The AssyrianXulon Press |
vii | |
23 | |
Zechariah and the Beginning of Sorrows | 55 |
The Assyrian Beast and Its Kings | 75 |
A Marriage Invitation | 103 |
The Mingled People | 121 |
The Prophets and the Assyrian | 161 |
Back to the Future | 201 |
Identifying the Antichrist | 227 |
Trilogy of the Assyrian | 243 |
A Warning to the Nations | 265 |
The Last Time | 297 |
Kept from the Hour of Temptation | 311 |
The Last Trump | 329 |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
abomination abomination of desolation according Ahaz angels Antichrist apostle Assyrian Babylon beginning of sorrows behold believe blessed book of Daniel book of Revelation bring circumcision cometh coming concerning connection Course of Punishment covenant Daniel Daniel's seventieth week desolation destroy doctrine dominion dragon earth Esar-haddon evil faith fathers Fifth Course flesh fourth beast Gentiles given glory God's gospel grace hand hath heart heaven Hezekiah Isaiah Israel's program issue Jerusalem Jesus Christ John Judah king of Assyria kingdom land little horn LORD of hosts Lord's Day Luke Matt Messiah mouth mystery nations Nebuchadnezzar Paul preaching program with Israel receive righteousness Rosh Hashanah saith the LORD Satan Scripture seal Sennacherib shadow of degrees shew Shinar spirit sword thee thereof thine things thou hast thou shalt told tribulation trumpet truth understand voice wisdom word wrath Zech Zechariah Zion