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now he looks pale, and is very ill. And some body said, Har'ry has had a rich cake, and ate it all up very soon, and that has made him ill.

sent for Dr Cam'o-mile, and he know how much bit'ter stuff.

So they

gave him I do not

Poor Har'ry did

not like it at all; but he was forced to take it, or else he might have died, you know. So at last he got well a-gain'; but his mam-ma' said she would send him no more cakes.

Now there was an-oth'er boy, who was one of Har'ry's school'fel-lows; his name was Peter; the boys used to call him Peter Care'ful. And Peter had writ'ten his mam-ma' a very neat, pret'ty letter -there was not one blot in it at all; so his mamma' sent him a cake. Now Peter thought with him-self', I will not make my-self' sick with this good cake, as silly Har'ry did; I will keep it a great while. So he took the cake, and tugged it; up stairs. And he locked it up in his box, and once a day he crept sli'ly up stairs, and ate a very little piece, and then locked his box a-gain'. So he kept it for sev'er-al weeks, and it was not gone, for it was very large; but, be-hold'! the mice got into his box and nib'bled some. And the cake grew dry and mould'y, and at last was good for noth'ing at all. So he was o-bliged to throw it a-way, and it grieved him to the very heart, and no'bod-y was sorry for him.

Well; there was an-oth'er little boy at the same school, whose name was Billy, and one day his


mam-ma' sent him a cake, be-cause' she loved him dearly, and he loved her dearly. So when the cake came, Billy said to his school'fel-lows, I have got a cake, come let us go and eat it. So they came a-bout' him like a par'cel of bees; and Billy took a slice of cake him-self, and then gave a piece to one, and a piece to an-oth'er, till it was al'most all gone. Then Billy put the rest by, and said, I will eat it to-morrow. So he went to play; and the boys all played to-geth'er very inerrily. But pres'ent-ly after, an old blind fiddler came into the court. He had a long white beard; and be-cause' he was blind, he had a little dog in a string to lead him. So he came into the court, and sat down upon a stone, and said, My pretty lads, if you will, I will play you a tune. And they all left off their sport, and came and stood round him. And Billy saw that while he played, the tears ran down his cheeks. And Billy said, Old man, why do you cry? And the old man said, Be-cause' I am very hun'gry, and have no'body to give me any din'ners or sup'pers. I have nothing in the world but this little dog, and I cannot work. If I could work, I would. Then Billy went, with-out' saying a word, and fetched the rest of his cake, which he had in-tend'ed to have eaten an-oth'er day; and he said, Here, old man! here is some cake for you. The man said, Where is it? for I am blind, I cannot see it. So Billy put it into his hat. And the fi

dler thanked him; and Billy was more glad than il he had eaten ten cakes.

Pray, which do you love best? do you love Harry, or Peter, or Billy, best?


Where did Harry's papa and mamma send him? What did Harry love? What place did he hold in his class? What did his mamma send to him? Why did Harry's mamma send a cake to him? With what was this cake stuffed? When did little Harry eat his cake? What happened to Harry after he had eaten his cake? What made Harry sick? What did Dr Camomile give to Harry? -What did Peter send to his mamma? What did his mamma send to him? What did Peter think with himself when he got his cake? What did he do with the cake when he got it? How often did Peter eat a little piece of his cake? What did the mice do to Peter's cake? What was Peter obliged to do with his cake when it grew dry and mouldy? Who was sorry for Peter?. -Who sent a cake to Billy? Why did Billy's mamma send a cake to him? What did Billy do when he got his cake? Who came into the court when the boys were playing? What did the blind fiddler say to the boys? What did Billy see when the fiddler played? What did Billy say to the old man? Which of these three boys do you love best?


The wild cat, which is to be found in the woods of our own country, and indeed in every quarter of the world, is much lar'ger, stronger, and fier'cer, than the tame cat; and kills poultry, and even lambs and kids, as well as vermin. It a-bides' much on trees, and prowls abroad during the night. The eye

of the cat, indeed, is well fit'ted to dis-cover its prey in the dark.

The tame cat, though not nearly so fierce as the animal in its wild state, re-tains e-nough' of its savage nature to be of great use to man, by killing rats, and mice, and other vermin, which would otherwise much infest our dwellings, and prove a very great nui'sance to our prop'er-ty. Cats very soon learn to know the holes in which their prey is to be found, and will watch there for almost a whole day. When at length they catch it, they are not content to de-vour' it at once, but seem to take a cruel delight in teasing it, by letting it away, and catching it over and over again, before eating it up.

The cat, when it is pleased, purrs, moves its tail, and rubs itself against the person who fondles it. When angry, it sets up its back, lash'es with its tail, hiss'es, spits, and strikes with its foot. It is not nearly so trusty an animal as the dog, and will scarcely obey any orders unless when it pleas'es. It seems also to be fonder of an old place of a-bode', than of an old master. It is quite unhappy on being carried to a new house, and often finds its way back to the old one, though at a great distance, and across rivers, and though it has been carried to the new one in a bag, so as to have no means of seeing the road by which it went thither.


Where are wild cats to be found? In what respects do wild cats differ from tame ones? What useful animals do

the wild cats sometimes kill? In what way is the tame cat useful to man? How does the cat often show its cruelty towards its prey? In what manner does this animal act when it is pleased? How does it show its anger? Of what are cats most fond? How do they feel when carried to a new house?


In the beginning God cre-a'ted the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep: and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

And God said, Let there be light, and there was light. And God di-vi'ded the light from the darkness, and God called the light day, and the darkness he called night.

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also.

And God said, Let the waters be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit-tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself upon the earth: and it was so


And God said, Let the waters bring forth a-bundant-ly the moving creature that hath life, and the fowl that may fly in the open fir'ma ment of the heaven,

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