Изображения страниц

Ireland, Father, executed, 506.
Ireton, 436, 442, 445. Com-
mands in Ireland, 455.
Takes Limerick, 458.
Irmin Street, 14.
Isaac, ruler of Cyprus, 125.
Isabella, second wife of King
John, 136.

daughter of Philip the
Fair, marries Prince Ed-
ward (Edward II.), 164. In-
trigues with Mortimer, 171.
Invades England, ib.
prisoned, 175.

[blocks in formation]

Raleigh, 379.

John, King of France, cap- Ket, Norfolk rebel, 298.
tured by the Black Prince Keymis, Captain, follower of
at Poitiers, 185, 187.
Jones, Colonel, takes posses-
sion of Dublin, etc., 453.
Inigo, 543.

J. Gale, 708.
Paul, 652.

Im- Joppa, 125.

Joseph L., Emperor, 579.

daughter of Charles VI., Jourdan, General, 675.
affianced to Richard II, 195.
Restored to France, 204.
Isca Silurum, 14.

Islands, claim of Pope to, 118.


Jacobite Plot, 603.
Jamaica acquired, 466. In-
surrection in, 736.
JAMES I., reign of, 369-387.

II., reign of, 523-543.

I. of Scotland, detained
at English court, 204. Re-
stored, 211.

Joyce, Cornet, seizes Charles
I., 440.

Judges brought to trial, 158.
Displaced by James II., 528.
Made independent of the
crown, 567.

Judith of France, 41.

sister of the Conqueror,
84, 88.
Julius II., Pope, allures Hen-
ry VIII., 256.

III., Pope, 305,
martyrdom of, 15.

Junot, Marshal, 702, 703.

IV. of Scotland supports Junta of Seville, 703.
Perkin Warbeck, 249. Mar- Junto, the, 584.

ries Margaret, daughter of Jury, 47, 74, 75. Account of
Henry VII., 251. Slain at

Flodden, 259.


trial by, 154.
from fines, 491, 499.

Kildare, Fitzgerald, Earl of,

supports Simnel, 245,
Killiecrankie, battle, 549.
Kilmarnock, Earl, executed,

Kimbolton, Lord, sides with
the Commons, 415.
King, Anglo-Sax., elective, 71.
De facto, allegiance to, pro-
tected by law, 253. Statute
pleaded by Vane, 481.

Colonel, moves Charles's
restoration, 475.
King's Bench Court, 131.
Kirke, Colonel, inhumanity,
526. At Londonderry, 550.
Kirkpatrick, Sir Thomas, as-
sassinates Comyn, 166.
Kléber, General, 684.
Kloster Seven, convention of,

Knight-service, 129.

Knox, John, 317. Insults
Queen Mary, 318.


La Chaise, Père, 502.

V. of Scotland, 287. Justice, arbitrary administra- Lackland, name of John, 136.
VI. of Scotland, 326, 344,] tion of, under Tudors, 364. Lahmen, what, 75.
347 (see James I. of En-Justices, itinerant, 121, 131,

[blocks in formation]

Jervis, Admiral Sir John, 676.
Defeats the Spanish fleet,
679. Made Earl St. Vin-
cent, ib.

Ken, shop of Bath and
Wells, 530.

Kendal, Duchess of, 598 (Bar-
oness Schulenburg), 602,

Kenilworth, Edward II. con-
fined at, 171.
Kenmure, Lord,
Pretender, 536.


Jesuits, conspiracies of, 337. Kennett, Lord Mayor, pun-
Law against, ib.

ished, 654.

[blocks in formation]

La Hogue, battle, 556, 557.
Lake, Bishop of Chichester,

General, defeats Irish
rebels, 685.

Lord, takes Delhi, etc.,

Lambert, General, opposes the
crowning of Cromwell, 468.
Intrigues against Richard
Cromwell, 472. Expels Long
Parliament, 473. Excepted
from indemnity, 478. Trial,
481. Reprieved, 482.
Lancaster, Thomas, Earl of,
conspires against Gaveston,
168. Makes war on Edward
II., 170. Executed, ib.

"" Earl of, guardian, 173.
-, John of Gaunt, Duke of,
espouses the daughter of
Peter of Castile, 188. Sells
his pretensions to that
crown, 194. Influence over
Richard II, 194. Death,
195. Encouraged Wickliffe,

Henry, Duke of, son of
Gaunt, invades England,
196. Deposes Richard II,
197. Seizes the crown, ib.
(Henry IV.). Genealogy, ib.
Lanfranc, Archbishop of Can-
terbury, 86, 90.
Langdale, Sir Marmaduke,
444, 445.


Langhorne, executed, 503.
Langside, battle, 326.
Langton, Cardinal, elected
primate, 139, 140. Discov-
ers Henry I.'s charter, ib.
Lansdown, battle, 426.
Lansdowne, Marquess of, pres-
sident of council, 734.
Latimer, Bishop, imprisoned,
284. Burned, 309.
Latin words in English, 14.
Laud, Bishop, 396, 398. Arch-
bishop of Canterbury, 400.
Attacked at Lambeth, 404.
Impeached, 434. Executed,

Lauderdale, Earl of, 483, 509.
Law, common, 238.
Laws, how made, 239.
Law's scheme, 602. Failure
of, 602.
Lawson, Admiral, declares for
Long Parliament, 474.
League, Catholic, 335.


erned by Duke of Mayenne,
352. Dissolution of, 353.

and Covenant, Solemn,
428. American, 645.
Leake, Sir John, Admiral, 579,

Leeds, battle, 33.


Leopold, of Saxe-Coburg (after-
ward King of the Belgians),
Prince, consort of Princess
Charlotte, 724.
Lesley, Scotch general, 455.
Defeated at Dunbar, 456.
Levelers, 443. Put down by

Cromwell, ib.
Leven, Earl of, commands the
Scotch Covenanters, 428.
Joins Lord Fairfax, 429.
Lever Maur, or the Great

Light (Lucius), 15.
Lewes, battle, 151. Mise of,

Lexington, skirmish at, 646.
Ligny, battle, 720.
Ligonier, Lord, 615.
Lilla saves Edwin, 32.
Limerick, siege of, 552.
fication of, 553.
Limoges, massacre of, 188.
Lincoln, battle, 145.


John, Earl of, supports
Simnel, 245.

Lindesey, Earl of, commands
the expedition to Rochelle,


Lindisfarne, 33.

Lindsay, Earl of, commands
Charles's army, 424, 425.
Duke of (Danby), im- Liprandi, General, 741.
peached, 559.
Lisbon entered, 704.

Legge, Henry, Chancellor of Lisle, Sir George, executed,

Exchequer, 623, 632.

Legion of Honor, 690.


- Lady, condemned, 527.

Legislation, Anglo-Norman, Litany, English, 289.


Leicester, Earl of, 120.

Simon de Montfort, Earl
of, calls a meeting of the

Literature under Edward III.,
237. Elizabeth, 365. The
Stuarts, 542. Since Revo-
lution, ib.

barons, 149. Defeats Hen- Littleton, Solicitor General,

ry III. at Lewes, 151. Sum- 389.

mons a Parliament, ib. Liturgy, Edward VI.'s, 296.
Slain, 159.

Dudley, Earl of, 321.
Commissioner to try Mary,

Revised, 300.

315. English, imposed on
Scotch Church, 401.
Liverpool, Lord, secretary at
war, 708. Premier, 711, 730.
to defend the queen, 337. Llewellyn, Prince of Wales,



Favors the Puritans,

Forms an association

Commands in Holland, 340.

Leinster, kingdom of, 118.

Leipsic, battle of, 716.

Leith, evacuated by


French, 317.

156. Conquered by Edward
I., 157.

Lloyd, Bishop of St. Asaph,
Loan, general, 331.

Lenox, Earl of, 288. Con- Locke, 539.
spires against Rizzio, 323. Lollards, 198, 206.
Accuses the Queen of Scots,
327. Regent, 330.


Countess of, imprisoned,

Lenthal, Speaker, 405. Re-
pairs to the army, 442.
Speaker again, 464, 474.
Leo X., Pope, 257. Dies, 264.
Leodgild, what, 74.

Leofric, Earl of Mercia, 61, 63.
Leofu assassinates Edmund,

Leofwin, son of Godwin, 63, 69.
Leopold, Duke of Austria, ar-
rests Richard I., 126.

LUPUS. 777

Overawed by Cromwell's
army, 441. Plague, 486.
Fire of, 487. Improved, ib.
Charter surrendered, 516.
In the Gordon riots, 655.
Effect of French Revolution
at, 672.
Londonderry, siege of, 550.
Relieved, 551.

Long Island, evacuated by
Americans, 648.
Longsword, William, natural
son of Henry II., 123.
Lords, House of, 238.
Lords justices, 593, 601.
Lords lieutenant instituted,

Loughborough, Lord, retires,
E86 (see Wedderburn).
Louis d'Outremer, 48.

the Fat, 100.

VII., alliance with Hen.
ry II., 110. Supports Beck-
et, 114.

Prince (Louis VIII.), son
of Philip, assists the En-
glish barons, 143. Evacu-
ates England, 145.

VIII. takes Rochelle, 146.
IX. repulses Henry III.,
147. Generous treaty with
him, 151. Arbitrates be-
tween him and the baron",
151. Death, 152.

XI. assists Queen Marga-
ret, 224. Forwards War-
wick's invasion, 226. Treaty
with Edward IV., 228.

XII. marries Princess
Mary, 259. Death, ib.

XIV., character, 490. In-
vades the Netherlands, i.
Invades Holland, 493. Re-
vokes Edict of Nantes, 527.
Reception of James II., 536.
Lends him a fleet, 549. Abets
his invasion, 556. Acknowl-
edges the Pretender, 568.
Sues for peace, 583. Death,


XV., accession, 595. In-
vades Flanders, 614.

XVIII. restored, 717.
Flies, 719. Restored, 722.
Philippe, King of the
French, 733. Expelled, 741.

Prince, of Baden, 576.
Louisbourg taken, 615, 627.
Lovat, Lord, temporizing con

Lollius Urbicus, rampart of, 11.
London, Roman colony, 10.
Burned, ib. Rebuilt by Al- duct, 616, 618. Interview
fred, 44. Besieged by the with Charles Edward, 620.
Northmen, 53. Early com- Captured, ib. Executed, ib.
merce of, 75. Fortified by Lovel, Lord, insurrection of,
the Conqueror, 82. Bridge, 245. Fate, 246.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Macclesfield, Lord Chancellor,
fined for peculation, 604.
Earl of, 621.

MacDonald, Flora, 621.
Mclan of Glencoe, 554.
McIntosh, Brigadier, 596, 597.
Macintosh, Sir James, Vindi-
cia Gallicæ, 671. Improves
criminal law, 754.
Mack, General, defeated at
Ulm, 695.

Madras, 635.

Mæatæ, 11, 12.

Magna Charta, 141.


led by Innocent III., 143.
Confirmations of, 148, 154,


Maida, battle, 699.
Main, the plot, 371.
Mainfroy, King of Sicily, 148.
Maintenon, Madame de, 582.
Mainwaring, sermon of, 391.
Impeached, 394.
Maitland, Captain, carries
Napoleon to England, 722.
Major generals, Cromwell's,
Malcolm, King of Scotland,

II. reduced by Canute, 60.
III. (Kenmore), 64 sq.

King of Scotland, 84, 85.
Marries Margaret, sister of
Edgar Atheling, 85. Sub-
dued by Duke Robert, 95.
Sir John, 747.
Malmesbury, battle of, 106.

-, Lord, embassy to Paris,

Malplaquet, battle, 583.
Malta, taken by the French,
681. Surrendered, 686.
Malt-tax, occasions riots in
Scotland, 604.
Manchester, Earl of, takes
430. Defeats
Charles at Newbury, 431,

Earl of, lord chamber-

riots at, 725.

lain, 478.

Mancus (coin), 40.

Mandeville, 237.

Mandubratius, 8.

Manners, 542, 754.

Manny, Sir Walter, 178.


Lord (Murray),

chief justice, 625, 642.
brary burned, 654..


Mantes burned, 89.
Manufactures, Flemish, intro-
duced into England, 333.
British, prohibited in France,
674, 751.

Mar's insurrection, 596.
March, Mortimer, Earl of (see
Margaret, sister of Edgar Ath-
eling, marries Malcolm, 85.
the maid of Norway,


er, 595. Death, 603. Char-
acter, ib.

Charles, 2d duke, expe-
dition to Cherbourg, 627.
Duchess of, governs
Anne, 574 Decline of her
influence, 584.
Marmont, Marshal, 711.
Marquess, title of, 238.
Marriage (feudal), 132.
Marriage act, royal, 644.

159. Queen of Scotland, Marseilles, siege of, 265.
Marston Moor, battle, 430.
Mary de Bohun, wife of Henry
IV., 205.

of France, marries Hen-

ry II., 110.

sister of Philip the Fair,
marries Edward L, 164.

of Anjou, marries Henry
VI., 216. Gains the battle
Of St.
of Wakefield, 221.
Alban's, 222. Army defeat-
ed at Towton, 224. Twice
defeated, ib. Escapes to
Flanders, 225.
with Warwick, 226. Lands
at Weymouth, 228.
tured at Tewkesbury, ib.
Death, 229.

-, daughter of Henry VII.,
marries James IV. of Scot-
land, 251. Regent of Scot-
land, 259.

Maria Louisa, Archduchess,
marries Napoleon, 707.
Maria Theresa, of Austria, suc-
cession opposed, 611.
to Hungary, 612. Support-
ed by Parliament, ib., 614.
Marian exiles, 331.
Markham, Sir Griffin, plots
against James I., 371.
Marlborough, Duke of, expe-
dition to Ireland, 552. Plots
the restoration of James,
Committed to
Tower, ib. Informs James
of Berkely's expedition, 558.
Captain general, 574. Cam-
paign, ib. Dukedom, 575.
Unpopularity and intrigues
with the Pretender, ib. Cam-
paign, 576. Victorious at
Blenheim, 577.

a treaty with Prussia, 578.
Campaign, ib. Prince of the
empire, 579. Victorious at
Ramillies, ib. Farther re-
wards, ib. Accused of ex-
tortion, 582. Victorious at

Oudenarde, ib. At Malpla-

quet, 583.

daughter of Henry VII,
252. Marries Louis XIL,
259. Marries Brandon,
Duke of Suffolk, 260.
MARY, daughter of Henry
VIII., contracted to the dau-
phin, 261. To Charles V.,
263. Rejects the Liturgy,
300. Retires into Suffolk,
303. Queen, reign of, 303-

Queen of Scots, 257.
Sent to France, 295. As-
sumes the arms of England,
316. Returns to Scotland,
318. Corresponds with Eliz-
abeth, 320. Marries Darn-
ley, 321. Bears James, 323,
Marries Bothwell, 325. Sur-
renders at Carberry Hill,
ib. Confined at Lochleven
Castle, ib. Resigns the
crown, 326. Escapes to En-
gland, ib. Consents to a
trial, 327. Carried to Bol-
ton, 327. Refuses to plead,
ib. Removed to Tutbury,
329. Entertains Norfolk's
proposals, ib. Party in her
favor, ib. Removed to Cov
Renews her
entry, 330.
correspondence with Nor-
folk, 333. Implicated in
Babington's conspiracy, 341.
Conveyed to Fotheringay
Castle, 342. Trial, ib. Con-
demned, 343.
and character, 345 sq.

Princess, daughter of
James II., marries Prince
of Orange, 498. Crown set-
tled on, 538.

Masham, Mrs., ingratiates
herself with Queen Anne,

Influence de- Massachusetts Bay planted,

clines, 584. Offended, 585.


Addresses Elector of Hano- Massena, 695, 708, 710.

Absents himself Masses, private, abolished,
ver, 586.
from court, 587. Last cam-


or, crowned, 84.

paign, ib. Charged with Matilda, wife of the Conquer-
peculation, 588.
by the Commons, 589. Re-
tires to Antwerp, ib.
turns, 593. Reinstated as
captain general, etc., 594.
Sends a loan to the Pretend-

, daughter of Malcolm III.,
marries Henry I., 98.
-, daughter of Eustace,
Count of Boulogne, marries
Stephen, 103.

[blocks in formation]

Matilda, daughter of Henry L., Monarchy abolished, 449.
betrothed to the emperor, Monasteries suppressed, 279,
101. Marries Geoffrey of 282, 315.


Anjou, 102. Appointed Monckton, General, 634.
Henry's successor, ib. In- Monk, General, 456.
vades England, 104. Ac-
knowledged as queen, ib.
Flight, 105. Retires into
Normandy, ib.
Maud, consort of Henry I.,

Maurice, Bishop of London, 98.
Prince, 424, 426.

Maximian, 12.

Maximilian, Emperor, serves
under Henry VIII., 258.
Death, 261.
Maximus, 13.

Maynard, Sergeant, 547.
Mazarin, Cardinal, 465.
Meal-tub Plot, 510.
Meanee, battle, 748.
Meath, kingdom of, 118.
Mechanics' Institute, 754.
Medina Sidonia, Duke of, com-
mands the Armada, 350.
Medina, Sir Solomon, accuses
Marlborough, 583.
Meer Jaffier, 636.
Melbourne, Lord, home secre-
tary, 734. Premier, 737.

Supported by O'Connell,
738. Resigns, ib.

Mellitus, 31.

Melvil, Sir Robert, 344.

Sir Andrew, 346.
Melvill, Sir James, evidence
respecting Bothwell, 325.
Melville, Lord, charged with
peculation, 694, 695.
Mendoza, Spanish embassa-
dor, 341.

Ménou, General, 684, 688, 689.
Menschikoff, Prince, 743.
Mercia, 20.

The March, 27.1

History of, 37.
Meres, Sir Thomas, speaker,

Meroz, curse of, 428.
Mesne lords, 129.

Methodists, 753.

Middlesex, Earl of, treasurer,
impeached, 386.

Middlesexe, kingdom, 26.
Milan Decree, 702.

Millenarians, 451.


against Cromwell, 470.
Milton, 539.

Minden, battle, 628.
Minorca, taken by the French,
624, 625. Surrendered, 657.
Minute-men, 645.
Mirabeau besieged, 137.
Mise of Lewes, 151.
Misprision of treason, 276 and

Modena, Mary of, marries

Duke of York, 496.
Moidart, seven men of, 615.
Mompesson, Sir Giles, im-
peached, 381.
Mona (Anglesey), 10.


Mordaunt, General Sir John,

More, Sir Thomas, speaker,
264. Chancellor, 269. Re-
signs, 275. Refuses the Oath
of Succession, 276. Exe-
cuted, 278.

es in Scotland, 458. Com-
mands under Blake, 460.
Defeats Tromp, 463. Pro-
- Roger, rebels, 412.
claims Richard Cromwell Moreau, General, 675, 686.
Protector, 472. Protests Moreville, Hugh de, 115.
against the expulsion of the Morgen-gifu, morning gifts
Parliament, 473. Enters (queen's dowry), 72.
London, 474. Sends a mes- Morley, Mrs., assumed name
sage to Charles II., 475. of Queen Anne, 574.
Meets the king at Dover, Mortier, Marshal, 698, 699.
476. Created Duke of Al-
bemarle, 478 (see Albe-
Monmouth, birthplace of Hen-
гу V., 205.

Mortimer, Roger, Earl of
March, intrigues with Queen
Isabella, 171. Puts Edward
II. to death, 172. Surprised
and executed by Edward
III, 175.

Duke of, 506. Ronts the
Covenanters, 509. Triumph- Mortimer's Cross, battle, 221.
al procession, 511. Con- Mortmain, statute of, 156.
spires against the Duke of Morton, Bishop of Ely, 233.
York, 517. His views, 517. Archbishop of Canterbury,
Absconds, 518. Recalled, 244.
520. Banished, ib. Inva-
sion, 524, 525. Assumes the
title of king, 525. Defeat Moscow burned, 714.
and flight, ib. Execution, Mount Badon, battle, 25.

Monopolies, 363.
Montacute, Lord, twice de-
feats Queen Margaret, 224.
Deserts Edward IV., 227. .
Montague, Lord, executed,|


Chancellor of Scotland,
322, 326.

Mountcashel, Lord, defeated
and captured, 551.
Mountjoy, administration in
Ireland, 357.
Mowbray, Earl of Nottingham,
rebels against Henry IV.,
203. Executed, ib.
Municipal Reform Bill, 737.
Munro, Sir Hector, 668.
Cre- Munster, kingdom of, 118.
478. Murat, King of Naples, 703.

answers Sergeant Heyle,

Admiral, 466, 474.
ated Lord Sandwich,
Killed, 493.

embassador at Paris, in-
forms against Danby, 505.
Sir James, 585.
Montcalm, Marquess de, gov-
ernor of Canada, 629.
Monteagle, Lord, discovers
Gunpowder Plot, 373.
Monteith, Sir J., betrays Wal-
lace, 165.
Montfort, Simon de, Earl of
Leicester (see Leicester, Earl

Count de, claims Britta-

ny, 178.
Montmorency, Constable, 319,
320, 332.
Montrose, Earl of, victories,
434. Routed, 437. Defeat-
ed and hanged, 454.
Moore, Commodore, 694.

General Sir John, 704.
Invades Spain, ib. Killed,
Morcar, Earl of Northumber-
land, 66. Proclaims Edgar
Atheling, 81. Submits, 82,
83. Rebels, 84. Joins Here-
ward, 86.
Mordaunt, Earl of Peterbor-
ough, 547.

Murray, Earl of, 322. Regent,
326. Submits to Elizabeth,
328. Assassinated, 330.

Lord George, joins
Charles Edward, 616, 617,
618, 619. Escapes, 620,
Muscovy, trade with, 312.
Musgrave, Sir Philip, 444.
Mutiny at Spithead and the
Nore, 680.
Mutiny Bill, origin, 548.
Najara, battle, 187.
Namur taken, 560.
Nantes, edict, revoked, 527.
Nantwich, battle, 429.
Napier, Sir Charles, occupies
Scinde, 748.

Admiral Sir Charles,

Naples taken by the French,
Napoleon L., besieges Tonlon,
673. Threatened invasion
of England, 681. Expedi-
tion to Egypt, ib. To Pal-
estine, 683. Returns to
France, 684. First consul,
ib. Power and magnifi-
cence, 690.
Insults our em-

bassador, 693. Emperor, Nimeguen, peace of, 498.
694. King of Italy, 695. Nithisdale, Lord, escape
Enters Vienna, ib. Seizes 598.


Northumberland, Earl of, rises
against Henry IV., 203.
Second rebellion, ib.

Earl Warwick, becomes
Duke of (see Warwick), 300.
Ruins Somerset, ib. AL-
tempts on the crown, 301.
Deserted, 304. Executed, ib.

Earl of, conspires to lib-
erate the Queen of Scots,
329. Executed, 333.

Portugal, 702. And Spain, Nivelle, battle at the, 715.
ib. Enters Vienna, 707. Noailles, Marshal, 612, 613.
Marries Maria Louisa, ib. Nobles, English, condition of,
Excommunicated, ib. Ex- 130. Degrees of, 238.
pedition to Russia, 714. Non-addresses, vote of, 444.
Struggles in Germany, 716. Repealed, ib. Renewed, 446.
Abdicates, 717. Lands at Nonconformists, penal laws
Cannes, 719. Enters Bel- against, suspended by proc-
gium, 720. Defeat and lamation, 493.
flight, 721, 722. Goes on Nonjurors, 548. Deprived,
board the Bellerophon, 722.
Conveyed to St. Helena, ib. Non-resistance, oath of, 481.
Napoleon II., 722.
Norfolk, insurrection in, 298.
Duke of, quells an in-
surrection, 266. Another, Nott, General, 747.
282. Arrests Cromwell, 285. Nottingham, royal standard
Prime minister, 287. Com- erected at, 419.
mands against the Scots, ib.
Attaint and narrow escape,
290. Restored, 305.

-III., Emperor, 743.
tempt to assassinate, 749.
Naseby, battle, 435.


National debt, 541, 663, 723,

Navarino, battle, 730.
Navarre, King of, 319.
Navigation-laws, 459. Repeal-
ed, 741, 758.
Navy, increase of, under Eliz-
abeth, 365, 541.
Nelson loses an eye, 676.



Earl of, sides with the
Commons, 415.
Northumbria, 20, 27.
Norway, Maid of, 159.
Norwegians in Scotland, etc.,


Castle, Isabella and Mor-
timer seized at, 175. Barn-
ed, 734.

Nottingham, Earl of, chancel-
lor, 496. Secretary, 546.
Bill to prevent occasional
conformity, 587. President
of council, 594.

Duke of, commissioner
to try the Queen of Scots,
327. Proposes marriage to
her, 329. Committed, but
released, 330. Conspires
with Alva, 333. Executed, Novel disseisin, assize of, 154.
Noy, Attorney General, 398.
i'. At Aboukir, 682. A Normandy, Marquess of, privy Nuncio received by James II,
baron, ib. Captures Leg-
horn, ib.

St. Vincent, 678. Rear Ad-
miral, 679. Loses an arm,

hagen, 687. Attempts Bou-
logne, 688. Chases the
French fleet, 696. At Tra-
falgar, 697. Death, 698.
Funeral, ib.
Zero, 10.

seal, 573, 574.



Bombards Copen- Normandy (Neustria) seized
by the Northmen, 40. His-
tory of, 77. Name, when Oak, royal, 457.
first used, 78. Reduced by Oates, Titus, history, 501.
Henry I., 99. Legislation Pensioned, 503. Evidence
in, 130. Reunited to France, against Stafford, 512. Fined
138. Lower, subdued by and imprisoned, 520. Fined,
Henry V., 209.
whipped, and pilloried, 524.
Normans, influence of, in En- Pensioned, 551.
gland, 62. Character of the, Oaths, value of, among the
Language, ib. Amal- Anglo-Saxons, 74.
gamate with the Saxons, O'Brien, Smith, transported,
136 and note.

Neutrality, armed, 656, 6S6.
Neville, Earl of Westmoreland,


Neville's Cross, battle, 181.
Newark, Scotch army at, 438.
Newburn, battle, 404.
Newbury, battles, 427, 431.
Newcastle, seized by Cove-
nanters, 405, 430.

Marquess of, forms a
league for Charles I., 425.
Attempts Hull, 428. Re-
treats, 429. Retires to the
Continent, 430.

Duke of, secretary, 608,
610. Prime minister, 623.
Vacillating policy, 625. Re-

signs, ib. Returns, ib. Re-
signs, 634.

Newfoundland, colonized, 378.
Newport, riots at, 738.
Newspapers, 543, 559.
Newton Butler, battle, 551.
New York acquired from the
Dutch, 489.

Ney, Marshal, 720.
Niagara taken, 628.
Nicholas, Sir Edward, secreta-
ry, 478.

-, Czar, quarrels with the
Porte, 742. Death, 745.
Nightingale, Florence, 745.
Nile, battle of the, 682.


Norris, Sir John, 352. Com- Ochta, 23.
mands in Ireland, 355.

Sir John, Admiral, 599.
North, Lord, Chancellor of Ex-
chequer, 642. Prime minis-
ter, 643. Measure respect-
ing tea, 644. Attempts to
conciliate the Americans,
650. Resigns, 657. Secre-
tary, 664. Dismissed, ib.
Regulating Act, 666.

American colonies, de-
scribed, 638. Discontents
in, 633, 643. War breaks
out in, 646.

Briton paper, 634. No.
Forty-five, 637, 638.

Foreland, battle off, 486.
Northampton, council of, 114.
battle, 221.

Northington, Lord Chancellor,

Northnien (Danes, etc.) land

in Northumbria, 33, 39.
Manners, 39. Seize Nor-
mandy, 40. Ravage En-
gland, ib.

O'Connell, Daniel, 723. Or-
ganizes Catholic Associa-
tion, 730. Returned for
Clare, 731. Advocates re
peal of Union, 734, 735.
Supports Lord Melbourne,
737. His "Tail," 738. Con-
victed of sedition, 739.
Death, ib.

Oden (see Woden).
Odo, Archbishop of Canter-
bury, brutality to Elgiva, 51.
-, Bishop of Baieux, 83.
Conspires against Rufus,
Oestrymnides, 2.
Offa, King of Mercia, 35.
Officers, Council of, 472. Re-
stores the Long Parliament,
473. Expels it, ib.
O'Hara, General, 673.
Olave of Norway invades En-
gland, 53.
Oldcastle, Sir John (Lord Cob-
ham), heads the Lollards,
206. Executed, ib.

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