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the curate of Blagdon, p. 190. We are told on the authority of Mr. On-dit, a notorious liar, that the Bishop of Lincoln has expelled the Athanasian creed from his chapel; that it has been expunged from plusieurs livres liturgiques, p. 191; and that Protestants dismiss doctrinal truths from their sermons, p. 205. We are told, that under Edward VI. twentyfour Articles of religion were published; and that Elizabeth, for the sake of further uniformity, added eleven more, p. 205; that there is a continual demand in our church for the reformation of the Liturgy, and that no person who signs the Articles yields them an entire assent; that many ministers, rejecting this profession of faith, have quitted their benefices to join the Dissenters, p. 208; that Protestants teach one thing and believe another, p. 214; that in England the holy books are treated avec licence, p. 248; that in Durham cathedral there are various Catholic rites, p. 260; that the Duke of Norfolk changed his religion to obtain a seat in parliament, p. 262; that the small number of Catholic priests who change their religion, come over to Protestantism as to a comedy which will end in marriage; and that very often an enlèvement takes precedence of the dénouement. Finally, we are informed, that instead of Addison, Lyttelton, and Sherlock, West, Lardner, and Paley, who have written on the evidences of Christianity; from the bosom of our communions, and from the pens of our ministers, at present only issue a vast multitude of works, in which, while some exterior forms of respect for sacred worship are preserved, the poison of incredulity is insinuated, and all the proofs of revealed truth are enfeebled. As a companion to this catalogue of marvellous verities, the Bishop of Blois has likewise sent us over some choice specimens of his liberal and logical inferences. To regret the damnatory clauses in the Athanasian_creed, implies a rejection of its doctrines, and a tendency towards Socinianism, p. 187 and 191 *. To admit of altar-pieces, is to manifest an

See Bishop of Lincoln's Elements, vol. ii. p. 222.

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inclination for image-worship. The union of Protestants, as in the Missionary Society, is a proof of their lukewarmness, and indifference about their respective tenets, p. 254. The clergy in Scotland are divided into Orthodox and Moderés, and therefore into Orthodox and Socinians, p. 249.

Protestants, it seems, accuse Catholics of believing the infallibility of the Pope, p. 183. Protestants do no such thing. But Protestants accuse the Catholics of believing the doctrine of human infallibility, as residing somewhere in their church; and the Bishop of Blois himself confesses the fact. Again : "En matière de réligion, le préjuge est pour ce qui est plus ancien; car la vérité est avant le mensonge. Il peut se faire qu'il y a des erreurs anciens; mais nous ne connoissons pas des vérités nouvelles." p. 268. Despicable sophistry! Who does not see that the Reformation is not a system of new truths, but a revival of old ones? Mr. Stone's preaching of Socinianism is also carefully recorded; but it is not added, that for this offence he was suspended from his clerical functions.

This precious chapter is wound up with the following prophecy: "Le Protestantisme ne reviendra jamais ce qu'il a été, et il ne peut rester ce qu'il est ; une pente irresistible l'entraine vers sa fin, ou il subira une nouvelle metamorphose; sa constitution même est le germe corrosif de son existence. Il aura donc le sort des toutes les sectes separées de l'unité, que l'Eglise Catholique voit depuis dix huit siècles successivement s'élever, l'attaquer et s'écrouler autour d'elle; tandis que levant sa tête majestueuse au dessus des erreurs, des heresies, et des schismes, dirigée par son divin Fondateur, elle marche à la consommation des siècles. Ces details sont le résultat de récherches, et des conférences avec des savans distingués des divers communions, dont plusieurs sont mes amis." Truly a handsome testimony of friendship!

The next time that Bishop Grégoire shall treat concerning the religious principles maintained in the Church of England, let him remember that Socinianism is by no means here in


repute and let him acknowledge (for he knows the fact) that there is much more concealed Deism lurking among the outward adherents to the Catholic church, one and indivisible, than there is of error and duplicity within the pale of the English establishment. Does he seek to remedy this evil? Let him give the people fewer absurdities to swallow.

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