Reports of Decisions in the Supreme Court of the United States: With Notes and a Digest, Том 3Little, Brown, 1855 |
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admitted affirmed alleged American appears assigned authority belligerent bill bill of lading bond bottomry brig Britain capture cause character charter-party church circuit court circumstances citizen claim claimants Clark's Executors common law condemned confiscation considered consignee contended contract conveyed Daniel Cross declaration decree defendants delivered the opinion doctrine domicile enemy entitled entry error evidence execution executor fact forfeiture Frances freight further proof Giles glebe Graham grant Greenleaf Hepburn and Dundas hostile intention interest invoice judgment jurisdiction land law of nations legislature letter libel Lick MARSHALL master merchants Messrs Nereide neutral owner parties patent Pawlet person Pinto plaintiff plaintiff in error Polk's Lessee port possession principle prize prize law prize of war purchased question reason residence respect rule sailed seizin seizure sentence ship shipment shipper Stats statute tion trade United vessel and cargo vested voyage whole William writ writ of right
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Стр. 578 - States, and the decision is in favor of such their validity, or where is drawn in question the construction of any clause of the Constitution, or of a treaty or statute of, or commission held under the United States, and the decision is against the title, right, privilege, or exemption specially set up or claimed by either party, under such clause of the said Constitution, treaty, statute, or commission, may be re-examined and reversed or affirmed in the Supreme Court of the United States upon a...
Стр. 562 - The powers not delegated to the United States are reserved to the states, respectively, or to the people.' The government of the United States, therefore, can claim no powers which are not granted to it by the constitution, and the powers actually granted must be such as are expressly given, or given by necessary implication.
Стр. 207 - States shall be first satisfied, and the priority hereby established shall extend as well to cases in which a debtor, not having sufficient property to pay all his debts, makes a voluntary assignment thereof, or in which the estate and effects of an absconding, concealed, or absent debtor are attached by process of law, as to cases in which an act of bankruptcy is committed.
Стр. 450 - It is the opinion of a majority of the court that the mere grant to Congress of the power to regulate commerce did not deprive the States of power to regulate pilots, and that although Congress has legislated on this subject, its legislation manifests an intention, with a single exception, not to regulate this subject, but to leave its regulation to the...
Стр. 577 - A final judgment or decree in any suit, in the highest court of law or equity of a State in which a decision in the suit could be had...
Стр. 340 - I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute all lawful precepts directed to the marshal of the district of , under the authority of the United States, and true returns make, and in all things well and truly, and without malice or partiality, perform the duties of the office of marshal (or marshal's deputy, as the case may be) of the district of , during my continuance in said office, and take only my lawful fees. So help me God.
Стр. 563 - Hence its powers are expressed in general terms, leaving to the legislature, from time to time, to adopt its own means to effectuate legitimate objects, and to mould and model the exercise of its powers, as its own wisdom and the public interests, should require.
Стр. 580 - But no other error shall be assigned or regarded as a ground of reversal in any such case as aforesaid, than such as appears on the face of the record, and immediately respects the before mentioned questions of validity or construction of the said constitution, treaties, statutes, commissions, or authorities in dispute.
Стр. 206 - That where any revenue officer, or other person hereafter becoming indebted to the United States by bond or otherwise, shall become insolvent, or where the estate of any deceased debtor in the hands of executors or administrators shall be insufficient to pay all the debts due from the deceased, the debt due to the United States shall be first satisfied...
Стр. 245 - J. Tindale, Thomas Eyre & Sons, Thomas Nelson, Dudding & Nelson, Bank of England." The plaintiff declared as payee, against the defendants as acceptors. The declaration also contained counts for money had and received by the defendants to the use of the plaintiff, for money paid by the plaintiff to the use of the defendants, on an account stated, and for interest.