Science, Том 308John Michels (Journalist) Science Company, Moses King, 2005 A weekly record of scientific progress. |
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acid activation amygdala analysis animals anorthite antibodies applications areas associated binding Biol biology candidates carbon cell biology cell-cell fusion Center climate clinical CO₂ complex curriculum vitae Department Director disease domain Doushantuo Formation drug E-mail electron embryos energy experience factor Fruitafossor function funding gene genetic genome global Health hotspots human ibogaine imaging increase infected Institute interactions KaiC kinase Laboratory ligand lipid rafts material Medical Medicine melilite ment mice molecular molecules mRNA mutant National neurons Neurosci NF-KB ocean oxytocin pathway PDK1 peptides Ph.D phosphorylation Pol IV position postdoctoral production protein receptor recombination region sample says Science scientific scientists sediment sequence signal siRNA SNPs specific speleothem stem cell structure surface table S1 target tetracycline tion TRAF6 Univ University wound response γδ