The Correspondence of the Late John Wilkes: With His Friends, Printed from the Original Manuscripts, in which are Introduced Memoirs of His Life, Том 4

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R. Phillips, 1805

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Стр. 322 - Provided, sir, I suppose, that the company which he is to have is agreeable to you.' JOHNSON. 'What do you mean, sir ? What do you take me for ? Do you think I am so ignorant of the world as to imagine that I am to prescribe to a gentleman what company he is to have at his table ?
Стр. 324 - And who is the gentleman in lace?" " Mr. Wilkes, sir." This information confounded him still more ; he had some difficulty to restrain himself, and, taking up a book, sat down upon a window-seat and read, or at least kept his eye upon it intently for some time, till he composed himself.
Стр. 188 - An Act for establishing certain Regulations for the better Management of the Affairs of the East India Company, as well in India as in Europe...
Стр. 323 - Dilly's drawing-room, he found himself in the midst of a company he did not know. I kept myself snug and silent, watching how he would conduct himself. I observed him whispering to Mr. Dilly, " Who is that gentleman, Sir?"— "Mr. Arthur Lee." JOHNSON. "Too, too, too," (under his breath,) which was one of his habitual mutterings.
Стр. 322 - Sir, I am obliged to Mr. Dilly. I will wait upon him—" BOSWELL, " Provided, Sir, I suppose, that the company which he is to have is agreeable to you ?
Стр. 82 - That he hath inclined his ear unto me : therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.
Стр. 322 - Poultry, at whose hospitable and well-covered table I have seen a greater number of literary men, than at any other, except that of Sir Joshua Reynolds, had invited me to meet Mr. Wilkes and some more gentlemen on Wednesday, May 15. "Pray (said I,) let us have Dr. Johnson." "What with Mr. Wilkes? Not for the world, (said Mr. Edward Dilly:) Dr. Johnson would never forgive me."— "Come, (said I,) if you'll let me negotiate for you, I will be answerable that all shall go well.
Стр. 325 - Mr. Arthur Lee mentioned some Scotch who had taken possession of a barren part of America, and wondered why they should choose it. JOHNSON. "Why, Sir, all barrenness is comparative. The Scotch would not know it to be barren.
Стр. 202 - K 5 and the friends of mankind ; with the glorious deliverer of this nation ; with the hero of Culloden ; with the illustrious statesman from whom you derive your descent. The city of London, sir, with pride and exultation, now behold revived in the son those solid virtues, shining talents, and powerful eloquence, which they long admired in the father : but above all, that generous love of our country and its divine constitution, superior to the groveling sordid views of private self-interest, or...
Стр. 324 - Pray give me leave, sir - it is better here. - A little of the brown - Some fat, sir - A little of the stuffing Some gravy - Let me have the pleasure of giving you some butter - Allow me to recommend a squeeze of this orange - or the lemon, perhaps, may have more zest.' 'Sir, sir, I am obliged to you, sir...

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