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it also may, and if any power could make it then seventy millions of people magnificently with success, it is the German Confederation. organized for warfare by land will be posted That cumbrous and multiform body, with its on all northern seas, with harbors in abunabsurd constitution and powerless Parliament, dance, arsenals only limited by the wealth its divided principalities and hostile courts, of the third richest race in Europe, and a has shown that whenever inflamed by ambi- maritime population of six millions, of which tion it can act as a whole,-act with rapid- one-fourth is Scandinavian. Grant her but a ity, act with a perfect forgetfulness of the genius at her head, and what is to resist such local jealousies of its States. The Cimbric Pe- a power, or stop her from regaining Alsace, ninsula is now garrisoned by the troops of the overflowing Holland, reconquering Italy, or entire Confederation, and of all its subject crushing the rising hope of the Slavon tribes peoples. Nothing can be more perfect than of European Turkey? France? France with the unity for offence which pervades that mis- a Napoleon for chief drove Austria alone with cellaneous mass. Napoleon was not obeyed difficulty out of a foreign province, and who more rapidly than Prince Charles of Prussia. reckons on a succession of Napoleons? Italy? Berlin may hate Vienna, and Frankfort dis- Can Italy even face South Germany? Russia? trust both; but no reasonable politician doubts Russia is governed by Germans, is a sharer in that if Prince Charles were defeated, Count the spoils of Poland, and would sell the von Gablenz would hasten to his support; or world for ten hours' undisturbed possession that if both encountered a check the, troops of Constantinople. Great Britain? Great of the Diet now in Holstein would in twelve Britain is shrinking from the battle now, hours be streaming to their aid. The nation when Germany has no fleet and Denmark is for offensive purposes, when warmed by the alive, is plunging deeper and deeper into the lust of conquest or the passion for vengeance, trade which makes her prosperity and enfeeis one, and a most terrible one. Forty-five bles her sense of right, and is governed and millions of persons, one in language and opin- will be governed by a house German in blood ion, in civilization and institutions, trained and sympathies. We believe firmly if the under an admirable military organization, career be once commenced, if Germany once active as any race but the French, and brave pass through a time of exaltation, there will as any people on earth, wield all the military be no remedy for Europe till it has tasted resources of thirty millions more in addition what German domination means,-till it has to their own. The greatest rivers of Europe felt the rule which has in three centuries are within German frontiers; Germany is made all Italians the sworn enemies of all seated in full strength on the North Sea and Germans, has in ten centuries failed to recthe Mediterranean, and she alone of European oncile Hungarians, has in eighteen months powers strikes at every enemy from the in- made of the Roumans allies of their Magyar side of the campaigning circle. Her litera- oppressors, has in a century and a half ture influences the world; her alliances are changed Poles from prosperous enemies into absolutely ubiquitous; she can control an elec- pau perized foes, and has so alienated its tion in North America as easily as a succes- own people that no German conquered by a sion in Denmark; and of all the kings of Eu- Frenchman has in three centuries ever struck rope there are but two not sprung of a Ger- one blow for German dominion. When the man stock or thinking in the German tongue. Germans move to the north, the east, or the The nation which wields this extraordinary south, they drag with them irreconcilable power has no hereditary enemies among first- foes,-soldiers whom they must watch as vigiclass States, and swallows nationalities on lantly as their adversaries in the field; when every side without incurring for a moment they move west, they are encountered by men the charge of ambition or aggressiveness. of their own lineage, obeying their own traCrushing Poland to the ground, holding Hungary as we hold India, ravaging Denmark, threatening Turkey, and striving to emasculate Italy, she is still popularly believed to be a "stationary and Conservative power "essential to the peace and good order of Europe. One limit only has for ages been placed on her ambition. She has been able to do little at sea; but with the conquest of Denmark even this disability disappears. Germany does not assimilate as France does; but she has the talent shown by our own But nothing, we shall be told, will happen race on the American continent,-the ca- of all this; for Germany is not united, and in pacity for eating out all weaker nationalities. the long run is peaceful. We heard that arDenmark conquered will be digested, and gument of disunion ad nauseam before Ma

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ditions, speaking their own language, but who will resist their progress to the death. It is a people like this, thus powerful, thus aggressive, and thus hated, whom we are called upon to resist, if not in Denmark while Germany is without a navy, then in Holland when she has a navy,-that is if the marriage of a Prince of Orange into the English house should happily for the world enable us to perceive that Holland is defensible.

genta; but we do not hear much of it now; and union for aggression is to the world more dangerous than union for internal improvement. Bavaria may obey laws which Westphalia rejects; but if Bavarians assist Westphalians in cutting Danish throats, their internal jealousies are not of perceptible advantage to Danes. Every statesman who has spoken this week admits that if we defend Denmark, we must fight all Germany, and if all Germany fights, the difference between Austrians and Prussians matters no more than the discontent of Ireland or the separate Church of Scotland matters to the enemies of Great Britain when the Scots Greys charge. Peaceful and unaggressive! Well, the German Diet of Vienna has voted that Venice is a port of the Confederation; Prussia will not give up one inch of Posen; the Reichsrath refuses to condemn the state of siege in Galicia; and Germany from end to end is ringing with delight because German troops are cutting the unripe corn which might encourage Danish Jutlanders to resist their German invaders. Our opponents put to us a prediction, and in reply we only state

what is.


crimes of Russia, and the unfeeling compli city of Prussia. The Emperor Alexander and Prince Gortschakoff must have received with gratified surprise an application from England for armed assistance against the aggressions of Austria and Prussia; yet their satisfaction would have been incomplete if France had not taken the opportunity to proclaim the interruption of the English alliance. Such results would have been almost worth obtaining at the cost of war, and when they were gratuitously offered, it was natural that they should be thankfully accepted. The policy of Russia on this special question has not yet been fully disclosed. In all the negotiations which have taken place, and more particularly in the conference, the Russian ministers have been more forward than even their English colleagues in demonstrations of friendship to Denmark. The remarkable · summary of the proceedings which appears to have been drawn up by an eager Danish partisan is generally attributed to the Russian plenipotentiary. Except with fleets and armies, the Emperor Alexander has apparently been ready to oppose the pretensions of Germany; but the support of Âustria and Prussia in Poland concerns his interests more closely than the safety or independence of Denmark. It is not improbable that Russian influence may be exerted to obtain comparatively favorable terms of peace, while France and England are excluded by different circumstances from all share in the negotiations. It is strange that, any statesman can have believed that Russia would engage in war with the German powers while Prussian troops are watching for Polish insurgents on the frontiers of Posen, and during the continuance of military law in Galicia. The German fleet of the future at Kiel and the contingent Scandinavian monarchy involve remoter dangers than those which at present occupy the attention of Russian statesmen.

THE vituperation of England which at present occupies and amuses the Continent may serve as a warning against hasty and indiscriminate censure of foreign nations and governments. The annoyance will not be abated or alleviated by recriminations on those neutral powers which have combined secure inaction with a fortunate immunity from popular criticism. It is evident that France and Russia, if not more generous, have been more adroit than England; and it is useless to find The conduct and motives of France are fault with a policy which has been successful, somewhat obscurer, and it may be doubted as a passenger is successful who makes his whether they deserve the indiscriminate euway through a riotous crowd without being logy of rival politicians in the House of forced or tempted to interfere. It would be Commons. Like Russia and England, France more meritorious to suppress the tumult; but undoubtedly felt a certain good-will to Denan abortive effort to restrain the passions of mark, and, as in all similar cases, the Emthe combatants exposes the baffled peacemak-peror Napoleon foresaw that he might possier to temporary ridicule. Of all European bly find profit by fishing in troubled waters. States, Russia has profited most immediately Two or three alternative courses presented and most cheaply by the Danish quarrel. In themselves for his choice at different stages the midst of an excitement nearer home, the of the controversy. After the rebuff which western nations have suddenly forgotten the had been received from Prince Gortschakoff wrongs and the very existence of Poland. in the Polish correspondence, it would have Only a year ago, almost every European been undignified to cultivate a close union State, with the exception of Prussia, was with Russia; and England had, in the same remonstrating with Russia in tones of indig-negotiation, incurred the imperial displeasnation and of menace. England, France, and ure. Mr. Disraeli probably exaggerates the Austria denounced in concerted language the bad effects of Lord Russell's withdrawal from

diate the unfortunate treaty of 1852, because the arrangement was equally unpalatable to the sovereigns who had signed it under coercion, and to the nation whose rights it had confiscated. It remained to watch for possible or probable divergence of opinion between the lukewarm patrons of Schleswig at Berlin and Vienna, and the enthusiastic advocates of the Augustenburg claims in the minor States. The interests of Denmark were postponed to considerations more immediately interesting to France.

co-operation in the matter of Poland, as well as of his subsequent refusal to attend the Congress; but there is no doubt that in both cases a feeling of resentment was left behind, to be treasured up until it could be made a collateral reason for some measure which was in itself thought expedient. The Danish complication, while it has conferred unmixed benefit on Russia, has indirectly tended to counteract the cherished policy of France. For nearly three centuries, the traditional project of encroaching on German territory has been pursued by successive About the beginning of the present year, French governments, with varying success. at the time of the Federal execution in HolRichelieu, Louis XIV., and Napoleon induced stein, French diplomacy was more than ordiGerman armies to ravage and dismember narily busy and sanguine; and perhaps it their native country for the aggrandizement may for a moment have seemed possible to of France. Even Louis XV., on the extinction of the Austrian male line of Hapsburg, thought it possible to divide the German Empire into four dependent kingdoms, to be governed by as many satellites of France. It was always understood that, once united, Germany would be invulnerable, if not actually dangerous. French diplomacy used its utmost efforts to discredit and thwart the attempt of the Austrian Emperor, in the course of last summer, to draw the bonds of the Confederacy tighter, and to place Austria at its head. The quarrel with Denmark once more directed the attention of France to Germany; but the means of profiting by the occasion were not easy to discover.

As the agitation increased, it became evident that the governments were but imperfectly expressing the unanimous convictions and feelings of the German people. For the first time since the days of Frederick Barbarossa, or perhaps of Otho, the whole nation was devoted to the entertainment of a common object; and while some patriots advocated harmonious action for the sake of redressing the wrongs of Schleswig, politicians of more comprehensive views urged on the invasion of Denmark, because the enterprise seemed likely to promote the cause of German unity. The joint intervention of France and England might perhaps have saved Denmark from invasion; but it would also have cemented the union of all parties and of all local subdivisions in Germany. The alliance which Lord Russell failed to effect would have been dangerous to England, because it might have involved practical participation in schemes of conquest; but, on the other hand, France would have created a hostile feeling on her own frontier, while England, in case of the worst, would have been inaccessible to German revenge. The only hope of political victory through the intestine divisions of Germany rested on separate vigilance, to be followed by activity if an opening occurred. it was, above all things, necessary to repu

revive the former Protectorate or the Confederacy of the Rhine. Austria and Prussia had been defeated in the Diet, and they afterwards had some difficulty in procuring a vote that Schleswig should be occupied, and not avowedly conquered. Popular orators everywhere declaimed against the treason of the great powers, and the petty princes followed the prevailing current the more readily, because the arbitrary dethronement of the house of Augustenburg constituted a precedent which might be dangerous to themselves. Accordingly, the legitimate pretender received a welcome at the Tuileries, and the Diet was induced to believe that Germany might count on French assistance in an internal conflict with the two great monarchies of the Confederation. The Prussian minister, by his unscrupulous energy, leading Austria in his train, has since effectually baffled for the present the ambitious designs of France. Notwithstanding the protests of the national party at Berlin and Frankfort, it was certain that an army which, on any pretext, attacked Denmark would be regarded as the most effective instrument of the popular will. Every angry speech which is uttered in England confirms the faith of Germany in Prussia, because it expresses a feeling of indignation against the relentless enemy of Denmark. Even the easy victories which have been won please the general fancy, and at present a foreign assailant of Prussia would find at her back a united and formidable nation. The minor princes are, perhaps, more alarmed by the predominance of Prussia than by the agitation which produced the war. It is even possible that they may be still intriguing for French support; but if they draw back, they will no longer represent the wishes or passions of their subjects. If kings were mere proprietors, with provinces for their private estates, there would be a superficial kind of poetical justice in the loss of the Rhine as a penalty for the acquisition of the Eyder. The Germans are the less concerned


The policy of France has thus far consisted in prudent submission to unavoidable circumstances. If a disappointment is incurred, it is better to hear it in silence than to burst out in useless lamentations; but there is little tact in loudly congratulating a loser because he looks as if he had won the stakes. If England had maintained the treaty of 1852, an undesirable or pernicious result would have been overlooked in the complacent feeling that English influence had been found irresistible. The unresistant invasion of Denmark is rather mortifying than injurious, and future French politicians will not fail to point out the perfidious astuteness of a government which, by apparent opposition and hypocritical threats of hostility, has helped to raise up a great power in the immediate vicinity of France.

to dispute the theoretical fitness of retribu- | travelling abroad owes some of its most obvition, inasmuch as they have no present reason ous drawbacks. The change of life, the for dreading foreign aggression. The Danish scenery, the amusements, the information war has gone far to redeem the failure of gained by a tour along the principal highFrankfort, because every German regiment roads of Europe, have their charm, and make would be available if it were required for the travelling worth all its many inconveniences. prosecution of the campaign. The union of But the operation by which the pleasure is the petty Italian States, was highly unwel- won, in itself is usually a mixed pleasure. come to France, although the new peninsular In the first place, there are invariably rekingdom is still held in leading strings; but strictions connected with it which all Engunited Germany would be more unmanagea- lishmen hate, and to which they are little ble, nor would it consent to-forfeit any Savoy accustomed to submit. The Briton who enor Nice by way of fine on its enfranchise- ters a continental railway station leaves at the door his liberty, and becomes for the journey the miserable slave of a paternal government. In happy unconsciousness of his crime, he is forever sinning against some important regulation, and forever being called to order by authoritative officials. If he sits down, he thereby contravenes a by-law of which he never heard; but the violation of which is looked upon by every gens-d'arme. and railway guard as a deliberate outrage upon their own dignity. If he stands up, he is sure to find himself standing at the wrong place. It seems as if destiny, on such occasions, had marked him out as the one sheep which was always getting into trouble with the shepherds of the railway flock, and he sees the natives eying him with astonishment, as if he were a wild and insubordinate animal, wherever he either opens a door or shuts it. Iron statutes of the same nature as those of the laws of the Medes and Persians govern him at every stage. He is forbidden to look after his luggage; he is forbidden to enter the platform before the bell rings; bearded officers prevent him loitering on the way to the carriage, or from stretchFrom The London Review, 25 June. ing his head out of the window when he is CONTINENTAL MANNERS. there. The most remarkable thing of all is, DURING the last few weeks, travellers re- that the inhabitants do not appear to mind turning from Germany have brought home this rigid discipline, and regard the foreign the intelligence that travelling in Germany guest as an evil-mannered person, should he has become, for English gentlemen and la- accidentally infringe upon it. Nor are Engdies, a difficult and annoying business. Com-lishmen-unless they happen to be familiar plaints are made, not merely of the rudeness with the Continent-at all prepared for the of officials, but of the rudeness of those who power and dignity of foreign officials. In are casual passengers as well. The Prussians, England no gentleman pays more than a in particular, are said to visit on the heads very limited attention to the discipline of of unfortunate English individuals the politi- the railways. Railway guards are not gencal sins and shortcomings which they attrib-erally considered servants of the nation; and ute to the English nation. A few years ago if a traveller wishes to smoke, he smokes an awkward quarrel between German officials and gives the guard a shilling. The conseand Englishmen at Cologne gave people who quence is, that Englishmen abroad are connever went abroad an insight into some of tinually in trouble. It takes a long expethe misfortunes to which Coelebs in search of rience to teach them that by-laws may not scenery is liable; and it cannot be doubted be broken. In Germany, above all countries for a moment that travelling in German rail-in Europe, this is peculiarly the case. ways and steamboats may be made intensely is the supervision of the law confined by any unpleasant, if the natives of that favored means to public conveyances. It is long odds country choose to make it so. But it is not that an Englishman cannot ride along a highmerely owing to political complications that road in Germany for half a mile, on horse



back, without exposing himself to the penal- | sally agreeable. The French, since the Revoties of a misdemeanor. Either he is riding lution, are a polite, but are not essentially a too fast, or to slow. If not, he is probably chivalrous, nation. They look upon women, riding on that perfectly indistinguishable not with the exaggerated homage of the side of the highway which it is the pleasure American, nor with the inbred reverence of and custom of the natives in the neighbor- an Englishman, but with the gallantry of a hood to consider dedicated to the use of foot- nation that adores, without respecting, beaupassengers. As he ambles pleasantly along, ty. A lady represents to a Frenchman a shout is heard from some field or cottage ety, pleasure, elegance,-in fact, the luxuries at the side. A native, dressed in a blouse, and the perfume of life. It is obvious that rushes with loud cries at his horse's head. this is not a species of worship which is calcuIt seems that the Englishman has done some- lated to intoxicate English women. With all thing for which he must anyhow submit to a Frenchman's finished ease in talking to a be fined. If he attempts to escape, the only woman, there is always something intensely difference is that he will be imprisoned. disagreeable at the bottom of his tone and in the inmost recesses of his eye. The truth is, that the French, with all their idealism, mix materialism in still larger quantities. They are at best divine monkeys; and when Talleyrand tells us that you have only to scratch a Russian to get at the Cossack underneath, he forgets that the maxim might be turned against his own race. Scratch the Parisian, you will find underneath a Gaul.

The courtesy itself which is commonly said to be characteristic of foreigners is of a peculiar kind, and is not of very much use to Englishmen and Englishwomen on the Continent. An Englishman may be quite sure that if he takes off his hat to the poorestlooking man in the streets, the poorest-looking man will, in return, take off his hat to him. If he knocks at a door, the maidservant will receive him with a smile. The traveller opposite will cheerfully offer him a light for his cigar. These amenities of life are of some value, and are too apt to be underrated by English people. They proceed, however, not so much from unselfishness as from sociability. There is a wide margin between the two. The absence of all aristocratical distinctions gives the French ouvrier a bearing and a good-humored dignity that seem charming at first sight; but it is a charm that lies upon the surface; at least, the French are not more courteous than the English, though they are gayer, and more friendly in manner towards each other. They will bear the adventures and roughness of a journey with more composure. They will breakfast merrily on sour bread, drink bad coffee, dine on worse soup. They will not, however, go so far as an Englishman to do a real service to a lady, and if you vacate for a moment the last seat in a railway carriage, it is by no means certain that some one will not pounce upon your place. To Englishwomen, French manners are far from univer

Even in the early literature of France, this strange connection between gallantry and materialism is to be found. The amatory poets of France have not in bygone times been usually over-complimentary to women. Many an old French writer (poets among the number) tells us how man created all the gentle, woman all the savage, animals. To Adam we owe the sheep. Eve in her turn struck the ground, and upsprang thereupon the wolf. If it had not been for Adam's presence of mind, who retaliated immediately with the dog, according to the gallant rhymer, the world might long ago have seen a scarcity, if not of inhabitants, at least of mutton. The story is more suitable, perhaps, to the character of French Eves than of English. Like the French Adam, the French Eve, with all her graces, has generally a tolerable share of selfishness. For conversation, for grace, for social talent, she is unrivalled; but experience tells us that for real delicacy of heart, we had better remain on this side of the Channel.

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