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there are so many offensive references to the ludices that way; our only trouble is, we negro, so many insinuations of a community of interest between slave-dealers and the South, that the horrible idea will come into With him, the negro is always a dirty, lazy, intolerable beast. Every slave

our minds.


holder seems to be at once his friend. Thus, he claimed community of interest in the war with slave-dealing Cubans. Writing to the Governor of Cienfuegos, he says, "I confidently rely upon the friendly disposition of Spain, who is our near neighbor in the most important of her colonial possessions, to receive us with equal and even-handed justice, if not with the sympathy which our unity of interest and policy, with regard to an important social and industrial institution, are so well calculated to inspire."

But he is willing to find friends in anybody who owns negroes; even negroes themselves.

This instructive scene occurs on the African coast:



cannot get slaves enough. The English, who have no control over us, we being an independent government, are strong enough to interthat we bring over from the main no more fere in everybody's business, and, to say to us, slaves."

The man who said this" was a full-blooded African negro, as black as the ace of spades.” And this man, we venture to think, has a truer insight into the relations of this question than the Maryland rover. He sees that all over the world England is at the front of that great crusade against slavery which they We have taken up that cause, deplore. and we are not likely to lay it aside. We can have no toleration of slavery, in any shape, under any excuse. We can have no friend

ship with slave-holders. We can have no peace with a slave empire.

It is well for all sides that there should be no illusions on this point. If a slave-empire should be founded in America by force of arms, we can have no relations of amity with such a State; and should that empire try to revive the trade in human beings, it will be our duty and our right to resist it with all our force.

"One of his companions asked me which of the belligerent parties I belonged to, the North or the South. I replied to the South. Then,' said he, you belong to the side which upholds slavery.'- Yes,' said I, we belong to the country where the black man is better taken care of than in any other part States abandoning the principle for which It is only on condition of the Confederate of the world.' The churchman seeing me put on the defensive, as it were, came to my Captain Semmes appears to be an ardent adaid, and said: 'Oh, we are slaveholders vocate, that England can ever consent to adhere; being Mohammedans, we have no prej-mit them into the fellowship of nations.

A HEAVY SNORER.-We only wish all our readers were members of the Minerva Club in London, not that they might eat the club out of house and home, and rob the old members of their newspapers and easy-chairs, but just that they might listen to some of its choice snorers. Why there is one great naturalist there, Professor Snuffler, when he was on that famous expedition of the Alpine Club to Iceland, when it so fully and thoroughly explored and mapped out the unknown land of the Vatna Jokull, brought down on the whole party at the dead of night, as they lay warm in their tent, a bull of the old Norse breed. Some of the company woke in fright at the stamping and roaring of the bull at the tent, which he took for another bull as savage as himself, and with which he would do mortal combat. Luckily the cords of the tent were in his way, or his horns would have been speedily embedded in the profes

sor's ample paunch. The beast got entangled and tripped himself up, but lay still roaring and roaring. All this time the professor lay on his back and snored and snored. Waking him was out of the question. At last, one of the party thinking the bull's bellowing more unbearable than the professor's snoring, took a lantern, and opening the mouth of the tent, turned the bull's eye full on the eye of the bull, which rose and retreated at the dreadful apparition. Next morning the professor knew nothing of the hideous uproar, and his danger was only brought home to him with his breeches, which he had hung up on a rail hard by to dry. They were found pierced and torn with sundry holes. The angry bull, as he went off, had thus showed his sense of his rival's cowardice by wreaking his wrath on his unoffending garments." A Fortnight in Faroe," in the North British Review.

From The Leisure Hour.


their huts, waving their hands, and shouting to express their astonishment at such an unI wonted visit. Before morning, the vessels were in sight of the Sea of Kara, which appeared to be nearly covered with ice-fields and bergs. They anchored near Cape Kaninn, in a calm sea; but, an hour afterward, the

ONE of the companions of Sir Roderick Murchison in his Russian travels was the Count Keyserling, who subsequently was engaged in a scientific exploration of the northeastern angle of Russian Europe, a vast dis-tide having turned, the ice came tumbling trict watered by the river Petchora and its in upon them from the open sea, and the vesconfluents. In this task the count was as- sels had to drive before it, rather than by resisted by M. von Krusenstern, of the Russian maining at anchor to risk being utterly navy, to whom was intrusted the strictly ge- crushed. As it was, the little Embrio lost ographical and hydrographical part of the ber masts in a violent concussion, and the Ierwork. The great ability then shown by M.mak was stripped of a great part of the larchvon Krusenstern as a careful and diligent ex- wood sheathing with which her sides had been plorer was acknowledged in the president's protected. address to our Royal Geographical Society in 1848. Since then, M. (now Lieutenant) Kru-impossible to navigate that part of the Sea of senstern's merit has been recognized by the Russian Government; and in 1862, he was appointed in charge of an expedition for exploring the mouths and banks of the Yenissei, a Siberian river, which flows into the Sea ofisle, between it and Nova Zembla. The fuKara at a point a little farther east than the easternmost extremity of Nova Zembla.

Lieutenant Krusenstern, seeing it would be

Kara, sought now for a secure ancherage, in order to wait his opportunity of repassing the strait. He then hoped that he might obtain a passage round the northward of the

rious tide had, however, effectually encumbered the entrance of the straits; and when the weather fell calm, the ice began gradually to close round the ships, more especially round the Iermak. It was then found, by the inclination of the sounding-line, that the commander's ship was being gradually drifted toward the east into the main sea. The thermometer stood at 4 deg. (Reaumur), the sky was now calm, and the sun shone brilliantly. Here the voyagers enjoyed the sight of those splendid effects of light and color on the fan

The expedition comprised only two small vessels-the Iermak, a brigantine of one hundred and fifty tons, and the Embrio, a decked boat of seventeen tons. The crews consisted of thirty men, and had with them a six months' supply of provisions. The ships sailed from Kouia, on the River Petchora, on the 1st of August (our 12th), 1862. Why the voyage had been planned for such a stormy period of the year we are not informed; it is seldom the Russian Government undertakes enter-tastic forms of icebergs, with the descriptions prises so manifestly injudicious.

of which we have been familiarized by the accounts of our own arctic explorers. The refracted sunlight magnified the ice-crags into deceptive proportions, altering their irregular shapes into the fantastic forms of fortresses

aces with cupolas and minarets.

The vessels cleared the river Petchora on the 4th. The weather was then very fine; but the same night the wind changed, and on the 7th they met with a violent tempest. On the 9th, they anchored under the isle of Var-with keep and watch-towers, or alabaster palandei, to wait for a change of wind; and here the first piece of ice passed them. On the 14th they anchored near the large island of Vaigatz; the plan of the expedition being to sail through the narrow strait between that island and the continent. The strait was found to be full of ice, except a narrow channel next to the island. They pressed sail in order to pass through this channel whilst the chance was afforded. Though it was night, as the vessels glided past, they were observed by some poor Samoydians who had encamped on the island; they climbed on the top of

On the morning of the 16th, the crew of the lermak saw the Embrio for the last time. The Embrio was then three miles nearer the strait than was the lermak, and she did eventually regain the channel. After waiting there a fortnight for tidings of her consort, the captain decided to make his own escape, and the vessel reached Kouia safely on the 13th of September.

The doomed Iermak, though apparently fixed in the ice, was speedily drifting to the northeast; the isle of Vaigatz and the conti

dred pounds of biscuit, some hams, bottles of rum, charts, and cases of instruments. Each man made for himself a sail-cloth bag, in which he placed thirty-five pounds of biscuit and a change of clothes, affixing a pair of boots outside. All the crew were provided with a Samoydian garment called a melitzka, a sort of fur pelisse, which covered up the whole man except the face.

nent diminished on their western horizon, dertake the journey over the ice, rather than whilst all else of their circle of vision was to risk remaining by the ship. A large boat crowded with ice-fields and bergs. On the belonging to the Iermak had been constructed 20th, the mainland was seen in the south-so as to be available as a sledge. Into this east; and on the 26th, land at a great dis- sledge-shallop were placed about three huntance was also seen in the northeast. This last would be the peninsula called Land of Yabnal. Between these two dates, the ship had suffered severely by shocks from the moving ice. She was thrown over on her larboard side, and then back again on the starboard. In one shock her stern-post was broken, and the crew disembarked in great haste, taking to the boats, which had already been got out on to the ice. In this damaged state of the vessel the crew dreaded being carried farther out to sea, as was the case with them until the 30th, when the wind changed to the west, and they then rapidly drifted toward the coast. This was a new peril; for, when the body of ice reached the shore, it would be split with great force, and the ship could scarcely escape destruction. In preparation against such a catastrophe, a large tent was formed of the ship's sails, and stores and fuel were taken out of the vessel. On the night of the 30th, the aurora borealis was very brilliant; and next day being very fine, Lieutenant Krusenstern took observations. He made the position of the ship to be 69 deg. 54 min., north latitude, and 65 deg., 6 min., 30 sec., east from Greenwich. The 1st of September was the thousandth anniversary of the Russian Empire; and, in spite of their dangerous position, the crew must keep the national festival. The men were served with double rations of brandy and hot punch, and they joined in jovial songs and patriotic choruses, the strains of which mingled with the sounds of the cracking ice and the groaning of the beleaguered vessel.

On the 9th, according to arrangement, the crew rose at four A.M., and, having enjoyed the most sumptuous breakfast the cook could provide, they were ready to start at 6.30. Lieutenant Krusenstern placed on the cabin-table a document containing all particulars as to the position of the ship, the reasons for and date of her abandonment, the number and names of the crew, and an indication of the part of the coast toward which they intended to proceed. At seven A.M., having joined in prayer to God for their preservation, the company started on their perilous journey. The commander led the way, carrying the compass and choosing the safest route. His lieutenant, M. Maticen, followed, with six sailors drawing the shallop; next came the surgeon, in charge of a small sledge laden with wood and provisions; and the line was closed with another sledge drawn by dogs belonging to the officers. This last equipage was in charge of a Baron Budberg and another Russian gentleman, both of whom had joined the expedition as volunteers.

This well-arranged caravan soon came to a dead stop. After a six hours' struggle, all were convinced that it would be impossible to reach the coast with such incumbrances as The commander had thought of wintering the boat and sledge proved to be. These vein or near the ship; but he now became con- hicles were already half destroyed, and the vinced that their only chance of safety was to men found difficulty enough for themselves in reach the shore. His observations led him to clambering over the ice-walls and across the conclude that the land was about twenty miles gulleys, which checked them every few yards. distant. Two men were sent over the ice, to It was now resolved to abandon both boats descry the coast if possible; but, after trav- and sledges, though there seemed little hope elling about thirteen miles, they returned of being able to return for any of the stores. without having seen any land. Lieutenant The log-books, the instruments, and maps, Krusenstern now called a council, which, be- were distributed amongst part of the crew; sides his own officers, comprised the captain and to others the commander gave carbines, of the crew and three sailors delegated by pistols, and ammunition. These were intheir comrades. The council decided to un-tended for defence against the polar bears

which they expected to meet. Each man put | which caused excessive vomiting with many, into his bag provisions for twenty days, mak- and consequently still greater exhaustion. ing a very considerable burden for such a They encamped at night under the lee of a rough and slippery path. Before leaving the large iceberg, and there slept soundly enough, stores, they took another hearty meal, and though they awoke in pools of water, the the commander allowed a glass of rum to warmth of their bodies having melted part each. Only the masts of the Iermak were of their icy couches. As they ate their now visible. The dangers both of tempest breakfast in the early morning, to their asand starvation were before them: in the con- tonishment and relief they were joined by sciousness of this they once more committed Sitnakov. He had walked all night, groping themselves to the care of Heaven. Lieuten- for the tracks of his comrades. This was a ant Krusenstern again took the lead, bearing remarkable instance of what a man may perthe compass; but he soon had to make a form in the struggle for self-preservation. stand; for the men had straggled behind over Sitnakov had been mistaken about the dea line of a mile and a half, according to the cree of fate as previously expressed in his strength of each. When the last man came own drunken semi-consciousness. The party up, the commander missed Sitnakov, the started at 6.30, and had now to cross the ship's smith, and he was told that the man glade of open water previously seen by the could not come he was drunk. The smith scouts. They made the passage on an ice-floe had loved rum too well, he having contrived by the help of the sounding-line. As we unto take three glasses instead of the one al- derstand the process, two men first pushed or lowed. The commander appealed to the men rowed across with their pikes or boat-hooks, not to leave their comrade to perish; but his taking the line with them. The line being words were followed by an ominous silence, secured on both sides, one man then pulled which showed that each thought only of his himself and the ice-floe back for another of own safety. Lieutenant Krusenstern then the crew, who then passed, one at a time. nobly resolved to go back himself, and took It took them an hour to make the transit. with him the captain of the crew. They On resuming the march, their fatigue became found the inebriate quite stupefied with insupportable. The men began to throw drink. The commander shook him, and away everything they could spare, and every the smith, with the grim humor of a drunkard, murmured out, "Leave me, your honor; it is written that I die here." It was evident that he must sleep longer; but the lieutenant pulled off Sitnakov's melitzka, so that the cold might rouse him the sooner; and they then left him, believing that they had seen him for the last time. After their return to the crew, the men were evidently affected by the loss of their comrade; and, as they walked along, one or other of them would step up to the commander and say, "Your honor, tell us the truth: Sitnakov is dead now?"

The wind now rose, and snow falling fast made their progress difficult. The sailor who carried the aneroid fell into a crevasse, and was extricated with difficulty. He was afterwards almost overpowered with cold, though the others lent him some of their garments. Toward evening they came to a wider gap in the ice, which they had great difficulty in passing. Into this Baron Budberg fell, breaking the thermometer, but saving himself. The men were wearied with their unwonted exertion,

halting-place was marked by collections of shoes and clothing. The store-keeper was so weary that he threw away even many of his biscuits.


The farther they advanced the wider they found the channels. Sometimes the company crossed together, all upon one large fragment of ice, either rowing with their pikes or spreading their garments for sails. Toward evening of the 9th, M. Maticen and the surgeon very ill; they, and indeed all the company, only dragged themselves on by force of will. As soon as a resting-place for the night was fixed upon, the men, without speaking a word, threw themselves down upon the ice and slumbered heavily. At daylight, Lieutenant Krusenstern mounted an iceberg, from which on the E.N.E. he descried the coast-line. His announcement of this put new life into the men, who declared they had now no fatigue, and scarcely gave the leader time to take his post. He had, however, seen the wide channels of water which intervened and could not tell how they were to be passed without a boat. After they had crossed the

next open water, another difficulty arose, from | from their floating isle. Some of the crew the ice being so broken as to be almost im- on the detached piece were saved with diffipassable. They had to scramble or vault culty. Again in the morning the ice-field from floe to floe with great and painful ex-split with a noise like the report of a canertions; but, as the commander says, "God non, and the spray now dashed over their had pity on us ;" and in an hour and a half, narrow refuge. M. Maticen, who had not they regained the firm ice. Baron Budberg taken food for two or three days, appeared suffered most; having no 66 sea-legs," he to be sinking fast, and he gave to the comslipped about continually, and repeatedly fell mander farewell messages for his friends. into the water. The channels now met with Lieutenant Krusenstern tried to raise the were often one hundred and fifty fathoms spirits of the men, by telling them stories of broad. During the transit of one of these, shiprecked mariners who had been rescued when all the company were on one floe, they from dangers as great as theirs; but hope were followed by six walruses. The com- had fled from his auditors, and he could not mander with his pike struck at but missed the rouse them from dejection. At noon, howforemost one, and the beast got his paws and ever, the wind changed to s.s.w., and the tusks on the edge of the floe,which was al- sun shone, so that they could dry their garready well weighted by the crew. Happily ments and regain a little vital heat. They a shot from a carbine detached the unwelcome again approached the coast, and at night iutruder from his hold, and his fellow-pirates succeeded in reaching a larger ice-field, though beat a retreat. The company struggled on this day until eight P.M., when the darkness compelled them to stop. They had to make their resting-place on a large glacier, without any shelter from the wind. They huddled themselves together; but the cold prevented sleep, and their strength rapidly diminished. On the 12th, the wind changed into the east, clearing away the ice from the sea before them, and driving farther from the land the floe on which they were. When the tide turned, they managed to reach another fragment of ice; but the wind freshened, and this also receded from the shore. Lieutenant Krusenstern mounted one of the pinnacles of ice, and from thence he could see that there only remained another tract of water to be passed, when they should reach the ice which was connected with the land. Though only about four versts from the shore, there was between them and it this channel, which they had no means of crossing, and which now became deeper and broader every hour. They even lost sight of the land, and all they had gained seemed to be lost. No wonder that, shrouding themselves in their melitzkas, the crew gave themselves up to despair. These Samoydian garments must have the credit of keeping in the vital heat of the men during the severe cold of the terrible night which succeeded. The ice-field on which they now were drifting was about three hundred yards across, and about six feet thick.

Toward midnight there was a tempest of wind, and a large portion of ice broke off

in the darkness two of their number were nearly lost. The sunset had been very splendid, affording a strange contrast to the wretchedness of their situation. Next day, their floating isle still approached the shore, but at evening it again receded. This time the men, many of whom had not a biscuit, began with pieces of ice to build themselves huts, which they said were for their tombs. During the night, rain and snow fell in such quantities that all of them felt as if soaked to the bones. The next day a fox sailed past them on a piece of ice; but they were too weak to take aim, although they wished to shoot him for the sake of their dogs, which were now reduced to skin and bone, one of them being so weak that it could not walk against the wind. Baron Budberg was now in a pitiable condition: he repeatedly fell from weakness, and could hardly open his mouth.

On the morning of the 16th, which was Sunday, the wind still blew on to the land; and, in looking from the nearest hillock of ice, there could not be observed any channel between them and the shore. But the men were too much exhausted to indulge in hope. and a stupid desire for rest began to supplant the yet lingering love of life. The feet and legs of most of the men were wounded by their stumbling; and from six to eight A.M. their route lay through broken ice, which tried them to the utmost. They walked on mechanically until nearly noon, when the commander was obliged to allow half an hour's

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