.

Craggs, Secretary at War, 600.
Bribed, 602, 603.
Cranmer, Thomas, 271. Made
primate. Annuls Henry's
marriage with Catherine,
275. Annuls Anne Boleyn's
marriage, 280. Opposes the
Six Articles, 284. At Hen-
ry's death-bed, 231. Exec- Cumbria, 27.
utor, 293. Conduct of the Curfew, 91.
Reformation, 295.

demned for treason,

Burned, 310.

[blocks in formation]

Con- Curia Regis, 130, 131.
305. Curle, Queen Mary's

tary, 343.

Cuen (queen), 72.

Cymen, 25.

Cymen's ora, 25.

Cressingham, flayed by the Cyning (king), 72.


Cynobelin, or Cymbeline, 8.

Crimea, descent on the, 743. Cynric, 25, 26.

Criminal law, amendment of,

[blocks in formation]

Cyprus, conquered by Richard
I., 125.


Wolsey, 270. Favors the Dacre, Lord, defeats the Scots,
Reformation, 277. Vicar 26-4.

General, 279. Eludes the Dalhousie, Lord, Governor
Six Articles, 284. Made General of India, 748.
Earl of Essex, 285. Fall Dalrymple, Sir John, Master
and execution, ib.
of Stair, 554.

[ocr errors]

Deira (Deifyr or Deora rice),

Delaware, Lord, Governor of
Virginia, 378.

Delhi, taken by Lord Lake,
747. By General Wilson,

Delinquents, 406.

Denman, Lord, 728.
Derby, riots at, 734.

Countess of, defends

[blocks in formation]

Oliver, first appearance Sir Hew, 703, 704.
of, 427. Defeats Rupert at Damnonia, kingdom of, 27.
Marston Moor, 430. Repub- Danby, Earl of, Treasurer,
lican views, 432. Reduces 497. Denounces the Popish
the middle counties, 437. Plot, 503. Impeached, 505,
Obtains command of the 57,520. President of coun-
ariny, 441. Views ns to the cil, 546, 547. Marquis of Dettingen, battle, 612, 613.


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