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Absorption of arsenic and antimony

in infinitesimal quantities, 213
Absurd legal position of the medical
profession in Great Britain, 364
Accoucheurs, michief inflicted by, 227
Active treatment defined, 52
Acton, Mr. Wm. 332
Agricultural Journal, 154

Allopathists attack on homeopathy,


Allshorn, Mr. 169

Amaurosis cured, 310

Brodie, Sir Benjamin, 79, 80
Brooking, Mr. 149

Brutality of medical students at Jer-
vis-street hospital, 312

Calomel, destruction effected by it, 170
Cantharides, pathogenetic effects of,

Can law supply the place of care, 375
Case of disease of hip joint cured, 58
Case of diseased heart cured, 40
Case of encephalitis cured, 115
Case of cerebral affection cured, 184

Archbishop of Dublin's adhesion to Case of deafness and mental weak-

homœopathy, 157, 209
Army, morality of, 192

Association, English homeopathic, 1,

157; annual meeting of, 1—4
Axioms, medical, 38, 167, 370
Baines, Mr. George, and ranunculus
bulbosus, 206

ness cured, 165

Case of tic doloureux with tearless-

ness of one eye cured, 173

Case of acute bronchitis with cerebral
affection cured, 201

Case of partial loss of sight cured,

Bathing pressed parts with spirit of Case of inflammation of the bladder

wine, 80

cured, 228

Bathing when sweating and tired, Case of death of fœtus in utero pre-

evils of, 156

Belladonna a preventive of scarlet

fever, 17; poisoning by berries,
96, 144

Bennett, Dr. Risdon, and Homœopa-
thy, 175

Benefits of obedience to a natural
law, 160

vented, 261

Case of chronic conjunctivitis cured,

Case of diarrhea of three years du-
ration cured, 299

Case of spasmodic curve of back
cured, 300

Case of blindness cured, 310

Bleeding, its inefficacy and danger in Case of convulsive cough, colliqua-

fullness of habit, 93

Blindness cured, 310

tive diarrhæa, and uterine disease
cured, 322

"Booing," its unphilosophical cha- Case of cephalalgia and mental de-

racter, 50

Boys' tricks, evils of, 376

British Museum library, 110

pression, 323

Case of inflammation of peritoneum

cured, 324

Case of tic doloureux cured, 337
Case of tic doloureux cured, 350
Case book, gleanings from, 375
Cattle disease, 168

Cautiousness, creating by act of par-
liament, absurdity of, 233
Certainty of science, 350
Cholera, fatality at Kurrachee, 143
Cholera, Indian, its treatment, 214
Cocoa, its increased consumption, 223
Coffee as an antidote to opium, 354
Colic treated homœopathically, 251
Confidence of science, as exhibited

in ship building, 191
Conolly, Dr. 217

Copaiba, evils from, 252
Cornish wrestling, 128
Crime and education, 346
Cronin's, Dr. case, 340

Crowther, James, the Lancashire na-
turalist, 255

Cubebs, evils from, 252
Daily News, 144
Davis, Professor, 227

Death of foetus in utero prevented by
homœopathy, 261
Devonshire brutality, 128
Ditchburn, Mr. 191, 351

Does the old-system physic kill or
cure, 364

Economist, 1, 227

case of death of fœtus in utero pre-
vented, 201; case of diarrhoea cured,
299; case of spasmodic curve of
back (opisthotonos) cured, 300;
blindness cured, 319; case of peri-
tonitis cured, 324; cases of tic dol-
oureux, 337, 338

Epps, Mr. G. N. cases treated by,-
deafness and mental weakness
cured, 165; chronic conjunctivitis
cured, 287; convulsive cough, col-
liquative diarrhoea and uterine dis-
ease, 322; cephalalgia and mental
depression, 328

Ergot of rye, injuries inflicted by the
use of, 361

Errors, common. 'Oh, it will do me
no harm,' 165

Essay by Dr. Hering on the progress
of homœopathic medicine, 63, 97,
129, 161

Essay on promoting satisfactory and
effective medical aid, 121, 151
Ether, effects of the inhalation of, evi-

dence of the action of infinitesimal
quantities, 370

Eyes, diseases of transmitted, 141
Famine fever and dysentery of Ire-
land, 322, 353

Franklin, Dr. Benjamin, an anecdote
of, 256

Egg, curious idiosyncrasy in regard Fees, medical, 147

to the, 144

Elliotson, Dr. 24, 210

Fuchsia tree, 111

Graphites, pathogenetic effects of, 205

English Homœopathic Association, Government should do it, 221

1, 322

Epps, Dr. cases treated by,-case of
diseased heart, 39; case of inflam-
mation of brain, 115; case of pain-
ful affection of breast, 116; case of
cerebral affection, 154; case of tic
doloureux, 173; case of acute bron-
chitis with cerebral affection, 201;
case of partial loss of sight, 204;
treatment of the Indian cholera,
214; inflammation of bladder, 228;

Gregory, Dr. George, 217
Hahnemann's labours testified to by
old-system practitioners, 124
Hayle, Dr. 159
Hawkins, Mr. 253

Head, size of, index of power, 309
Health as connected with sewerage,


Heart disease cured, 39
Henderson, Professor, 50
Hering, Dr. 63, 97, 129

Hereditary transmission of peculiari- | Law inefficient as a substitute for

ties in teeth, 78
Hicks, Mr. 60

Homœopathy in India, 4, 149; in
America, 93; at Glastonbury and
Newcastle, 158; in Manchester,
167; in Rome, 193; in England,

Homœopathy-What is the best
means to prevent the medical prac-
titioner falling into the routine
treatment of disease, or what, in
other words, is the best means to
make his treatment scientific?
Homœopathy and the Medical So-
ciety of London, 175
Homœopathy as stated by its oppo-
nents, 333

Homœopathy the best preventive to

accidental poisoning, 218
Homœopathy successful in African
fever and African dysentery, occur-
ring at Sierra Leone, 365
Homœopathy and the old-system
practitioners, 369

Homœopathy, opposition to, 373
Hospital at Tanjore, 4
Humour, good idea of, 48

Hunt, Mr. on skin diseases, 41, 81,

Hydropathic treatment, 59
Ignorance of instructors, 9
Impudence, 232

Infinitesimal action, evidence of, 212
Iron vessels, their superior healthi-
ness, 192

Iron vessels, prejudice against and
superiority of, 257

Is nux vomica a poison? 366

common sense and common cau-
tion, 218

Legislative interference, folly of in
many cases, 264

Lemon juice, cures and produces the
scurvy, 148

Lying on damp grass, evils of, 155
Marsh, Mr., death of, 213
Matico, as a styptic, 145
May, Mr. George, 221
Medical Gazette and Homœopathy,
127, 367

Medical Gazette and Archbishop
Whately, 209

Medical society of London and homo-
opathy, 175

Medical treatment in allopathic hospi-
tals, has it anything to do with the
cures, 33, 34

Mercury, evils from, 262

Mesmerism by Dr. Carpenter, 314
Mind medicine, 311

Mind work, love of among the chil-
dren of toil, 255
Mineral waters, 288
Miserable state of the old-system

practice, 11. In insanity, 16, 114,
171. In inflammation of the bowels,
312. Other miseries, 313. Miser-
able uncertainty in reference even
to the practice of surgery under the
old system, 339; Professor Willi-
ams and Professor Anthony Todd
Thomson, 364

Moral sentiments, their supremacy,


Morality of the army, 192
Napier, Sir Charles, 15

Juvenile refuge in Manchester,, 184 Necessity both for the patient's satis-

Kidd, Mr. 322

Kroomen, 258

Lamarck's views refuted by Gall, 29
Lancet, 210

Laughter misapplied, 57

faction and for the certainty of cure,

to examine fully into the condition
of a patient, 207

Negro civilization, 258
Newman, Mr., 108

Opisthotonos cured, 300
Opium, pathogenetic effects, 301
Parents, their influence on offspring.
153. In relation to colour, 253
Partizanship, evils of, 216
Pathology, its uncertainty, 113, 217
Pea, vitality of the, 38

Pestilences, how made to cease, 15
Phosphorus, diseases produced and
cured by, 119

Phrenology, essays by Dr. Gall,

Sea sickness homeopathic to the sickness of disease, 374

Skin diseases, treatment by Mr. Hunt, 41, 81, 241, 265

Smith, Messrs. T. and H., mistake of, 9

Soldiers' flesh, 95

Stewart, Dr. Leonard, 175
Stramonium, effects of, 93
Sturm, Professor, 153

Superior efficacy of homœopathic

Influence of climate and of food practice, 115, 154

upon the moral and intellectual Surgery, abuses of, 79


powers of man, 26; Influence of System, old, medical, its irrationality, the necessities (besoins) upon the instincts; the propensities and the faculties of animals-of man, 27; Can attention give rise to any instinct to any propensity or faculty whatever? 35; Would pleasure and pain be able to produce a moral quality, or an intellectual faculty? 225; Are the passions and the desire of glory, the source of our qualities and our faculties? 225; Does social life cause the existence of the factitious qualities or faculties, 289

Taste, refined, the way to diffuse

among the people, 160

Taste of medicines, best means of avoiding, 232

Phrenology and Dr. Barrow, 109 Physicians, college of, anomalies connected with, 286

Teeth, artificial, by L. Koecker, M. D.
195, 234, 274, 305, 327, 357
Testimonies of allopathists to home-
pathy, to the excellent method of
preparing medicines, 143
Tindal, Chief Justice, 64
Tic doloureux, case of, cured, 173
Transmission hereditary, teeth, pecu-

liarities of, 78; of diseased eyes,
141; of scirrhus of the stomach,

Veterinary college near Paris, 49

Physician's skill, in what consisting, Wakley-ean era, 184

[blocks in formation]

Purgative medicines their evils, pro- Why women are the suffering sex?

ducing blindness, 320

Ranunculus bulbosus, 206


Williams, Professor, 171

Ranunculus sceleratus, its effects in Would any wise man employ a second

sciatica, 172

Science brutalised, 41

Scirrhus of the stomach transmissi

ble, 217

servant to do the duties of one already employed and already paid to do those duties? Why should the state do so, 347


Journal of Health and and Disease.

JULY, 1846.


The enlightened members of the commercial and of the aristocratic community are supporters of the weekly newspaper, the Economist: a paper, the articles of which are written with a solidity and a discretion, and are illustrated by documents so accurate and so well-attested, as to make them worthy of the title of "state papers:" in fact, there can be little doubt that many of the most important commercial changes, in reference to the tariff, have had their way made clear by the unanswerable expositions in this valuable paper.

It is with considerable pleasure that the homœopathist must learn that the writers in this close reasoning, correct arguing, cautious in deduction paper, are steady advocates, not merely of Homœopathy, but of its scientific character and of its exalted claims. The writers seem to have watched the progress of Homœopathy with intense interest, and, as an evidence, the following Report of the Annual Meeting of the English Homœopathic Association, published in its pages, gives an effectual testimony.

"The first annual general meeting of the members of this association took place on Tuesday evening, the 9th inst., in the great room of the Society of Arts. The room, which is capable of containing between three and four hundred persons, was filled at an early hour, and the chair was taken by Lord Robert Grosvenor. A report was read of the proceedings of the association during the past year, whence it appeared that the number of members had rapidly increased, and that the total now is little short of 600. The funds of the society are also in a prosperous condition--a surplus of


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