Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testament, Том 2John Mason, 1831 |
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Стр. 5
... eternal . This is both a Christian salutation and an apostolic benediction . From God our Father , and the Lord Jesus Christ - This is the usual way wherein the apostles speak , " God the Father , " " God our Father . " Nor do they ...
... eternal . This is both a Christian salutation and an apostolic benediction . From God our Father , and the Lord Jesus Christ - This is the usual way wherein the apostles speak , " God the Father , " " God our Father . " Nor do they ...
Стр. 7
... eternal . This is both a Christian salutation and an apostolic benediction . From God our Father , and the Lord Jesus Christ - This is the usual way wherein the apostles speak , " God the Father , " " " God our Father . " Nor do they ...
... eternal . This is both a Christian salutation and an apostolic benediction . From God our Father , and the Lord Jesus Christ - This is the usual way wherein the apostles speak , " God the Father , " " " God our Father . " Nor do they ...
Стр. 7
... eternal , essential righteousness , which includes both justice and mercy , and is eminently shown in condemning sin , and yet justifying the sinner . Sometimes it means that righteousness by which a man , through the gift of God , is ...
... eternal , essential righteousness , which includes both justice and mercy , and is eminently shown in condemning sin , and yet justifying the sinner . Sometimes it means that righteousness by which a man , through the gift of God , is ...
Стр. 8
... eternal power and Godhead , are clearly seen from the creation teousness of faith ; therefore called the righteousness of God , because God found out and prepared , reveals and gives , approves and crowns it . In this verse the ...
... eternal power and Godhead , are clearly seen from the creation teousness of faith ; therefore called the righteousness of God , because God found out and prepared , reveals and gives , approves and crowns it . In this verse the ...
Стр. 12
... eternal life : But to them that are contentious , and do not obey the truth , but obey unrighteousness , shall be indigna- 9 tion and wrath , Tribulation and anguish , even upon every soul of man who worketh evil , of the Jew first ...
... eternal life : But to them that are contentious , and do not obey the truth , but obey unrighteousness , shall be indigna- 9 tion and wrath , Tribulation and anguish , even upon every soul of man who worketh evil , of the Jew first ...
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Abraham according affliction angel antichrist apostle Babylon behold believe beloved blessings blood body brethren called CHAP children of God Christ Jesus Christian church circumcision commandment Corinth covenant creatures dead death desire divine doctrine earth Ephesus epistle eternal evil exhortation faith Father fear flesh fornication gentiles gift give glorious glory God's gospel grace hath heard heart heathens heaven heavenly Holy Ghost honour idolatry Isaiah Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews judgment kingdom kings labour lest likewise living Lord Jesus Christ manner mercy Paul peace perfect phials prayer preach priest promise prophets Psalm receive rejoice righteousness Roman Rome saints saith salvation Satan scripture seal servants seven sins soul speak Spirit suffer thee things thou hast throne Timotheus Trajan trumpet truth unto Verse 12 Verse 20 Verse 9 wherein whole wisdom woman word worship wrath yourselves