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EONTIUS PATRICIUS, Bifhop of Cyprus was one day extremely and unreasonably angry with JOHN the Patriarch of Alexandria. At evening the Patriarch fent a fervant to him with this meffage, Sir, the fun is fet; upon which Patricius reflecting and the grace of God making the impreffion deep, vifible and permanent, he threw away his anger and became wholly fubject to the counsel and spiritual aids of the Patriarch.LEONTIUS, Bishop of Cyprus. Autobiog. ch. 14.

2. ANGER is uneafinefs or discomposure of the mind, upon the receipt of any injury, with a prefent purpofe of revenge.-LOCKE. 3. ANGER is a tranfient hatred, or, at least, very like it.-DR. SOUTH.


Anglicifms and Gallicifms.

HE Abbé Sicard, well known as the humane and intelligent teacher of the deaf and dumb at Paris, took occafion to remark to fome tra

vellers, that of all languages the English was the most fimple, the most rational, and the moft natural in its conftruction. As a proof of this affertion he obferved, that his pupils, as they began to learn the means of conveying their thoughts by writing, conftantly made ufe of Anglicifms. - LE MAITRE'S Paris.

Ariftotle's Morality.

RISTOTLE as a teacher of morality, may fatisfy your judgment, but he feldom warms your heart.

As you read his work, you affent to the proof of his propofitions, but he does not rouse you to action. He shows you indeed the beauty of virtue; but it is in the abstract, not the concrete. How fuperior to fuch cold and formal morality is the ardour which the Chriftian Revelation inspires! There is more excitement to virtuous conduct in the fingle Parable of THE GOOD SAMARITAN, than in all the Nicomachean or the great morals of Aristotle. KETT.




OTHING amufes more harmleffly than computation, and nothing is more often applicable to real bufinefs or fpeculative inquiries. A thoufand ftories, which the ignorant hear and believe, die away when the computist takes them within his grafp. Numerical inquiries give entertainment in folitude by the practice, and reputation in public by the effect.-DR. JOHNSON.

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HEN Diogenes came to Olympia and perceived fome Rhodian youths dreffed with great fplen

dour and magnificence, he faid with a smile of contempt, "This is all arrogance." Afterwards fome Lacedemonians came in his way, as mean and as fordid in their attire, as the drefs of the others was rich, "This," faid he, "is alfo arrogance."ÆLIAN.

2. A MAN that loves to be peevish and paramount, and to play the fovereign at every turn does but blaft the bleffings of life, and fwagger away his own enjoyments; and not to enlarge upon the folly, not to mention the injuftice of fuch a behaviour, it is always the fign of a little, unbenevolent temper. It is disease and difcredit all over, and there is no more greatness in it, than in the swelling of a dropfy.-JEREMY COLLIER.


RTS that refpect the Mind, were ever reputed nobler than those which ferve the body. - BEN JONSON.

Artifice of Faction.

O tell the people they are free, is the common artifice of the factious and feditious. These stategipfies pick the pockets of the ignorant with this fpecies of cant, and with


informing them what mighty fortunes they are born to.-JEREMY COLLIER.

Affaults of the Devil.

AINT CYPRIAN* often obferves and makes much of the discourse, that the Devil when he makes a battery, firft views the ftrengths and fituation of the place. His fenfe, drawn out of the cloud of an allegory, is this. The Devil firft confiders the conftitution and temper of the perfon he is to tempt, and where he obferves his natural inclination apt for a vice, he presents him with objects and opportunity, and arguments fitting for his caitive difpofition; from which he is likely to receive the smaller oppofition, fince there is a party within, that defires his intromiffion. Thus to luftful natures he represents the fofter whispers of the spirit of fornication. To the angry and revengeful


*Serm. de zelo.

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